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Boesenbergia rotunda (L.) Mansf., commonly known as fingerroot is a perennial herb in the Zingiberaceae family with anticancer, anti-leptospiral, anti-inflammatory, antioxidant, antiulcer, and anti-herpes viral activities. While the severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) inhibitory activity of B. rotunda extract has been recently found, the active compounds contributing to this activity are yet unknown. The main protease (Mpro) enzyme is one of the most well established therapeutic targets among coronaviruses which plays a vital role in the maturation and cleavage of polyproteins during viral replication. The current work aims to identify active phytochemical substances from B. rotunda extract that can inhibit the replication of SARS-CoV-2 by using a combined molecular docking and dynamic simulation approaches. The virtual screening experiment revealed that fifteen molecules out of twenty-three major active compounds in the plant extract have acceptable drug-like characteristics. Alpinetin, Pinocembrin, and Pinostrobin have binding energies of ?7.51 kcal/mol, ?7.21 kcal/mol, and ?7.18 kcal/mol, respectively, and can suppress Mpro activity. The stability of the simulated complexes of the lead compounds with the drug-receptor is demonstrated by 100-ns MD simulations. The binding free energies study utilizing molecular mechanics Poisson-Boltzmann surface area (MM-PBSA) and molecular mechanics generalized Born surface area (MM-GBSA) show that the compounds and Mpro enzyme have favourable thermodynamic interactions, which are majorly driven by van der Waals forces. Thus, the selected bioactive phytochemicals from B. rotunda might be used as anti-SARS-CoV-2 candidates that target the Mpro enzyme.  相似文献   
Abstract Clostridium acetobutylicum P262 had phosphotransferase systems for glucose and lactose, and the lactose system was inducible. When C. acetobutylicum P262 was provided with glucose and lactose, the cultures grew in a diauxic fashion, and glucose was used preferentially. Cells grown on lactose took up thiomethylgalactoside, and retained this non-metabolizable lactose analog for long periods of time. Because glucose inhibited thiomethylgalactoside uptake and caused the efflux of thiomethylgalactoside that had already been taken up, it appeared that C. acetobutylicum P262 had inducer exclusion and inducer expulsion mechanisms similar to those found in lactic acid bacteria.  相似文献   
真核生物的DNA以染色质形式通过逐级折叠压缩形成高级结构存在于细胞核中。染色质高级结构直接参与了真核基因的转录调控和其它与DNA相关的生物学事件,因此研究染色质高级结构对了解表观遗传学分子机制有着至关重要的作用。近些年,研究者们针对30 nm染色质高级结构提出了两个模型:螺线管模型和Zig-Zag模型。2014年,我们利用体外染色质组装体系重建了30 nm染色质纤维,运用高精度冷冻电镜技术得到了分辨率为11?的30 nm染色质纤维的精细结构,提出了30 nm染色质高级结构的左手双螺旋Zig-Zag模型。本文综述了30 nm染色质纤维结构研究方面的相关进展,并对30 nm染色质高级结构的表观遗传调控机理以及单分子成像和操纵技术在研究30 nm染色质高级结构中潜在的应用作出讨论和展望。  相似文献   
蒋卓远  查艳  石小峰  张永彪 《遗传》2022,(2):117-134
神经嵴细胞(neural crest cells,NCCs)是一类脊椎动物特有的可迁移的多能干细胞,其可分化为软骨细胞、神经元和黑色素细胞等多种类型细胞。NCCs的形成、迁移和分化受到严格调控,任何扰乱NCCs发育的因素都可导致胚胎发育畸形。由神经嵴细胞发育异常所导致的一系列疾病统称为神经嵴病(neurocristopathies,NCPs)。NCPs种类繁多且表型复杂,可累及人体多个部位(颅面部、心脏、肠胃和皮肤等),严重危害患者的身体机能和心理健康。NCPs占所有出生缺陷患儿的1/3,遗传因素是导致NCPs的主要风险因素,但环境风险因子以及基因–环境交互作用异常也可导致NCPs。本文对神经嵴细胞和神经嵴病及其致病机制进行综述,为系统认知神经嵴细胞发育以及神经嵴病提供参考,为了解神经嵴病的病因以及开展有效防控提供科学支撑。  相似文献   


Because of the difficulties involved in learning and using 3D modeling and rendering software, many scientists hire programmers or animators to create models and animations. This both slows the discovery process and provides opportunities for miscommunication. Working with multiple collaborators, a tool was developed (based on a set of design goals) to enable them to directly construct models and animations.


