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The action of light in the initiation of floral buds in vitro has been studied using monochromatic light qualities on root explants of a long day plant, Cichorium intybus L. cv. Witloof. Red light (660 nm, 0.30 W m-2) promotes flowering, while far-red (730 nm, 0.31 W m-2) and irradiation with combined red + far-red (0.20 + 0.41 W m-2) have no effect. In short day conditions floral response can be obtained in two ways: 1) by interrupting the dark period with 5 brief irradiations of red light (0.45 W m-2, 12 min) at regular intervals, although these are counteracted by far-red irradiations of equal intensity and duration; 2) by interrupting the long night with 5 h red light applied during the second third of the night, while at the beginning or at the end it is ineffective. Red light efficiency appears to depend on the photosynthetic activity of the tissues, so that flowering increases with increasing intensity of white light and is suppressed if no white light is supplied. The reproductive development is determined by the coordination of proper irradiation conditions with sufficient sensitivity of the perceiving meristematic cells. The period of highest sensitivity to environmental light conditions in the life cycle of a Cichorium root explant occurs between the 8th and the 16th day after the start of the culture. The data strongly suggest that phytochrome is involved in flower induction of Cichorium in vitro.  相似文献   
C. L. Armstrong  C. E. Green 《Planta》1985,164(2):207-214
Friable, embryogenic maize (Zea mays L.), inbred line A188, callus was established and maintained for more than one year without apparent loss of friability or embryogenic potential. Embryoid development was abundant in these cultures and plants were easily regenerated. Frequencies of friable-callus initiation and somatic-embryoid formation increased linearly with addition to N6 medium (C.C. Chu et al. 1975, Sci. Sin. [Peking] 18, 659–668) of up to 25 mM L-proline. Proline additions up to 9 mM to MS medium (inorganic elements of T. Murashige and F. Skoog 1962, Physiol. Plant. 15, 473–497, plus 0.5 mg 1-1 thiamine hydrochloride and 150 mg 1-1 L-asparagine monohydrate) did not stimulate embryoid formation. A major part of the difference between MS and N6 media could be attributed to their respective inorganic nitrogen components. L-Glutamine was not a satisfactory substitute for L-proline. Of 111 regenerated plants grown to maturity from three independent friable, embryogenic cell lines ranging in age from three to seven months, only four plants were abnormal based on morphology and pollen sterility. Seed was produced by 77% of the regenerated plants.Abbreviations 2,4-D 2,4-dichlorophenoxyacetic acid - MS medium containing inorganic elements of Murashige and Skoog (1962), plus 0.5 ml 1-1 thiamine hydrochloride and 150 mg 1-1 L-asparagine monohydrate - N6 medium of Chu et al. (1975) Paper No. 13,904, Scientific Journal Series Minnesota Agricultural Experiment Station  相似文献   
The composition of an artificial medium and environmental conditions are described for the in vitro rearing of the egg parasite Trichogramma pretiosum Riley (Hymenoptera: Trichogrammatidae). The medium was composed of defined amounts of protein, carbohydrates, lipid, salts, and vitamins, but also contained up to 40% insect hemolymph. The hemolymph was necessary to induce pupation. T. pretiosum eggs were obtained by dissection of Heliothis virescens (F.) (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae) eggs. In vitro reared T. pretiosum were similar in size to H. virescens reared T. pretiosum, and females were fecund.
Résumé Les oeufs de Trichogramma pretiosum ont été obtenus par dissection d'oeufs d'Heliothis virescens. T. pretiosum Riley (Hymenoptère, Trichogrammatidae) a été élevé avec succès sur un substrat synthétique. Outre des quantités définies de protéines, glucides, lipides, éléments minéraux et vitamines, la ration contenait aussi jusqu'à 40% d'hémolymphe de Manduca sexta. L'hémolymphe était nécessaire pour induire la nymphose. En plus de la nourriture, les conditions d'environnement sont apparues extrêmement importantes pour élever T. pretiosum dans des conditions satisfaisantes. Le contrôle de l'humidité relative, en particulier, était le facteur le plus important. Les adultes produits au cours de cette étude étaient d'apparence normale; ils se sont accouplés sans problèmes, les femelles étaient fécondes et leur taille ne différait pas de celle d'individus élevés sur H. virescens.
