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Nuclear DNA replication in cultured mouse fibroblasts is stimulated by isolated hepatic plasma membranes in a time- and concentration-dependent manner. The plasmalemmal activity is susceptible to trypsin treatment, and to treatment with protein modifying agents, N-ethylmaleimide, N-bromosuccinimide, and 2-hydroxy-5-nitro-benzylbromide.  相似文献   
A passive hemagglutination assay was developed to measure Trypanosoma musculi-specific antibody in mice. Indicator-erythrocyte donor mice received 550 rad 60Co 24 hr before intraperitoneal injection of 3 × 104T. musculi. T. musculi antigen-coated erythrocytes were obtained from these mice on Day 9 postinfection. T. musculi antigen-coated erythrocytes obtained in this manner were used as indicator erythrocytes in a passive hemagglutination procedure. Serum from hyperimmunized mice (three consecutive infections at 21-day intervals) gave titers as high as 1:1024. Titers of 1:256 and 1:512 were obtained from singly infected mice on Days 18 and 28 postinfection, respectively. In marked contrast, nude mice infected with T. musculi did not produce a detectable agglutinating antibody response. Erythrocytes obtained from either irradiated (550 rad 60Co) uninfected mice, nonirradiated infected mice, or normal mice did not agglutinate when combined with any of the sera tested. These data suggest the usefulness of this passive hemagglutination assay for the measurement of antibody to T. musculi in the serum of infected mice.  相似文献   
Cyst vesicles were obtained from larval cyst masses of Echinococcus multilocularis grown in Medium 858 in vitro or isolated from the intraperitoneal or subcutaneous larval cyst mass of C57BL/6J mice infected 12 weeks previously. Antigenic determinants were present on the outermost section of the laminated layer and throughout the germinal layer of the cysts. Specific host antibodies of the IgG1, IgG2a, IgG2b, and IgM classes and complement component C3 but not host IgA or C-reactive protein were detected on the intact cysts by the indirect immunofluorescent technique. Specific antibodies were bound to the epitopes on the laminated layer but were not detected on the germinal layer. Host albumin, however, was found on the laminated layer, germinal layer, and within the intact cyst. IgG2a and IgG2b were high-affinity antibodies but IgG1 and IgM were low-affinity antibodies as they were eluted easily from the laminated layer with two washes of sodium phosphate buffer (0.01 M, pH 7.2) containing 0.15 M NaCl. The significance of bound antibody in complement activation and antibody-dependent cell-mediated cytotoxicity of the proliferative phase (cyst) of alveolar hydatid cyst is discussed.  相似文献   
Of seven strains of inbred mice and one hybrid that were infected intracutaneously with 5, 10, or 20 × 106 active promastigotes of Leishmania tropica major, two strains (CBA/Ca and C3H/He) recovered from the infection and their lesions healed within 3 to 5 months. The other strains, with the possible exception of C57B1/6 animals, remained infected, carrying large cutaneous ulcers throughout their lives. These included DBA/2, A/Jax, Balb/c, athymic nude mice of Balb/c origin (nu/nu) and the heterozygote Balb/c (nu+). The responses of C57B1/6 animals were of intermediate type with a tendency toward nonhealing at higher doses of the parasite. The cutaneous infection of athymic nude mice invariably gave rise to fulminating visceral infections and death. This condition was never observed in the other strains tested. Concanavalin A (Con A)-stimulated syngeneic or allogeneic lymphocytes of intact mice activated peritoneal macrophages of both healer and nonhealer mice, resulting in complete destruction of phagocytosed L. enriettii within 24 to 48 hr. The destruction of ingested L. tropica was confined to macrophages of healer mice and required 72 to 96 hr to reach completion. However, removal of Con A-stimulated lymphocytes from macrophage cultures and regular pulsing of the cells with a lymphokine-rich supernatant produced a state of sustained activation, resulting in destruction of L. tropica inside macrophages of both healer and nonhealer mice. The ability of Con A-stimulated lymphocytes of nonhealer animals to induce effective levels of activation in healer macrophages on one hand, and eventual destruction of L. tropica in macrophages of nonhealer mice under condition of sustained activation on the other, had indicated that so far as the in vitro situation is concerned, there is no inherent defect in lymphocytes or macrophages of nonhealer animals, although the threshold of activation necessary for killing of the parasite seems to be higher for cells of nonhealer origin.  相似文献   
