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Despite discussions extending back almost 160 years, the means by which Madagascar's iconic land vertebrates arrived on the island remains the focus of active debate. Three options have been considered: vicariance, range expansion across land bridges, and dispersal over water. The first assumes that a group (clade/lineage) occupied the island when it was connected with the other Gondwana landmasses in the Mesozoic. Causeways to Africa do not exist today, but have been proposed by some researchers for various times in the Cenozoic. Over-water dispersal could be from rafting on floating vegetation (flotsam) or by swimming/drifting. A recent appraisal of the geological data supported the idea of vicariance, but found nothing to justify the notion of past causeways. Here we review the biological evidence for the mechanisms that explain the origins of 28 of Madagascar's land vertebrate clades [two other lineages (the geckos Geckolepis and Paragehyra) could not be included in the analysis due to phylogenetic uncertainties]. The podocnemid turtles and typhlopoid snakes are conspicuous for they appear to have arisen through a deep-time vicariance event. The two options for the remaining 26 (16 reptile, five land-bound-mammal, and five amphibian), which arrived between the latest Cretaceous and the present, are dispersal across land bridges or over water. As these would produce very different temporal influx patterns, we assembled and analysed published arrival times for each of the groups. For all, a ‘colonisation interval’ was generated that was bracketed by its ‘stem-old’ and ‘crown-young’ tree-node ages; in two instances, the ranges were refined using palaeontological data. The synthesis of these intervals for all clades, which we term a colonisation profile, has a distinctive shape that can be compared, statistically, to various models, including those that assume the arrivals were focused in time. The analysis leads us to reject the various land bridge models (which would show temporal concentrations) and instead supports the idea of dispersal over water (temporally random). Therefore, the biological evidence is now in agreement with the geological evidence, as well as the filtered taxonomic composition of the fauna, in supporting over-water dispersal as the mechanism that explains all but two of Madagascar's land-vertebrate groups.  相似文献   
The present study examined the subcutaneous muscle (m. cutaneus trunci) in a relict species Laonastes aenigmamus (Diatomyidae) and in two ctenodactylids (Ctenodactylidae: Ctenodactylus gundi and Pectinator spekei), which are closely related to Laonastes according to current phylogenetic hypotheses. The comparative morphological analysis also included four representatives of Hystricognathi: Echimys sp., Proechimys sp., Cercomys cunicularis, and Hystrix indica. Laonastes and ctenodactylids have a number of common ancestral traits in the morphology of m. cutaneus trunci. This suggests that they are probably related to the ancestral forms of Ctenohystrica. However, the structural similarity of the subcutaneous muscle in Diatomyidae and Ctenodactylidae is based not only on plesiomorphic (presence of the medial head of m. cutaneus trunci), but also on an apomorphic (the development of the thoracoabdominal portion) feature which is common to both branches of Ctenohystrica (Ctenodactiloidea and Hystricognathi). The results of the comparative analysis suggest a new scenario for the evolutionary transformations of m. cutaneus trunci within the clade Ctenohystrica. This scenario differs from earlier suggestions and proposes initial differentiation of the subcutaneous muscle and possibly its secondary simplification, but on a new basis. On this new basis a further secondary increase in complexity of subcutaneous muscle appears possible in response to various adaptations in hystricognaths.  相似文献   
We studied the relationship between genetic diversity of the subterranean Gansu zokor Myospalax cansus and habitat variability in the Loess Plateau, Qinghai Province, China. We used a combination of geographic information systems and molecular techniques to assess the impact of habitat composition and human activities on the genetic diversity of zokor populations in this semi-natural landscape. Although they occurred relatively infrequently in the landscape, woodland and high-coverage grassland habitats were the main positive contributors to the genetic diversity of zokor populations. Rural residential land, plain agricultural land and low-coverage grassland had a negative effect on genetic diversity. Hilly agricultural land and middle-coverage grassland had little impact on zokor genetic diversity. There were also interactions between some habitat types, that is, habitat types with relatively better quality together promoted conservation of genetic diversity, while the interaction between (among) bad habitat types made situations worse. Finally, habitat diversity, measured as patch richness and Shannon's diversity index, was positively correlated with the genetic diversity. These results demonstrated that: (1) different habitat types had different effects on the genetic diversity of zokor populations and (2) habitat quality and habitat heterogeneity were important in maintaining genetic diversity. Habitat composition was closely related to land use thus emphasizing the importance of human activities on the genetic diversity of subterranean rodent populations in this semi-natural landscape. Although the Gansu zokor was considered to be a pest species in the Loess Plateau, our study provides insights for the management and conservation of other subterranean rodent species.  相似文献   
