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From sludge obtained from the sewage digester plant in Stuttgart-Möhringen a strictly anaerobic bacterium was enriched and isolated with methyl chloride as the energy source. The isolate, which was tentatively called strain MC, was nonmotile, gram-positive, and occurred as elongated cocci arranged in chains. Cells of strain MC formed about 3 mol of acetate per 4 mol of CH3Cl consumed, indicating that the organism was a homoacetogenic bacterium fermenting methyl chloride plus CO2 according to: The organism grew with 2–3% methyl chloride in the gas phase at a doubling time of near 30 h. Dichloromethane was not utilized. The bacterium also grew on carbon monoxide, H2 plus CO2, and methoxylated aromatic compounds. Optimal growth with methyl chloride was observed at 25°C and pH 7.3–7.7. The G+C-content of the DNA was 47.5±1.5%. The methyl chloride conversion appeared to be inducible, since H2 plus CO2-grown cells lacked this ability. From the morphological and physiological characteristics, the isolate could not be affiliated to a known species.  相似文献   
Cultures of the cyanobacterium Microcystis firma show rhythmic uptake and release of ammonia under conditions of carbon limitation. The massive removal of ammonia from the medium during the first light phase has little impact on the intracellular pH: a pH shift of less than 0.2 U towards the alkaline can be measured by in vivo 31P NMR. Furthermore, the energy status of the cells remains regulated. In vivo 15N NMR of M. firma, cultivated either with labelled nitrate or ammonia as the sole nitrogen source, reveals only gradual differences in the pool of free amino acids. Additionally both cultivation types show -aminobutyric acid, acid amides and yet unassigned secondary metabolites as nitrogen storing compounds. Investigating the incorporation of nitrogen under carbon limitation, however, only the amide nitrogen of glutamine is found permanently labelled in situ. While transamination reactions are blocked, nitrate reduction to ammonia can still proceed. Cation exchange processes in the cell wall are considered regarding the ammonia disappearance in the first phase, and the control of ammonia uptake is discussed with respect to the avoidance of intracellular toxification.Abbreviations GABA -aminobutyric acid - GOGAT glutamate synthase - GS glutamine synthetase - MDP methylene diphosphonate - MOPSO 3-(N-morpholino)-2-hydroxy-propanesulfonic acid - NDPS nucieoside diphosphosugars - NOE nuclear Overhauser effect - NMR nuclear magnetic resonance For convenience, the term ammonia is used throughout to denote ammonia or ammonium ion when there is no good evidence as to which chemical species is involved  相似文献   
When a new strain of Pseudomonas aeruginosa was grown aerobically and then transferred to anaerobic conditions, cells reduced NO 3 quantitatively to NO 2 in NO 3 -respiration. In the absence of nitrate, NO 2 was immediately reduced to NO or N2O but not to N2 indicating that NO 2 -reductase but not N2O-reductase was active. The formation of the products NO or N2O depended on the pH in the medium and the concentration of NO 2 present. When P. aeruginosa was grown anaerobically for at least three davs N2O-reductase was also active. Such cells reduced NO to N2 via N2O. The new strain generated a H+-gradient and grew by reducing N2O to N2 but not by converting NO to N2O. For comparison, Azospirillum brasilense Sp7 showed the same pattern of NO-reduction. In contrast, Paracoccus denitrificans formed 3.5 H+/NO during the reduction of NO to N2O in oxidant pulse experiments but could not grow in the presence of NO. Thus the NO-reduction pattern in P. denitrificans on one side and P. aeruginosa and A. brasilense on the other was very different. The mechanistic implications of such differences are discussed.  相似文献   

1. 1.|Changes in tissue metabolite concentrations and enzyme activities in the pedipalpal (PM) and heart (HM) muscles of the tropical scorpion Heterometrus fulvipes show that the metabolism in PM and HM is fundamentally reorganized following low (18°C) and high (38°C) temperature acclimation.

2. 2.|Changes in metabolite concentrations show that metabolite biosynthesis showed increases after cold acclimation but decreases after warm acclimation.

3. 3.|Similarly, changes in enzyme activities show a preponderance of glycolysis and HMP shunt activity after cold acclimation, while after warm acclimation glycogenolysis, oxidative metabolism and gluconeogenesis predominated.

4. 4.|Higher metabolite concentrations and enzyme activities both before and after thermal acclimation in HM reflect its greater compensatory abilities.

Author Keywords: Scorpion; Heterometrus fulvipes; compensation; metabolic rate; thermal acclimation  相似文献   