The intestinal phase of Trichinella spiralis and of Trichinella sp. isolated in the Arctic were compared in experimental animals. Reproductive capacity, pathogenicity, distribution, and persistence of adults in the small intestine, morphological measurements, and release of newborn larvae in vitro were examined. Numerous passages of 40 days each for T. spiralis and the Trichinella sp. isolate in mice did not affect reproductive capacity, distribution of adults in the small intestine, and size of worms. Reproductive capacity index for T. spiralis, I = 151.27 ± 27.30 was significantly higher compared to the Trichinella sp. isolate index, I = 63.46 ± 19.34. The Trichinella sp. isolate was more pathogenic to mice and wild rodents compared to T. spiralis during the intestinal phase. Both parasites were located in the anterior part of the small intestine but the position of T. spiralis adults (P = 17.08) differed from position of the Trichinella sp. isolate adults (P = 23.46) in the small intestine. Intestinal phase of T. spiralis was longer (20 days) compared to the Trichinella sp. isolate (15 days) but sex ratios (:♂) were similar for both parasites. T. spiralis females released significantly higher numbers of larvae in vitro/24 hr compared to the Trichinella sp. isolate. Release of larvae was continuous during the intestinal phase and the average fecundity for T. spiralis was 335 larvae/female and for the Trichinella sp. isolate 114 larvae/female. Adults of T. spiralis and the Trichinella sp. isolate were morphologically indistinguishable and did not differ in size. A comparative index for the intestinal phase is proposed for comparison of any Trichinella spp. isolates and standard T. spiralis.  相似文献   
Intraperitoneal administration in mice of crude extract (CE) or maintenance fluid (MF) of Ascaris suum in Freund's incomplete adjuvant (FICA) in doses of 200 and 2 (CE) and 4 μg (MF) on Days ?4, 0, and +4 relative to the day of the immunization with 10 μg of hen egg white lysozyme (HL) resulted in the suppression of anti-HL reaginic antibody responses at varying degrees depending on the dose and their time of administration. Hemagglutinating antibody responses were also affected but in a different manner. Treatment with CE on Day ?4 resulted in complete suppression of reaginic antibody responses and some degree of suppression of hemagglutinating antibody responses depending on the size of the CE dose. In mice pretreated with MF, transient suppression was found only for reaginic antibody responses. In mice receiving the treatment of CE on Day 0, 200 μg of CE caused complete suppression of reaginic antibody responses, while 2 μg was less effective. Hemagglutinating antibody responses were also suppressed in proportion to the dose. Simultaneous treatment with MF did not cause any suppression of either reaginic or hemagglutinating antibody responses. In mice treated with CE on Day +4, reaginic antibody responses were not markedly suppressed and hemagglutinating antibody responses were also not altered. In contrast, treatment with MF on Day +4 resulted in suppression of reaginic antibody responses during the whole course of the primary response, but had no effect on hemagglutinating antibody responses. When MF was administered 7 days after the priming, no suppressive effect on the antibody responses was demonstrated. On the other hand, if a lower dose (1 μg of HL) was used for the priming, the effect of MF treatment with Day +4 was more pronounced in the primary reaginic antibody response and the secondary response was also affected. A comparable suppression of hemagglutinating antibody responses also was observed.  相似文献   
Summary The localization in the mouse brain of corticosterone, the natural glucocorticoid in the mouse, and cortexolone, reported to be a glucocorticoid antagonist, was studied by autoradiography 30 min after in vivo administration of the tritiated compounds.After 3H-corticosterone (3HB) injection, radioactivity was preferentially concentrated in cell nuclei of several structures within the limbic system, and in nuclei of certain neurones of the cerebral cortex and medulla oblongata. This nuclear concentration was abolished after injection of 3H-corticosterone with an excess of unlabelled corticosterone. After 3H-cortexolone (3HS) injection, a diffuse radioactivity was observed throughout the brain. However, a higher concentration of grains was present in the ventral nucleus arcuatus and in the infundibulum. When excess unlabelled cortexolone was administered with 3H-cortexolone this preferential accumulation of grains was abolished.The accumulation of 3H-cortexolone in the medial basal hypothalamic region suggests that cortexolone concentrates preferentially in dexamethasone (DM) target regions, and in addition the autoradiographic results show that the cortexolone-receptor complex does not accumulate in the cell nucleus.
