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The rotational freedom of tryptophan residues in protein-ligand complexes was studied by measuring steady-state fluorescence anisotropies under conditions of oxygen quenching. There was a decrease in the oxygen bimolecular quenching constant upon complexation of trypsin and alpha-chymotrypsin with proteinaceous trypsin inhibitors, of lysozyme with N-acetylglucosamine (NAG) and di(N-acetyl-D-glucosamine) ((NAG)2) and of hexokinase with glucose. Binding of the bisubstrate analogue N-phosphonacetyl-L-aspartate (PALA) to aspartate transcarbamylase (ATCase) and binding of biotin to avidin resulted in increased oxygen quenching constants. The tryptophan of human serum albumin (HSA) in the F state was more accessible to oxygen quenching than that in the N state. With the exception of ATCase, the presence of subnanosecond motions of the tryptophan residues in all the proteins is suggested by the short apparent correlation times for fluorescence depolarization and by the low apparent anisotropies obtained by extrapolation to a lifetime of zero. Complex formation evidently resulted in more rigid structures in the case of trypsin, alpha-chymotrypsin and lysozyme. The effects of glucose binding on hexokinase were not significant. Binding of biotin to avidin resulted in a shorter correlation time for the tryptophan residues. The N --> F transition in HSA resulted in a more rigid environment for the tryptophan residue. Overall, these changes in the dynamics of the protein matrix and motional freedom of tryptophan residues due to complex formation and subsequent conformational changes are in the same direction as those observed by other techniques, especially hydrogen exchange. Significantly, the effects of complex formation on protein dynamics are variable. Among the limited number of cases we examined, the effects of complex formation were to increase, decrease or leave unchanged the apparent dynamics of the protein matrix.  相似文献   
The effects of the quinone analog dibromothymoquinone on electron transfer in isolated mung bean mitochondria are described. Both the main, cyanidesensitive and the alternate, cyanide-insensitive pathways are inhibited by dibromothymoquinone but in markedly different fashions. Half-maximal inhibition appeared at 40 μM and 20 μM dibromothymoquinone for the cyanide-sensitive and alternate pathways, respectively. With succinate as the electron donor, dibromothymoquinone inhibited the alternate pathway at a single site; showing a mixed, non-competitive type inhibition. On the succinate, cyanide-sensitive pathway dibromothymoquinone showed two sites of inhibition and neither coincides with the site of inhibition associated with the alternate pathway. With malate as the electron donor, two sites of inhibition by dibromothymoquinone were observed regardless of the pathway measured.Dibromothymoquinone also inhibited the rate of valinomycin-induced swelling of isolated mung bean mitochondria. Steady-state kinetics showed the inhibition to be non-competitive with respect to valinomycin. Additionally dibromothymoquinone was observed to increase the fluorescence polarization associated with the hydrophobic probe 1,6-diphenylhexatriene. The results indicated that dibromothymoquinone decreased the fluidity of the inner mitochondrial membrane and suggested that the inhibition of mitochondrial electron transfer by dibromothymoquinone may be associated with this decrease in membrane fluidity.The relationship of the multisite nature of the inhibition of electron transfer by dibromothymoquinone and the possible role of mobile electron carriers such as ubiquinone on the main and alternate respiratory pathways of higher plants is discussed.  相似文献   
Trevor Robinson 《Phytochemistry》1978,17(11):1903-1905
Isotopic tracer experiments confirmed that glycerol and succinic acid are good precursors of the pyridine ring of ricinine in castor bean plants. Tritium from C-2 was lost from tritiated glycerol while tritium from C-1 was retained. Thus a derivative of dihydroxyacetone is likely to be intermediate. By simultaneous feeding of glycerol-1-(3)-[3H] and succinic acid-2(3)-[14C], it was hoped to find precursors of ricinine containing both labels, but none could be found. There was no evidence for the appearance of labeled quinolinic acid, which is presumed to be a precursor of ricinine.  相似文献   
Nuñas (Thaseolus vulgaris, Fabaceae), commonly called popping beans, are traditionally grown in the Andean highlands of South America, and are consumed as a snack food after a quick toasting process. Proximate analysis of their nutritive value revealed that nunas have a higher content of starch, amylose, and copper than four dry bean varieties and a lower mean content of protein, phosphorous, iron, and boron. The unique texture and taste of nuñas may be related to their high starch content. Antinutritional factors such as lectins were higher in raw and boiled nuña samples than in toasted nuñas, while tannin levels did not change from raw to toasted treatments. Overall in-vitro digestibility was slightly lower for toasted nunas than boiled dry bean.  相似文献   
The behavioural response of the predatory mite Phytoseiulus persimilis to volatiles from several host plants of its prey, spider mites in the genus Tetranychus, was investigated in a Y-tube olfactometer. A positive response to volatiles from tomato leaves and Lima bean leaves was recorded, whereas no response was observed to volatiles from cucumber leaves, or leaves of Solanum luteum and Solanum dulcamara.Different results were obtained for predators that differed in rearing history. Predators that were reared on spider mites (Tetranychus urticae) on Lima bean leaves did respond to volatiles from Lima bean leaves, while predators that had been reared on the same spider mite species but with cucumber as host plant did not respond to Lima bean leaf volatiles. This effect is compared with the effect of rearing history on the response of P. persimilis to volatile allelochemicals of prey-infested plant leaves.  相似文献   
