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The male silkworm moth, Bombyx mori, exhibits a zigzagging pattern as it walks upwind to pheromones. This species usually does not fly, but obvious wing-beating accompanies the pheromone-mediated walking. Males supported by a `sled', after having their legs removed, also moved upwind in a pheromone plume along zigzagging tracks, indicating that wing-generated thrust and torque result in locomotory paths similar to those observed from walking moths. Using a high-speed video system we investigated the correlation between the wing movements and zigzag walking. The wing ipsilateral to the direction of the turn showed a greater degree of retraction with respect to the contralateral wing. The timing of the wing retraction pattern was synchronized with changes of direction in the walking track. Coordination of wing movements and walking pattern was not dependent on visual feedback or sensory feedback generated from neck movements associated with turning. The results presented here, taken together with our previous studies of descending interneurons suggest that the coordination of wing movements with the walking pattern may result from the activity of a set of identified interneurons descending from the brain to the thoracic ganglia and/or may be coordinated by coupling of oscillating circuits for walking and wing beating. Accepted: 15 May 1997  相似文献   
Neotropical rainforests sustain some of the most diverse terrestrial communities on Earth. Euglossine (or orchid) bees are a diverse lineage of insect pollinators distributed throughout the American tropics, where they provide pollination services to a staggering diversity of flowering plant taxa. Elucidating the seasonal patterns of phylogenetic assembly and functional trait diversity of bee communities can shed new light into the mechanisms that govern the assembly of bee pollinator communities and the potential effects of declining bee populations. Male euglossine bees collect, store, and accumulate odoriferous compounds (perfumes) to subsequently use during courtship display. Thus, synthetic chemical baits can be used to attract and monitor euglossine bee populations. We conducted monthly censuses of orchid bees in three sites in the Magdalena valley of Colombia – a region where Central and South American biotas converge – to investigate the structure, diversity, and assembly of euglossine bee communities through time in relation to seasonal climatic cycles. In particular, we tested the hypothesis that phylogenetic community structure and functional trait diversity changed in response to seasonal rainfall fluctuations. All communities exhibited strong to moderate phylogenetic clustering throughout the year, with few pronounced bursts of phylogenetic overdispersion that coincided with the transition from wet‐to‐dry seasons. Despite the heterogeneous distribution of functional traits (e.g., body size, body mass, and proboscis length) and the observed seasonal fluctuations in phylogenetic diversity, we found that functional trait diversity, evenness, and divergence remained constant during all seasons in all communities. However, similar to the pattern observed with phylogenetic diversity, functional trait richness fluctuated markedly with rainfall in all sites. These results emphasize the importance of considering seasonal fluctuations in community assembly and provide a glimpse to the potential effects that climatic alterations may have on both pollinator communities and the ecosystem services they provide.  相似文献   
In nun orchid (Phaius tankervilliae (Alton) B1. ) embryo sac development follows the monosporic pattern. Changes in the pattern of organization of the microtubular cytoskeleton during megasporogenesis and megagametogenesis in this orchid were studied using the immunofluorescence technique and eonfocal microscopy. At the initial stage of development the microtubules in the arehesporium were randomly oriented into a network. Later the archesporial cell elongated to form the megasporocyte. The cytoskeleton in the elongated megasporoeyte was radially organized in which microtubules extending from the nuclear envelope to the peripheral region of the cell. The megasporoeyte then underwent meiosis 1 to form a dyad. The dyad cell at the chalazal end was larger than the cell at the micropylar end. Microtubules in the dyad