Résumé La localisation au niveau du cerveau de souris de la corticostérone, qui est le glucocorticoide naturel chez la souris, et de la cortexolone, démontrée comme étant un antagoniste des glucocorticoides, est étudiée par autoradiographie 30 min après injection in vivo des composés tritiés.Après injection de 3H-corticosterone (3HB), la radioactivité se concentre préférentiellement dans des noyaux cellulaires de plusieurs structures du système limbique et dans les noyaux de certains neurones du cortex cérébral et du bulbe rachidien. Cette concentration nucléaire est abolie après injection de 3H-corticostérone en présence d'un excès de corticostérone non radioactive. Après injection de 3H-cortexolone (3HS), une distribution diffuse de la radioactivité est observée dans tout le cerveau, cependant, une concentration plus élevée de grains d'argent est présente dans la partie ventrale du nucleus arcuatus et dans l'infundibulum. Après injection de 3H-cortexolone en présence d'un excès de cortexolone non radioactive, cette accumulation préférentielle des grains est abolie.L'accumulation de la 3H-cortexolone dans la région hypothalamique suggère que la cortexolone se concentre préférentiellement dans la région cérébrale qui contient les sites de liaison de la dexaméthasone et de plus, les résultats autoradiographiques montrent que le complexe cortexolone-récepteur ne s'accumule pas dans le noyau cellulaire.
Summary Autoradiograms of mouse pituitaries were prepared 30 min after injection of 3H-dexamethasone (3HDM), 3H-corticosterone (3HB) and 3H cortexolone (3HS) either alone or in the presence of competing unlabelled steroids. 3H-dexamethasone accumulated in cell nuclei of both the pars distalis and the pars nervosa but not in those of the pars intermedia. This preferential accumulation (nuclear/cytoplasmic grain density, 41) was abolished by the concurrent administration of excess dexamethasone. 3H-corticosterone, to a much less marked extent than 3H-dexamethasone, accumulated in cell nuclei of the pars distalis but not in those of the pars intermedia and the pars nervosa. Excess unlabelled corticosterone diminished nuclear grain density in the pars distalis. After 3H-cortexolone injection, preferential nuclear uptake was not observed. In a second series of experiments, excess dexamethasone (10 x, 100 x), corticosterone (100 x, 300 x) and cortexolone (100 x, 300 x) administered with 3H-dexamethasone were without effect on cytoplasmic grain density but totally abolished preferential nuclear accumulation. Parallel biochemical studies on kidney cytoplasmic preparations from the same animals showed no differences in total cytoplasmic radioactivity between treatments but marked differences in cytoplasmic bound 3H-dexamethasone. The results demonstrate: i) that dexamethasone binds specifically to cell nuclei of the pars distalis and the pars nervosa and that this nuclear concentration is abolished by competing corticosterone and cortexolone as well as dexamethasone; ii) that corticosterone localizes in cell nuclei of the pars distalis but much less markedly than dexamethasone; iii) that cortexolone fullfils the criteria of a glucocorticoid antagonist at the pituitary cell level.
