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The study aimed to briefly analyse the basic anthropometric characteristics of Ukrainian adolescents against their Polish counterparts. The study was school-based, carried out April–June 2022 and followed a cross-sectional model. It included 642 children from Poland and Ukraine (aged 10–15) who attended ten randomly selected primary schools in Kraków (Poland). Noticeable differences between Polish and Ukrainian adolescents were observed. As the analysed characteristics included features such as the amount and distribution of body fat, they can be crucial in the indirect assessment of health status, particularly the risk of cardiovascular and metabolic diseases. This in turn, can help to properly accommodate the changing needs of the population.  相似文献   
Synopsis Migration of smolts in the River Piddle, Dorset, was studied over three years in relation to factors that could influence downstream movement. The river originates mostly from groundwater springs, resulting in stable flows and low turbidity except in very rainy weither. Fish were intercepted at the tidal limit in a fixed trap-net, and measurements of water temperature, discharge, turbidity, barometric pressure, rainfall and solar radiation taken nearby. Slightly increased turbidity and discharge following heavy rain initiated major movements during two nights of the total of 55 days studied. At other times large-scale movements rock place during sunny warm afternoons. Both solar radiation and water temperature were correlated with intensity and timing of movement. The pattern of migration is different from that reported on other rivers, reflecting the relatively stable flow regime of the chalkstream.  相似文献   
Reproductive strategies of coastal marine fishes in the tropics   总被引:14,自引:0,他引:14  
Synopsis A synthesis of ethnobiological, behavioral and physical oceanographic information leads to the conclusion that temperate zone models of reproductive strategy are inapplicable to many fishes of the coastal tropics. Intense predation appears to exert heavy selection pressure on fishes that spend their adult lives in coral, mangrove or tropical seagrass communities. Many exhibit spawning behaviors and spawn at times and locations that favor the transport of their pelagic eggs and pelagic larvae offshore where predation is reduced. This creates a countervailing selection pressure — the need to return the larvae to shallow water once they are ready to colonize their post-larval habitats. Accordingly, spawning is often concentrated at times of the year when prevailing winds or currents are at their weakest, thereby reducing the transport of larvae long distances from where they originated. Spawning is also concentrated in the vicinity of nearshore gyres which similarly favor the ultimate return of the larvae to their natal area. Among these species, therefore, offshore larval dispersal does not seem to be an adaptation for dispersal of the species, but rather an evolutionary response to intense predation pressure in the adult habitats. Lunar reproductive periodicity is more common among these species than has previously been recognized, and is one of the strategies employed to enhance the offshore flushing of eggs and larvae.This paper forms part of the proceedings of a mini-symposium convened at Cornell University, Ithaca, N. Y. 18–19 May 1976, entitled Patterns of Community Structure in Fishes (G. S. Helfman, ed.).Contribution No. 524, Hawaii Institute of Marine Biology, University of Hawaii, Honolulu.  相似文献   
Dictyocaulus viviparus larvae were exposed to ox bile and CO2 at intervals during their cultivation to the infective stage. Preinfective and young infective larvae were stimulated by CO2. Bile slightly inhibited preinfective larvae, but stimulated the infective stage. Old coiled, resting infective larvae were stimulated by bile down to a concentration of 10 ppm of bile dry matter, by vertebrate biles of pig, sheep, newborn calf, cow, guinea pig, dog, and chicken, as well as by defatted bile dry matter and by glyco-, tauro-, glycodeoxy-, and taurodeoxycholates. Continuous bile exposure appeared necessary to maintain high larval activity. A high pCO2 as well as a low redox potential potentiated the effect of bile, but had no effect alone. Exposure to pepsin-HCl and to trypsin had only a minor stimulatory effect.  相似文献   
Synopsis The spawning and nesting behavior ofEtheostoma (Boleosoma) perlongum was investigated in the field and laboratory. Sexual dimorphism is highly developed in such features as genital papillae, first dorsal and paired fins, and nuptial coloration. A reproductive migration from mid-lake to shore occurs in the spring: males precede females to select nest sites under submerged sticks and other debris. The male excavates a depression beneath the submerged object. Gonad analysis indicates a single spawning season extending from March through June. Nests were found from late April to mid-June and were guarded by a single male for periods of 13 to 36 days. Males initiate courtship by lateral display, lead the female to the nest site and show the nest by inverting. The female responds by tail up, tail wag and circle; males also tail wag and circle. Spawning pairs invert, usually in unison, and orient head to head or, less often, head to tail. The female deposits eggs while holding her body in a weak S or J shape with the caudal peduncle held away from the spawning substrate while vibrating.  相似文献   
