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The tegument of plerocercoid and adult P. ambloplitis was examined. Differences in tegument structure existed between these two stages. Plerocercoids of P. ambloplitis lacked extensive vacuolization and unicellular gland cells characteristic of adult tegument. Plerocercoid microtriches were short and conoid; adult microtriches were lenticular with an extended, whip-like shaft. An inclusion, not previously reported from proteocephalid cestodes, is described. Adult tegument had ducts, originating from underlying unicellular glands, extending through the distal cytoplasm and opening to the exterior between microtriches.

The apical end organ cavity of P. ambloplitis contained numerous labyrinth-like spherical bodies. These structures appeared to be synthesized and secreted into the end organ by a thin cellular lining of the end organ. This lining was composed of discrete, filamentous cells believed to be modified subtegumental cell bodies. Spherical structures identical to those observed within the end organ cavity occurred within this cellular lining. The spherical bodies may be associated with enzymes necessary for tissue migration by the metacestode.  相似文献   

Kenneth R. Miller 《BBA》1980,592(1):143-152
The structure and polypeptide composition of the photosynthetic membrane of a mutant of maize has been investigated. The thylakoid membranes of the mutant plants are deficient in Photosystem I activity, although Photosystem II is at near normal levels. SDS polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis of thylakoid membranes from the mutant shows them to be deficient in two polypeptide bands which have been associated with Photosystem I. Freeze-fracture studies of the membrane show that the absence of these polypeptides is associated with a measurable reduction in particle diameter on the unstacked protoplasmic fracture face. This fracture face is derived from the splitting of membranes in unstacked regions of the thylakoid membrane system. It is suggested that in membranes stacked by salts in vitro, Photosystem I activity may be confined to this region.  相似文献   
After long-term in vitro cultivation in human erythrocytes, variants of three strains of the malaria parasite Plasmodium falciparum no longer produce the “knob” alterations on the host erythrocyte surface. The time in continuous culture before knobs failed to appear ranged from 18 months for the Gambian strain FCR-4 to 33 months for the Vietnamese strain FCR-1. The loss of knobs is correlated with the inability to concentrate trophozoites, schizonts, and segmenters from these variant lines by the use of gelatin-containing media. This is the first report of a change in Plasmodium falciparum or its host cell as a consequence of long-term culture.  相似文献   
Summary The adrenal cortex of different mammals was studied by SEM in order to demonstrate its actual three-dimensional organization. In the rat, as well as in the cat and pig, the adrenal cortex appeared as a tunnelled continuum of polyhedral cells arranged in plate-like structures (laminae). This laminar arrangement was more evident in the inner fasciculate and reticular zones where the cortex revealed a striking similarity to liver tissue. The polyhedral cells of all cortical zones possessed regular facets populated by small pits, larger invaginations and numerous microvilli with the exception of very short and smooth areas probably corresponding to attachment zones and/or gap junctions. This cellular architecture produced a labyrinthic system of intercellular channels or lacunae in which the capillaries were suspended.The pericapillary areas of this labyrinth contained microvilli, amorphous material, a delicate net of fibrils and occasional cells. The intercellular compartment of this lacunar system was mainly bordered by numerous microvilli arising from endocrine cells.The luminal surface of the capillary wall showed not only irregularly protruding margins (interpretable as endothelial junctions) but also clearly overlapping and flattened endothelial extensions.In all the animals and areas of the adrenal cortex examined, the endothelial wall was provided with abundant clusters of small fenestrations (about 50 nm in diameter) generally arranged in sieve plates. Larger fenestrations were noted mainly in the fasciculate and reticular zones of the cat and pig and occasionally in the rat.A final point related to the nature and significance of sinusoidal fenestrations was the occurrence of irregularly shaped and intracapillary located cells mainly noted in the deeper zones of the fasciculate and reticular zones of the gland. These elements — possessing the surface characteristics of macrophages — were observed, with their irregular and slender evaginations, in close proximity to the large fenestrations in a manner reminiscent of Kupffer cells within the lumen of liver sinusoids.  相似文献   