Abstract The process of colony formation by bacteria from grassland soil sampled in April, July and September was simulated by a colony-forming curve (CFC). The CFC was a super-imposition of several component curves (cCFC) given theoretically by the first order reaction (FOR) model [3,6]. The pattern of FOR model curves was not influenced by the time of sampling and four cCFCs were always recognized during an incubation period of 160 h. It was considered that the CFC describes an inherent property of the bacterial population of the field. Bacterial isolates were obtained from colonies produced in each of four cCFCs on agar plates. Isolates corresponding to one cCFC were classified as one group. The bacterial isolates were characterized by morphological and physiological tests and subsequently clustered. Few oligotrophic bacteria were obtained among bacteria which produced visible colonies within 63 h of incubation time. On the other hand, approx. 50% of bacteria which produced v colonies after 63 h were oligotrophic bacteria. The time required for the appearance of the first colony, t r of the FOR model, was very similar in the isolates belonging to one group. A close linear relationship was observed between t r value and doubling time of isolates.  相似文献   
Abstract Predation rates of flagellate and ciliate protozoa on the bacterioplankton of Butrón River (Spain) were determined from FLB (fluorescently labelled bacteria) uptake rates. Bacterial and ciliate protozoa counts were higher when higher water temperature was recorded. Flagellate counts did not show this pattern, which suggested predation of flagellates by other organisms, or some other different nutritional mode besides phagotrophy. Average individual ciliate predation rates were up to 40-times higher than those of flagellates. These results were compared with similar data obtained from other authors in several aquatic systems. However, the population predation rates of flagellate protozoa were on average 6-times higher than that of ciliate protozoa, due to the low population numbers of the latter. Thus, flagellate protozoa can be considered as more important bacterial consumers than ciliates in this aquatic system.  相似文献   
Larvae from two populations of Euphydryas chalcedona Doubleday & Hewitson (Nymphalidae) were reared on their own hostplant and that of the other population, in both pre-diapause and post-diapause instars. One population, Chico, uses Penstemon breviflorus Lindl. (Scrophulariaceae), and the other, Echo Lake, uses P. newberryi Gray. Growth rate and survival were determined for pre-diapause and post-diapause larvae from both populations on both plant species; and digestive efficiencies were calculated during the prediapause instars. The results showed that larvae from the two populations differed in their responses to the two plant species. Pre-diapause larvae from Chico performed equally well on both plant species—survival and digestive indices were not significantly different for two Penstemon species. In contrast, pre-diapause larvae from Echo Lake performed significantly worse on the non-hostplant—growth and survival were significantly lower on the non-host, P. breviflorus. In addition, comparison of digestive efficiencies for the two plants showed that larvae from Echo Lake digested P. breviflorus better than P. newberryi, but were significantly less able to convert P. breviflorus to body mass. In the post-diapause instars, larvae from Chico grew faster on the host than on the non-host. Larvae from Echo Lake grew quite slowly on both plant species and significantly more of the Echo Lake larvae returned to diapause instead of completing development.
Résumé Des chenilles de deux populations d'E. chalcedona ont été élevées sur leur propre plante-hôte et sur celle de l'autre population, aux stades avant et après diapause. Les deux populations s'alimentent sur différentes espèces de Penstemon (Scrophulariaceae), et une population—Echo Lake—est monophage sur P. newberry, tandis que l'autre—Chico—utilise d'abord P. breviflorus, mais les chenilles après diapause sont trouvées sur au moins deux autres espèces de plantes. Les taux de croissance et de survie ont été déterminés pour des chenilles avant et après diapause pour les deux populations sur les deux plantes; les efficacités digestives ont été calculées sur les chenilles avant diapause.Les résultats ont montré que les chenilles des deux populations différaient par leur degré de spécialisation digestive sur leur plante hôte normale: les chenilles de Chico ont utilisé aussi bien les deux plantes, tandis que celles d'Echo Lake le faisaient significativement moins bien sur la plante non-hôte, par suite de l'inaptitude à la digérer. Ainsi la population oligophage est alimentairement moins spécialisée et plus capable de se débrouiller avec une plante non-hôte. Après diapause, les chenilles de Chico s'alimentaient significativement mieux sur plante hôte que non-hôte, ce qui était le cas aussi pour la population monophage. Dans l'ensemble, les chenilles de la population monophage semblaient moins capables de se débrouiller dans des conditions défavorables ou moins avantageuses.
根田鼠静止代谢率特征的研究   总被引:15,自引:3,他引:12  
通过实地测定分布于青海高原的根田鼠的RMR,发现其RMR水平明显高于与其体重相似的其它田鼠,而平均最小热传导值并不比后者低,说明可能是以保持高的RMR水平来适应高原寒冷气候的。同时发现,根田鼠以化学体温调节为主,以适应高原气温较大的波动。  相似文献   
The photosynthetic and growth characteristics of Ceratophyllum demersum L. were investigated under laboratory conditions which simulated those encountered in the plants' normal environment. The carbon fixation rate of C. demersum measured with 14C at light and carbon saturation at pH 8.0 was 4.48 mg C (g ash-free dry weight)−1 h−1. It was lower at pH 6.5 than at pH 8.0. The light use efficiencies in quiescent plants and actively growing plants were 6.3 and 8.7 × 10−9 kg CO2 J−1, respectively, with corresponding maximum photosynthetic rates of 2.67 and 4.36 mg C (g ash-free dry weight)−1 h−1. Photorespiration in actively growing plants consumed 24% of the carbon fixed. Incubation with DCMU demonstrated that about one-third was refixed. The optimum temperature for carbon fixation was 25°C. The C3-photosynthetic pathway was the main operational route as indicated by the early photosynthetic products (largely C3-acids) and the absence of Krantz anatomy and the chlorophyll a:b ratio (2.7). The maximum relative growth rates ranged from 0.025 to 0.041 g ash-free dry weight (g ash-free dry weight)−1 day−1 in the field (Lake Vechten, 1 to 3 m depth classes).  相似文献   
Summary A re-examination of earlier NPK fertilization experiments in Douglas fir stands on sandy soils shows the effects of high nitrogen input by air pollution during the last 10–15 years on plant nutrition at these sites. In 1960, experimental plots showed a positive growth reaction to nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium fertilization. All suffered from severe phosphorus deficiency in 1984, low phosphorus in the needles was invariably accompanied by a high nitrogen content, with all N/P ratios between 20 and 30. The same conclusion emerges from an independent investigation of nutrient status of a selection of Douglas fir stands. Hence, if stand productivity and a balanced nutrient status of the trees is to be maintained, the increase in atmospheric input of nitrogen calls for supplementary fertilization. Given the current N/P ratios in the needles, a positive growth response to phosphorus fertilization is to be expected.  相似文献   
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