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Fragile X syndrome (FXS) is a common cause of inherited intellectual disability and a well-characterized form of autism spectrum disorder. As brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF) is implicated in the pathophysiology of FXS we examined the effects of reduced BDNF expression on the behavioral phenotype of an animal model of FXS, Fmr1 knockout (KO) mice, crossed with mice carrying a deletion of one copy of the Bdnf gene (Bdnf(+/-)). Fmr1 KO mice showed age-dependent alterations in hippocampal BDNF expression that declined after the age of 4 months compared to wild-type controls. Mild deficits in water maze learning in Bdnf(+/-) and Fmr1 KO mice were exaggerated and contextual fear learning significantly impaired in double transgenics. Reduced BDNF expression did not alter basal nociceptive responses or central hypersensitivity in Fmr1 KO mice. Paradoxically, the locomotor hyperactivity and deficits in sensorimotor learning and startle responses characteristic of Fmr1 KO mice were ameliorated by reducing BNDF, suggesting changes in simultaneously and in parallel working hippocampus-dependent and striatum-dependent systems. Furthermore, the obesity normally seen in Bdnf(+/-) mice was eliminated by the absence of fragile X mental retardation protein 1 (FMRP). Reduced BDNF decreased the survival of newborn cells in the ventral part of the hippocampus both in the presence and absence of FMRP. Since a short neurite phenotype characteristic of newborn cells lacking FMRP was not found in cells derived from double mutant mice, changes in neuronal maturation likely contributed to the behavioral phenotype. Our results show that the absence of FMRP modifies the diverse effects of BDNF on the FXS phenotype.  相似文献   
The eminent psychophysicist, S.S. Stevens, once remarked that, “the basic problem of psychology was the definition of the stimulus” (Stevens, 1951, p. 46). By expanding the traditional definition of the stimulus, the study of animal learning has metamorphosed into animal cognition. The main impetus for that change was the recognition that it is often necessary to postulate a representation between the traditional S and R of learning theory. Representations allow a subject to represent a stimulus it learned previously that is currently absent. Thus, in delayed matching-to-sample, one has to assume that a subject responds to a representation of the sample during test if it responds correctly. Other examples, to name but a few, include concept formation, spatial memory, serial memory, learning a numerical rule, imitation and metacognition. Whereas a representation used to be regarded as a mentalistic phenomenon that was unworthy of scientific inquiry, it can now be operationally defined. To accommodate representations, the traditional discriminative stimulus has to be expanded to allow for the role of representations. The resulting composite can account for a significantly larger portion of the variance of performance measures than the exteroceptive stimulus could by itself.  相似文献   
It has long been assumed that bees cannot see red. However, bees visit red flowers, and the visual spectral sensitivity of bees extends into wavelengths to provide sensitivity to such flowers. We thus investigated whether bees can discriminate stimuli reflecting wavelengths above 560 nm, i.e., which appear orange and red to a human observer. Flowers do not reflect monochromatic (single wavelength) light; specifically orange and red flowers have reflectance patterns which are step functions, we thus used colored stimuli with such reflectance patterns. We first conditioned honey bees Apis mellifera to detect six stimuli reflecting light mostly above 560 nm and found that bees learned to detect only stimuli which were perceptually very different from a bee achromatic background. In a second experiment we conditioned bees to discriminate stimuli from a salient, negative (un-rewarded) yellow stimulus. In subsequent unrewarded tests we presented the bees with the trained situation and with five other tests in which the trained stimulus was presented against a novel one. We found that bees learned to discriminate the positive from the negative stimulus, and could unambiguously discriminate eight out of fifteen stimulus pairs. The performance of bees was positively correlated with differences between the trained and the novel stimulus in the receptor contrast for the long-wavelength bee photoreceptor and in the color distance (calculated using two models of the honeybee colors space). We found that the differential conditioning resulted in a concurrent inhibitory conditioning of the negative stimulus, which might have improved discrimination of stimuli which are perceptually similar. These results show that bees can detect long wavelength stimuli which appear reddish to a human observer. The mechanisms underlying discrimination of these stimuli are discussed. Handling Editor: Lars Chittka.  相似文献   
