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Biological proliferation is optimized at various levels of organization, including the molecule (e.g. nucleic acids, prions), the cell (e.g. prokaryotic cells, eukaryotic cells), and the community (e.g. microbial biofilms, bioaggregates). Although it was initially assumed that this occurred through the genesis of information within DNA alone, it now appears that innovative design originates at other levels of organization in addition to DNA. For example, the recombination of community structures affects the proliferation rate of genetic structures; and the recombination of genetic structures affects the proliferation rate of community structures. This feedback mechanism computes compromises between the form and function of both community and nucleic acid. A nested series of proliferating objects (e.g. genetic structure, cell structure, community structure) is thus capable of continually updating the form of each object in the series. This accounts for the calculative nature of prokaryotic cells, eukaryotic cells, biofilms, bioaggregates, microbial consortia, and most other complex adaptive systems. Electronic Publication  相似文献   
Permanent stable symbioses, primarily microbial, are analyzed as parasexual phenomena from the evolutionary point of view. Such associations bring together in single individuals heritable traits of high selective advantage in certain environments. By convergent evolution several types of associations have repeatedly arisen: motile photosynthetic forms, nitrogen fixing and wood digesting complexes, and so forth. Many examples are discussed from the point of view of the number of originally independent genomes that comprise the recognizable individuals.The level of partner integration in many associations is analyzed. Examples of many levels: genic, gene product, metabolite, behavioral, and the methods by which they can be distinguished are discussed.The literature concerning a large number of associations is reviewed: Methanobacillus; predatory and consortia bacteria; blue green algal sheath dwelling bacteria; anaerobic worm-bacterial; algal, and foreign chloroplast retention by heterotrophic eukaryotes (ciliates, coelenterates, mollusks); the double nucleated photosynthetic dinoflagellate (Peridinium balticum); hindgut microbes in termites and woodroaches (Pyrsonympha, Barbulanympha and their associated spirochetes and other bacteria); sand dwelling and other ciliates and their associated bacteria; and so forth. The status of observations and artificial systems claiming evidence for transfer of genes between very distantly related organisms is critically discussed.A continuum from nearly completely autonomous partners (e.g., zoochlorellae in invertebrate animals) to nearly unrecognizable merged components (e.g., gamma particles in Blastocladiella) is found to exist among examples of extant organisms. The diversity and prevalence of such associations support the concept that there are many precedents for the steps hypothesized in the serial endosymbiotic theory of the origin of eukaryotic cells.  相似文献   
The present attempt was made to study the role of exogenously applied salicylic acid (SA) and putrescine (Put) on the phytoremediation of heavy metals and on the growth parameters of chickpea grown in sandy soil. The SA and Put were applied alone as well as in combination with plant growth promoting rhizobacteria (PGPR). The PGPRs, isolated from the rhizosphere of chickpea, were characterized on the basis of colony morphology and biochemical traits through gram staining, catalase and oxidase tests, and identified by 16S-rRNA gene sequencing as Bacillus subtilis, Bacillus thuringiensis and Bacillus megaterium. The chickpea seeds were soaked in 24 h old fresh cultures of isolates for 2–3 h prior to sowing. The growth regulators (PGRs), SA and Put (150 mg/L), were applied to the seedlings as foliar spray at three-leaf stage. The result revealed that plants treated with SA and Put alone or in combination with PGPRs, significantly enhanced the accumulation of heavy metals in plant shoot. PGPR induces Ni accumulation in sensitive variety and Pb in both the varieties, the PGR in combination augment the bioremediation effects of PGPR and both sensitive and tolerant variety showed significant accumulation of Ni, Cd, and Pb. SA was more effective in accumulating Ni and Cd whereas, significant accumulation of Pb was recorded in Put. PGPRs further augmented the PGRs induced accumulation of heavy metals and macronutrients in chickpea shoot and in rhizosphere. SA increased the proline content of tolerant variety while decreasing the lipid peroxidation and proline content of the sensitive variety but decreased the stimulating effect of PGPR in proline production. Interactive effects of PGPR and PGRs are recommended for inducing phytoremediation in chickpea plants under drought stress.  相似文献   
