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Summary Cell monolayer cultures were prepared from hamster tracheal explants by a collagenase exposure and subsequent incubation in Waymouth’s MAB 87/3 medium. The epithelial outgrowth occurred on glass cover slips. Cilia on the monolayers continued to beat normally after the “parent” explant was removed. Monolayer cultures infected withMycoplasma pneumoniae had significant amounts of attachment. A morphological analysis of the attachment was conducted with scanning electron microscopy. Clusters, cocci, and filaments ofM. pneumoniae all attached to the epithelial cells, but the filaments were especially common. Mycoplasmas were seen in association with both ciliated and nonciliated cell membranes. On ciliated cells, mycoplasmas were on the ciliary strands and on the cell membrane. When located immediately adjacent to or in between cilia, mycoplasmas were oriented vertically with the constricted attachment tip oriented down toward the host cell membrane. When located more than a micron away from the ciliary fibers, mycoplasmas lay horizontally along the epithelial cell membrane. The photographic data suggest that clusters or “sperules” of mycoplasmas may liberate individual mycoplasmas that attach to the cell membrane. It appears that the receptor sites forM. pneumoniae are rather uniformly distributed along the ciliated cell membrane, and are not restricted to the interciliary areas. Electron microscopy was done with the cooperation of Dr. R. Macleod and the staff of the Center for Electron Microscopy at the University of Illinois. Critical editorial review was provided by C. Dayton. This investigation was supported in part by grants to M. G. G. from the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (AI 12559) and the National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute (HL 23806), Bethesda, Maryland.  相似文献   
Summary Soil samples, roots and shoots were collected from barley crops at three locations which had received different combinations of N and P for 10 years, and from long-term fertilizer experiments on barley in a sandy soil and on barley and wheat in a loamy soil.Soils were analysed for available P by an anion exchange resin procedure, roots were examined for intensity of VAM infection, and shoots wee analysed for N and P.Vesicualr-arbuscular mycorrhizal infection was found at all locations. It was most abundant at the three locations with least soil-P and lightest at the two locations high in soil-P. Within loocations an inverse relation was found between soil-P level and intensity of infection. Infection was also intensity. by increasing N-fertilizer. Spore counts from selected samples correlated well with infection intensity. Shoot-P did not differ significantly between treatments in spite of significant differences in soil-P. This points to the significance of vesicular-arbuscular mycorrhiza: a lower soil-P level accompanied by a higher infection intensity seem to counterbalance each other to a certain extent.  相似文献   
