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Miscanthus is a high-yielding bioenergy crop that is broadly adapted to temperate and tropical environments. Commercial cultivation of Miscanthus is predominantly limited to a single sterile triploid clone of Miscanthus × giganteus, a hybrid between Miscanthus sacchariflorus and M. sinensis. To expand the genetic base of M. × giganteus, the substantial diversity within its progenitor species should be used for cultivar improvement and diversification. Here, we phenotyped a diversity panel of 605 M. sacchariflorus from six previously described genetic groups and 27 M. × giganteus genotypes for dry biomass yield and 16 yield-component traits, in field trials grown over 3 years at one subtropical location (Zhuji, China) and four temperate locations (Foulum, Denmark; Sapporo, Japan; Urbana, Illinois; and Chuncheon, South Korea). There was considerable diversity in yield and yield-component traits among and within genetic groups of M. sacchariflorus, and across the five locations. Biomass yield of M. sacchariflorus ranged from 0.003 to 34.0 Mg ha−1 in year 3. Variation among the genetic groups was typically greater than within, so selection of genetic group should be an important first step for breeding with M. sacchariflorus. The Yangtze 2x genetic group (=ssp. lutarioriparius) of M. sacchariflorus had the tallest and thickest culms at all locations tested. Notably, the Yangtze 2x genetic group's exceptional culm length and yield potential were driven primarily by a large number of nodes (>29 nodes culm−1 average over all locations), which was consistent with the especially late flowering of this group. The S Japan 4x, the N China/Korea/Russia 4x, and the N China 2x genetic groups were also promising genetic resources for biomass yield, culm length, and culm thickness, especially for temperate environments. Culm length was the best indicator of yield potential in M. sacchariflorus. These results will inform breeders' selection of M. sacchariflorus genotypes for population improvement and adaptation to target production environments.  相似文献   
以555份芒(Miscanthus sinensis)种质资源为研究对象,根据26个表型性状数据,按地理来源、植物区系和单一性状进行分组,分别采用简单比例法、平方根法和多样性指数法确定组内取样数,再根据聚类和随机2种方法进行组内个体选择。依照上述方案共构建出19个具有代表性的芒初选核心种质样本库。通过平均相似系数、性状符合度、数量性状变异系数和遗传多样性指数等4项检测指标对上述19种构建方案进行比较,最终确定了按"植物区划分组+多样性指数确定取样数+聚类选择个体"为芒初级核心种质构建的最佳方案。通过此方法建立起的芒初级核心种质资源共83份,占总资源的14.95%,且新构建的初级种质资源与总资源性状符合度达到100%。  相似文献   
选择尾矿砂裸地和4个五节芒(Miscanthus floridulus)定居地(RI、RII、RIII和RIV)为样地, 分别研究了五节芒定居对尾矿砂重金属形态转化和微生物功能参数的影响。结果表明: 五节芒自然定居显著地提高了尾矿砂碳酸盐结合态和硫化物-有机物结合态重金属比例(p<0.05), 降低了尾矿砂残渣态重金属的比例(p<0.05)。土壤微生物群落的纤维素分解作用、酚转化作用、固氮作用、氨化作用、硝化作用、有机磷转化作用、功能多样性、4类不同碳源(碳水化合(CH)、聚合物(PL)、胺类化合物(AM)和杂合物(ML))均随着五节芒自然定居显著提高(p<0.05)。而氨基酸(AA)的利用强度却显著下降(p<0.05)。典范相关分析(CCA)表明: 土壤微生物功能参数的总体变化与土壤碳酸盐结合态和硫化物-有机物结合态重金属的含量呈显著正相关, 与残渣态重金属含量呈显著负相关。该研究结果表明, 五节芒定居不仅促进了尾矿砂重金属朝着沉淀态和螯合态方面转化, 而且还显著地改善了尾矿砂微生物群落的功能发挥。因而, 五节芒在重金属矿业废弃地恢复实践中具有较大的应用潜力。  相似文献   
1 The reproductive performance of two aphid pest species, Rhopalosiphum padi and Rhopalosiphum maidis, was investigated on two seedling growth stages of Miscanthus sinensis, rhizomatous M. sinensis‘Giganteus’ and barley. Rhopalosiphum padi was unable to complete its development on Miscanthus. Rhopalosiphum maidis was most fecund on rhizomatous plants compared with seedling stages. 2 The ability of R. maidis to transmit the RPV isolate of Barley Yellow Dwarf Virus (BYDV) to M. sinensis seedlings was further investigated. Following successful transmission, host plant symptomology and the effect of infection on the yield of Miscanthus were investigated. Total above soil biomass was reduced by around 23% following infection. 3 The inability of R. padi to utilize Miscanthus is reviewed in light of this species’ origin and inability to utilize C4 host plants. 4 The potential pest status of R. maidis on Miscanthus is discussed together with the impact that Miscanthus cultivation could have on the ecology of this aphid species and BYDV in the U.K.  相似文献   
安徽省达到芒属植物资源及其开发利用   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