Résumé La localisation au niveau de l'hypophyse de souris de la 3H-dexaméthasone (3HDM), de la 3H-corticostérone (3HB) et de la 3H-cortexolone (3HS) est étudiée par autoradiographie 30 min après l'injection des composés tritiés seuls ou en présence de stéroides compétiteurs non radioactifs. La 3H-dexaméthasone s'accumule dans des noyaux cellulaires de la pars distalis et de la pars nervosa mais pas dans des noyaux de la pars intermédia. Cette accumulation préférentielle (densité des grains d'argent nucléaire/cytoplasmique: 4/1) est abolie par l'injection de 3H-dexaméthasone en présence de dexaméthasone non radioactive. La 3H-corticostérone se concentre avec une intensité beaucoup plus faible que la 3H-dexaméthasone uniquement dans certains noyaux de la pars distalis. Un excès de corticostérone non radioactive diminue la densité nucléaire des grains d'argent des cellules de la pars distalis. Après injection de 3H-cortexolone, aucune accumulation préférentielle de grains d'argent n'est observée dans les noyaux cellulaires. Dans une seconde série d'expériences, la 3H-dexaméthasone est injectée soit en présence d'excès de dexaméthasone (10x, 100x) ou de corticostérone (100x, 300x) ou de cortexolone (100 x, 300 x). Dans ces conditions, la densité cytoplasmique des grains d'argent n'est pas différente de celle observée après injection de 3H-dexaméthasone seule mais l'accumulation préférentielle de la radioactivité dans les noyaux cellulaires est abolie. Des études biochimiques parallèles effectuées sur des préparations cytoplasmiques de rein des mêmes animaux montrent que la radioactivité cytoplasmique totale ne varie pas tandis que la liaison cytoplasmique de la 3H-dexaméthasone diffère suivant les traitements. Ces résultats montrent i) que la dexaméthasone se fixe spécifiquement dans des noyaux cellulaires de la pars distalis et de la pars nervosa et que cette fixation nucléaire est abolie aussi bien par des excés de corticostérone ou de cortexolone que par des excès de dexaméthasone, ii) que la corticostérone se localise dans des noyaux cellulaires de la pars distalis mais beaucoup moins intensément que la dexaméthasone, iii) que la cortexolone se comporte comme un antagoniste des glucocorticoides au niveau de la cellule hypophysaire.
The anaphylactic antibody response of various strains of inbred mice of different H-2 specificities was investigated using the passive cutaneous anaphylactic technique (PCA) for the detection of the antibody response. Neither IgC1 nor reaginic antibody were detected in serum samples obtained at the end of the first week of infection with Trichinella spiralis. Subsequently, all animals had detectable IgG1 antibodies, although in some strains the titers were very low. Reaginic antibody was detected in relatively high titers in C57L, A, and DBA/1 mice. Two other strains were very poor responders (SJL and AKR). In most strains, reagin and IgG1 remained detectable for 14 wk or longer. The pattern of response of all strains was very reproducible, indicating genetic control of the anaphylactic antibody production to the infection. In F1 hybrids obtained from crosses between good and poor anaphylactic antibody responders, intermediate levels of both antibody classes were detected.Adult worm recovery rates were established at various points during the intestinal phase of infection, and no correlation between worm numbers and reaginic antibody titers in the various strains of mice could be demonstrated. There were noticeable differences in larval yields obtained after muscle digestion of mice belonging to the different inbred strains. In fact, we generally observed an inverse relationship between the number of larvae recovered from a given strain and their reaginic antibody titer.The intravenous injection of newborn larvae (NBL), obtained upon in vitro incubation of adult worms, produced detectable antibodies only in mice of the DBA/1 strain. These antibodies were consistently of low titer and became detectable only after the administration of two additional injections of NBL. This contrasted with the results observed after “per os” infection of DBA/1 mice, where high titers of these antibodies were always obtained, in spite of comparable ratios of muscle larval yield.  相似文献   
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