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F. Azam 《Plant and Soil》1990,125(2):255-262
A pot experiment was conducted to study the effect of organic and inorganic nitrogen (N) sources on the yield and N uptake of rice from applied and native soil-N. The residual effect of these N sources on a succeeding wheat crop was also studied. Organic N was applied in the form of 15N-labelled Sesbania aculeata L., a legume, and inorganic N in the form of 15N-labelled ammonium sulphate. The two sources were applied to the soil separately or together at the time of transplanting rice. Recovery of N by rice from both the applied sources was quite low but both sources caused significant increases in biomass and N yield of rice. Maximum increase was recorded in soil treated with organic N. The residual value of the two materials as source of N for wheat was not significant; the wheat took up only a small fraction of the N initially applied. Loss of N occurred from both applied N sources, the losses being more from inorganic N. Both applied N sources caused a substantial increase in the availability of soil-N to rice and wheat; most of this increase was due to organic N and was attributed to the so-called ‘priming’ effect or ANI (added nitrogen interaction) of the applied material.  相似文献   
Gisela Mäck  Rudolf Tischner 《Planta》1990,182(2):169-173
The pericarp of the dormant sugarbeet fruit acts as a storage reservoir for nitrate, ammonium and -amino-N. These N-reserves enable an autonomous development of the seedling for 8–10 d after imbibition. The nitrate content of the seed (1% of the whole fruit) probably induces nitrate-reductase activity in the embryo enclosed in the pericarp. Nitrate that leaks out of the pericarp is reabsorbed by the emerging radicle. Seedlings germinated from seeds (pericarp was removed) without external N-supply are able to take up nitrate immediately upon exposure via a low-capacity uptake system (vmax = 0.8 mol NO 3 - ·(g root FW)–1·h–1; Ks = 0.12 mM). We assume that this uptake system is induced by the seed nitrate (10 nmol/seed) during germination. Induction of a high-capacity nitrate-uptake system (vmax = 3.4 mol NO 3 - ·(g root FW)–1·h–1; Ks = 0.08 mM) by externally supplied nitrate occurs after a 20-min lag and requires protein synthesis. Seedlings germinated from whole fruits absorb nitrate via a highcapacity uptake mechanism induced by the pericarp nitrate (748 nmol/pericarp) during germination. The uptake rates of the high-capacity system depend only on the actual nitrate concentration of the uptake medium and not on prior nitrate pretreatments. Nitrate deprivation results in a decline of the nitrate-uptake capacity (t1/2 of vmax = 5 d) probably caused by the decay of carrier molecules. Small differences in Ks but significant differences in vmax indicate that the low- and high-capacity nitrate-uptake systems differ only in the number of identical carrier molecules.Abbreviations NR nitrate reductase - pFPA para-fluorophenylalanine This work was supported by a grant from Bundesministerium für Forschung und Technologie and by Kleinwanzlebener Saatzucht AG, Einbeck.  相似文献   
 Atmospheric CO2 concentration has increased by 25% over the preindustrial level. A parallel increase in C concentration and decreases in N concentration and δ13C of plants grown throughout this century have been observed in plant specimens stored in herbaria. We tested our previous results in a study of 12 more species collected in the western Mediterranean throughout this century (1920–1930, 1945–1955, and 1985–1990) and tree rings of Quercus pubescens from the same area. These changes were accompanied by apparent increases in condensed tannin concentration. A decreasing trend in δ15N both in herbarium material and tree rings was also found, indicating that ecosystems might cope with higher plant N demand by decreasing N losses and increasing N fixation and mineralization. These results may contribute to a better understanding of the effects of global change on carbon and nitrogen cycling. Received: 12 November 1995 / Accepted: 17 May 1996  相似文献   
