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Determination of the pressure in the water-conducting vessels of intactNicotiana rustica L. plants showed that the pressure probe technique gave less-negative values than the Scholander-bomb method. Even though absolute values of the order of −0.1 MPa could be directly recorded in the xylem by means of the pressure probe, pressures between zero and atmospheric were also frequently found. The data obtained by the pressure probe for excised leaves showed that the Scholander bomb apparently did not read the actual tension in the xylem vessles ofNicotiana plants. The possibility that the pressure probe gave false readings was excluded by several experimental controls. In addition, cavitation and leaks either during the insertion of the microcapillary of the pressure probe, or else during the measurements were easily recognized when they occurred because of the sudden increase of the absolute xylem tension to that of water vapour or to atmospheric, respectively. Tension values of the same order could also be measured by means of the pressure probe in the xylem vessels of pieces of stem cut from leaves and roots under water and clamped at both ends. The magnitude of the absolute tension depended on the osmolarity of the bathing solution which was adjusted by addition of appropriate concentrations of polyethylene glycol. Partial and uniform pressurisation of plant tissues or organs, or of entire plants (by means of the Scholander bomb or of a hyperbaric chamber, respectively) and simultaneous recording of the xylem tension using the pressure probe showed that a 1∶1 response in xylem pressure only occurred under a few circumstances. A 1∶1 response required that the xylem vessels were in direct contact with an external water reservoir and/or that the tissue was (pre-)infiltrated with water. Corresponding pressure-probe measurements in isolated vascular bundles ofPlantago major L. orP. lanceolata L. plants attached to a Hepp-type osmometer indicated that the magnitude of the tension in the xylem vessels was determined by the external osmotic pressure of the reservoir. These and other experiments, as well as analysis of the data using classical thermodynamics, indicated that the turgor and the internal osmotic pressure of the accessory cells along the xylem vessels play an important role in the maintenance of a constant xylem tension. This conclusion is consistent with the cohesion theory. In agreement with the literature (P.E. Weatherley, 1976, Philos. Trans. R. Soc. London Ser. B23, 435–444; 1982, Encyclopedia of plant physiology, vol. 12B, 79-109), it was found that the tension in the xylem of intact plants under normal and elevated ambient pressure (as measured with the pressure probe) under quasi-stationary conditions was independent of the transpiration rate over a large range, indicating that the conductance of the flow path must be flow-dependent.  相似文献   
The long arm of chromosome 4D of wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) contains a gene (or genes) which influences the ability of wheat plants to discriminate between Na+ and K+. This discrimination most obviously affects transport from the roots to the shoots, in which less Na+ and more K+ accumulate in those plants which contain the long arm of chromosome 4D. Concentrations of Na+ and K+ in the roots, and Cl concentrations in the roots and shoots, are not significantly affected by this trait, but Na+, K+ and Cl contents of the grain are reduced. The trait operates over a wide range of salinities and appears to be constitutive. At the moment it is not possible to determine accurately the effect of this trait on growth or grain yield because the aneuploid lines which are available are much less vigorous and less fertile than their euploid parents.  相似文献   
Chymotrypsin inhibitor-2, a lysine-rich protein in the barley endosperm, has been localized at the ultrastructural level by immunocytochemistry in developing barley endosperm cells 14 days post anthesis. The protein is deposited in the protein bodies. Two morphologically distinct types of protein bodies, small spherical and large irregularly shaped, are present. Golgi-apparatus-derived vesicles whose content is labelled by chymotrypsin inhibitor-2 antibody-gold particles are observed at the Golgi complex and around the vacuoles. These observations indicate that the transport of the protein to the site of deposition is mediated by the Golgi apparatus.Abbreviations CI chymotrypsin inhibitor - DPA days post anthesis - ER endoplasmic reticulum The authors wish to thank Dr. V.R. Franceschi (Department of Botany, Washington State University, Pullman, USA) for many helpful discussions and advice during the work, and the staff at the Electron Microscope Center at Washington State University for technical assistance.  相似文献   
