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Estimating changes in belowground biomass and production is essential for understanding fundamental patterns and processes during ecosystem development. We examined patterns of fine root production, aboveground litterfall, and forest floor accumulation during forest primary succession at the Mt. Shasta Mudflows ecosystem chronosequence. Fine root production was measured using the root ingrowth cores method over 1 year, and aboveground litterfall was collected over 2 years. Fine root production increased significantly with ecosystem age, but only the youngest ecosystem was significantly different from all of the older ecosystems. Root production was 44.5 ± 13.3, 168.3 ± 20.6, 190.5 ± 33.8, and 236.3 ± 65.4 g m−2 y−1 in the 77, 255, 616, and >850-year-old ecosystems, respectively. Generally, aboveground litterfall and forest floor accumulation did not follow the same pattern as root production. The relative contribution of fine root production to total fine detrital production increased significantly with ecosystem age, from 14 to 49%, but only the youngest ecosystem was significantly different from all of the older ecosystems. Fine root production was significantly correlated with some measures of soil fertility but was not correlated with leaf or total litterfall, or forest floor accumulation. It was best predicted by soil N concentration alone, but this relationship may not be causal, as soil N concentration was also correlated with ecosystem age. For the oldest ecosystem, fine root production was also measured using the sequential intact cores/compartment-flow model method, and the difference between the two estimates was not significant. Our study suggests that the relative contribution of fine roots to fine detrital production, and hence to soil organic matter accumulation, may increase during forest primary succession.  相似文献   
The above-ground coarse wood productivity of 104 Neotropical forest plots   总被引:8,自引:1,他引:8  
The net primary production of tropical forests and its partitioning between long‐lived carbon pools (wood) and shorter‐lived pools (leaves, fine roots) are of considerable importance in the global carbon cycle. However, these terms have only been studied at a handful of field sites, and with no consistent calculation methodology. Here we calculate above‐ground coarse wood carbon productivity for 104 forest plots in lowland New World humid tropical forests, using a consistent calculation methodology that incorporates corrections for spatial variations in tree‐size distributions and wood density, and for census interval length. Mean wood density is found to be lower in more productive forests. We estimate that above‐ground coarse wood productivity varies by more than a factor of three (between 1.5 and 5.5 Mg C ha?1 a?1) across the Neotropical plots, with a mean value of 3.1 Mg C ha?1 a?1. There appear to be no obvious relationships between wood productivity and rainfall, dry season length or sunshine, but there is some hint of increased productivity at lower temperatures. There is, however, also strong evidence for a positive relationship between wood productivity and soil fertility. Fertile soils tend to become more common towards the Andes and at slightly higher than average elevations, so the apparent temperature/productivity relationship is probably not a direct one. Coarse wood productivity accounts for only a fraction of overall tropical forest net primary productivity, but the available data indicate that it is approximately proportional to total above‐ground productivity. We speculate that the large variation in wood productivity is unlikely to directly imply an equivalent variation in gross primary production. Instead a shifting balance in carbon allocation between respiration, wood carbon and fine root production seems the more likely explanation.  相似文献   
Analysis of plant–frugivore interactions provides a quantitative framework for integrating community structure and ecosystem function in terms of how the roles and attributes of individual species contribute to network structure and resilience. In this study, we used centrality metrics to rank and detect the most important species in a mutualistic network of fruit‐eating birds and plants in a cloud forest in the Colombian Andes. We identified a central core of ten bird and seven plant species in a network of 135 species that perform dual roles as local hubs and connectors. The birds were mostly large forest frugivores, such as cracids, cotingas, and toucans, which consume fruits of all sizes. The plants were species of intermediate successional stages with small‐ to medium‐sized seeds that persist in mature forest or forest borders (e.g., Miconia, Cecropia, Ficus). We found the resilience of our network depends on super‐generalist species, because their elimination makes the network more prone to disassemble than random extinctions, potentially disrupting seed‐dispersal processes. At our study site, extirpation of large frugivores has already been documented, and if this continues, the network might collapse despite its high diversity. Our results suggest that generalist species play critical roles in ecosystem function and should be incorporated into conservation and monitoring programs.  相似文献   
六盘山典型森林伴随降水的总有机碳(TOC)通量变化特征   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
杨丽丽  王彦辉  杜敏  于澎涛  郝佳  李振华 《生态学报》2014,34(21):6297-6308
