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Douglas fir (Pseudotsuga menziesii) variety glauca (DFG) but not the variety viridis (DFV) showed symptoms of manganese (Mn) toxicity in some field sites. We hypothesized that these two varieties differed in Mn metabolism. To test this hypothesis, biomass partitioning, Mn concentrations, subcellular localization and 54Mn-transport were investigated. Total Mn uptake was three-times higher in DFG than in DFV. DFV retained > 90% of 54Mn in roots, whereas > 60% was transported to the shoot in DFG. The epidermis was probably the most efficient Mn barrier since DFV contained lower Mn concentrations in cortical cells and vacuoles of roots than DFG. In both varieties, xylem loading was restricted and phloem transport was low. However, sieve cells still contained high Mn concentrations. DFV displayed higher biomass production and higher shoot : root ratios than DFG. Our results clearly show that both varieties of Douglas fir differ significantly in Mn-uptake and allocation patterns rendering DFG more vulnerable to Mn toxicity.  相似文献   
Genotypic variations were observed among 6 variants and an indigenous one as a control. An efficient genotype OCD(L) of Ocimum sanctum had the greatest content of chlorophylls [2.15 g kg−1(FM)], Chl a/b ratio of 1.86, net photosynthetic rate of 0.72 mg(CO2) m−2 s−1, and 1.56 % oil formation. Methyl chavicol formed 50.31 % of total oil in OSP-6 genotype, which had also maximum peroxidase activity [ΔOD 2.4 mg−1(protein)] and maximum production of eugenol (30.44 % of total oil). We found an oxido-reducible reaction of peroxidase and high bands of peroxidase isoenzymes in this OSP-6 genotype for the formation of monoterpene essential oil(s) and possibly the major constituents of eugenol through the high production of photosynthates.  相似文献   
Summary This experiment employed a factorial design combining 4 soil pH levels, 3 soil moisture levels, with and without the addition ofPhytophthora cinnamomi to the soil to evaluate the conditions that lead to Phytophthora root rot of avocado.An inverse relation between soil pH and leaf production (and root-weight) was observed in nondiseased plants. In soil infested withP. cinnamomi, plant growth and root weights were much depressed by low soil pH, and especially by low soil pH coupled with high soil moisture contents. These interactions were statistically highly significant. Root weights in pots withP. cinnamomi were closely related to the incidence of disease. A disease index was used to visually assess the conditions of roots. Isolation of the pathogen from diseased plant roots confirmed the accuracy of the disease index.A process of elimination suggsts that favorable soil Ca level and not high pHper se was responsible for disease suppression and that the devastating effects of low soil pH was produced by high Mn (and possibly Al) and associated low levels of Ca and P in soil solutions, which led to breakdown of biological control mechanisms.Journal Series No. 2801, Hawaii Institute of Tropical Agriculture and Human Resources.  相似文献   
Summary The inhibition of the respiration rate by the heavy metals, Cd, Cr, Cu, Pb, Ni and Zn was investigated in five Dutch soil types in relation to the length of time these heavy metals were present in the soil. The amounts of heavy metal added as chloride salts to the soils were 0, 55, 150, 400, 1000, 3000 and 8000 g·g–1, respectively. The measurements were carried out both immediately after the addition of the heavy metals and approximately 18 months later. The inhibition during the first two to eight weeks was not obscured by an extra nutrient flush to drying. During the 18 months, the toxicity decreased but was still significant. Inhibition was greatest in the sandy soil and least in the clay soil. In a loam soil and in a sandy peat soil, the inhibiting effects were intermediate, but distinct. The main abiotic factors responsible for these different degrees of inhibition were the clay fraction for Cd, the Fe content for Cu, Pb and Zn and the pH for Ni. Although clay, Fe, and Mn together with the organic matter fraction, determine the total cation exchange capacity of soil, their contribution to the toxicity of heavy metals may be antagonistic. The latter may increase the mobility due to chelation and therefore possibly increase the toxicity, while the other factors may bind the heavy metals and therefore decrease the toxicity.  相似文献   
Salt-marsh plants of the lower, middle and upper marsh were compared in their response to iron and manganese. The species studied showed differential sensitivity to high concentrations of Fe (1 000 μM) and Mn (10 000 μM) in hydroculture experiments, species of the lower marsh being more resistant than species of the upper marsh. Fe and Mn concentrations in the root were higher than in the shoot, which was also found in plants inundated with seawater. High Fe and Mn concentrations in the root are probably the result of the oxidizing power of plant roots with a subsequent low translocation of Fe (II) and Mn (II) to the shoot. At high (toxic) Fe and Mn levels in the nutrient solution, Fe and Mn concentrations were much higher in the shoots of sensitive species than in resistant species. The P content of roots and shoots was not influenced by increased Fe and Mn concentrations. Fe and Mn resistance in Spartina anglica and Juncus gerardii, may be in part due to a high root porosity. Other species, however, that are similarly resistant to Fe and Mn lack a well-developed aerenchym. Root porosity, radial oxygen loss and Fe (II) and Mn (II) exclusion by oxidation to Fe (III) (hydr)oxides deposited on the roots form part of the resistance mechanism of hygrohalophytes to Fe and Mn; the differences in this respect between the species may also be due to other metabolic aspects.  相似文献   