cell were radially oriented. The dyad underwent meiosis to give rise to a linear array of four megaspores (i. e. tetrad formation). The chalazal-far most megaspore survived and became the functional megaspore, which contained a set of randomly oriented microtubules. The microtubules in the other 3 megaspore disappeared as the cells degenerated. The functional megaspore then underwent mitotic division giveing rise to a 2 nucleate embryo sac. The nuclei of the 2-nucleate embryo sac were separated by a set of longitudinally oriented microtubules which ran parallel to the long axis of the embryo sac. Each nucleus in the embryo sac was surrounded by a set of perinuelear microtubules. The gnucleate embryo sac again underwent mitotic division to form a 4-nucleate embryo sac. The division of the two nuclei was synchronous. But the orientation of the division plan of the two spindles was different (i. e. the spindle microtubules at the chalazal end ran parallel with the long axis of the embryo sac and those at the mieropylar end ran at right angle to the axis of the embryo sac). The 4 nuclei of the 4-nucleate embryo sac were all tightly surrounded by randomly oriented microtubules. Later the paired nuclei at the micropylr end and at the chalazal end as well underwent mitotic division in seguence. At this time when the embryo sac had reached the 8-nucleate embryo sac stage. The pattern of organization of the microtubules was very complex. Initially the nuclei were surrounded by a set of randomly oriented microtubules, but after the two polar nuclei had moved to the central region of the embryo sac, three different organizational zones of microtubules appeared, viz: a randomly oriented set of microtubules surrounding each nucleus in the chalazal zone: a set (in the form of a basket) of cortical microtubules which surrounded the vacuoles and the two polar nuclei in the central zone and a loosely knitted network of microtubules surrounding the nucleus that later became the egg cell nucleus in the micropylar zone. The two nuclei that would become the nuclei of the synergids were surrounded by a set of more densely packed mierotubules. Towards far the most micropylar end some microtubules formed thick bundles. The site of appearance of these thick bundles coincided with the site of development of the filiform apparatus. The pattern of microtubule organization after cellularization (i. e. at the beginning of embryo sac maturation) did not change much. The author's results indicated that various patterns of microtubule organization observed in the developing embryo sac of nun orchid reflected the complexity and dynamism of the embryo sac.  相似文献   
Summary The thoracic legs of the moth Manduca sexta acquire a new form and develop a new complement of sensory organs and muscles during metamorphosis from larva to adult. Because of our interest in the reorganization of neural circuitry and the acquisition of new behaviors during metamorphosis, we are characterizing sensory elements of larval and adult legs so that we may determine the contribution of new sensory inputs to the changes in behaviors. Here we describe the sensory structures of adult legs using scanning electron microscopy to view the external sensilla and cobalt staining to examine innervation by underlying sensory neurons. We find that, in contrast to larval legs, the adult legs are covered with a diverse array of sensilla. All three pairs of thoracic legs contain scattered, singly innervated scalelike sensilla. Campaniform sensilla occur singly or in clusters near joints. Hair plates, consisting of numerous singly innervated hairs, are also present near joints. Other more specialized sensilla occur on distal leg segments. These include singly innervated spines, two additional classes of singly innervated hairs, and three classes of multiply innervated sensilla. Internal sensory organs include chordotonal organs, subgenual organs, and multipolar joint receptors.  相似文献   
The Neotropical Euglossini (Hymenoptera: Apidae) are important pollinators of many flowering plants, particularly orchids. Lack of highly polymorphic genetic markers for euglossine species has limited the study of their social organization and inbreeding. We therefore developed microsatellite markers for two species, Eulaema nigrita (11 loci) and Euglossa cordata (nine loci), most of which were highly polymorphic in the source species and in a range of related euglossine bees.  相似文献   
