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Seed development in dicots includes early endosperm proliferation followed by growth of the embryo to replace the endosperm. Endosperm proliferation in dicots not only provides nutrient supplies for subsequent embryo development but also enforces a space limitation, influencing final seed size. Overexpression of Arabidopsis SHORT HYPOCOTYL UNDER BLUE1::uidA (SHB1:uidA) in canola produces large seeds. We performed global analysis of the canola genes that were expressed and influenced by SHB1 during early endosperm proliferation at 8 days after pollination (DAP) and late embryo development at 13 DAP. Overexpression of SHB1 altered the expression of 973 genes at 8 DAP and 1035 genes at 13 DAP. We also surveyed the global SHB1 association sites, and merging of these sites with the RNA sequencing data identified a set of canola genes targeted by SHB1. The 8‐DAP list includes positive and negative genes that influence endosperm proliferation and are homologous to Arabidopsis MINI3, IKU2, SHB1, AGL62, FIE and AP2. We revealed a major role for SHB1 in canola endosperm development based on the dynamics of SHB1‐altered gene expression, the magnitude of SHB1 chromatin immunoprecipitation enrichment and the over‐representation of eight regulatory genes for endosperm development. Our studies focus on an important agronomic trait in a major crop for global agriculture. The datasets on stage‐specific and SHB1‐induced gene expression and genes targeted by SHB1 also provide a useful resource in the field of endosperm development and seed size engineering. Our practices in an allotetraploid species will impact similar studies in other crop species.  相似文献   
Although non‐linear phenomena are common in human and non‐human animal vocalisations, their functional relevance remains poorly understood. One theory posits that non‐linear phenomena generate unpredictability in vocalisations, which increases the auditory impact of vocal signals, and makes animals less likely to habituate to call repetition. Female koalas (Phascolarctos cinereus) produce vocal signals when they reject male copulation attempts that contain relatively high levels of non‐linear phenomena, and thus may function as attention grabbing vocal signals during the breeding season. To test this hypothesis, we used playback experiments: firstly, to determine whether female rejection calls induce heightened behavioural responses in free‐ranging male koalas during the breeding season, and secondly, to examine how the relative amount of non‐linear phenomena in rejection calls influences male behavioural response. The results show that male koalas look for longer towards speakers broadcasting playback sequences of male bellows followed by a series of female rejection calls than those broadcasting only male bellows. In addition, female rejection call sequences with more subharmonics, higher harmonics‐to‐noise ratios, and less biphonation produced the greatest male looking responses. Our findings support the hypothesis that female koala rejection calls function to grab male attention during the breeding season, and indicate that subharmonics are the main acoustic feature that increases the auditory impact of these vocal signals.  相似文献   
Transmission ratio distortion (TRD) is the departure from the expected Mendelian ratio in offspring, a poorly investigated biological phenomenon in livestock species. Given the current availability of specific parametric methods for the analysis of segregation data, this study focused on the screening of TRD in 602 402 single nucleotide polymorphisms covering all autosomal chromosomes in seven Spanish beef cattle breeds. On average, 0.13% (n = 786) and 0.01% (n = 29) of genetic markers evidenced sire‐ or dam‐specific TRD respectively. There were no single nucleotide polymorphisms accounting for both sire‐ and dam‐specific TRD at the same time, and only one marker (rs43147474) accounted for (sire‐specific) TRD in all seven breeds. It must be noted that rs43147474 is located in the fourth intronic region of the GTP‐binding protein 10 gene, and this locus has been previously linked to the maintenance of mitochondria and nucleolar architectures. Alternatively, other candidate genes surround this hot‐spot for sire‐specific TRD in the cattle genome, and they are related to embryonic and postnatal lethality as well as prostate cancer, among others. This research characterized the distribution of TRD in the bovine genome, highlighting heterogeneous results when comparing across breeds.  相似文献   