Nitrogen losses from perennial grass species   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Nitrogen losses from plants may occur through a variety of pathways, but so far, most studies have only quantified losses of nutrients by above-ground litter production. We used 15N pulse labelling to quantify total nitrogen losses from above- and below-ground plant parts. Using this method we were able to include also pathways other than above-ground litter production. To test the hypothesis that species from nutrient-poor habitats lose less nitrogen than species from more fertile soils, six perennial grasses from habitats with a wide range of nutrient availability were investigated: Lolium perenne, Arrhenatherum elatius, Anthoxanthum odoratum, Festuca rubra, F. ovina and Molinia caerulea. The results of an experiment carried out in pots in a green-house at two fertility levels show that statistically significant losses occur through pathways other than above-ground litter production. In the low fertility treatment, most (70%) losses from L. perenne occurred by litter production, but in Ar. elatius, F. rubra, F. ovina and M. caerulea, more than 50% of labelled N losses took place by root turn-over, leaching or exudation from roots. When nutrient supply increased, the 15N losses in above-ground dead material increased in all species and in Ar. elatius, A. odoratum and F. rubra the 15N losses via other pathways decreased. Ranked according to decreasing turnover coefficient the sequence of species was: L. perenne, A. odoratum, F. rubra, F. ovina, Ar. elatius, M. caerulea. These results suggest that species adapted to sites with low availability of nutrients lose less nitrogen (including above- and below-ground losses) than species adapted to more fertile soils.  相似文献   
利用标记基因选配褐壳蛋鸡配套杂交亲本   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
应用本实验室研制的抗鸡红细胞抗原单价血清(4个位点, 14个等位基因)和DNA指纹技术,对我们组配成功的一个褐壳蛋鸡配套系统的5个亲本进行了群体遗传学分析。结果表明,由标记基因测定所提供的亲本品系遗传差异的大小, 与这些品系实际杂交效果的优劣相一致,证实了标记辅助选种方法有的效性。  相似文献   
The current study investigated the short-term physiological implications of plant nitrogen uptake of urea amended with the urease inhibitor N-(n-butyl) thiophosphoric triamide (nBTPT) under both greenhouse and field conditions. 15N labelled urea amended with 0.0, 0.01, 0.1 and 0.5% nBTPT (w/w) was surface applied at a rate equivalent to 100 kg N ha–1 to perennial ryegrass in a greenhouse pot experiment. Root, shoot and soil fractions were destructively harvested 0.75, 1.75, 4, 7 and 10 days after fertilizer application. Urease activity was determined in each fraction together with 15N recovery and a range of chemical analyses. The effect of nBTPT amended urea on leaf tip scorch was evaluated together with the effect of the inhibitor applied on its own on plant urease activity.nBTPT-amended urea dramatically reduced shoot urease activity for the first few days after application compared to unamended urea. The higher the nBTPT concentration the longer the time required for shoot activity to return to that in the unamended treatment. At the highest inhibitor concentration of 0.5% shoot urease activity had returned to that of unamended urea by 10 days. Root urease activity was unaffected by nBTPT in the presence of urea but was affected by nBTPT in the absence of urea.Transient leaf tip scorch was observed approximately 7–15 days after nBTPT + urea application and was greatest with high concentrations of nBTPT and high urea-N application rates. New developing leaves showed no visual sign of tip necrosis.Urea hydrolysis of unamended urea was rapid with only 1.3% urea-N remaining in the soil after 1.75 days. N uptake and metabolism by ryegrass was rapid with 15N recovery from unamended urea, in the plant (shoot + root) being 33% after 1.75 days. Most of the 15N in the soil following the urea+0.5% nBTPT application was still as urea after 1.75 days, yet 15N plant recovery at this time was 25% (root+shoot). This together with other evidence, suggests that if urea hydrolysis in soil is delayed by nBTPT then urea can be taken up by ryegrass as the intact molecule, albeit at a significantly slower initial rate of uptake than NH4 +-N. Protein and water soluble carbohydrate content of the plant were not significantly affected by amending urea with nBTPT however, there was a significant effect on the composition of amino acids in the roots and shoots, suggesting a difference in metabolism.Although nBTPT-amended urea affected plant urease activity and caused some leaf-tip scorch the effects were transient and short-lived. The previously reported benefit of nBTPT in reducing NH3 volatilization of urea would appear to far outweigh any of the observed short-term effects, as dry-matter production of ryegrass is increased.  相似文献   
