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Summary The localization in the mouse brain of corticosterone, the natural glucocorticoid in the mouse, and cortexolone, reported to be a glucocorticoid antagonist, was studied by autoradiography 30 min after in vivo administration of the tritiated compounds.After 3H-corticosterone (3HB) injection, radioactivity was preferentially concentrated in cell nuclei of several structures within the limbic system, and in nuclei of certain neurones of the cerebral cortex and medulla oblongata. This nuclear concentration was abolished after injection of 3H-corticosterone with an excess of unlabelled corticosterone. After 3H-cortexolone (3HS) injection, a diffuse radioactivity was observed throughout the brain. However, a higher concentration of grains was present in the ventral nucleus arcuatus and in the infundibulum. When excess unlabelled cortexolone was administered with 3H-cortexolone this preferential accumulation of grains was abolished.The accumulation of 3H-cortexolone in the medial basal hypothalamic region suggests that cortexolone concentrates preferentially in dexamethasone (DM) target regions, and in addition the autoradiographic results show that the cortexolone-receptor complex does not accumulate in the cell nucleus.
Résumé La localisation au niveau du cerveau de souris de la corticostérone, qui est le glucocorticoide naturel chez la souris, et de la cortexolone, démontrée comme étant un antagoniste des glucocorticoides, est étudiée par autoradiographie 30 min après injection in vivo des composés tritiés.Après injection de 3H-corticosterone (3HB), la radioactivité se concentre préférentiellement dans des noyaux cellulaires de plusieurs structures du système limbique et dans les noyaux de certains neurones du cortex cérébral et du bulbe rachidien. Cette concentration nucléaire est abolie après injection de 3H-corticostérone en présence d'un excès de corticostérone non radioactive. Après injection de 3H-cortexolone (3HS), une distribution diffuse de la radioactivité est observée dans tout le cerveau, cependant, une concentration plus élevée de grains d'argent est présente dans la partie ventrale du nucleus arcuatus et dans l'infundibulum. Après injection de 3H-cortexolone en présence d'un excès de cortexolone non radioactive, cette accumulation préférentielle des grains est abolie.L'accumulation de la 3H-cortexolone dans la région hypothalamique suggère que la cortexolone se concentre préférentiellement dans la région cérébrale qui contient les sites de liaison de la dexaméthasone et de plus, les résultats autoradiographiques montrent que le complexe cortexolone-récepteur ne s'accumule pas dans le noyau cellulaire.
Summary Autoradiograms of mouse pituitaries were prepared 30 min after injection of 3H-dexamethasone (3HDM), 3H-corticosterone (3HB) and 3H cortexolone (3HS) either alone or in the presence of competing unlabelled steroids. 3H-dexamethasone accumulated in cell nuclei of both the pars distalis and the pars nervosa but not in those of the pars intermedia. This preferential accumulation (nuclear/cytoplasmic grain density, 41) was abolished by the concurrent administration of excess dexamethasone. 3H-corticosterone, to a much less marked extent than 3H-dexamethasone, accumulated in cell nuclei of the pars distalis but not in those of the pars intermedia and the pars nervosa. Excess unlabelled corticosterone diminished nuclear grain density in the pars distalis. After 3H-cortexolone injection, preferential nuclear uptake was not observed. In a second series of experiments, excess dexamethasone (10 x, 100 x), corticosterone (100 x, 300 x) and cortexolone (100 x, 300 x) administered with 3H-dexamethasone were without effect on cytoplasmic grain density but totally abolished preferential nuclear accumulation. Parallel biochemical studies on kidney cytoplasmic preparations from the same animals showed no differences in total cytoplasmic radioactivity between treatments but marked differences in cytoplasmic bound 3H-dexamethasone. The results demonstrate: i) that dexamethasone binds specifically to cell nuclei of the pars distalis and the pars nervosa and that this nuclear concentration is abolished by competing corticosterone and cortexolone as well as dexamethasone; ii) that corticosterone localizes in cell nuclei of the pars distalis but much less markedly than dexamethasone; iii) that cortexolone fullfils the criteria of a glucocorticoid antagonist at the pituitary cell level.