Recently, the group of McBride reported a stunning observation regarding peroxisome biogenesis: newly born peroxisomes are hybrids of mitochondrial and ER‐derived pre‐peroxisomes. What was stunning? Studies performed with the yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae had convincingly shown that peroxisomes are ER‐derived, without indications for mitochondrial involvement. However, the recent finding using fibroblasts dovetails nicely with a mechanism inferred to be driving the eukaryotic invention of peroxisomes: reduction of mitochondrial reactive oxygen species (ROS) generation associated with fatty acid (FA) oxidation. This not only explains the mitochondrial involvement, but also its apparent absence in yeast. The latest results allow a reconstruction of the evolution of the yeast's highly derived metabolism and its limitations as a model organism in this instance. As I review here, peroxisomes are eukaryotic inventions reflecting mutual host endosymbiont adaptations: this is predicted by symbiogenetic theory, which states that the defining eukaryotic characteristics evolved as a result of mutual adaptations of two merging prokaryotes. See also the video abstract here: https://youtu.be/HtyKhQ3DSxg
1. Population dynamics and interactions that vary over a species' range are of particular importance in the context of latitudinal clines in biological diversity. Winter moth (Operophtera brumata) and autumnal moth (Epirrita autumnata) are two species of eruptive geometrids that vary widely in outbreak tendency over their range, which generally increases from south to north and with elevation. 2. The predation pressure on geometrid larvae and pupae over an elevational gradient was tested. The effects of background larval density and bird occupancy of monitoring nest boxes on predation rates were also tested. Predation on larvae was tested through exclusion treatments at 20 replicate stations over four elevations at one site, while pupae were set out to measure predation at two elevations at three sites. 3. Larval densities were reduced by bird predation at three lower elevations, but not at the highest elevation, and predation rates were 1.9 times higher at the lowest elevation than at the highest elevation. The rate of predation on larvae was not related to background larval density or nest box occupancy, although there were more eggs and chicks at the lowest elevation. There were no consistent differences in predation on pupae by elevation. 4. These results suggest that elevational variation in avian predation pressure on larvae may help to drive elevational differences in outbreak tendency, and that birds may play a more important role in geometrid population dynamics than the focus on invertebrate and soil predators of previous work would suggest.  相似文献   
A mixture Markov regression model is proposed to analyze heterogeneous time series data. Mixture quasi‐likelihood is formulated to model time series with mixture components and exogenous variables. The parameters are estimated by quasi‐likelihood estimating equations. A modified EM algorithm is developed for the mixture time series model. The model and proposed algorithm are tested on simulated data and applied to mosquito surveillance data in Peel Region, Canada.  相似文献   
《Journal of morphology》2017,278(10):1321-1332
The present article is a comparative, structural study of the lung of Polypterus senegalus and Erpetoichthys calabaricus , two species representative of the two genera that constitute the Polypteriformes. The lung of the two species is an asymmetric, bi‐lobed organ that arises from a slit‐like opening in the ventral side of the pharynx. The wall is organized into layers, being thicker in P. senegalus . The inner epithelium contains ciliated and non‐ciliated bands. The latter constitute the respiratory surface and are wider in E. calabaricus . The air‐blood barrier is thin and uniform in P. senegalus and thicker and irregular in E. calabaricus . In the two species, the ciliated areas contain ciliated cells, mucous cells and cells with lamellar bodies. Additionally, P. senegalus contains polymorphous granular cells (PGCs) and neuroendocrine cells (NECs) while E. calabaricus lacks PGCs but shows granular leukocytes and a different type of NEC. Interestingly, ciliated cells and secretory cells show a dual morphology in E. calabaricus indicating the presence of cellular subtypes and suggesting more complex secretory activity. Also in E. calabaricus , cilia show a novel doublet‐membrane interaction that may control the displacement of the microtubule doublets. The subepithelium is a connective layer that appears thicker in P. senegalus and contains, in the two species, fibroblasts and granulocytes. The outer layer contains bundles of richly innervated striated muscle. This layer is likely involved in the control of lung motion. In the two species, smooth muscle cells constitute a limiting layer between the subepithelium and the striated muscle compartment. The role of this layer is unclear.  相似文献   
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