Two distinct nitrifying bacterial consortia, namely an ammonia oxidizing non-penaeid culture (AMONPCU-1) and an ammonia oxidizing penaeid culture (AMOPCU-1), have been mass produced in a nitrifying bacterial consortia production unit (NBCPU). The consortia, maintained at 4°C were activated and cultured in a 2 l fermentor initially. At this stage the net biomass (0.105 and 0.112 g/l), maximum specific growth rate (0.112 and 0.105/h) and yield coefficients (1.315 and 2.08) were calculated respectively, for AMONPCU-1 and AMOPCU-1 on attaining stationary growth phase. Subsequently on mass production in a 200 l NBCPU under optimized culture conditions, the total amounts of NH4 +–N removed by AMONPCU-1 and AMOPCU-1 were 1.948 and 1.242 g/l within 160 and 270 days, respectively. Total alkalinity reduction of 11.7–14.4 and 7.5–9.1 g/l were observed which led to the consumption of 78 and 62 g Na2CO3. The yield coefficient and biomass of AMONPCU-1 were 0.67 and 125.3 g/l and those of AMOPCU-1 were 1.23 and 165 g/l. The higher yield coefficient and growth rate of AMOPCU-1 suggest better energy conversion efficiency and higher CO2 fixation potential. Both of the consortia were dominated by Nitrosomonas-like organisms. The consortia may find application in the establishment of nitrification within marine and brackish water culture systems.  相似文献   
Two oil-polluted sediments (PD and KH) were sampled from a coastal region in Oman for the isolation of hydrocarbon-degrading bacteria and for testing different bioremediation approaches. Fourty strains were isolated, eighteen were affiliated to Marinobacter whereas the rest belonged to Pseudomonas, Halomonas, Hahella and Alcanivorax. All strains grew well at 2–7% salinity and between 20 and 60 °C. The strains exhibited a better growth on long chain than on short chain alkanes. Biostimulation and bioaugmentation were compared in both sediments and oil biodegradation was followed by measuring CO2 evolution and by gas chromatography (GC). The evolved CO2 reached 0.45 ± 0.02 and 2.23 ± 0.07 mg CO2 g−1 sediment after 88 days in the untreated PD and KH sediments, respectively. While the addition of inorganic nutrients resulted in 1.2–3.7 fold increase in CO2 evolution in both sediments, the addition of the bacterial consortium was only effective in the PD sediment. The maximum CO2 evolution was measured when both nutrients and bacteria were added and this corresponded to a total oil mineralization of 2.6 ± 0.12 and 1.49 ± 0.04% of the initial oil after 88 days in the PD and KH sediments, respectively. GC analysis confirmed the CO2 data and showed that most of the degraded compounds belonged to alkanes. We conclude that the Omani polluted sediments contain halotolerant and thermotolerant bacteria and biostimulation is more efficient than bioaugmentation for their cleanup.  相似文献   
Two plant growth promoting rhizobacteria (PGPR) Pseudomonas putida NBRIRA and Bacillus amyloliquefaciens NBRISN13 with ability to tolerate abiotic stress along with multiple PGP traits like ACC deaminase activity, minerals solubilisation, hormones production, biofilm formation, siderophore activity were evaluated for their synergistic effect to ameliorate drought stress in chickpea. Earlier we have reported both the strains individually for their PGP attributes and stress amelioration in host plants. The present study explains in detail the possibilities and benefits of utilizing these 2 PGPR in consortium for improving the chickpea growth under control and drought stressed condition. In vitro results clearly demonstrate that both the PGPR strains are compatible to each other and their synergistic growth enhances the PGP attributes. Greenhouse experiments were conducted to evaluate the effect of