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Chilling‐induced photosynthetic impairment was examined in leaves of maize (Zea mays L.) seedlings of two cultivars, one adapted to western Europe and one adapted to Mexican highlands. Three experiments were performed in a controlled environment. The effects of chilling night temperatures, of chilling at high light intensity and of variable chilling day temperatures on photosynthetic parameters, were evaluated. Chilling in the dark period resulted in stomatal limitation of net photosynthesis. Chilling at moderate to high light intensities caused chilling‐dependent photoinhibition of CO2 uptake. Photobleached maize leaves did not resume normal photosynthetic function. Maize cv. Batan 8686 from the highlands of Mexico was less susceptible to photosynthetic damage than maize cv. Bastion adapted for cultivation in W. Europe, when exposed to chilling night temperatures, or to mild chilling photoinhibitory conditions.  相似文献   
Chickpea is the third major cool season grain legume crop in the world after dry bean and field pea. Chilling and freezing range temperatures in many of its production regions adversely affect chickpea production. This review provides a comprehensive account of the current information regarding the tolerance of chickpea to freezing and chilling range temperatures. The effect of freezing and chilling at the major phenological stages of chickpea growth are discussed, and its ability for acclimation and winter hardiness is reviewed. Response mechanisms to chilling and freezing are considered at the molecular, cellular, whole plant, and canopy levels. The genetics of tolerance to freezing in chickpea are outlined. Sources of resistance to both freezing and chilling from within the cultivated and wild Cicer genepools are compared and novel breeding technologies for the improvement of tolerance in chickpea are suggested. We also suggest future research be directed toward understanding the mechanisms involved in cold tolerance of chickpea at the physiological, biochemical, and molecular level. Further screening of both the cultivated and wild Cicer species is required in order to identify superior sources of tolerance, especially to chilling at the reproductive stages.  相似文献   
Abstract Chill‐susceptible insects are able to improve their survival of acute cold exposure over both the short term (i.e. hardening at a relatively severe temperature) and longer term (i.e. acclimation responses at milder temperatures over a longer time frame). However, the mechanistic overlap of these responses is not clear. Four larval stages of four different strains of Drosophila melanogaster are used to test whether low temperature acclimation (10 °C for 48 h) improves the acute cold tolerance (LT90, ~2 h) of larvae, and whether acclimated larvae still show hardening responses after brief exposures to nonlethal cold or heat, or a combination of the two. Acclimation results in increased cold tolerance in three of four strains, with variation among instars. However, if acclimation is followed by hardening pre‐treatments, there is no improvement in acute cold survival. It is concluded that short‐term thermal responses (e.g. hardening) may be of more ecological relevance to short‐lived life stages such as larvae, and that the mechanisms of low temperature hardening and acclimation in D. melanogaster may be antagonistic, rather than complementary.  相似文献   
When diapause and non‐diapause eggs of the same bivoltine strain of Bombyx mori were chilled at 5°C for more than 30 days, the hatchability of diapause eggs increased while that of non‐diapause eggs decreased, respectively. To investigate the relationship between effects of chilling on the hatchability and the metabolism of hydrogen peroxide (H2O2), content of H2O2 and activities of superoxide dismutase (SOD), xanthine oxidase (XO), and catalase (CAT) between diapause and non‐diapause eggs were determined during the chilling at 5°C. The significant enhancement of H2O2 occurred prior to the quick increase of the hatchability in diapause eggs and coincided with the quick decline of the hatchability in non‐diapause eggs, respectively. Diapause eggs contained significantly higher H2O2 and XO activity and lower CAT activity compared to non‐diapause eggs. Our results showed that there were significant differences in the metabolism of H2O2 between diapause and non‐diapause eggs during chilling and that significant enhancement of H2O2 may be involved in the diapause termination of diapause eggs and the cell damage of non‐diapause eggs. © 2010 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   
The action of thidiazuron, a synthetic growth regulator, was studied on 7-day-old cucumber seedlings (Cucumis sativus L., cv. Monastyrskii) exposed to chilling and sublethal concentrations of lead and copper ions. The extent of injury was assessed from the electrolyte leakage from cotyledonary leaves into distilled water. Separate application of each stress factor induced an increase in membrane permeability; however, their combined application caused a weaker response. A preliminary treatment of seedlings with thidiazuron fully or partly prevented the stress-induced stimulation of electrolyte leakage from cotyledon segments. It is concluded that thidiazuron elevates plant resistance to adverse environments.  相似文献   
The relationship between chilling tolerance of six rice cultivars – Facagro 57, Facagro 76, Fujisaka 5, Kirundo 3, Kirundo 9 and IR64 -and the fatty acid composition in total lipids, phospholipids, galactolipids and neutral lipids from leaves was studied. Higher double bond index and proportions of linolenic acid in the phospholipid and galactolipid classes were related to cultivar chilling tolerance, but this was not so for the total lipids nor the neutral lipid class. The somaclonal families derived from Facagro 76, Kirundo 3 and Kirundo 9 that showed enhanced chilling tolerance as compared to their original parental cultivar were analyzed for fatty acid composition in phospholipids and galactolipids from leaves. Altered proportions in fatty acid composition in phospholipids, galactolipids or both were found in the somaclonal families derived from Facagro 76 and Kirundo 9, but not from Kirundo 3. These changes most usually resulted in higher double bond index and higher proportions in linoleic and linolenic acids which were related either to lower ratio of C16 to C18 fatty acids or to higher unsaturation in the C18 fatty acid fraction. Different mechanisms thus seem to be implicated in the altered fatty acid composition of somaclones, which may be related to the chilling tolerance improvement of some somaclonal families.  相似文献   