H. Quader  H. Fast 《Protoplasma》1990,157(1-3):216-224
Summary The anastomosing ER system of epidermal cells of onion bulb scales is composed of three modifications: lamellar and tubular elements, located in the cell periphery, and long tubular stands located deeper in the cytoplasm. Cytoplasmic acidification of epidermal cells by loading with weak organic acids like acetic or propionic acid causes the decay of the lamellar elements and the disappearance of long tubular strands. Organelle movement is also inhibited. The effects depend on the pH of the incubation medium and on the administered acid concentration, and are characterized by a distinct lag phase of about 7 min. The induced ER changes are transient with adaptation starting after about 50min. Buffer components alone have little influence on the cellular ER organization within a pH-range of 4.0–8.0. However, the pH of the medium strongly affects the time course of the effects as well as recovery after omitting the administered acid. Both modulation and recovery occur more rapidly at neutral or slightly alkaline pH. Actin filaments, which play a major role in ER organization and organelle movement, are not affected by cytosolic acidification.Dedicated to the memory of Professor Oswald Kiermayer  相似文献   
We studied the effects of various polyamines on bud regeneration in thin-layer tissue explants of vegetative and floweringNicotiana tabacum L. cv. Wisconsin 38, in which application of exogenous spermidine (Spd) to vegetative cultures causes the initiation and development of some flower buds (Kaur-Sawhney et al. 1988 Planta173, 282). We now show that this effect is dependent on the time and duration of application, Spd being required from the start of the cultures for about three weeks. Neither putrescine nor spermine is effective in the concentration range tested. Spermidine cannot replace kinetin (N6-furfurylaminopurine) in cultures at the time of floral bud formation, but once the buds are initiated in the presence of kinetin, addition of Spd to the medium greatly increases the number of floral buds that develop into normal flowers. Addition of Spd to similar cultures derived from young, non-flowering plants did not cause the appearance of floral buds but rather induced a profusion of vegetative buds. These results indicate a morphogenetic role of Spd in bud differentiation. Dedicated to Professor Hans Mohr on the occasion of his 60th birthday  相似文献   
A brief pulse of red light (R) given to darkgrown seedlings ofArabidopsis thaliana (L.) Heyn. potentiates rapid synthesis of chlorophyll upon transfer to continuous white light. The time course for potentiation of rapid greening shows that a R pulse in the LF (low fluence) range has maximal effect within a few hours, and that there is a small VLF (very low fluence) component as well. Partial reversal of the effect of R by far-red light (FR) indicates that the pulse acts through phytochrome. As it does in the wild-type (WT), a pulse of R accelerates greening of long-hypocotyl (hy) mutants. The extent of induction by the R pulse was about the same in the WT and in allhy mutants studied. Reversibility by FR was greatly decreased in thehy-1 andhy-2 strains. It is possible that these mutants contain a species of phytochrome with defective phototransformation kinetics. If there is such a defective phytochrome species, it nevertheless appears to be active in the potentiation of rapid greening. Dedicated to Professor Hans Mohr on the occasion of his 60th birthday  相似文献   
λ-Glutamylcysteine synthetase activity (EC was analysed in Sephacryl S-200 eluents of extracts from cell suspension cultures ofNicotiana tabacum L. cv. Samsun by determination of λ-glutamylcysteine as its monobromobimane derivative. The enzyme has a relative molecular mass (Mr) of 60000 and exhibits maximal activity at pH 8 (50% at pH 7.0 and pH9.0) and an absolute requirement for Mg2+. With 0.2mM Cd2+ or Zn2+, enzyme activity was reduced by 35% and 19%, respectively. Treatment with 5 mM dithioerythritol led to a heavy loss of activity and to dissociation into subunits (Mr 34000). Buthionine sulfoximine andl-methionine-sulfoximine, known as potent inhibitors of λ-glutamylcysteine synthetase from mammalian cells, were found to be effective inhibitors of the plant enzyme too. The apparent Km values forl-glutamate,l-cysteine, and α-aminobutyrate were, respectively, 10.4mM, 0.19 mM, and 6.36 mM. The enzyme was completely inhibited by glutathione (Ki=0.42 mM). The data indicate that the rate of glutathione synthesis in vivo may be influenced substantially by the concentration of cysteine and glutamate and may be further regulated by feedback inhibition of λ-glutamylcysteine synthetase by glutathione itself. λ-Glutamylcysteine synthetase is, like glutathione synthetase, localized in chloroplasts as well as in the cytoplasm. Chloroplasts fromPisum sativum L. isolated on a Percoll gradient contained about 72% of the λ-glutamylcysteine synthetase activity in leaf cells and 48% of the total glutathione synthetase activity. In chloroplasts ofSpinacia oleracea L. about 61% of the total λ-glutamylcysteine synthetase activity of the cells were found and 58% of the total glutathione synthetase activity. These results indicate that glutathione synthesis can take place in at least two compartments of the plant cell. Dedicated to Professor A. Prison on the occasion of his 80th birthday  相似文献   
