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In this paper, we study a two-species competitive system where both the species produce toxin against each other at some cost to their growth rates. A much wider set of outcomes is possible for our system. These outcomes are important contrasts to competitive exclusion or bistable attractors that are often the outcomes for competitive systems. We show that toxin helps to gain an advantage in competition for toxic species whenever the cost of toxin production remains within some moderate value; otherwise it may result in the extinction of the species itself.  相似文献   
Aim During recent and future climate change, shifts in large‐scale species ranges are expected due to the hypothesized major role of climatic factors in regulating species distributions. The stress‐gradient hypothesis suggests that biotic interactions may act as major constraints on species distributions under more favourable growing conditions, while climatic constraints may dominate under unfavourable conditions. We tested this hypothesis for one focal tree species having three major competitors using broad‐scale environmental data. We evaluated the variation of species co‐occurrence patterns in climate space and estimated the influence of these patterns on the distribution of the focal species for current and projected future climates. Location Europe. Methods We used ICP Forest Level 1 data as well as climatic, topographic and edaphic variables. First, correlations between the relative abundance of European beech (Fagus sylvatica) and three major competitor species (Picea abies, Pinus sylvestris and Quercus robur) were analysed in environmental space, and then projected to geographic space. Second, a sensitivity analysis was performed using generalized additive models (GAM) to evaluate where and how much the predicted F. sylvatica distribution varied under current and future climates if potential competitor species were included or excluded. We evaluated if these areas coincide with current species co‐occurrence patterns. Results Correlation analyses supported the stress‐gradient hypothesis: towards favourable growing conditions of F. sylvatica, its abundance was strongly linked to the abundance of its competitors, while this link weakened towards unfavourable growing conditions, with stronger correlations in the south and at low elevations than in the north and at high elevations. The sensitivity analysis showed a potential spatial segregation of species with changing climate and a pronounced shift of zones where co‐occurrence patterns may play a major role. Main conclusions Our results demonstrate the importance of species co‐occurrence patterns for calibrating improved species distribution models for use in projections of climate effects. The correlation approach is able to localize European areas where inclusion of biotic predictors is effective. The climate‐induced spatial segregation of the major tree species could have ecological and economic consequences.  相似文献   
A Search for Discrete Cholinergic Nuclei in the Human Ventral Forebrain   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
Abstract: Slices cut from five frozen human brains were dissected into 2-mm cubes and assayed for choline acetyltransferase (ChAT) activity and protein content. A pattern of enrichment of ChAT activity was found ventral to the anterior commissure; this finding is consistent with the location of the enzyme in the cells of the nucleus basalis of Meynert. The region beneath the anterior commissure was the only place a discrete enrichment of activity could be found, and the precise topography of the enrichment was somewhat variable from brain to brain. The results are discussed in the light of recent knowledge concerning the source of the cortical cholinergic innervation.  相似文献   
Carcinoma tissue consists of not only tumor cells but also fibroblasts, endothelial cells or vascular structures, and inflammatory cells forming the supportive tumor stroma. Therefore, the spatial distribution of proteins that promote growth and proliferation in these complex functional units is of high interest. Matrix-assisted laser desorption/ionization imaging mass spectrometry is a newly developed technique that generates spatially resolved profiles of protein signals directly from thin tissue sections. Surface-enhanced laser desorption/ionization mass spectrometry (MS)combined with tissue microdissection allows analysis of defined parts of the tissue with a higher sensitivity and a broader mass range. Nevertheless, both MS-based techniques have a limited spatial resolution. IHC is a technique that allows a resolution down to the subcellular level. However, the detection and measurement of a specific protein expression level is possible only by semiquantitative methods. Moreover, prior knowledge about the identity of the proteins of interest is necessary. In this study, we combined all three techniques to gain highest spatial resolution, sensitivity, and quantitative information. We used frozen tissue from head and neck tumors and chose two exemplary proteins (HNP1–3 and S100A8) to highlight the advantages and disadvantages of each technique. It could be shown that the combination of these three techniques results in congruent but also synergetic data. (J Histochem Cytochem 58:929–937, 2010)  相似文献   
