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Microwave-assisted synthetic techniques were used to quickly and reproducibly produce silica nanoparticle sols using an acid catalyst with nanoparticle diameters ranging from 30-250 nm by varying the reaction conditions. Through the selection of a microwave compatible solvent, silicic acid precursor, catalyst, and microwave irradiation time, these microwave-assisted methods were capable of overcoming the previously reported shortcomings associated with synthesis of silica nanoparticles using microwave reactors. The siloxane precursor was hydrolyzed using the acid catalyst, HCl. Acetone, a low-tan δ solvent, mediates the condensation reactions and has minimal interaction with the electromagnetic field. Condensation reactions begin when the silicic acid precursor couples with the microwave radiation, leading to silica nanoparticle sol formation. The silica nanoparticles were characterized by dynamic light scattering data and scanning electron microscopy, which show the materials'' morphology and size to be dependent on the reaction conditions. Microwave-assisted reactions produce silica nanoparticles with roughened textured surfaces that are atypical for silica sols produced by Stöber''s methods, which have smooth surfaces.  相似文献   
Purinergic pathways are considered important in pain transmission, and P2X receptors are a key part of this system which has received little attention in the horse. The aim of this study was to identify and characterise the distribution of P2X receptor subtypes in the equine digit and associated vasculature and nervous tissue, including peripheral nerves, dorsal root ganglia and cervical spinal cord, using PCR, Western blot analysis and immunohistochemistry. mRNA signal for most of the tested P2X receptor subunits (P2X1–5, 7) was detected in all sampled equine tissues, whereas P2X6 receptor subunit was predominantly expressed in the dorsal root ganglia and spinal cord. Western blot analysis validated the specificity of P2X1–3, 7 antibodies, and these were used in immunohistochemistry studies. P2X1–3, 7 receptor subunits were found in smooth muscle cells in the palmar digital artery and vein with the exception of the P2X3 subunit that was present only in the vein. However, endothelial cells in the palmar digital artery and vein were positive only for P2X2 and P2X3 receptor subunits. Neurons and nerve fibres in the peripheral and central nervous system were positive for P2X1–3 receptor subunits, whereas glial cells were positive for P2X7 and P2X1 and 2 receptor subunits. This previously unreported distribution of P2X subtypes may suggest important tissue specific roles in physiological and pathological processes.  相似文献   
Given that the effectiveness of interstitial hyperthermia for cancer treatment is related to the temperature achieved during the ablation process, there is a need for an accurate understanding of the required temperature distribution which is affected by the physical shape and form of tumours. Although a maximum peak temperature value and minimum backward heating are desired, the temperature distribution needs to be not only high but also uniformly extended over a section instead of at one peak point, especially when a roughly oval-shaped tumour is aligned with the antenna. In this case, achieving a high temperature peak destroys only the central cancerous cells after the first minutes of ablation, leaving the cells on the side alive. In this paper, a complex model was extended for the study of the heat distribution of an antenna over a porous liver composed of blood, cancerous cells, and normal tissue. Three different types of antenna were analysed: single-slot, double-slot, and dipole-tip. A novel structure made up of the single-slot antenna with a micron cut, named the micro-cut slot (MCS) antenna, was proposed and analysed. Thanks to the new structure, high uniform temperature distribution with minimum backward heating was achieved. The extended model equations, which encompass a coupled nonlinear set of transient Maxwell's electromagnetic equations, extended Darcy–Brinkman equation, and local thermal non-equilibrium equations for porous medium approximation, were solved numerically using the novel alternating direction implicit, finite–difference time–domain approach. The results showed that each type of antenna could be useful if chosen according to the shape of the tumour. In comparison with previously used antennas, the MCS antenna presented a good combination of the required goals of achieving uniform high temperature distribution and minimum backward heating.  相似文献   