Summary Maturation ameloblasts of developing molar teeth of the rat were studied by both scanning and transmission electron microscopy. After fixation, teeth were frozen and split. One face of the fractured tooth was used for SEM, the other for TEM.It was found that in some regions proximal junctional complexes separate the interameloblast space from the intercellular space of the papillary layer. Thereby an intercellular ameloblastic compartment is delineated which in some specimens contains a substance interpreted to be colloidal. Elsewhere the proximal junctions of ameloblasts are not present and free communication between the extracellular spaces is evident. The apical pole of ameloblasts varies in structure. Over some areas there is a distinct distal border zone with membranous infoldings which in some regions resembles a striated or ruffled border, but in other regions the membranes show whorl configurations. The distal border zone also contains granules with flocculent material. Elsewhere the ameloblasts display no distal border zone and the cells show a smooth membrane (except for pinocytotic vesicles and hemidesmosomes) facing the enamel surface. The lateral surface of ameloblasts exhibits a variety of surface configurations similar to but not as pronounced as those reported previously in rat incisor maturation ameloblasts.The authors wish to thank Pauletta Sanders and Helen Ruane for technical assistance. This project was supported in part by USPHS NIH Grant DE04059-03 and by the Medical Research Council of Great Britain  相似文献   
Summary The existence of the surface-connected canalicular system (SCCS) has been demonstrated in semithick sections of the frog thrombocytes by the use of a high voltage electron microscope. The SCCS of the thrombocytes in Rana catesbeiana and Rana nigromaculata consists of numerous canaliculi and vesicles with a diameter of 250 nm, which join with one another to make a complex network throughout the cytoplasm. Although the SCCS of Xenopus laevis fits well into the pattern described in Rana catesbeiana, the diameter of the canaliculi of the SCCS is about 500 nm. The results of this study suggest that the SCCS is a specific organelle of the thrombocyte system common to submammals and mammals.  相似文献   
T-tubes in cultured mammalian myocardial cells   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Summary T-tubes are among the last structural elements of the mammalian myocyte to develop in vivo. We were able to identify T-tubes in early cultures of neonatal rat myocytes. Ventricles were excised from 3- to 4-day-old neonatal rats, incubated overnight in cold trypsin, and treated with sequential changes of collagenase-hyaluronidase. Fractions of cells isolated in this manner were pooled and cultured in plastic petri dishes. In cells prepared for transmission electron microscopy, T-tubes were observed at the cell periphery of cultured myocytes, but were more difficult to identify as the cultures aged and became overgrown by fibroblasts. T-tubes were identified by virtue of their continuity with the sarcolemma, their relatively large diameter, and their regular entry at the level of the Z line. Even at optimal culture ages, T-tubes were not present in every myocyte. At the times T-tubes could be located, myocytes were beating and had begun to establish intercalated discs and gap junctions. The de novo formation of T-tubes in cultured myocytes of neonatal rat heart reflects a duplication of in vivo differentiation by the cultured myocyte. The appropriateness of cultured myocytes in the study of the development and physiology of the heart is emphasized by the in vitro formation of T-tubes.Supported by research grants from the Muscular Dystrophy Association, Inc., The Schlieder Foundation, and USPH-Training Grant HL 07098-04. The authors are indebted to Philip Constantin for assistance in dissociating and culturing heart tissue.  相似文献   
Summary Using a special albumin technique, nodes of Ranvier have been examined within frog skeletal muscle, sciatic nerve and rat and frog cerebrum. Initial segments have been examined in cerebrum of frog and rat. Microtubules usually run longitudinally through these regions, but within the bare area of the intramuscular node of Ranvier, annular or helical bundles of microtubules run in a marginal band at right angles to the more centrally placed longitudinal microtubules. These nodal bare areas show a pronounced convexity and it is suggested that the annular microtubules serve to maintain this convexity during muscle contraction.Dr. Westrum is an affiliate of the CDMRC, University of Washington and a recipient of a Wellcome Trust (U.K.) Burroughs Wellcome Fund (U.SA.) Research Travel Grant. This research was also supported, in part, by NIH research Grants NS 09678 and NS 04053 from the NINCDS and DE 04942 from the NIDR, USPHS/DHEW. The authors also wish to thank Julie Barron for excellent technical assistance  相似文献   
Summary The ventral prostatic secretory epithelial cells in older rats were studied by light and electron microscopy. The cells vary in height in different parts of the same organ, and ultrastructurally they show the presence of a developed secretory apparatus such as well-developed Golgi body and abundant rough endoplasmic reticulum. They also show signs of a depressed secretory activity, involving occasional emiocytosis of apical secretory vacuoles and a paucity of condensing vacuoles in the Golgi region and above it. Further, they are characterized by the frequent occurrence of supra and paranuclear pleomorphic lysosomes.  相似文献   
A bdellovibrio-like bacterium was observed infecting unicellular symbiotic cyanobacteria in two coral reef sponges, Neofibularia irata and Jaspis stellifera. The infecting bacterium, which was located between the cell wall and the cytoplasmic membrane of the cyanobacteria, was similar in size and appearance to previously described bdellovibrios. This observation is believed to extend the host range of the bdellovibrios.  相似文献   
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