Abstract Both the intracellular and the extracellular concentration of cyclic AMP increases logarithmically in synchronously growing cultures of Escherichia coli . Thus, cyclic AMP by itself cannot regulate growth and division of the bacterium during the cell cycle.  相似文献   
1. Time perception is seldom studied in invertebrates, with the limited experimental evidence being insufficient to provide a comprehensive pattern of the capacity of invertebrates to measure time and use it in decision‐making processes. 2. In this study, it was hypothesized that insect parasitoids have evolved the capacity to measure time precisely and to use it to optimize foraging decisions related to host exploitation. To examine time perception in females of the gregarious egg parasitoid Trichogramma euproctidis, the present study used their ability to adjust their investment (number of eggs laid) in a host to the initial transit duration (interval between the first contact with the host and the following contact with the substrate). Females utilize this method to assess host egg size, as a large egg necessarily requires more time to evaluate than a small host. In this study, the initial transit duration for a given sized egg was artificially extended by suspending it. 3. For similar sized hosts, female T. euproctidis significantly increased both oviposition duration and progeny allocation following a longer initial transit duration. 4. These results demonstrate the intrinsic capacity of this parasitoid to measure time and to adjust their progeny investment accordingly. This is believed to be one of the few demonstrations of a retrospective measure of time in an invertebrate.  相似文献   
The mechanical properties of cells are influenced by their microenvironment. Here we report cell stiffness alteration by changing the cell substrate stiffness for isolated cells and cells in contact with other cells. Polydimethylsiloxane (PDMS) is used to prepare soft substrates with three different stiffness values (173, 88 and 17 kPa respectively). Breast cancer cells lines, namely HBL-100, MCF-7 and MDA-MB-231 with different level of aggressiveness are cultured on these substrates and their local elasticity is investigated by vertical indentation of the cell membrane. Our preliminary results show an unforeseen behavior of the MDA-MB-231 cells. When cultured on glass substrate as isolated cells, they are less stiff than the other two types of cells, in agreement with the general statement that more aggressive and metastatic cells are softer. However, when connected to other cells the stiffness of MDA-MB-231 cells becomes similar to the other two cell lines. Moreover, the stiffness of MDA-MB-231 cells cultured on soft PDMS substrates is significantly higher than the stiffness of the other cell types, demonstrating thus the strong influence of the environmental conditions on the mechanical properties of the cells.  相似文献   
The synthesis and characterization of rare-earth (La, Ce, Pr, Nd, Sm, Eu, Gd, Tb, Dy, Ho, Er, Tm, Yb, Lu and Y) thiocyanate adducts with tripiperidinophosphine oxide (tpppO) with general formula (RE)(SCN)3(tpppO)3 are reported. Conductance measurements in acetonitrile indicate the non-electrolytic nature of the complexes. Infrared absorption spectra evidence that the SCN ion coordinates through the nitrogen atom (isothiocyanate form) and that tpppO coordinates through the phosphoryl oxygen. X-ray powder patterns suggest the existence of three different crystal forms: (1) La; (2) an isomorphous series including Ce, Nd and Pr; and (3) another isomorphous series, including Sm, Gd, Eu, Ho, Er, Tb, Lu and Y. The visible spectra of the Nd adduct and the calculated parameters β = 0.98, b1/2 = 0.072 and δ = 1.06 indicate that the metal-ligand bonds are essentially electrostactic. The emission spectra of the Eu compound showed 5D0 → 7FJ bands (J = 0, 1, 2), suggesting a C3v symmetry for the coordination polyhedron. The lifetime of the 5D0 state is 1.28 ms. The emission spectra of the Tb complex presented 5D4 → 7FJ bands (J = 4, 5, 6) and the Dy complex showed the 4F9/2 → 6H13/2 band. The structure of the Pr complex showed that the coordination polyhedron is a trigonal antiprism, with the isothiocyanate anions in one base and three tpppO ligands in the other. Thermal analyses (TG-DTG) were carried out for the Ce, Nd and Gd adducts. Mass losses start between 250 and 334 °C. The final residues at 1300 °C are the corresponding phosphates.  相似文献   
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