Physical work, high ambient temperature and wearing protective clothing can elevate body temperature and cardiovascular strain sufficiently to degrade performance and induce heat-related illnesses. We have recently developed an Arm Immersion Cooling System (AICS) for use in military training environments and this paper will review literature supporting such an approach and provide details regarding its construction. Extremity cooling in cool or cold water can accelerate body (core temperature) cooling from 0.2 to 1.0 °C/10 min vs. control conditions, depending on the size/surface area of the extremity immersed. Arm immersion up to the elbow results in greater heat loss than hand- or foot-only immersion and may reduce cardiovascular strain by lowering heart rate by 10–25 beats/min and increase work tolerance time by up to 60%. The findings from studies in this paper support the use of AICS prototypes, which have been incorporated as part of the heat stress mitigation procedures employed in US Army Ranger Training and may have great application for sports and occupational use.  相似文献   
We used site-directed labeling of the type 1 ryanodine receptor (RyR1) and fluorescence resonance energy transfer (FRET) measurements to map RyR1 sequence elements forming the binding site of the 12-kDa binding protein for the immunosuppressant drug, FK506. This protein, FKBP12, promotes the RyR1 closed state, thereby inhibiting Ca2+ leakage in resting muscle. Although FKBP12 function is well established, its binding determinants within the RyR1 protein sequence remain unresolved. To identify these sequence determinants using FRET, we created five single-Cys FKBP variants labeled with Alexa Fluor 488 (denoted D-FKBP) and then targeted these D-FKBPs to full-length RyR1 constructs containing decahistidine (His10) “tags” placed within N-terminal (amino acid residues 76–619) or central (residues 2157–2777) regions of RyR1. The FRET acceptor Cy3NTA bound specifically and saturably to these His tags, allowing distance analysis of FRET measured from each D-FKBP variant to Cy3NTA bound to each His tag. Results indicate that D-FKBP binds proximal to both N-terminal and central domains of RyR1, thus suggesting that the FKBP binding site is composed of determinants from both regions. These findings further imply that the RyR1 N-terminal and central domains are proximal to one another, a core premise of the domain-switch hypothesis of RyR function. We observed FRET from GFP fused at position 620 within the N-terminal domain to central domain His-tagged sites, thus further supporting this hypothesis. Taken together, these results support the conclusion that N-terminal and central domain elements are closely apposed near the FKBP binding site within the RyR1 three-dimensional structure.  相似文献   
Studies of primate taxonomy and phylogeny often depend on comparisons of limb dimensions, yet there is little information on how morphology correlates and contributes to foraging strategies and ecology. Callitrichid primates are ideal for comparative studies as they exhibit a range of body size, limb proportions and diet. Many callitrichid species exhibit a high degree of exudativory, and to efficiently exploit these resources, they are assumed to have evolved morphologies that reflect a level of dependence on these resources. We tested assumptions by considering measurements of limb proportion and frictional features of the volar surfaces in preserved specimens of 25 species with relation to published life history and ecological data. The degree of exudativory and utilization of vertical substrates during foraging were found to correlate both with size and with size‐corrected foot and hand dimensions. Smaller species, which engage in greater degrees of exudativory, had proportionally longer hands and feet and more curved claw‐like tegulae (nails) on their digits to facilitate climbing on vertical substrates. The density of patterned ridges (dermatoglyphs) on the volar surfaces of the hands and feet is higher in more exudativorous genera, suggesting a role in climbing on vertical tree trunks during foraging. Dermatoglyph comparisons suggest that ridges on the soles and palms may facilitate food procurement by enhancing frictional grip during exudate feeding. Volar pad features corroborate taxonomic relationships described from dental morphology. Am J Phys Anthropol 152:447–458, 2013. © 2013 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   