在六盘山香水河小流域,选择6种典型森林样地,测定了2011年生长季的大气降水、穿透水、干流、枯落物渗漏水和主根系层(0—30 cm深)土壤渗漏水的总有机碳(TOC)浓度及其相应的通量变化。结果表明,在降水转化为由穿透雨和干流组成的林下降水中,所有样地的TOC浓度都不同程度地增大;虽然林冠截持使林下降水减小,但因雨水淋洗和与林冠发生碳交换,各样地林下降水携带的生长季TOC通量(kg/hm2)(华北落叶松人工林132.28、华山松次生林106.56、油松人工林94.10、灌木林79.49、桦木林66.52、辽东栎次生林63.01)都比林外降水(53.17)不同程度地明显增大,整体看来,林冠的TOC淋出作用在针叶林很大,在阔叶林较弱。在6种森林样地的枯落物层渗漏水中,其TOC浓度彼此相差不大,平均为24.51 mg/L,高于林冠穿透水的TOC浓度;受枯落物截持部分降水及与枯落物TOC交换的影响,4个样地枯落物渗漏水的TOC通量(kg/hm2)(桦木次生林84.35、野李子灌丛129.35、辽东栎次生林79.21、油松人工林114.93)都比其林下降水TOC通量增加了,但华北落叶松人工林和华山松次生林的TOC通量分别降至90.76和104.90 kg/hm2。在测定的华北落叶松人工林和华山松次生林的主根系层(0—30 cm)土壤渗漏水中,TOC浓度均低于枯落物渗漏水;由于水量减小和与土壤发生碳交换,土壤渗漏水的TOC通量均显著低于枯落物渗漏水,两个林分样地分别降至43.04和66.33 kg/hm2。整体来看,林外降水携带的TOC输入通量在林地TOC输入中占有重要地位,林冠的TOC淋洗使其程度不同地增加TOC通量,枯落物层具有增加或减少TOC通量的作用,但主根系层土壤会显著减少TOC输出通量,所以是固定TOC的重要场所。  相似文献   
为揭示秦岭南坡植物群落演替与物种多样性之间的复杂关系,采用空间代替时间的方法在秦岭南坡油松林、松栎混交林和锐齿栎林群落典型分布区域设置45个样地进行了群落学调查,统计分析了油松林→松栎混交林→锐齿栎林这一演替序列过程中草、灌、乔3层的物种组成和α物种多样性动态。结果表明:(1)秦岭南坡油松林、松栎混交林和锐齿栎林3种群落共有维管植物312种,隶属于73科183属,其中草本植物136种,灌木(含木质藤本)98种,乔木78种;油松林群落包含52科117属190种,松栎混交林群落含有60科95属129种,锐齿栎林群落则为50科109属178种。(2)沿油松林→松栎混交林→锐齿栎林群落演替序列,草本层物种均匀度和物种多样性显著降低,物种丰富度呈"V"形变化趋势;灌木层物种丰富度、均匀度以及物种多样性均无显著差异;乔木层物种多样性呈明显的单峰型变化,其中松栎混交林群落物种多样性指数最高。研究表明,秦岭南坡松栎林群落物种多样性随演替进展总体上呈现单峰型变化,与中期物种多样性假说一致;物种多样性可能仅仅是群落稳定的一个基础或前提条件。  相似文献   
The surface concentration of ozone ([O(3)]) has risen from less than 10 ppb prior to the industrial revolution to a day-time mean concentration of approximately 40 ppb over much of the northern temperate zone. If current global emission trends continue, surface [O(3)] is projected to rise a further 50% over this century, with larger increases in many locations including Northern Hemisphere forests. This review uses statistical meta-analysis to determine mean effects, and their confidence limits, of both the current and projected elevations of [O(3)] on light-saturated photosynthetic CO(2) uptake (A(sat)) and stomatal conductance (g(s)) in trees. In total, 348 measurements of A(sat) from 61 studies and 266 measures of g(s) from 55 studies were reviewed. Results suggested that the elevation of [O(3)] that has occurred since the industrial revolution is depressing A(sat) and g(s) by 11% (CI 9-13%) and 13% (CI 11-15%), respectively, where CI is the 95% confidence interval. In contrast to angiosperms, gymnosperms were not significantly affected. Both drought and elevated [CO(2)] significantly decreased the effect of ambient [O(3)]. Younger trees (<4 years) were affected less than older trees. Elevation of [O(3)] above current levels caused progressively larger losses of A(sat) and g(s), including gymnosperms. Results are consistent with the expectation that damage to photosynthesis depends on the cumulative uptake of ozone (O(3)) into the leaf. Thus, factors that lower g(s) lessen damage. Where both g(s) and [O(3)] were recorded, an overall decline in A(sat) of 0.21% per mmol m(-2) of estimated cumulative O(3) uptake was calculated. These findings suggest that rising [O(3)], an often overlooked aspect of global atmospheric change, is progressively depressing the ability of temperate and boreal forests to assimilate carbon and transfer water vapour to the atmosphere, with significant potential effects on terrestrial carbon sinks and regional hydrologies.  相似文献   
Nadkarni  Nalini M. 《Plant Ecology》2001,153(1-2):361-367
Study of the forest canopy has reached a critical stage in its development from a young frontier area of study to a vibrant and coalescing field of investigation and communication. Many current environmental and social issues at global scales (e.g., environmental change, acid deposition, loss of biodiversity) are related directly to our knowledge of forest canopies. I present six activities that are needed to help the vibrant and growing field of forest canopy studies progress efficiently. Enabling canopy researchers to communicate with each other and with those outside our field is an important element to address these issues. The establishment of a graduate-level training program is also a high priority to generate and maintain a healthy discipline. Formal procedures to identify particular forest sites of critical concern should be initiated, and these should include communication of prioritized sites to conservation groups and policy makers. Instilling a sense of wonder and appreciation for organisms and interactions in non-scientists is another important avenue for forest canopy conservation.  相似文献   
The ecological impacts of early agriculture in the Near East remained localized prior to the intensified production of derivative plant and animal products, beginning in the fourth millennium B.C. One aspect of this secondary products revolution (Sherratt, 1980a, 1983) involved the adoption of animal traction and increased production of rendered animal commodities (e.g., wool and dairy). However, most of the pervasive regional effects of this revolution followed from the domestication and increasingly intensive cultivation of orchard crops that generated marketable secondary products (e.g., olive oil, wine, and dried fruits) and encouraged widespread deforestation. In the southern Levant this revolution encouraged, and was encouraged by, the rise and fall of Bronze Age towns and their mercantile influences. Botanical and palynological data from the Jordan Rift reveal a complex discontinuous legacy of changes wrought by the secondary products revolution that have molded the agrarian ecology and anthropogenic landscapes characteristic of the region today.  相似文献   
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