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对病症表现为溃疡性疾病的暗纹东方纯(Takifagu obscurus)进行了病原菌培养和组织病理观察.镜检溃疡和肌肉组织,可见丝状型粗大、无隔、分枝,革兰氏染色阳性的真菌菌丝.心、肝、脾和肠组织有少量炎细胞侵润,未见真菌菌丝和明显组织病理变化.经Sabouraud培养基培养观察,37℃,24 h菌丝顶端有淡黄色球形孢子囊;72 h出现气生菌丝,孢子囊成熟,释放卵圆形孢囊孢子;120 h后菌落充满平皿.肌体溃疡处皮下和肌肉组织切片镜检显示,大量菌丝体侵入皮下组织,炎细胞侵润,引起邻近肌肉组织变性坏死和间质水肿;粗大菌丝穿透粘膜入侵基底组织,同时导致小血管发生栓塞;菌丝着色显蓝色、分枝、呈直角.依据Ainsworth真菌分类系统鉴定为毛霉属(Mucor sp.)真菌.  相似文献   
毛霉Mucor sp.EIM-10△6-脂肪酸脱氢酶是γ-亚麻酸合成途径的关键酶。为提高脂肪酸脱氢酶的活性以及研究该酶一级结构对酶活性的影响,利用易错PCR对毛霉△6-脂肪酸脱氢酶基因(mcd6)进行随机突变,将PCR产物与大肠杆菌-酿酒酵母穿梭表达载体PYMD6PMCD6连接,获得随机突变质粒PYTBMCD6,转化酿酒酵母Saccharomyces cerevisiae,构建了原始库容为4.6×104 CFU的△6-脂肪酸脱氢酶的随机突变表达文库。随机突变表达文库的构建与分析为定点突变等酶蛋白的理性设计奠定基础。  相似文献   
Trehalose breakdown in germinating spores of Mucor rouxii   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Germinating spores of Mucor rouxii rapidly broke down their large (23% of the dry weight) trehalose reserve. More than 50% of this trehalose was broken down to ethanol. About one-third of the trehalose was converted to glycerol, which started to leak out of the spores after some 20 min germination. The synthesis of glycerol was not associated with any major change in glycerol 3-phosphatase activity in the spores. Since its rate of leaking was much smaller and the internal concentration reached was much higher in spores subjected to osmotic stress, glycerol might play a role in the initial water uptake and swelling of the germinating spores.  相似文献   
Summary Transformation of a Mucor circinelloides Leu strain with the plasmid pAD45, harbouring the wild-type allele (leuA+) and a chymosin gene, led to the identification of mitotically stable transformants after one to three vegetative growth cycles on non-selective medium. Southern analysis of the stable transformed strains demonstrated that the vector is integrated, as an intact molecule, into the resident Mucor leuA locus. Retransformation of Escherichia coli with genomic DNA restricted with enzymes having no or only a single recognition site within the inserted sequence did not permit isolation of plasmids or fragments carrying the leuA or chymosin gene.  相似文献   
Various chemical fungicides, systemic and non-systemic, were tested against fruit rot pathogens viz. Alternaria alternata and Mucor pyriformis for the evaluation of inhibition of mycelial growth. In A. alternata, among the systemic fungicides used, hexaconozole showed highest inhibition of mycelial growth followed by carbendazim and least effective was myclobutanil. While in M. pyriformis, hexaconozole showed highest inhibition and least effective was bitertanol. Among the non-systemic fungicides tested in both A. alternata and M. pyriformis, mancozeb showed highest inhibition of mycelial growth followed by capton and the least inhibition was shown by zineb.  相似文献   
Dehydrated enzyme powders have been used extensively as suspensions in organic solvents to catalyze synthetic reactions. Prolonged enzyme activity is necessary to make such applications commercially successful. However, it has recently become evident that the stability and thus activity of many enzymes is compromised in organic solvents. Herein we explore the stability of various hydrolases (i.e., lipases from Mucor meihei and Candida rugosa, -chymotrypsin, subtilisin Carlsberg, and pig-liver