I analyzed the rates of net N mineralization and nitrification of soils from seven sites in a Hawaiian wet montane forest. The sites differ in age, ranging from 400 to 4,100,000 yr, but are comparable in other variables (all at 1200 miasl with 4000 mm or more mean annual rainfall), and the chronosequence simulated a development of soils from basaltic lava. Soils were incubated for 20 days at 17.5 °C, which is nearly equivalent to a mean field air temperature of the sites, and at an elevated temperature of 25.5 °C under three treatments: 1) field-wet without amendments, 2) air dried to a permanent wilting point, and 3) fertilized with phosphate (NaH2PO4) at the rate of 50 g P per g dry soil. Both mineralization and nitrification rates varied significantly among the sites at the field temperature (p<.00001). Fractions of the mineralized organic matter (indexed by the N produced per g organic C) increased sharply from the youngest to the 5000-yr site before declining abruptly to a near constant value from the 9000 to the 1,400,000-yr sites. Total organic C in the top soils (<15 cm deep) increased almost linearly with age across the sites. Consequently, net NH4- and NO3-N produced on an area basis (g m-2 20 d-1) increased sharply from 0.2 in the youngest site to 1.2 in the 5000-yr site, then both became depressed once but steadily increased again. The fraction of organic matter mineralized, and the net N turnover rates were outstandingly high in the oldest site where a large amount of organic matter was observed; the topsoil organic matter which was used in this analysis appeared to be highly labile, whereas the subsurface organic matter could be relatively recalcitrant. As suggested by earlier workers, the initial increase in N turnover seemed to correspond to the increasing quantity of N in the soils through atmospheric deposition and biological fixation. The later decline in fraction of organic matter mineralized seemed to relate to increasing soil C/N ratios, increasingly recalcitrant organic matter, and poorer soil drainage with age. The elevated temperature treatment produced significantly higher amounts of N mineralization, except for the youngest site where N was most limiting, and for two sites where soil waterlogging might be severe. P fertilization invariably resulted in slower N turnovers, suggesting that soil microbes responded to added P causing N immobilization. The youngest site did not significantly respond to added P. The magnitude of immobilization was higher in older than in younger soils, suggesting that P more strongly limits microbial populations in the older soils.  相似文献   
The effect of mixed intercropping of field pea (Pisum sativum L.) and spring barley (Hordeum vulgare L.), compared to monocrop cultivation, on the yield and crop-N dynamics was studied in a 4-yr field experiment using 15N-isotope dilution technique. Crops were grown with or without the supply of 5 g 15N-labeled N m-2. The effect of intercropping on the dry matter and N yields, competition for inorganic N among the intercrop components, symbiotic fixation in pea and N transfer from pea to barley were determined. As an average of four years the grain yields were similar in monocropped pea, monocropped and fertilized barley and the intercrop without N fertilizer supply. Nitrogen fertilization did not influence the intercrop yield, but decreased the proportion of pea in the yield. Relative yield totals (RYT) showed that the environmental sources for plant growth were used from 12 to 31% more efficiently by the intercrop than by the monocrops, and N fertilization decreased RYT-values. Intercrop yields were less stable than monocrop barley yields, but more stable than the yield of monocropped pea. Barley competed strongly for soil and fertilizer N in the intercrop, and was up to 30 times more competitive than pea for inorganic N. Consequently, barley obtained a more than proportionate share of the inorganic N in the intercrop. At maturity the total recovery of fertilizer N was not significantly different between crops, averaging 65% of the supplied N. The fertilizer N recovered in pea constituted only 9% of total fertilizer-N recovery in the intercrop. The amount of symbiotic N2 fixation in the intercrop was less than expected from its composition and the fixation in monocrop. This indicates that the competition from barley had a negative effect on the fixation, perhaps via shading. At maturity, the average amount of N2 fixation was 17.7 g N m-2 in the monocrop and 5.1 g N m-2 in the intercropped pea. A higher proportion of total N in pea was derived from N2 fixation in the intercrop than in the monocrop, on average 82% and 62%, respectively. The 15N enrichment of intercropped barley tended to be slightly lower than of monocropped barley, although not significantly. Consequently, there was no evidence for pea N being transferred to barley. The intercropping advantage in the pea-barley intercrop is mainly due to the complimentary use of soil inorganic and atmospheric N sources by the intercrop components, resulting in reduced competition for inorganic N, rather than a facilitative effect, in which symbiotically fixed N2 is made available to barley.Abbreviations MC monocrop - IC intercrop - PMC pea monocrop - BMC barley monocrop - PIC pea in intercrop - BIC barley in intercrop  相似文献   
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