Many C4 plants, including maize, perform poorly under chilling conditions. This phenomenon has been linked in part to decreased Rubisco abundance at lower temperatures. An exception to this is chilling‐tolerant Miscanthus, which is able to maintain Rubisco protein content under such conditions. The goal of this study was to investigate whether increasing Rubisco content in maize could improve performance during or following chilling stress. Here, we demonstrate that transgenic lines overexpressing Rubisco large and small subunits and the Rubisco assembly factor RAF1 (RAF1‐LSSS), which have increased Rubisco content and growth under control conditions, maintain increased Rubisco content and growth during chilling stress. RAF1‐LSSS plants exhibited 12% higher CO2 assimilation relative to nontransgenic controls under control growth conditions, and a 17% differential after 2 weeks of chilling stress, although assimilation rates of all genotypes were ~50% lower in chilling conditions. Chlorophyll fluorescence measurements showed RAF1‐LSSS and WT plants had similar rates of photochemical quenching during chilling, suggesting Rubisco may not be the primary limiting factor that leads to poor performance in maize under chilling conditions. In contrast, RAF1‐LSSS had improved photochemical quenching before and after chilling stress, suggesting that increased Rubisco may help plants recover faster from chilling conditions. Relatively increased leaf area, dry weight and plant height observed before chilling in RAF1‐LSSS were also maintained during chilling. Together, these results demonstrate that an increase in Rubisco content allows maize plants to better cope with chilling stress and also improves their subsequent recovery, yet additional modifications are required to engineer chilling tolerance in maize.  相似文献   
BACKGROUND AND AIMS: Chilling-stress tolerance is a prerequisite for maize production under cool climatic conditions. The main goal of this study was to evaluate the Central European dent and flint pools for chilling tolerance during heterotrophic and early autotrophic growth in field trials and growth chamber experiments. METHODS: Five European flint and five dent inbreds and their 25 factorial crosses were evaluated in six natural environments, where chilling occurred, for chlorophyll concentration and plant height at the three-leaf stage, and plant height and fresh weight at the seven-leaf stage. In growth chambers, leaf 3 growth was analysed under cold and control conditions. KEY RESULTS: Comparing the field and growth chamber data, the strongest association was found between leaf elongation rate during cold nights and plant height at the three-leaf stage, with a weaker association with the seven-leaf stage. In the field, moderate correlations were observed between plant height at the three-leaf stage, and plant height and fresh weight at the seven-leaf stage, respectively. Furthermore, mid-parent and hybrid performance were only moderately correlated. CONCLUSIONS: The results suggest that heterotrophic and early autotrophic growth stages are controlled by different genetic factors or that maternal effects play a role. In addition, the findings showed that mid-parent performance is a poor predictor of hybrid performance. Consequently, test cross performance should be the target in quantitiative trait locus (QTL) mapping studies with the final goal of establishing marker-assisted breeding programmes for chilling-tolerant hybrids.  相似文献   
Background and Aims Climate change is advancing the leaf-out times of many plant species and mostly extending the growing season in temperate ecosystems. Laboratory experiments using twig cuttings from woody plant species present an affordable, easily replicated approach to investigate the relative importance of factors such as winter chilling, photoperiod, spring warming and frost tolerance on the leafing-out times of plant communities. This Viewpoint article demonstrates how the results of these experiments deepen our understanding beyond what is possible via analyses of remote sensing and field observation data, and can be used to improve climate change forecasts of shifts in phenology, ecosystem processes and ecological interactions.Scope The twig method involves cutting dormant twigs from trees, shrubs and vines on a single date or at intervals over the course of the winter and early spring, placing them in containers of water in controlled environments, and regularly recording leaf-out, flowering or other phenomena. Prior to or following leaf-out or flowering, twigs may be assigned to treatment groups for experiments involving temperature, photoperiod, frost, humidity and more. Recent studies using these methods have shown that winter chilling requirements and spring warming strongly affect leaf-out and flowering times of temperate trees and shrubs, whereas photoperiod requirements are less important than previously thought for most species. Invasive plant species have weaker winter chilling requirements than native species in temperate ecosystems, and species that leaf-out early in the season have greater frost tolerance than later leafing species.Conclusions This methodology could be extended to investigate additional drivers of leaf-out phenology, leaf senescence in the autumn, and other phenomena, and could be a useful tool for education and outreach. Additional ecosystems, such as boreal, southern hemisphere and sub-tropical forests, could also be investigated using dormant twigs to determine the drivers of leaf-out times and how these ecosystems will be affected by climate change.  相似文献   
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