esterase) and various formulations (lyophilized powder, cross-linked enzyme crystals, poly(ethylene glycol)-enzyme conjugates) in different organic solvents. The results show a roughly exponential activity decrease for all enzymes and formulations studied after exposure to organic solvents. Inactivation was observed independent of the enzyme, formulation details, and the solvent. In addition, no relationship was found between the magnitude of inactivation and the value of initial activity. Thus, quite active formulations lost their activity as quickly as less active formulations. The estimated half-times (t1/2) for all enzymes and preparations ranged from 1.8 h for subtilisin C. co-lyophilized with methyl-β-cyclodextrin to 61.6 h for the most stable poly(ethylene glycol)--chymotrypsin preparation. The data here presented indicates that the inactivation is likely not related to changes in enzyme structure and dynamics.  相似文献   
The fungal culture, Mucor ramannianus (ATCC 2628) transformed hesperitin (1) to four metabolites: 4'-methoxy-5,7,8,3'-tetrahydroxyflavanone (8-hydroxyhesperetin) (2), 5,7,3',4'-tetrahydroxyflavanone (eriodictyol) (3), 4'-methoxy-5,3'-dihydroxyflavanone 7-sulfate (hesperetin 7-sulfate) (4) and 5,7,3'-trihydroxyflavanone 4'-O-α-quinovopyranoside (eriodictyol 4'-O-α-quinovopyranoside) (5). The structures were established by spectroscopic methods.  相似文献   
高雅  王舒  付鸣佳  钟果林 《微生物学报》2013,53(9):1001-1008
【目的】确定真菌Mucor amphibiorum RCS1中一个类S-腺苷-L-高半胱氨酸水解酶基因(S-adenosyl-L-homocysteine hydrolase-like,sahhl)受蓝光诱导表达。【方法】以真菌M.amphibiorum RCS1为研究对象,在随机PCR过程中从中获得了一段555 bp长度的DNA序列。以地高辛对这段已知序列进行标记制备探针,通过Northern杂交检测M.amphibiorum RCS1菌丝体培养过程中,由黑暗到蓝光再到黑暗这一光照条件改变的情况下,sahhl基因的转录情况。同时结合应用real-time PCR方法进行分析检测。【结果】经过比对确定这段555bp序列与已经发表的人(Homo sapiens)、家鼠(Mus musculus)和部分真菌的S-腺苷-L-高半胱氨酸水解酶基因sahh有较高的同源性。因此,初步确认这段mRNA序列来自M.amphibiorum RCS1的一个类S-腺苷-L-高半胱氨酸水解酶基因。sahhl基因在黑暗预培养24 h的情况下,蓝光诱导24 h时通过Northern杂交和real-time PCR均可从菌丝体中检测到sahhl基因的大量转录。但sahhl基因在黑暗预培养48 h的情况下,通过real-time PCR没有检测到sahhl基因的大量表达。【结论】上述结果说明,蓝光可以诱导M.amphibiorum RCS1中生长旺盛的菌丝体中sahhl基因的表达。  相似文献   
Mucor piriformis can cause postharvest decay in various fruits and vegetables stored at low temperatures. Thirty isolates of this fungus, collected from infected fruit, were subjected to random amplified polymorphic DNA (RAPD) analysis. Seven different 10-bp primers were used to determine the type and extent of intraspecific genetic polymorphisms. Nineteen composite amplification types were identified, indicating a higher degree of variability than found in previous isoenzyme studies. Numerical analysis with the UPGMA technique revealed three clusters, which correlated with the mating competency of the isolates or their place of origin. These results demonstrate that RAPD analysis can identify isolates and subspecific populations of M. piriformis.  相似文献   
Directional modifications of resibufogenin 1 by Mucor subtilissimus and Pseudomonas aeruginosa were carried out. The substrate was hydroxylated at C-12 by M. subtilissimus AS 3.2454, from which a major product 12-hydroxyresibufogenin 2 was obtained. Then product 2 was dehydrogenated by P. aeruginosa AS 1.860, which resulted in a new compound 12β-hydroxy-3-keto-resibufogenin 3.  相似文献   
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