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双单抗的免疫层析一步法用于早妊诊断的研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
在试管式、微孔式和斑点式的酶免测定法测定人绒毛膜促性腺激素(HCG)的基础上,发展了应用双单克隆抗体的免疫层析一步法测定HCG。此法用胶体金标记抗βHCG单克隆抗体,将抗αHCG单克隆抗体包被在硝酸纤维素膜上。无需分离步骤,特别是在进行测定时除加入样品外无需再加任何试剂,此方法特别迅速、简便,2~5min即可得结果。凡HCG浓度>25IU/L的样品可得到阳性结果。在人体血或尿中可能出现的高浓度的干扰物质,如抗坏血酸、乙酰水杨酸、雌二醇、蛋白质、胆红素、甘油三酯等对本测定均无干扰作用,在促黄体激素(LH)浓度高达500IU/L时仍与HCG没有交叉反应。能进行测定的最高值大于300IU/ml,这表示,当HCG浓度达到妊娠期的最高值时仍不会有假阴性结果。  相似文献   
We studied Dicranophorus sp., Platyias quadricornis (Ehrb.) and Rotaria tardigrada (Ehrb.). These rotifers, systematically distant from each other, show the same pattern of the catecholaminergic (CA-ergic) part of the nervous system. It is formed of a small (23–24), but steady number of neurons characteristic for each species. Three types of CA-ergic neurons are described. The sizes of neurons vary from to two to ten µm. The distribution of the brain neurons is correlated with body shape. Such a type of nervous system is topographically comparable to the concentrated orthogon of the flatworms.  相似文献   
The phylogenetic position of Dictyostelium inferred from 18S rRNA data contradicts that from protein data. Protein trees always show the close affinity of Dictyostelium with animals, fungi, and plants, whereas in 18S rRNA trees the branching of Dictyostelium is placed at a position before the massive radiation of protist groups including the divergence of the three kingdoms. To settle this controversial issue and to determine the correct position of Dictyostelium, we inferred the phylogenetic relationship among Dictyostelium and the three kingdoms Animalia, Fungi, and Plantae by a maximum-likelihood method using 19 different protein data sets. It was shown at the significance level of 1 SE that the branching of Dictyostelium antedates the divergence of Animalia and Fungi, and Plantae is an outgroup of the Animalia-Fungi-Dictyostelium clade.Correspondence to: T. Miyata  相似文献   
The availability of fast and accurate sequencing procedures along with the use of PCR has led to a proliferation of studies of variability at the molecular level in populations. Nevertheless, it is often impractical to examine long genomic stretches and a large number of individuals at the same time. In order to optimize this kind of study, we suggest a heuristic procedure for detection of the shortest region whose informational content can be considered sufficient for significant phylogenetic reconstruction. The method is based on the comparison of the pairwise genetic distances obtained from a set of sequences of reference to those obtained for different windows of variable size and position by means of a simple index. We also present an approach for testing whether the informative content in the stretches selected in this way is significantly different from the corresponding content shown by the larger genomic regions used as reference. Application of this test to the analysis of the VP1 protein gene of foot-and-mouth-disease type C virus allowed us to define optimal stretches whose informative content is not significantly different from that displayed by the complete VP1 sequence. We showed that the predictions made for type C sequences are valid for type O sequences, indicating that the results of the procedure are consistent. Correspondence to: J. Dopazo  相似文献   
New methods for estimating the numbers of synonymous and nonsynonymous substitutions per site were developed. The methods are unweighted pathway methods based on Kimura's two-parameter model. Computer simulations were conducted to evaluate the accuracies of the new methods, Nei and Gojobori's (NG) method, Miyata and Yasunaga's (MY) method, Li, Wu, and Luo's (LWL) method, and Pamilo, Bianchi, and Li's (PBL) method. The following results were obtained: (1) The NG, MY, and LWL methods give overestimates of the number of synonymous substitutions and underestimates of the number of nonsynonymous substitutions. The major cause for the biased estimation is that these three methods underestimate the number of synonymous sites and overestimate the number of nonsynonymous sites. (2) The PBL method gives better estimates of the numbers of synonymous and nonsynonymous substitutions than those obtained by the NG, MY, and LWL methods. (3) The new methods also give better estimates of the numbers of synonymous and nonsynonymous substitutions than those obtained by the NG, MY, and LWL methods. In addition, estimates of the numbers of synonymous and nonsynonymous sites obtained by the new methods are reasonably accurate. (4) In some cases, the new methods and the PBL method give biased estimates of substitution numbers. However, from the number of nucleotide substitutions at the third position of codons, we can examine whether estimates obtained by the new methods are good or not, whereas we cannot make an examination of estimates obtained by the PBL method. (5) When there are strong transition/transversion and nucleotide-frequency biases like mitochondrial genes, all of the above methods give biased estimates of substitution numbers. In such cases, Kondo et al.'s method is recommended to be used for estimating the number of synonymous substitutions, although their method cannot estimate the number of nonsynonymous substitutions and is time-consuming. These results, particularly result (1), call for reexaminations of some genes. This is because evolutionary pictures of genes have often been discussed on the basis of results obtained by the NG, MY, and LWL methods, which are favorable for the neutral theory of molecular evolution.  相似文献   