安徽省芒属植物有3种量变种:五节芒(Miscanthus floridulus)、芒(M.sinensis var. sinensis)、紫芒(M. sinensis var. purpurascens)和荻(M. saccharifl-orus);其中紫芒为本省地理分布新记录。它们的资源量大;如全省仅连片五节芒草地即达260多万亩,一般亩产鲜草1000—2500公斤。芒属植物是利用价值很高的资源禾草:饲用价值“良等”;保持水土能力强;纤维品质优良,为制浆造纸及编织的上等原料;并可药用。最后,提出了开发利用芒属植物资源的几点建议。  相似文献   
“甘蔗复合群”是一类极具生物能源开发潜力的禾本科C4植物。近年来由于世界能源危机的影响和植物遗传育种研究的发展,国内外学者对“甘蔗复合群”植物资源评价和能源育种研究越来越重视。本文介绍了“甘蔗复合群”的基本概念、属种分类及核心类群等研究背景。同时以甘蔗属和芒属核心资源为例,从“甘蔗复合群”能源植物遗传育种的角度综述了国内外相关研究进展。旨在总结前人的理论研究成果和杂交育种实践经验,探讨相关类群在植物系统分类和种质资源利用中存在问题与对策,为我国“甘蔗复合群”能源植物的应用基础研究和产业化开发利用提出建议。  相似文献   
The perennial grass triploid Miscanthus × giganteus is a promising renewable bioenergy feedstock in the United States and Europe. Originating from eastern Asia, this species is a sterile hybrid cross between M. sinensis and M. sacchariflorus. While research has begun to examine the impacts of M. sinensis and triploid M. × giganteus on the landscape, M. sacchariflorus has been largely overlooked in the peer‐reviewed literature. This review article discusses the origin, uses, distribution, and invasive potential of M. sacchariflorus. M. sacchariflorus is capable of producing high yields (10.7 t DM ha?1 yr?1), generally does not reproduce by seed, and can be challenging to establish due to poor cold tolerance, likely due to the limited germplasm used in evaluations. However, M. sacchariflorus has abundant and aggressively spreading rhizomes, which underscores its invasive risk. In the United States, it is listed as escaped from cultivation in at least eight states, primarily in the Midwest, although it is likely that not all populations have been reported. As such, it is essential to generate a comprehensive dataset of all known M. sacchariflorus populations and monitor any continued spread of this species.  相似文献   
In an old field grassland dominated byMiscanthus sinensis Anderss. the community structures, phytomass, dominance ofM. sinensis and species diversity were measured. Species and life form composition of the stand were characterized by higher percentages of therophytes, woody and shrubby species, liana and alien species. From May so September in 1982, all the aboveground parts were harvested from each of the four quadrats (2 m×2 m) once a month. Seasonal peak of aboveground phytomass, in September, was 1027 g d.w.m−2 to whichM. sinensis contributed as much as 96.5%. With the progress of the growing season,M. sinensis became increasingly important both in stand phytomass and in dominance, whereas species diversity based on the dry weight contributions of constituent species decreased. Our analysis of these seasonal trends showed that the diversity was largely a function of dominance of the most important species, rather than that of stand phytomass or productivity. The simultaneous measurements of 20 quadrats in late August 1983, also supported the above conclusion.  相似文献   
Although C4 plants are considered to have higher conversion efficiency and productivity than C3, plants, this advantage may not be realized under sub-optimal conditions. Two perennial C4 rhizomatous grasses of cool temperate origin, Miscanthus × giganteus and Spartina cyno-suroides, have been suggested as potential fuel crops for north-western Europe. The conversion efficiencies of these species were examined for 2 years in fertilized, irrigated, replicated plots in south-eastern England. In the second year, the energy conversion efficiencies for shoot and total biomass production were 0.040 and 0.051, respectively, for S. cynosuroides, with significantly higher values of 0.060 and 0.078, respectively, for M. × giganteus. The M. × giganteus crop attained shoot productivity of 2.87 kg m?2 between April and September, exceeding the highest values typically obtained with intensively managed C3, crops. Canopy development was early, and high interception and conversion efficiencies were maintained over most of the growing season. This study provides the evidence that the superior potential light conversion efficiencies associated with C4 photosynthesis can be realized under cool temperate conditions and that such climatic conditions do not Inherently impair the C4 process.  相似文献   
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