Résumé La localisation au niveau de l'hypophyse de souris de la 3H-dexaméthasone (3HDM), de la 3H-corticostérone (3HB) et de la 3H-cortexolone (3HS) est étudiée par autoradiographie 30 min après l'injection des composés tritiés seuls ou en présence de stéroides compétiteurs non radioactifs. La 3H-dexaméthasone s'accumule dans des noyaux cellulaires de la pars distalis et de la pars nervosa mais pas dans des noyaux de la pars intermédia. Cette accumulation préférentielle (densité des grains d'argent nucléaire/cytoplasmique: 4/1) est abolie par l'injection de 3H-dexaméthasone en présence de dexaméthasone non radioactive. La 3H-corticostérone se concentre avec une intensité beaucoup plus faible que la 3H-dexaméthasone uniquement dans certains noyaux de la pars distalis. Un excès de corticostérone non radioactive diminue la densité nucléaire des grains d'argent des cellules de la pars distalis. Après injection de 3H-cortexolone, aucune accumulation préférentielle de grains d'argent n'est observée dans les noyaux cellulaires. Dans une seconde série d'expériences, la 3H-dexaméthasone est injectée soit en présence d'excès de dexaméthasone (10x, 100x) ou de corticostérone (100x, 300x) ou de cortexolone (100 x, 300 x). Dans ces conditions, la densité cytoplasmique des grains d'argent n'est pas différente de celle observée après injection de 3H-dexaméthasone seule mais l'accumulation préférentielle de la radioactivité dans les noyaux cellulaires est abolie. Des études biochimiques parallèles effectuées sur des préparations cytoplasmiques de rein des mêmes animaux montrent que la radioactivité cytoplasmique totale ne varie pas tandis que la liaison cytoplasmique de la 3H-dexaméthasone diffère suivant les traitements. Ces résultats montrent i) que la dexaméthasone se fixe spécifiquement dans des noyaux cellulaires de la pars distalis et de la pars nervosa et que cette fixation nucléaire est abolie aussi bien par des excés de corticostérone ou de cortexolone que par des excès de dexaméthasone, ii) que la corticostérone se localise dans des noyaux cellulaires de la pars distalis mais beaucoup moins intensément que la dexaméthasone, iii) que la cortexolone se comporte comme un antagoniste des glucocorticoides au niveau de la cellule hypophysaire.
Search for structural variants of three globin chains (x, y, z), synthesized only during mouse embryonic hematopoiesis, was carried out by electrophoretic analysis of blood from 12-day embryos, all with C57BL/6 mothers, and fathers from 115 inbred stocks selected for their diverse genetic origins. Structure of the -chains of adult hemoglobins differed among the tested strains, with 57 carrying the Hbb sallele, 56 the Hbb dallele, and two the Hbb pallele. The search revealed no x- or z-chain variants but confirmed and extended knowledge of a previously described y-chain variant. Blood of all embryos sired by males from the 57 Hbb sstrains contained only y1-chains, while blood of all embryos sired by Hbb dor Hbb pmales contained y2-chains as well as the y1-chains inherited from their C57 BL/6 mother. The locus controlling structure of the y-chain of mouse embryonic hemoglobins is thus extremely closely linked to the locus controlling structure of adult hemoglobin -chain, with maximum possible recombination frequency less than 0.019.This work was supported in part by Grants CA-01074 from the National Cancer Institute, USPHS, and GM 18684 from the National Institute of General Medical Sciences, in part by Grant ACS-VC58 from The American Cancer Society, in part by grants to the Jackson Laboratory from the Bushrod H. Campbell and Adah F. Hall Charity Fund and the Robert Sterling Clark Foundation, and in part by the Jackson Laboratory Endowment Fund. The Jackson Laboratory is fully accredited by the American Association for Accreditation of Laboratory Animal Care.  相似文献   
The osmotic properties of intraerythrocytic and ultrasonically liberated malaria parasites (Plasmodium berghei) were analyzed and compared with those of mouse host erythrocytes utilizing a multiple tube fragility test. Cells were incubated in phosphate buffered saline solutions of varying osmolalities ranging from 20–4000 mOsm. Changes in cell ultrastructure and parasite infectivity were used as indicators of osmotic damage. Intraerythrocytic and host cell-free plasmodia showed similar patterns of cell alteration and changes in infectivity following osmotic stress. The various developmental forms within each of the preparations responded somewhat differently to hypo-osmotic stress, however. The majority of merozoites seemed to be more sensitive than many trophozoites, schizonts, and segmenters. Small trophozoites were, on the average, more resistant than other developmental forms. Incubation of parasite populations in hypotonic salt solutions with osmolalities slightly greater than the infectivity threshold of 100 mOsm lysed the majority of the merozoites, whereas many small trophozoites were still intact. While normal erythrocytes were more resistant to hypo-osmotic stress than were either intracellular or free parasites, the majority of parasitized erythrocytes was less resistant than normal erythrocytes. The predominant alteration induced by hyperosmotic stress appears in the parasite's nuclear region with myelination of the nuclear membranes and chromatin clumping. The infectivity threshold in the hypertonic range was found to be approximately 2500 mOsm. Results indicate that these obligate intracellular parasites have a wide range of osmotic sensitivities and that they are capable of existing for short periods in various osmotic environments ranging from 100–2500 mOsm without complete loss of infectivity. This suggests that these parasites have osmotic regulatory capabilities at least comparable to those of host cells.  相似文献   