Summary Easily soluble heavy-metal fractions from different soils, a garbage-sewage sludge compost and peat were extracted by EUF. Blanks were determined by extracting distilled water. As the rubber seal of the extraction chamber contained Zn, the obtained Zn values were not reliable. The relative standard deviations of extracted micronutrients were 29.1% for Fe and 20.5% for Mn, Fe, Mn, Zn, Cu, Pb, Cd and Cr were not only found in the filters but also in the extracts.The extraction of CrIII and CrVI solutions showed that CrVI mainly migrated into the anode extract. CrIII was found mainly in the cathode filter and cathode extract, a smaller part however was obviously oxidized to CrVI and migrated into the anode extract. Consequently, CrIII and CrVI in soils could not be distinguished unequivocally by EUF.The amounts of Zn, Cu, Pb and Cd extracted by EUF from various substrates were small compared with the quantities extracted by 2N HCl. The heavy metal contents of the leaves were mostly in the order of those of the EUF extract.Several vineyard soils as well as peat were mixed with increasing quantities of Grünsalz (green salt), a fertilizer consisting mainly of iron sulphate. High amounts of Grünsalz (100–200 g/200 g soil) were necessary to raise soluble Fe in calcareous soils. In peat, however, small Grünsalz additions (1 g/50 g peat) were sufficient. Soluble Mn and Cu increased too when Grünsalz was added to soil or peat. These results give valuable information on how grapevine chlorosis can be reduced by the use of Grünsalz or mixtures of peat and Grünsalz.  相似文献   
Summary Levels of extractable micronutrients in a peat and the growth and nutrient uptake of young highbush blueberry plants (Vaccinium corymbosum L cv. Blueray) were studied in a greenhouse experiment in response to liming and two rates of addition of Fe, Mn, Zn and Cu.Levels of extractable micronutrients showed different trends with liming depending upon the extractant used and the element being considered. Levels of 0.05M CaCl2-extractable Fe, Mn and Zn decreased as the pH was raised whilst those of Cu first decreased and then increased again. There was a general decline in 0.1M HCl-extractable Fe, Mn and Cu with increasing pH but levels of Zn were not greatly affected. Levels of 0.005M DTPA extractable Fe, Mn Zn and Cu generally declined but those extractable with 0.04M EDTA were either unaffected or increased as the pH was raised. Levels of CaCl2-extractable Mn and Zn were the same order of magnitude as those extractable with HCl, DTPA and EDTA. In contrast, the latter reagents extracted considerably more Fe and Cu than did CaCl2.Dry matter yields of plants were increased as the pH was raised from 3.9 to 4.3 but then decreased markedly as the pH was raised further to 6.7. With increasing pH, concentrations of plant Fe generally increased those of Mn were decreased and those of Zn and Cu were not greatly affected except for a marked decline in plant Cu at pH 6.7.  相似文献   
Summary Eighteen major and trace elements (Al, As, Ba, Br, Ca, Cl, Co, Cu, Fe, K, Mg, Mn, Na, Sb, Sc, Sr, V, Zn) have been determined in needles ofPicea abies by neutron activation analysis. Trees from 31 sites with different characteristics were investigated. The sampled area was 140 km2 and centered around the city of Winterthur, Switzerland.The effect of washing the needles before analysis was investigated. Washing was found to be essential for a meaningful determination of most elements. The values of the individual elements could be approximated by normal or by lognormal distributions. The width of these distributions varies greatly, being 14% for Cu and a factor of 5 for Mn. Many elements show highly significant positive or negative correlations.Whereas the levels of the major elements as determined here are in the generally accepted range, the values for most of the minor elements show very poor correspondence with published values. For some elements the present data seem to be the only available values. Distinct environmental influences were only manifest for Na, Cl, Br, and these elements show very high values at sites bordering highways.  相似文献   
Activation of Streptococcus mitis (ATTC 9811) arginine aminopeptidase resulted in removal of the metal(s) from the enzyme molecule, and the action of the heavy metal ion in the inactivation process was shown to involve formation of a chelate complex between the enzyme molecule and metal or oxidation of functional group(s) on the enzyme surface. The enzyme also underwent activation by bovine serum albumin, amino acids, phosphate, and citric acid, which are probable physiological chelators.  相似文献   
Chronic electroconvulsive shock (ECS) induced a significant decrease in noradrenaline- and forskolin-stimulated cyclic AMP production in rat cortical slices, whereas a single ECS had a much smaller effect. In a cortical membrane preparation, adenylate cyclase activity in response to stimulation by forskolin, guanosine-5'-(beta,gamma-imido) triphosphate, and Mn2+ ions was significantly increased in membranes derived from rats that had received chronic ECS, but was either unchanged or reduced in membranes from rats that received a single treatment only. The results are interpreted in terms of changes occurring at components of the adenylate cyclase enzyme distal to the receptor.  相似文献   
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