Several Cl channels have been described in the native renal tubule, but their correspondence with ClC-K1 and ClC-K2 channels (orthologs of human ClC-Ka and ClC-Kb), which play a major role in transcellular Cl absorption in the kidney, has yet to be established. This is partly because investigation of heterologous expression has involved rat or human ClC-K models, whereas characterization of the native renal tubule has been done in mice. Here, we investigate the electrophysiological properties of mouse ClC-K1 channels heterologously expressed in Xenopus laevis oocytes and in HEK293 cells with or without their accessory Barttin subunit. Current amplitudes and plasma membrane insertion of mouse ClC-K1 were enhanced by Barttin. External basic pH or elevated calcium stimulated currents followed the anion permeability sequence Cl > Br > NO3 > I. Single-channel recordings revealed a unit conductance of ~ 40 pS. Channel activity in cell-attached patches increased with membrane depolarization (voltage for half-maximal activation: ~ − 65 mV). Insertion of the V166E mutation, which introduces a glutamate in mouse ClC-K1, which is crucial for channel gating, reduced the unit conductance to ~ 20 pS. This mutation shifted the depolarizing voltage for half-maximal channel activation to ~ + 25 mV. The unit conductance and voltage dependence of wild-type and V166E ClC-K1 were not affected by Barttin. Owing to their strikingly similar properties, we propose that the ClC-K1/Barttin complex is the molecular substrate of a chloride channel previously detected in the mouse thick ascending limb (Paulais et al., J Membr. Biol, 1990, 113:253–260).  相似文献   
The aetiology of breast cancer is multifactorial. While there are known genetic predispositions to the disease it is probable that environmental factors are also involved. Recent research has demonstrated a regionally specific distribution of aluminium in breast tissue mastectomies while other work has suggested mechanisms whereby breast tissue aluminium might contribute towards the aetiology of breast cancer. We have looked to develop microwave digestion combined with a new form of graphite furnace atomic absorption spectrometry as a precise, accurate and reproducible method for the measurement of aluminium in breast tissue biopsies. We have used this method to test the thesis that there is a regional distribution of aluminium across the breast in women with breast cancer. Microwave digestion of whole breast tissue samples resulted in clear homogenous digests perfectly suitable for the determination of aluminium by graphite furnace atomic absorption spectrometry. The instrument detection limit for the method was 0.48 μg/L. Method blanks were used to estimate background levels of contamination of 14.80 μg/L. The mean concentration of aluminium across all tissues was 0.39 μg Al/g tissue dry wt. There were no statistically significant regionally specific differences in the content of aluminium. We have developed a robust method for the precise and accurate measurement of aluminium in human breast tissue. There are very few such data currently available in the scientific literature and they will add substantially to our understanding of any putative role of aluminium in breast cancer. While we did not observe any statistically significant differences in aluminium content across the breast it has to be emphasised that herein we measured whole breast tissue and not defatted tissue where such a distribution was previously noted. We are very confident that the method developed herein could now be used to provide accurate and reproducible data on the aluminium content in defatted tissue and oil from such tissues and thereby contribute towards our knowledge on aluminium and any role in breast cancer.  相似文献   
Although several studies have shown that milk protein components have a wide range of biological activities, the potential role of these proteins in the gastrointestinal mucosal defense system is less well elucidated. In this study, we investigated the effect of the major proteins in cow’s milk on gastric mucosal injury by using two acute ulcer models in Wistar rats. Gastric mucosal injury was induced by either intragastric 60% ethanol-HCl or water-immersion restraint stress (23°C, 7 h). Each test milk protein was orally administered 30 min before the induction of gastric injury. Among the major milk proteins, α-lactalbumin (α-LA) is demonstrated to have a marked protective effect against ethanol-induced gastric injury, with the same potency as that of the typical antiulcer agent, Selbex. Whey protein isolate (WPI), which contained 25% α-LA, also protected against gastric injury, while casein showed no effect. Comparative studies on the protective effect of the four major components of WPI, β-lactoglobulin, α-LA, bovine serum albumin and γ-globulins (immunoglobulins), on the basis of their contents in WPI revealed that α-LA was responsible for the protective effect of WPI, being about 4-fold more effective than WPI itself. α-LA showed dose-dependent protection against gastric injury induced by stress as well as ethanol. Pretreatment with indomethacin (10 mg/kg body weight, s.c.), which is a potent inhibitor of endogenous prostaglandin synthesis, resulted in a significant reduction in the protective effect of α-LA. These results indicate that α-LA has marked antiulcer activity as an active component of cow’s milk protein, and suggest that α-LA intake may serve to protect against gastric mucosal injury, in part through endogenous prostaglandin synthesis.  相似文献   
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