A new technique for estimating the absolute level of parasitemias in trypanosome infections is described. At higher levels of infection this is achieved by matching microscopic fields of a wet blood film against charts and, where fewer organisms are present, by counting the number of trypanosomes in 5, 10, or 20 such microscope fields. Good estimates of the number of organisms per milliliter of blood can be made rapidly over the whole range of microscopically patent parasitemia, i.e., above antilog 5.4 (250,000) organisms/ml.  相似文献   
Following locus-specific genome editing of mouse embryonic stem cells (ESCs), the identification of correctly targeted clones remains a challenge. We applied multiplex ligation-dependent probe amplification (MLPA) to screen for homologous recombination-based genomic integration of a knockout construct in which part of a gene is deleted. All candidate ESCs thereby identified were subsequently validated by conventional methods. Thus, MLPA represents a highly reliable as well as cost- and time-efficient alternative to currently applied methods such as Southern blotting and polymerase chain reaction (PCR)-based approaches. It is also applicable to knockin recombination strategies and compatible with the CRISPR/Cas9 system and other genome editing strategies.  相似文献   
Narcolepsy is a disabling neurological disorder of sleepiness linked to the loss of neurons producing orexin neuropeptides in the hypothalamus. Two well‐characterized phenotypic mouse models of narcolepsy, loss‐of‐function (orexin‐knockout), and progressive loss of orexin (orexin/ataxin‐3) exist. The open question is whether the proteomics signatures of the hypothalamus would be different between the two models. To address this gap, we utilized a label‐free proteomics approach and conducted a hypothalamic proteome analysis by comparing each disease model to that of wild type. Following data processing and statistical analysis, 14 484 peptides mapping to 2282 nonredundant proteins were identified, of which 39 proteins showed significant differences in protein expression across groups. Altered proteins in both models showed commonalties in pathways for mitochondrial dysfunction and neuronal degeneration, as well as altered proteins related to inflammatory demyelination, insulin resistance, metabolic responses, and the dopaminergic and monoaminergic systems. Model‐specific alterations in insulin degraded enzyme (IDE) and synaptosomal‐associated protein‐25 were unique to orexin‐KO and orexin/ataxin‐3, respectively. For both models, proteomics not only identified clinically suspected consequences of orexin loss on energy homeostasis and neurotransmitter systems, but also identified commonalities in inflammation and degeneration despite the entirely different genetic basis of the two mouse models.  相似文献   
为寻找高效降解水体中氨氮的菌株并对其进行应用评价,研究从多种水产养殖池塘水体和底泥的混合物中筛选出2株氨氮降解菌,降解率分别达97.8%和98.5%,经鉴定均为凝结芽孢杆菌(Bacillus coagulans)。对筛选出的2菌株培养条件进行优化,2菌株pH、C/N适应范围广,并且耐高温、高盐。通过灌服试验表明所筛选菌株对养殖动物是安全的。在此基础上,将筛选菌株与本实验室前期诱变菌株B38复配后制成复合菌,通过养殖试验评价了复合菌对氨氮、亚硝酸盐及藻类数量的调控效果。与4种商品微生态制剂(光合细菌、酵母菌、强效EM和芽孢杆菌)相比,泼洒复合菌的池塘氨氮含量逐渐降低。在氨氮含量下降的同时,亚硝酸盐含量有上升的趋势,但在试验的第18天,复合菌组与酵母菌组亚硝酸盐含量有所降低。对藻类数量的影响结果显示,从第9天开始添加复合菌与芽孢杆菌组藻类数量高于其他各组,在第14天,这2组藻类数量大约为其他组的2倍。由此可见,复合菌具有明显的降氨氮特性,并能有效增加藻类数量,但对亚硝酸盐降解效果不显著。研究为复合型微生态制剂的开发提供了技术支撑。  相似文献   
Role of MAPKs in development and differentiation: lessons from knockout mice   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
The ERK, p38MAPK, JNK mitogen-activated protein kinases (MAPKs) are intracellular signaling pathways that play a pivotal role in many essential cellular processes such as proliferation and differentiation. These cascades are activated by a large variety of stimuli and display a high degree of homology. So far, seven MAPK isoforms have been invalidated in mice leading to the discovery of their important functions in development and differentiation. As we could expect because of their multiple and specific properties in vitro, knockout (KO) of MAPK pathways leads to distinct phenotypes in mice. Surprisingly, into a given cascade, KOs of the various isoforms assign specific non-redundant biological functions to each isoform, without compensation by the others. These results emphasize the notion that, although initiated by the same external stimuli, these intracellular cascades activate kinase isoforms each with its own specific role.  相似文献   
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