The loading of amino acids and nitrate into the xylem was investigated by collection and analysis of root-pressure exudate from the cut hypocotyl stumps of seedlings of Ricinus communis L. Glutamine was found to be the dominant amino acid in the exudate and also to be the amino acid which is transferred to the xylem most rapidly and accumulated to the greatest extent. The comparison between uptake and xylem loading showed significant differences in specificity between these two transport reactions, indicating a different set of transport systems. Nitrate is transferred to the xylem at a higher relative rate than any amino acid despite the great nitrate-storage capacity of the root system. Thus the supply of nitrate to Ricinus plants leads to enhanced nitrogen allocation to the shoots.  相似文献   
Gisela Mäck  Rudolf Tischner 《Planta》1990,182(2):169-173
The pericarp of the dormant sugarbeet fruit acts as a storage reservoir for nitrate, ammonium and -amino-N. These N-reserves enable an autonomous development of the seedling for 8–10 d after imbibition. The nitrate content of the seed (1% of the whole fruit) probably induces nitrate-reductase activity in the embryo enclosed in the pericarp. Nitrate that leaks out of the pericarp is reabsorbed by the emerging radicle. Seedlings germinated from seeds (pericarp was removed) without external N-supply are able to take up nitrate immediately upon exposure via a low-capacity uptake system (vmax = 0.8 mol NO 3 - ·(g root FW)–1·h–1; Ks = 0.12 mM). We assume that this uptake system is induced by the seed nitrate (10 nmol/seed) during germination. Induction of a high-capacity nitrate-uptake system (vmax = 3.4 mol NO 3 - ·(g root FW)–1·h–1; Ks = 0.08 mM) by externally supplied nitrate occurs after a 20-min lag and requires protein synthesis. Seedlings germinated from whole fruits absorb nitrate via a highcapacity uptake mechanism induced by the pericarp nitrate (748 nmol/pericarp) during germination. The uptake rates of the high-capacity system depend only on the actual nitrate concentration of the uptake medium and not on prior nitrate pretreatments. Nitrate deprivation results in a decline of the nitrate-uptake capacity (t1/2 of vmax = 5 d) probably caused by the decay of carrier molecules. Small differences in Ks but significant differences in vmax indicate that the low- and high-capacity nitrate-uptake systems differ only in the number of identical carrier molecules.Abbreviations NR nitrate reductase - pFPA para-fluorophenylalanine This work was supported by a grant from Bundesministerium für Forschung und Technologie and by Kleinwanzlebener Saatzucht AG, Einbeck.  相似文献   
Nodules of cowpea (Vigna unguiculata (L.) Walp. cv. Vita 3:Bradyrhizobium CB 756) from 28-d-old plants cultured for 23 d with their root systems maintained in O2 levels from 1 to 80% (v/v, in N2) in the external gas phase showed a range of structural changes which have been interpreted in relation to an over- or under-supply of O2. A response to the partial pressure of O2 in the gas phase (pO2) was noted with respect to nodule size, lenticel development, the relative distributions of cortical and infected central tissue, the differentiation of cortex, especially the inner cortex, the frequency and size of infected and uninfected interstitial cells, the volume of extracellular spaces both in cortex and infected tissue, and in the frequency of bacteroids. As a consequence of these changes the surface area of inner cortex relative to the nitrogenase-containing units of fixing tissue (infected cells or bacteroids) was increased by as much as 20-fold. Effectiveness of bacteroid functioning increased from 0.10 ± 0.02 · 10-9 μmol acetylene reduced per bacteroid in air-grown nodules to 0.9 ± 0.16 · 10-9 (same units) per bacteroid in those cultured in 1% O2. This work was supported by a grant from the Australian Research Council (to C.A.A.) and an Australian International Development Assistance Bureau postgraduate fellowship (to F.D.D.). The authors wish to thank Dr. W.F.C. Blumer for his considerable help with morphometric analysis, Dr. J. Kuo for guidance in the use of histological techniques, and to Dr. J.S. Pate for the suggestion that lenticel development might be quantified by surface staining of nodules.  相似文献   
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