inoculation of both strains individually and consortia in drought tolerant and sensitive cultivars (BG362 and P1003). The growth parameters were observed significantly higher in consortium as compared to individual PGPR. Colonization of both PGPR in chickpea rhizosphere has been visualized by using gfp labeling. Apart from growth parameters, defense enzymes, soil enzymes and microbial diversity were significantly modulated in individually PGPR and in consortia inoculated plants. Negative effects of drought stress has been ameliorated and apparently seen by higher biomass and reversal of stress indicators in chickpea cultivars treated with PGPR individually or in consortia. Findings from the present study demonstrate that synergistic application has better potential to improve plant growth promotion under drought stress conditions.  相似文献   
The distribution of oxygen, nutrients and metabolic wastes in multicellular tumor spheroids and its dependence on the parameters characterizing the spheroid (i.e., spheroid geometry, diffusivity, and consumption/ production rates of biological substances) have been investigated by a theoretical analysis: 1. Parameter dependence is qualitatively demonstrated and visualized. 2. Reduction of the number of variables by specific coordinate transformations made it possible to generate nomograms from which concentration distributions for any choice of parameter values may easily be obtained. In particular, these nomograms may also be used for estimating concentration profiles of metabolic waste products, e.g. of lactate, which are expected to accumulate in the tumor spheroids. 3. An additional set of nomograms is given which is more convenient for determining time courses of these concentrations during spheroid growth. 4. A quantitative sensitivity analysis of parameter dependencies is performed to identify those parameters upon which a concentration of interest depends most critically in a given experimental situation. Offprint requests to: W Mueller-Klieser  相似文献   
Methyl tertiary butyl ether (MTBE), an important gasoline additive, is a recalcitrant compound posing serious environmental health problems. In this study, MTBE-degrading bacteria were enriched from five environmental samples. Enrichments from Stewart Lake sediments and an MTBE contaminated soil displayed the highest rate of MTBE removal; 29.6 and 27.8% respectively, in 28 days. A total of 12 bacterial monocultures isolated from enrichment cultures were screened for MTBE degradation in liquid cultures. In a nutrient-limited medium containing MTBE as the sole source of carbon and energy, the highest rate of MTBE elimination was achieved with IsoSL1, which degraded 30.6 and 50.2% in 14 and 28 days, respectively. In a nutrient-rich medium containing ethanol and yeast extract, the bacterium (Iso2A) substantially removed MTBE (20.3 and 28.1% removal in 14 and 28 days, respectively). Based upon analysis of the 16s rRNA gene sequence and data base comparison, IsoSL1 and Iso2A were identified as a Streptomyces sp. and Sphingomonas sp., respectively. The Streptomyces sp. is a new genera of bacteria degrading MTBE and could be useful for MTBE bioremediation.  相似文献   
固定化硝化菌群联合芽孢杆菌处理对虾养殖废水   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
【背景】高度集约化的对虾养殖业面临着日益严重的水污染问题,同步高效降解养殖废水中的有机物、氨氮和亚硝酸盐是对虾养殖业健康可持续发展的重要保障之一。【目的】通过分别固定化硝化菌群(Nitrifyingbacterialconsortia,NBC)和芽孢杆菌,优化菌群空间结构,提高菌群功能,实现同步高效降解对虾养殖废水中的有机物、亚硝酸盐和氨氮,保障南美白对虾养殖的可持续发展。【方法】采集养殖虾塘底泥进行硝化细菌自养富集和连续培养,利用16S rRNA基因高通量测序技术分析硝化菌群组成。从5株芽孢杆菌中筛选化学需氧量(Chemical oxygen demand,COD)降解能力最强的菌株。选用吸附和成球效果好的无毒包埋材料,通过正交实验优化固定化配方提高机械强度。选择硝化菌群和芽孢杆菌最适使用浓度进行分别固定化并联合应用于对虾养殖废水的处理。【结果】高通量分析结果显示硝化菌群中变形菌门(Proteobacteria,61.10%)占绝对优势,具有自养硝化功能的类群丰度达12.69%并呈高多样性。还包含丰度达47.44%的具有反硝化功能或者潜在反硝化功能的优势菌群和丰度达12.85%的光合细菌,是高有机负荷下硝化作用的重要补充,并可通过反硝化作用实现真正脱氮。COD降解能力最强的是解淀粉芽孢杆菌(Bacillusamyloliquefacien)YL-10,48h内COD降解率达100%。固定化最佳配方为贝壳粉5%、海藻酸钠3%、交联剂氯化钙为4%、优化后的固定化小球其机械强度可达129.68m N。固定化使硝化菌群的氨氮和亚硝酸盐降解率分别提高了128.13%和130.11%(P0.05),但对芽孢杆菌YL-10的COD降解率无明显提高。1×10~8 CFU/mL为硝化菌群和芽孢杆菌YL-10在养殖废水中最适使用浓度。在固定化硝化菌群和芽孢杆菌YL-10联合作用下,对虾养殖废水的氨氮、亚硝酸盐和COD浓度在48h内分别由初始的6.32±0.12、5.69±0.11和65.29±1.14 mg/L降至0.03±0.03、0.06±0.01和0 mg/L (P0.05),降解率分别为99.57%、99.03%和100%。【结论】通过优化固定化有效提高硝化菌群的硝化作用,联合COD降解能力强的芽孢杆菌,同步高效降解对虾养殖废水中的有机物、氨氮和亚硝酸盐,为规模化应用于南美白对虾高密度养殖提供科学依据。  相似文献   
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