 柽柳(Tamarix spp.)在荒漠的非河岸区自然侵移现象已被发现。生长季偶发大雨引起暂时性积水,在土层结构和种源的适当配合下,有可能引起柽柳的自然发生过程。这种机遇较少出现。故实生苗群数量较少,年龄结构亦非连续性。但植丛寿命长,在漫长生活周期中,这种机遇终将出现,如无人为因素干扰,这类植丛将能持续地补充幼体而实现更新。  相似文献   
In the twenty-two years since the Awash baboon hybrid zone was first described, about 25-30 hamadryas or hamadryas-like hybrid males have taken up residence in anubis baboon groups. Most enter as mature adults, though some may immigrate as juvenile followers. Long-term tracking of known immigrants indicates that they may reside for four years or more in their adopted troop, during which time they establish a series of comparatively short-term harems, and probably sire hybrid offspring. "Abductions" of anubis females to hamadryas troops, as postulated by early observers, were not seen, though their occurrence cannot be ruled out. Younger, more recent immigrants tend to be "purer" hamadryas in phenotype, perhaps reflecting a more distant origin, or a change in the composition of neighboring hamadryas populations. Coexisting hamadryas and anubis show no signs of reproductive isolation by behavioral barriers, and evidently belong to a single "recognition species."  相似文献   
Hemoglobin E, an allele generally considered to confer malarial resistance in heterozygotes, is found in high frequencies across a wide area of Southeast Asia. Apparently it originated as a single-point mutation which was spread by gene flow. The rate of diffusion of this adaptive allele is studied using four computer simulation models. It is shown that in small populations deterministic equations for gene flow may overestimate rates of diffusion. Other aspects of population structure, however, such as kin-structuring of migrant groups, increase the rate of advance. Finally, population growth coupled with the spread of the allele leads to much more rapid diffusion. These results suggest that population structure can be an important factor affecting the diffusion of advantageous genes.  相似文献   
Summary Some strong-migration limits are established for geographically structured populations. A diploid monoecious population is subdivided into a finite number of colonies, which exchange migrants. The migration pattern is fixed and ergodic, but otherwise arbitrary. Generations are discrete and nonoverlapping; the analysis is restricted to a single locus. In all the limiting results, an effective population number N e ( N T ) appears instead of the actual total population number N T . 1. If there is no selection, every allele mutates at rate u to types not preexisting in the population, and the (finite) subpopulation numbers N i are very large, then the ultimate rate and pattern of convergence of the probabilities of allelic identity are approximately the same as for panmixia. If, in addition, the N i are proportional to 1/u, as N T 8, the equilibrium probabilities of identity converge to the panmictic value. 2. With a finite number of alleles, any mutation pattern, an arbitrary selection scheme for each colony, and the mutation rates and selection coefficients proportional to 1/N T , let P j be the frequency of the allele A j in the entire population, averaged with respect to the stationary distribution of the backward migration matrix M. As N T 8, the deviations of the allelic frequencies in each of the subpopulations from P j converge to zero; the usual panmictic mutation-selection diffusion is obtained for P j , with the selection intensities averaged with respect to the stationary distribution of M. In both models, N e = N T and all effects of population subdivision disappear in the limit if, and only if, migration does not alter the subpopulation numbers.Supported by the National Science Foundation (Grant No. DEB77-21494)  相似文献   
Emodin (1,3,8-trihydroxy-6-methylanthaquinone), an active component present in the root and rhizome of Rheum palmatum L. (Polygonaceae) has anti-bacterial, anti-tumor, diuretic and vasorelaxant effects. However, its mechanism of action on the cell migration and invasion of human neuroblastoma cancer SH-SY5Y cells is not fully understood. In this study, firstly, the effects of emodin on the percentage of viable cells were examined by using MTT assay and it was found that emodin induced dose-and time-dependent inhibition in human neuroblastoma SH-SY5Y cells. Second, the effects of emodin on the migration and invasion of SH-SY5Y cells were examined by using wound assay and matrigel counting and the results showed that emodin suppressed the migration and invasion of SH-SY5Y cells. Third, we examined the effect of emodin on the levels of associated proteins by using Western blotting and the results indicated that emodin inhibited the levels of GRB2, RhoA, HIF-1α, VEGF, FAK, iNOS, COX2, p-p38, p-c-jun, MMP2, MMP9 and MMP7 but promoted the levels of PKC, PI3K, MEKK3 and NF-κB p65 that led to the inhibition of migration and invasion of SH-SY5Y cells in vitro.  相似文献   
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