The optimal conditions were established for extraction of paralytic shellfish toxins from a Danish clone of Alexandrium tamarense using extraction with acetic acid and HCl in the concentration range 0.01–1.0 N. Physical destruction of the cells was investigated microscopically to select the most efficient extraction procedure.The toxin content was quantitated by an automized isocratic reversed-phase high-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) method. The best results as judged from the total amount of toxins and the toxin profile were obtained using 0.05–1.0 N acetic acid and 0.01–0.02 N HCl. Hydrochloric acid in the concentration range 0.03–1.0 N caused the amount of C1 and C2 toxins to decrease sharply and concomitant increase of gonyautoxins 2 and 3.The phytoplankton extracts with 0.1 to 0.5 N acetic acid or 0.01 N HCl were stable during 6 months at –20 °C, but the extracts with HCl 0.02 N underwent a change in toxin profile, although the total amount of toxins was constant.  相似文献   
The effects of columns (Nucleosil C18ODS, MZ-PAH, YMC-PACK C30), column properties (inner diameters of 4 mm, 3 mm and 2 mm, pore-width 10 nm and 30 nm) and eluents (methanol, acetonitrile, acetone, water) were tested on the separation of algal pigments. The length of columns was 250 mm and particle size was 5 μm. Flow rates and gradients were adjusted to optimize peak separation; remaining chromatographic conditions were kept constant. The resolution of chromatographic systems was tested with pigment standards and various algal cultures. Total flow rate and retention times decreased with decreasing inner diameter, whereas pressure, sensitivity and peak-width increased. Pore width had negligible effects on the chromatographic separation of pigments under the test conditions. Only with acetonitrile as eluent were all the taxonomically important pigments resolved adequately: zeaxanthin (Cyanophyceae), lutein (Chlorophyceae), fucoxanthin (Bacillariopyceae), alloxanthin (Cryptophyceae), peridinin (Dinophyceae).  相似文献   
The needle trace method was used to study retrospectively the long-term latitudinal variation in needle retention in Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris L.) in Finland. The mean annual summer needle retention (ANR) along the main stem varied from 3.4 to 6.0 needle sets during the period 1957–1991. The lowest values were observed in southern and the highest in northern Finland. The length of the growing season, expressed as the thermal sum (threshold value +5 °C), was negatively correlated with the mean ANR (r=-0.96). The geographical needle retention pattern (NRP) for the period 1957–1991 showed a clearly increasing trend from 1957 to 1969 (southern Finland) and to 1975 (northern Finland); thereafter, the NRP tended to decrease close to its minimum value recorded in 1991. The general level of the NRP was approximately 5.0 needle sets in northern Finland and 3.5–4.0 needle sets in southern Finland. The NRP, with its 6–12 year cycle for southern Finland, was clearly periodical. Differences in the NRP among the ten stands in southern Finland were small, whereas the said periodicity was missing and the differences were high among the stands in northern Finland. The results indicate that variation in the number of needle sets, viz. defoliation of pines, is a normal phenomenon. The role of net carbon assimilation as a regulator of the number of needle sets is discussed.  相似文献   
几种红树植物幼苗中可溶性糖的含量   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
李瑞棠  梁士楚  梁发英   《广西植物》1995,15(2):187-188
用Somogyi法测定了红海榄、木榄和秋茄3种红树植物幼苗的根、茎、叶和胚轴中可溶性糖的含量。同时.进行了加样回收率试验,回收率平均为100.48%,变异系数为2.14%  相似文献   
The cross-immunoreactivity, topography, and fiber projections of the alpha MSH-immunoreactive specific neurons in the forebrain of the rat appear to be distinctly different from that of the neurons in the hypothalamic arcuate opiocortin system. The cell bodies, immunoreactive only to -MSH, have a specific pattern of distribution in the dorsal and lateral hypothalamic regions from the level of the retrochiasmatic region to the premammillary area of the posterior hypothalamus. Immunoreactive fibers of these cells appear to extend into regions of the cerebral cortex and hippocampus. An antomical relationship between the immunostained fibers and/or terminals of the arcuate opiocortin pool of neurons and the -MSH-immunoreactive perikarya is described utilizing the ABC (Avidin-Biotin-Peroxidase Complex) and ABC-GO (Glucose Oxidase) or glucose oxidase-antiglucose oxidase complex methods of immunocytochemistry in which two tissue antigens with contrasting colors are demonstrated in the same tissue section.  相似文献   
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