Two new species of flea of the genus Plocopsylla, subgenus Plocopsylla, (Siphonaptera: Stephanocircidae) collected from sigmodontine rodents in northwestern Argentina are described and a key to identification of species of the genus Plocopsylla, subgenus Plocopsylla, in Argentina is presented. Plocopsylla (P.) inti is cited for the first time in Argentina, extending its distribution ~ 970 km further south than previously documented. New locality data and flea–host associations are recorded. The contributions of this study are relevant because they increase knowledge of the diversity of flea fauna in northwestern Argentina bordering a plague endemic area and will be useful in the implementation of plague control management plans in the future.  相似文献   
An important biological feature of cyclic populations of voles and lemmings is phase-related changes in average body mass, with adults in high-density phases being 20-30% heavier than those in low-density phases of a cycle. This observation, called the "Chitty effect," is considered to be a ubiquitous feature of cyclic populations. It has been argued that understanding the Chitty effect is fundamental to unraveling the enigma of population cycles. However, there exists no agreement among biologists regarding the causes of the Chitty effect. Here, I propose a simple hypothesis to explain the Chitty effect, based on phase-related, dynamic allocation of energy between reproductive and somatic effort. The essence of the hypothesis is that: (1) reproduction is suppressed in animals born or raised in the later part of the increase phase by environmental factors, including social influences; (2) suppression of reproduction limits the amount of energy that is diverted for reproductive effort, and forces a disproportionately greater amount of surplus power (the energy left after the energetic costs of standard and active metabolism are met) to be allocated for somatic effort; (3) the surplus energy, above and beyond what is required for routine biological activities, will allow continuous growth and deposition of additional body mass, which causes an increase in body mass; and (4) animals grow to a larger size as a population enters the peak density phase, causing an increase in the average body mass. The Chitty effect is predicted to be most pronounced at the late increase or peak phase of a population cycle. Possible causes of reproductive suppression include direct or indirect influences of the environmental factors. The Chitty effect may be a consequence, not a cause, of population cycles in small mammals.  相似文献   
Vegetative and floral features ofCajophora coronata (Loasaceae) suggest adaptations to pollination by rodents: (1) mammal guard represented by a covering of stinging hairs; (2) geoflory; (3) white corolla; (4) open flowers with copious low concentration nectar; (5) abundant pollen; (6) maximum pollen and nectar presentation in the afternoon hours and in the night. Palynological analysis revealed pollen loads ofC. coronata on the nostrils and whiskers of captured rodents (Graomys griseoflavus, fam.Muridae). Pollen and anther remains were also found in faeces sampled in the surroundings. Additional evidence includes rodent footprints obtained by placing smoked plates beneath the flowers, which revealed flower visitation during the night. These observations are to our knowledge the first evidence of flower visitation by rodents in South America and the first in the New World outside the range of flower bats and bat flowers.  相似文献   
Morphology and schmelzmuster of rootless cheek teeth of 25 extant rodent genera were studied in relation to jaw movement. A differentiation between leading and trailing edges is observed regularly in enamel thickness and schmelzmuster. Similarities between antagonists are interpreted as 'functional symmetries'. Differences in the enamel thickness, the schmelzmuster and orientation of cutting edges are controlled by functional and phylogenetic constraints. The heterogenous sample allows discrimination between these two constraints. The most obvious functional constraint leads to the almost regular occurrence of radial enamel on the push sides of cutting edges. The degree of functional symmetry seems to be determined by phylogenetic limitations.  相似文献   
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