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Peripheral populations of eight species of freshwater bivalves (Unionidae.) extending their geographic ranges into Nova Scotia, Canada, were examined electrophoretically to determine both the extent of genetic variability within such populations, and whether the hypothesized pathway of colonization across the Isthmus of Chignecto is reflected in patterns of genetic resemblance among these populations. The Nova Scotian species examined could be separated into two groups based on levels of observed heterozygosity and levels of variability in allele frequencies. The first group is characterized by low levels of heterozygosity and polymorphism compared with north-eastern American populations, and in the case of one species, Elliptio complanala, considerable variability in allele frequencies among populations occurring in similar habitats in different drainages. Populations of E. complanata from Nova Scotia can be differentiated from conspecific populations on the southern Atlantic Slope by possession of fast alleles at two loci. Multivariate analyses define subgroups within populations of E. complanata consistent with hypothesis that the species invaded Nova Scotia by way of the Isthmus of Chignecto, and then split into two groups, one of which colonized Cape Breton to the north and the other of which colonized southern areas of the Province. The second group of Nova Scotian species is characterized by little reduction in heterozygosity and polymorphism compared with values observed among north-eastern American conspecifics or congeners, little variability in allele frequencies from population to population, and little evidence to suggest that these species were dependent on the land bridge to invade the Province. The type of dispersal is hypothesized to be responsible, in part, for these differences: larvae of species in the first group rely on a parasitic attachment to fish with territorial habits limited to fresh water, and are thus likely to invade new drainages separated by salt water by chance, in small numbers, and in stepping-stone fashion. Species in the second group parasitize anadromous or saltwater tolerant hosts, are likely to be introduced into new habitats in greater numbers and/or receive greater amounts of gene flow subsequent to colonization, and seem less dependent on land-bridges to colonize new habitats.  相似文献   
Summary In both radiated and non-radiated oat populations inbreeding coefficients increased more slowly than was expected on the assumption of full selfing and equal selective values for homozygotes and heterozygotes. Assuming 1% outcrossing for oats and a selective value of 1.0 for the mean, the heterozygotes for two loci governing crown rust reaction have an advantage of 50% over the homozygotes. This study supports previous observations that the heterozygote often has a decided advantage in predominantly self-pollinated crops.  相似文献   
We describe the development of DNA markers for the fungal pathogen of Eucalyptus, Cryphonectria cubensis. These markers originated from cloned intershort sequence repeat polymerase chain reactions, which enrich for medium to highly repetitive DNA sequences. In total, 10 markers were isolated, eight of which were polymorphic, and these can subsequently be applied to study populations of C. cubensis.  相似文献   
Aim Anole lizards (Reptilia: Sauria: Polychrotidae) display remarkable morphological and genetic differentiation between island populations. Morphological differences between islands are probably due to both adaptive (e.g. differential resource exploitation and intra‐ or interspecific competition) and non‐adaptive differentiation in allopatry. Anoles are well known for their extreme diversity and rapid adaptive speciation on islands. The main aim of this study was to use tests of morphological and genetic differentiation to investigate the population structure and colonization history of islands of the Islas de Bahia, off the coast of Honduras. Location Five populations of Norops bicaorum and Norops lemurinus were sampled, four from islands of the Islas de Bahia and one from the mainland of Honduras. Methods Body size and weight differentiation were measured in order to test for significant differences between sexes and populations. In addition, individuals were genotyped using the amplified fragment length polymorphism technique. Bayesian model‐based and assignment/exclusion methods were used to study genetic differentiation between island and mainland populations and to test colonization hypotheses. Results Assignment tests suggested migration from the mainland to the Cayos Cochinos, and from there independently to both Utila and Roatán, whereas migration between Utila and Roatán was lacking. Migration from the mainland to Utila was inferred, but was much less frequent. Morphologically, individuals from Utila appeared to be significantly different in comparison with all other localities. Significant differentiation between males of Roatán and the mainland was found in body size, whereas no significant difference was detected between the mainland and the Cayos Cochinos. Main conclusions Significant genetic and morphological differentiation was found among populations. A stepping‐stone model for colonization, in combination with an independent migration to Utila and Roatán, was suggested by assignment tests and was compatible with the observed morphological differentiation.  相似文献   
Twelve natural populations of Drosophila ananassae were sampled and laboratory populations were derived. All the populations were maintained in food bottles in the laboratory for ten generations by transferring fifty flies (females and males in equal number) in each generation. After ten generations they were analysed chromosomally to determine the frequency of different chromosome arrangements. The results show that there is significant variation in the frequencies of chromosome arrangements and in the level of inversion heterozygosity. Although some of the populations became mo-nomorphic for certain inversions, in general all populations remained polymorphic even after ten generations. The degree of genetic differentiation in the populations after they were transferred to laboratory conditions has been estimated by calculating genetic identity and distance between the initial and final populations based on the differences in chromosome arrangement frequencies. The estimates of I and D suggest that there is considerable variation in the degree of genetic divergence in D. ananassae populations. Some populations have remained unchanged while others have diverged to a considerable extent.  相似文献   
Statistical techniques for detection of major genes in animal breeding data   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
Summary Statistical techniques for detection of major loci and for making inferences about major locus parameters such as genotypic frequencies, effects and gene action from field-collected data are presented. In field data, major genotypic effects are likely to be masked by a large number of environmental differences in addition to additive and nonadditive polygenic effects. A graphical technique and a procedure for discriminating among genetic hypotheses based on a mixed model accounting for all these factors are proposed. The methods are illustrated by using simulated data.Journal Paper No. J-12733 of the Iowa Agriculture and Home Economics Experiment Station, Ames, Iowa. Project No. 1901  相似文献   
Patterns of zinc tolerance were examined in eightDeschampsia cespitosa (L.)Beauv. populations from normal and zinc-contaminated soils, using solution culture methods. Zinc-tolerant populations have evolved beneath pylons, and their tolerance patterns (degree, variance, heritability) vary. Tolerance is genetically based in all of them. In contrast to the cases of other species previously reported, some within-population differences are considerable, and may be due to both heterogeneity of the soils zinc contents, various gene combinations and gene recombinations between genotypes. One control population contains many tolerant plants, an original result which is discussed.  相似文献   
Summary White pine (Pinus strobus L.) trees have shoot populations composed of subpopulations of terminal and lateral shoots. I tested whether the subpopulations would show compensatory (increased) growth when separated from each other. Ten-year-old white pine (Pinus strobus L.) trees growing under an oak (Quercus) overstory were untreated or treated in winter by removing either all terminal, or all lateral buds (10 trees per treatment). Growth was compared between control and treated shoot subpopulations. In the 1st year, shoot-length frequency distributions were similar between control and treated subpopulations. There was significant compensatory shoot elongation (mean of 1.5 cm per shoot) in both treated subpopulations. In the 2nd year each subpopulation produced both terminal and lateral shoots. Shoot-length frequency distributions were similar, but shifted toward longer shoots in treated populations. Shoot number, mean length and total shoot length were greater in treated populations. The increased growth in treated subpopulations was due both to differences in parent shoot length and to compensatory shoot production and elongation.  相似文献   
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