The results from many experiments conducted over 5 years to determine the tolerance of 34 plant species (87 cultivars) to aluminium (Al) are summarised. All experiments were conducted in a temperature-controlled glasshouse using a low-ionic-strength solution culture technique. The activity of Al3+ (M) at which top yields were reduced by 50% (AlRY50) was determined for each cultivar.The species Bromus wildenowii, Cynosurus cristatus, Hordeum vulgare, Triticum aestivum (cvs Warigal, Scout, Sonora-63), Avena byzantina, Arabidopsis thaliana, Lycopersicon esculentum and Nicotiana plumbaginifolia were all very sensitive to Al (AlRY50<1). The species Poa pratense, Lolium perenne (NZ-derived cultivars), Lotus corniculatus, Avena sativa (cvs West, Carbeen, Camellia and Coolabah), Triticum aestivum (cvs Cardinal and Waalt), Allium cepa and Asparagus officinalis were sensitive to Al (AlRY50 1–2).The pasture grass species Lolium perenne (Australian and European and derived cultivars), Lolium hybridum and Lolium multiflorum, Dactylis glomerata (Apanui and Kara), Phalaris aquatica, Festuca arundinacea and the pasture legumes species Trifolium pratense, Trifolium repens and Trifolium subterraneum were all moderately sensitive to Al (AlRY50 2–5). Other species that were also moderately sensitive included Triticum aestivum (cvs Atlas-66, BH146, and Carazinho), Avena sativa (cvs Swan and Blackbutt), Avena Strigosa, Petunia x and Phaseolus vulgaris (cvs Red Kidney, Black Turtle and Haricot).The most tolerant species (AlRY50>5) were (in order of increasing tolerance) Phaseolus vulgaris (cvs Tendergreen, The Prince and Yatescrop), Cucurbita maxima, Dactylis glomerata (cv Wana), Paspalum dilatatum, Lotus pedunculatus, Ehrharta calycina, Medicago sativa, Holcus lanatus, Festuca rubra, Phaseolus lunatus and Agrostis tenuis. Agrostis tenuis was at least twice as tolerant as the next most tolerant species (AlRY50>30 compared to 15.6).  相似文献   
Earlier attempts to discriminate serologically strains NL1, NL3 and NY15 of bean common mosaic virus (BCMV) and strain W of blackeye cowpea mosaic virus (B1CMV) had been unsuccessful. Antibodies directed towards N- and C-, or N-terminal peptide regions of the coat proteins of the above strains enabled the distinction between B1CMV-W, BCMV-NY15 and BCMV-NL3 in electroblot immunoassay and in ELISA. The distinction was better with antibodies directed towards N-termini than with those to N- and C-termini. Strain NL1 of BCMV cross-reacted with both B1CMV-W and BCMV-NY15, but not with BCMV-NL3. Taxonomic implications of these findings are discussed.  相似文献   
Rapid effects of indole-3-acetic acid (IAA) on the mechanical properties of cell wall, and sugar compositions, intrinsic viscosity and molecular weight distribution of cell wall polysaccharides were investigated with excised epicotyl segments of Vigna angularis Ohwi et Ohashi cv. Takara.
  • 1 IAA caused cell wall loosening as studied by stress-relaxation analysis within 15 min after the IAA application.
  • 2 IAA stimulated the decrease in the content of arabinose and galactose in the hemicellulose 1 h after its application. The amounts of other component sugars in the cell wall polysaccharides remained constant during the IAA-induced segment growth.
  • 3 The intrinsic viscocity of the pectin increased as early as 30 min after the IAA application. This effect was not prevented when elongation growth of the segment was osmotically suppressed by 0.15 M mannitol.
  • 4 Gel permeation chromatography of the pectin on a Sepharose 4 B column demonstrated that IAA caused increase in the mass-average molecular weight of the pectin. Analysis of the sugar compositions of the pectin eluted from the Sepharose 4 B column indicated that IAA increased the molecular weight of the polysaccharides composed of uronic acid, galactose, rhamnose and arabinose. This effect became apparent within 30 min after the IAA application. Furthermore, IAA increased the molecular weight of the pectin when elongation growth of the epicotyl segments was osmotically suppressed by 0.15 M mannitol.
  • 5 Hemicellulose of the cell wall chromatographed on a Sepharose CL-4 B column. Analysis of the neutral sugar compositions and the iodine staining property (specific for xyloglucans) of the polysaccharide solution eluted from the column indicated that the hemicellulose consisted of xyloglucans, arabinogalactans and polysaccharides composed of xylose and/or mannose. IAA caused a decrease in the arabinogalactan content and depolymerization of xyloglucans. These IAA effects became apparent within 30 min after the IAA application. These changes occurred even when elongation growth of the epicotyl segments was osmotically suppressed by 0.15 M mannitol.
Polymerization of the pectin, degradation of arabinogalactans and depolymerization of xyloglucans appear to be involved in the mechanism by which IAA induces cell wall loosening and therefore extension growth of cells.  相似文献   
Phosphoinositol kinase, the key enzyme responsible for the biosynthesis of higher inositol phosphates has been isolated from the cotyledons of mung beans germinated for 24 hr and has been resolved into two different forms, phosphoinositol kinase A and phosphoinositol kinase B. Both forms were purified to homogeneity and characterized. The Km values for ATP with phosphoinositol kinase A (1.78 × 10?4 M) and phosphoinositol kinase B (3.12 × 10 ?5 M) showed that phosphoinositol kinase B had a greater affinity for ATP. ATP could be partially replaced as phosphate donor by UTP and phosphoenolpyruvate in the case of phosphoinositol kinase A but not in the case of phosphoinositol kinase B.  相似文献   
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