SketchBio is presented, a tool that incorporates state-of-the-art bimanual interaction and drop shadows to enable rapid construction of molecular structures and animations. It includes three novel features: crystal-by-example, pose-mode physics, and spring-based layout that accelerate operations common in the formation of molecular models. Design decisions and their consequences are presented, including cases where iterative design was required to produce effective approaches.


The design decisions, novel features, and inclusion of state-of-the-art techniques enabled SketchBio to meet all of its design goals. These features and decisions can be incorporated into existing and new tools to improve their effectiveness.

Electronic supplementary material

The online version of this article (doi:10.1186/1471-2105-15-334) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users.  相似文献   
北方半干旱草原生态系统光合参数的季节和年际变异 生态系统表观量子效率(α)、最大光合速率(Pmax)和暗呼吸速率(Rd)不仅反映了生态系统水平 光合生理特征,同时也是碳循环模型中光合过程模拟的关键参数。气候和植被因子都会影 响光合参数的季节和年际变异,但二者在光合参数调控过程中的相对贡献和作用途径尚不清晰。本研究基于连续12年(2006–2017)的涡度相关观测数据,分析了内蒙古半干旱典型草原光合参数的季节和年际变化规律;利用回归分析和结构方程模型(SEM)方法明晰了环境和生理调控的作用途径及相对贡献。结果发现,光合参数(α、Pmax和Rd)均表现出单峰的季节变化趋势,并呈现明显的年际波动。温度(Ta)和土壤含水量(SWC)的变化共同影响光合参数的季节变化,而SWC主导了其年际变异。α和Rd的变化主要由Ta决定,而Pmax的变化主要受SWC的影响。SEM模型分析表明,除了直接作用外,环境因子主要通过影响冠层水平气孔导度(gc)对光合参数和碳同化生理过程进行调控。此外,叶面积指数对光合参数特别是Pmax的季节和年际变异起主要调控作用。以上结果明确了环境和植被共同决定了生态系统水平光合参数的季节和年际变异,并强调了在水分受限的草原生态系统中,植被生理调控在光合碳同化能力和碳汇功能评估中的重要作用。  相似文献   
In this study, we applied a comprehensive G protein-coupled receptor-Gαi protein chemical cross-linking strategy to map the cannabinoid receptor subtype 2 (CB2)- Gαi interface and then used molecular dynamics simulations to explore the dynamics of complex formation. Three cross-link sites were identified using LC-MS/MS and electrospray ionization-MS/MS as follows: 1) a sulfhydryl cross-link between C3.53(134) in TMH3 and the Gαi C-terminal i-3 residue Cys-351; 2) a lysine cross-link between K6.35(245) in TMH6 and the Gαi C-terminal i-5 residue, Lys-349; and 3) a lysine cross-link between K5.64(215) in TMH5 and the Gαi α4β6 loop residue, Lys-317. To investigate the dynamics and nature of the conformational changes involved in CB2·Gi complex formation, we carried out microsecond-time scale molecular dynamics simulations of the CB2 R*·Gαi1β1γ2 complex embedded in a 1-palmitoyl-2-oleoyl-phosphatidylcholine bilayer, using cross-linking information as validation. Our results show that although molecular dynamics simulations started with the G protein orientation in the β2-AR*·Gαsβ1γ2 complex crystal structure, the Gαi1β1γ2 protein reoriented itself within 300 ns. Two major changes occurred as follows. 1) The Gαi1 α5 helix tilt changed due to the outward movement of TMH5 in CB2 R*. 2) A 25° clockwise rotation of Gαi1β1γ2 underneath CB2 R* occurred, with rotation ceasing when Pro-139 (IC-2 loop) anchors in a hydrophobic pocket on Gαi1 (Val-34, Leu-194, Phe-196, Phe-336, Thr-340, Ile-343, and Ile-344). In this complex, all three experimentally identified cross-links can occur. These findings should be relevant for other class A G protein-coupled receptors that couple to Gi proteins.  相似文献   
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