Euglossella, one of the most distinctive subgenera of orchid bees of the genus Euglossa, is composed of two characteristic assemblages of species, one of them comprising bees bearing the strongly metallic integument trademark of the genus (viridis species group), and the other consisting of bees with a brown integument shaded with metallic iridescence (decorata species group). Here we provide the first of two parts of a revision of Euglossella, providing diagnostic definitions for the subgenus, the decorata species group, and all the species included therein. Six species are included in the decorata group, one new: Euglossa (Euglossella) aurantia, sp. n.; Euglossa (Euglossella) apiformis Schrottky, resurrected status; Euglossa (Euglossella) decorata Smith, revised status; Euglossa (Euglossella) singularis Mocsáry, revised status; Euglossa (Euglossella) cosmodora Hinojosa-Díaz and Engel; and Euglossa (Euglossella) perpulchra Moure and Schlindwein. Euglossa meliponoides Ducke and Euglossa urarina Hinojosa-Díaz and Engel are newly synonymized under Euglossa decorata, Euglossa decorata ruficauda Cockerell is synonymized under Euglossa singularis, and a neotype is designated for Euglossa apiformis.  相似文献   
自然条件下,兰科植物需要依赖菌根真菌获得营养才能萌发。本研究对白及根和原球茎中分离的4株菌根真菌(WQ17-33、WQ17-43、JST-3和SL15-7)进行分子鉴定,并评价光照和黑暗条件下不同菌株促白及种子萌发和幼苗生根的效果。结果表明,4个菌株分别隶属于鬼伞属Coprinus、胶膜菌属Tulasnella、腊壳菌属SebacinaSerendipita。在种子萌发前期(未形成叶子)进行暗培养较光照对菌株JST-13和SL15-7处理组原球茎阶段萌发具有显著的促进作用。不同菌株共生萌发效果不同,菌株SL15-7较其他处理原球茎和幼苗发育阶段的萌发率高。菌株JST-13和SL15-7处理组形成的幼苗较其他处理组强壮,定殖的菌丝团也较多,其幼苗生根效果也较对照组好。该研究表明白及可与多种不同类群的菌根真菌菌株形成共生关系,这些真菌在促进白及种子萌发和生根能力方面存在差异。  相似文献   
菌根真菌─新种─—石斛小菇(英文)   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
从云南省野生铁皮石斛(Dendrobiumcandidumwall.ExLindl.)根中分离出一菌根真菌,经系统形态学研究后,将其鉴定为小菇属(Mycena)一新种:石斛小菇(Mycenadendrobii)。标本保藏在中国科学院微生物研究所菌物标本室(HMAS)。用石斛小菇伴播12种兰科植物种子,实验结果表明该真菌对天麻(Gastrodiaelata)和密花石斛(Dendrobiumdensdlorum)种子萌发有明显促进作用。  相似文献   
Protocorms or protocorms with roots of an achlorophyllous orchidGaleola septentrionalis were inoculated with isolates ofRhizoctonia repens, R. solani, andRhizoctonia spp. The seedlings were infected with eight of twelve isolates ofR. repens. Fungal coils were formed in the cells, which was suggestive of a symbiotic association. The other isolates caused soft rot or no infection to the protocorms or the protocorms with a root. Contribution No. 97, Laboratories of Plant Pathology and Mycology, Institute of Agriculture and Forestry, University of Tsukuba, Tsukuba, Ibaraki 305, Japan.  相似文献   
Tansley Review No. 110.   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
III. S IZE 379
1. Air 383
(a) Physical considerations 383
(b) Dispersal 387
(c) Birds 415
2. Water 416
(a) Physical considerations 416
(b) Dispersal 416
Acknowledgements 417
References 418
Orchid seeds are very small, extremely light and produced in great numbers. Most range in length from c . 0.05 to 6.0 mm, with the difference between the longest and shortest known seeds in the family being 120-fold. The 'widest' seed at 0.9 mm is 90-fold wider than the 'thinnest' one, which measures 0.01 mm (because orchid seeds are tubular or balloon-like, 'wide' and 'thin' actually refer to diameter). Known seed weights extend from 0.31 lg to 24 μg (a 78-fold difference). Recorded numbers of seeds per fruit are as high as 4000000 and as low as 20–50 (80000–200000-fold difference). Testae are usually transparent, with outer cell walls that may be smooth or reticulated. Ultrasonic treatments enhance germination, which suggests that the testae can be restrictive. Embryos are even smaller: their volume is substantially smaller than that of the testa. As a result, orchid seeds have large internal air spaces that render them balloon-like. They can float in the air for long periods, a property that facilitates long-distance dispersal. The difficult-to-wet outer surfaces of the testa and large internal air spaces enable the seeds to float on water for prolonged periods. This facilitates distribution through tree effluates and/or small run-off rivulets that may follow rains. Due to their size and characteristics, orchid seeds may also be transported in and on land animals and birds (in fur, feathers or hair, mud on feet, and perhaps also following ingestion).  相似文献   
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