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Although a clear role for estrogen receptor (ER) alpha has been established, the contribution of ERbeta in estrogen-dependent development, growth and functions of the myometrium is not understood. As a first step towards understanding the role of ERbeta, we have examined the expression of ERalpha and ERbeta in the human myometrium. With competitive RT-PCR assays, the level of ERbeta mRNA was 10-200 times lower than that of ERalpha mRNA in both premenopausal and postmenopausal myometrium. In premenopausal myometrium, the expression pattern of ERbeta mRNA during the menstrual cycle was similar to that of ERalpha mRNA, with highest levels in peri-ovulatory phase. In postmenopausal myometrium, ERbeta mRNA was significantly higher than it was in premenopausal myometrium, while the level of ERalpha mRNA was lower. The net result was a change in the ratio of ERbeta to ERalpha mRNA expression. The ratio changed from 0.6-1.5 in premenopausal to 2.5-7.6 in postmenopausal myometrium. In premenopausal women, the gonadotropin releasing hormone analogue, leuprorelin acetate, elicited a decrease in ERalpha and an increase in ERbeta mRNA expression to cause a postmenopausal receptor phenotype. Estradiol, on the other hand, reversed ERalpha and ERbeta mRNA expression and their ratio in postmenopausal myometrium to those of premenopausal myometrium. Immunohistochemical staining and Western blot analysis of ERalpha and ERbeta with semiquantitative analysis showed good agreement between mRNA and protein levels. The data indicate that coordinated expression of ERalpha and ERbeta might be necessary for normal estrogen action in myometrium. Furthermore, estrogen appears a dominant regulator of both receptors in the myometrium.  相似文献   
Uterine myometrial contractility remains a poorly characterized area of research in reproductive physiology. Rnd1, a novel member of the GTP-binding Rho protein family, inhibits Ca(2+)-sensitization by specifically interfering with a RhoA/Rho-activated kinases-dependent mechanism in smooth muscle. In addition to Rnd1, there are two other members, Rnd2 and Rnd3, in the Rnd family of Rho proteins. In the present comparative study of myometrial contractility in rats and humans, we found that all three Rnd mRNAs were expressed in nonpregnant rat myometrium and in nonpregnant human myometrial tissues. Although all three mRNA levels increased significantly after gestation in rat myometria, only Rnd1 expression was significantly greater after gestation in human samples. In the ovariectomized rat, administration of estrogen and/or progesterone increased the expression of all Rnd mRNAs. These results suggest that universal Rnd family up-regulation during pregnancy in rats may have an important role for negative-feedback control of uterine contraction during gestation by inhibiting RhoA-mediated increase in Ca(2+) sensitivity of contractile elements. Such increases in Rnd levels may be due to augmented levels of reproductive steroids in rats. Our data also point to gestational differences between rats and humans in Rnd isoform patterns.  相似文献   
Summary In the guinea pig myometrium, the adrenergic nerves selectively demonstrated at the ultrastructural level after treatment with 5-OH-DA, show varying degree of degeneration during pregnancy. The changes are more extensive in a late gestational stage (40–45 days) than in an early one (20–25 days), and are particularly evident in the uterus overlying the conceptus as compared to the regions between the fetuses. Scattered degenerative changes were also observed in myometrial specimens from virgin animals, but probably reflect the normal continuous turnover of axons.  相似文献   
Phosphorylation of heat shock protein 20 (Hsp20) by protein kinase A (PKA) is now recognized as an important regulatory mechanism modulating contractile activity in the human myometrium. Thus agonists that stimulate cyclic AMP production may cause relaxation with resultant beneficial effects on pathologies that affect this tissue such as the onset of premature contractions prior to term. Here we describe for the first time that acetylation of Hsp20 is also a potent post-translational modification that can affect human myometrial activity. We show that histone deacetylase 8 (HDAC8) is a non-nuclear lysine deacetylase (KDAC) that can interact with Hsp20 to affect its acetylation. Importantly, use of a selective linkerless hydroxamic acid HDAC8 inhibitor increases Hsp20 acetylation with no elevation of nuclear-resident histone acetylation nor marked global gene expression changes. These effects are associated with significant inhibition of spontaneous and oxytocin-augmented contractions of ex vivo human myometrial tissue strips. A potential molecular mechanism by which Hsp20 acetylation can affect myometrial activity by liberating cofilin is described and further high-lights the use of specific effectors of KDACs as therapeutic agents in regulating contractility in this smooth muscle.  相似文献   
A membrane fraction with sarcolemmal properties was purified from the smooth muscle layers (myometrium) of rat uterus by successive differential and equilibrium centrifugation in sucrose. The putative sarcolemmal fraction was identified by iodination with [125I]iodosulfanilic acid, had an equilibrium density of 1.15, and was enriched in enzyme activities usually associated with the plasma membrane including 5′-nucleotidase (EC and (Na+ + K+) ATPase (EC These membranes were free of mitochondrial or nuclear membrane contamination, suggesting the relative enrichment of sarcolemmal membranes in the fraction. Proteins of the membranes were heterogeneous with respect to molecular weight, but only a few were labelled when intact muscle was radioiodinated. Uniform resistance of sarcolemmal proteins to trypsin digestion and salt extraction suggested many are tightly bound or intrinsic membrane proteins and was a further indication of the homogeneity of membranes in this fraction.  相似文献   
Precise cell fate decisions during differentiation of uterine tissues from the embryonic Müllerian duct are critical for normal fertility. Wnt-7a, a member of the Wnt family of secreted signaling molecules that can signal through a canonical beta-catenin pathway, is necessary for the correct differentiation of both anterior/posterior and radial axes of the uterus. In order to investigate the role of beta-catenin directly in mouse uterine development, we have generated mice that are deficient in beta-catenin expression in the embryonic Müllerian duct. We have found that conditional deletion of beta-catenin in the Müllerian duct mesenchyme before postnatal differentiation of the uterine layers results in a phenotype that is distinct from the phenotype observed by deletion of Wnt-7a. Shortly after birth, the uteri of the conditional mutants appear smaller and less organized. The uteri of adult conditional beta-catenin mutants are grossly deficient in smooth muscle of the myometrium, which has been replaced by adipose, a phenotype resembling human lipoleiomyoma. We also show that the adipocytes in the uteri of mice conditionally deleted for beta-catenin are derived from Müllerian inhibiting substance type II receptor-expressing cells suggesting that they share a common origin with the uterine smooth muscle cells. These results describe the first molecular evidence linking disruption of beta-catenin expression in mesenchymal cells with a switch from myogenesis to adipogenesis in vivo.  相似文献   
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