Summary A baiting technique was developed to estimate the population ofDrechslera nodulosa (Berk. and Curt.) Subram. and Jain in soil by using susceptible ragi (Eleusine coracana Gaertn.) culms. The number of lesions developed on baited culms were reduced with the reduction in concentration ofD. nodulosa propagules in both sterilized and unsterilized soils. Based on this a standard correlation (concentrationvs infection probability) was established which was found to be quite efficient method to estimate the population in soil and to bait even when the inoculum level was 4 propagules per g of soil.  相似文献   
A bdellovibrio-like bacterium was observed infecting unicellular symbiotic cyanobacteria in two coral reef sponges, Neofibularia irata and Jaspis stellifera. The infecting bacterium, which was located between the cell wall and the cytoplasmic membrane of the cyanobacteria, was similar in size and appearance to previously described bdellovibrios. This observation is believed to extend the host range of the bdellovibrios.  相似文献   
The application of green fluorescent protein (GFP) to identify the portal(s) of entry of bacterial pathogens in animal hosts was studied using the fish pathogen Edwardsiella tarda and blue gourami, Trichogaster trichopterus. An immersion challenge model was utilized to mimic natural infection conditions in fish. Gastrointestinal tract, gills and the body surface of fish were found to be the sites of entry of virulent E. tarda (PPD130/91) by histological and infection kinetics studies. On the other hand, avirulent E. tarda (PPD125/87) was mainly found in the gastrointestinal tract, and the bacterial population in tissue declined over a period of 7 days.  相似文献   
慢性扁桃体炎与细菌L型感染   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
通常认为,慢性扁桃体炎主要致病菌是金黄色葡萄球菌和乙型溶血性链球菌。通过50例慢性扁桃体炎的病原微生物培养、组织切片细菌学及电镜等研究,发现慢性扁桃体炎组织中细菌L型也相当常见,L型培养阳性率是88.5%,且组织切片L型感染率与培养阳性率基本一致(P>0.05)。电镜在扁桃体组织间质及上皮细胞、淋巴细胞等多种细胞内均见到细菌L型。提示慢性扁桃体炎与细菌L型感染关系极为密切。并认为,L型侵入组织并在宿主细胞内生长的特性,可能是慢性扁桃体炎反复发作、迁延不愈的重要原因。  相似文献   
摘要 目的:研究肺炎支原体肺炎(mycoplasma pneumoniae pneumonia, MPP)患儿血清可溶性共刺激分子B7-H3(soluble co-stimulatory molecule B7-H3, sB7-H3)含量与细胞因子水平及病情严重程度的相关性。方法:收集2019年3月至2020年6月期间我院收治的MPP患儿共96例,根据患儿病情严重程度分为轻症MPP组和重症MPP组,另选取同期于我院体检中心体检的健康儿童50例作为对照组。收集所有受试者的一般资料、主要临床表现、临床指标及细胞因子水平,对各指标进行Pearson相关性分析和多元逐步回归分析。结果:与对照组相比,MPP组患儿的白细胞计数(white blood cell, WBC)、中性粒细胞计数(neutrophil, NE)、红细胞沉降率(erythrocyta sedimentation rate, ESR)、C反应蛋白(C-reactive protein,CRP)、sB7-H3、粒细胞-巨噬细胞集落刺激因子(granulocyte-macrophage colony stimulating factor, GM-CSF)、干扰素-γ(interferon-γ, IFN-γ)、白介素-10(interleukin-10,IL-10)和白介素-17A(interleukin-17A,IL-17A)均较高(P<0.05);与轻症MPP组患儿相比,重症MPP组患儿的WBC、NE、ESR、CRP、sB7-H3、GM-CSF、IFN-γ、IL-10和IL-17A均较高(P<0.05)。Pearson相关性分析结果表明,sB7-H3与WBC、NE、ESR、CRP、GM-CSF、IFN-γ、IL-10和IL-17A呈正相关(P<0.05)。多元线性回归分析显示,GM-CSF(β=0.103,P<0.001)、IFN-γ(β=0.121,P<0.001)、IL-10(β=0.026,P<0.001)和IL-17A(β=0.093,P<0.001)是sB7-H3的独立影响因素。结论:MPP患儿血清sB7-H3、GM-CSF、IFN-γ、IL-10和IL-17A与MPP的病情严重程度密切相关,且sB7-H3的表达水平与GM-CSF、IFN-γ、IL-10和IL-17A的水平呈正相关。  相似文献   
近年来,在兔、大鼠、小鼠和犬等动物种属成功地建立了巴豆油、醋酸、感染与创伤诱导的痔疮动物模型,每种动物模型各有优缺点,应用合理的动物模型能更好地开展痔的实验和临床研究。随着治痔药物的深入研究,动物模型有很好发展和应用,本文综述了痔疮动物模型制作方法研究进展。  相似文献   
食线虫真菌作为重要的植物寄生线虫的生物防治资源,深入了解它们的侵染方式、毒力因子是了解食线虫真菌侵染的分子机理和开发高效、稳定的生物杀线虫制剂的关键。目前的研究表明,食线虫真菌能分泌具有降解线虫体壁或线虫卵壳的胞外酶,它们在食线虫真菌侵染线虫的过程中起着非常重要的作用。对这些侵染性胞外水解酶的深入研究将促进人们对食线虫真菌的侵染过程和侵染机制的了解以及高效生防制剂的开发。综述了近年来食线虫真菌侵染性胞外酶的研究概况,对食线虫真菌胞外丝氨酸蛋白酶进行同源性分析,对以后食线虫真菌侵染性胞外酶的研究和高效生防制剂开发进行了评述。  相似文献   
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