Distinct forms of memory can be highlighted using different training protocols. In Drosophila olfactory aversive learning, one conditioning session triggers memory formation independently of protein synthesis, while five spaced conditioning sessions lead to the formation of long‐term memory (LTM), a long‐lasting memory dependent on de novo protein synthesis. In contrast, one session of odour–sugar association appeared sufficient for the fly to form LTM. We designed and tuned an apparatus that facilitates repeated discriminative conditioning by alternate presentations of two odours, one being associated with sugar, as well as a new paradigm to test sugar responsiveness (SR). Our results show that both SR and short‐term memory (STM) scores increase with starvation length before conditioning. The protein dependency of appetitive LTM is independent of the repetition and the spacing of training sessions, on the starvation duration and on the strength of the unconditioned stimulus. In contrast to a recent report, our test measures an abnormal SR of radish mutant flies, which might initiate their STM and LTM phenotypes. In addition, our work shows that crammer and tequila mutants, which are deficient for aversive LTM, present both an SR and an appetitive STM defect. Using the MB247‐P[switch] system, we further show that tequila is required in the adult mushroom bodies for normal sugar motivation.  相似文献   
目的:研究石菖蒲及其活性成分-α-细辛醚改善疲劳运动大鼠学习记忆的作用及其机制。方法:80只SD大鼠随机分为正常对照组(A)、单纯运动组(B)、运动+α-细辛醚低、中、高剂量组(C、D、E)、运动+石菖蒲低、中、高剂量治疗组(F、G、H),每组10只。并在疲劳运动开始前2 h分别以0.10、0.50和1.00 mgα-细辛醚,灌胃C、D、E组,以0.12、1.20和4.80 g. kg-1. wt-1石菖蒲提取物,灌胃F、G、H组。实验结束后采用水迷宫实验进行学习记忆检测,采用生化法检测SOD、NOS活性和MDA含量,免疫印迹法检测海马n NOS蛋白表达水平。结果:实验后E和H组大鼠逃避潜伏期、海马脑组织MDA含量低于B、C、D、F和G组;穿越平台次数、海马脑组织SOD和NOS活性、n NOS蛋白表达高于B、C、D、F和G组,P均<0.01。A、E、H组大鼠海马脑组织SOD活性依次为A> E> H组,而MDA含量则相反,P均<0.01; E组大海马脑组织NOS活性和n NOS蛋白表达低于A和H组,P<0.01或P...  相似文献   
Species-specific behaviours gradually emerge, via incomplete patterns, to the final complete adult form. A classical example is birdsong, a learned behaviour ideally suited for studying the neural and molecular substrates of vocal learning. Young songbirds gradually transform primitive unstructured vocalizations (subsong, akin to human babbling) into complex, stereotyped sequences of syllables that constitute adult song. In comparison with birdsong, territorial and mating calls of vocal non-learner species are thought to exhibit little change during development. We revisited this issue using the crowing behaviour of domestic Japanese quail (Coturnix coturnix japonica). Crowing activity was continuously recorded in young males maintained in social isolation from the age of three weeks to four months. We observed developmental changes in crow structure, both the temporal and the spectral levels. Speed and trajectories of these developmental changes exhibited an unexpected high inter-individual variability. Mechanisms used by quails to transform sounds during ontogeny resemble those described in oscines during the sensorimotor phase of song learning. Studies on vocal non-learners could shed light on the specificity and evolution of vocal learning.  相似文献   
Through the process of habituation, continued exposure to low-frequency (0.01 Hz) rotation in the dark produced suppression of the low-frequency response of the vestibulo-ocular reflex (VOR) in goldfish. The response did not decay gradually, as might be expected from an error-driven learning process, but displayed several nonlinear and nonstationary features. They included asymmetrical response suppression, magnitude-dependent suppression for lower- but not higher-magnitude head rotations, and abrupt-onset suppressions suggestive of a switching mechanism. Microinjection of lidocaine into the vestibulocerebellum of habituated goldfish resulted in a temporary dishabituation. This suggests that the vestibulocerebellum mediates habituation, presumably through Purkinje cell inhibition of vestibular nuclei neurons. The habituated VOR data were simulated with a feed-forward, nonlinear neural network model of the VOR in which only Purkinje cell inhibition of vestibular nuclei neurons was varied. The model suggests that Purkinje cell inhibition may switch in to introduce nonstationarities, and cause asymmetry and magnitude-dependency in the VOR to emerge from the essential nonlinearity of vestibular nuclei neurons.  相似文献   
Young-of-the-year, predator-naive fathead minnows, Pimephales promelas , from a pikesympatric population did not respond to chemical stimuli from northern pike, Esox Indus , while wild-caught fish of the same age and size did. These results suggest that chemical predator recognition is a result of previous experience and not genetic factors, Wild young-of-the-year minnows responded to pike odour with a response intensity that was similar to that of older fish, demonstrating that the ability to recognize predators is learned within the first year. The intensity of response of wild minnows which had been maintained in a predator free environment for 1 year was similar to that of recently caught minnows of the same age, suggesting that reinforcement was not required for predator recognition to be retained. Naive minnows that were exposed simultaneously to chemical stimuli from pike (a neutral stimulus) and minnow alarm substance exhibited a fright response upon subsequent exposure to the pike stimulus alone. Predator-naive minnows exposed simultaneously to chemical stimuli from pike and glass-distilled water did not exhibit a fright response to the pike stimulus alone. These results demonstrate that fathead minnows can acquire predator recognition through releaserinduced recognition learning, thus confirming a known mechanism through which alarm substance may benefit the receivers of an alarm signal.  相似文献   
为探讨不同特征挖掘方法与广义提升回归模型相结合在数字土壤制图中的应用,本研究首先使用递归特征消除和过滤式两种特征筛选方法对环境协变量进行筛选,再分别使用原始环境协变量、筛选后的最优变量组合作为自变量,建立基于广义提升回归模型和随机森林模型的安徽省土壤pH预测模型并进行制图。结果表明: 引入两种特征挖掘方法均可有效提高广义提升回归模型和随机森林模型预测土壤pH的精度,并且可以起到降维的作用;相较于随机森林模型,广义提升回归模型的验证集预测精度略低,在训练集中,广义提升回归模型的精度却远高于随机森林模型,模型解释度高,整体效果较好;随机森林模型的主要参数ntree和mtry对于模型的影响程度较低,而不同参数对于广义提升回归模型的预测精度影响较大,不同参数组合模型精度不同,建模前需要进行调参。空间制图结果表明,安徽省土壤pH呈“南酸北碱”趋势。  相似文献   
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