1-Methyl-4-phenylpyridinium ion (MPP+) is the product of the metabolic oxidation of 1-methyl-4-phenyl-1,2,3,6-tetrahydropyridine (MPTP) by monoamine oxidase (MAO). MPP+ is toxic to 3,4-dihydroxyphenylethylamine (dopamine, DA) neurons in explant cultures of rat embryonic midbrain. Addition of 2.5 microM MPP+ to the feeding medium for 6 days results in significant reduction of the DA levels in the cultures (to 19% of control) as well as in the uptake of [3H]DA (to 32% of control). When the cultures are treated with the MAO inhibitor deprenyl (10 microM) 24 h prior to and during exposure to MPP+, the DA neurons are protected from the toxicity of the drug. In the combined deprenyl plus MPP+ treatment, the levels of DA in the cultures remain at the control range and the [3H]DA uptake is reduced to only 73% of control. These results indicate that MAO is involved in the toxicity of MPP+ on DA neurons.  相似文献   
Regeneration of peach plants from callus derived from immature embryos   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
Summary Peach plants were repeatedly regenerated from immature embryos but not from callus derived from mature embryos. A white, nodular, highly regenerative callus was obtained when friable, primary callus from immature embryos was transferred from medium containing 4.5 M 2,4-dichlorophenoxyacetic acid and 0.44 M benzyladenine (BA) to media containing 0.27 M -naphthaleneacetic acid (NAA) and 2.2 M BA. This callus retained its morphogenetic potential for a minimum of three subcultures. Green nodular callus, that lacked regenerative capacity, was produced from primary callus derived from mature embryos. Maximum regeneration of shoots occurred when highly regenerative callus was transferred to a medium in which the NAA concentration was reduced five times and the BA concentration was increased two times. Regenerated shoots were rooted in the dark on a medium containing 28.5 M indoleacetic acid. Cytogenetic analysis of regenerated plants indicated that all plants were diploid, 2n = 2x = 16. Phenotypic evaluation of regenerated plants, grown under field conditions, is now in progress.  相似文献   
Summary A large number of aluminum-resistant variants, selected from non-mutagenized homozygous diploid cell cultures of Nicotiana plumbaginifolia Viv., are characterized. Of 115 variants cloned and reselected from single cells, 67 retained Al resistance in callus cultures after 6–9 months of growth in the absence of Al. There was no association between Al resistance and callus growth in the absence of Al, suggesting that the Al-resistant phenotype is not detrimental in the absence of Al challenge and that Al resistance is not the result of increased vigor. Plants regenerated from initially resistant callus lines that subsequently lost their resistance failed, with one exception, to transmit resistance to their seedling progeny. Fertile plants were regenerated from 40 of the 67 variants that retained stable Al resistance in callus culture. All 40 transmitted Al resistance to their seedling progeny (selfed and backcrossed) in segregation ratios expected for a single dominant mutation. The selfed progeny of many variants also segregated for recessive lethal mutations which were attributed to independent mutations that occurred during cell culture.  相似文献   
Summary Sixty single seed descent (SSD) lines and about 25 anther-derived doubled-haploid (DH) lines were obtained from two triticale crosses. The frequency distributions of 10 quantitative agronomic traits were compared using parametric and non-parametric tests. A multivariate discriminant analysis was subsequently carried out. Gliadin patterns obtained from each line by polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis were used to calculate intra- and inter-population diversities from relative dissimilarity indices. It was found that DH and SSD lines show significant differences in frequency distributions of 1000 grain weight in both crosses, of heading date for one cross, and of lodging susceptibility for the other cross. The results of intra- and inter-population gliadin diversity indicate that although the SSD method theoretically provides more opportunity for recombination to occur than the DH method, it did not produce a greater range of recombinants. Since there is no significant difference between SSD- and DH-line distributions for grain yield, anther culture appears to be an efficient method for producing high yielding homozygous lines from F1 hybrids of triticale in a relatively short time.  相似文献   
Callus was successfully initiated on root, mesocotyl and leaf base segments of 3- to 4-day-old seedlings of ragi (Eleusine coracana Gaertn.). 2,4-D along with casein hydrolysate for Murashige and Skoog's basal medium was found to be most effective for callus initiation and maintenance. Mesocotyl and leaf base tissue derived calli gave shoot buds in medium in which the 2,4-D concentration was lowered.  相似文献   
Summary Previous studies have shown that the synaptic ribbons (SR) and spherules (SS) of the mammalian pineal gland may respond differently under physiological and various experimental conditions. The aim of the present study was to gain insight into the mechanisms that may be responsible for the numerical changes of these organelles during a 24-h cycle. As the possibility exists that the structures are influenced by substances synthesized within the pinealocyte, rat pineal glands were cultured with and without added melatonin or serotonin, using an experimental protocol such that the addition of melatonin and serotonin mimicks the circadian changes of the respective substances within the pineal. The tissue was processed for electron microscopy and the numbers of SR and SS were counted in a unit area of pineal tissue. The results obtained indicate that melatonin added to the incubation medium increases the number of SR in the first half of the night; serotonin decreases SR numbers in the morning. SS numbers, by contrast, decrease following melatonin administration in the afternoon, and increase in the morning following serotonin administration. It thus appears that the numbers of SR and SS are influenced by melatonin and serotonin and that the two structures are regulated by differential, but nevertheless biochemically closely related mechanisms.Financial support of the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (Schwerpunktprogramm Neuroendokrinologie, Vo 135/8-4), the Polish Academy of Sciences (Research Program, and the Freunde der Universität Mainz e.V. is gratefully acknowledged.On leave from Department of Anatomy, University Medical School, Pécs, Hungary  相似文献   
The influence of a number of environmental parameters on the fermentation of glucose, and on the energetics of growth of Clostridium butyricum in chemostat culture, have been studied. With cultures that were continuously sparged with nitrogen gas, glucose was fermented primarily to acetate and butyrate with a fixed stoichiometry. Thus, irrespective of the growth rate, input glucose concentration specific nutrient limitation and, within limits, the culture pH value, the acetate/butyrate molar ratio in the culture extracellular fluids was uniformly 0.74±0.07. Thus, the efficiency with which ATP was generated from glucose catabolism also was constant at 3.27±0.02 mol ATP/mol glucose fermented. However, the rate of glucose fermentation at a fixed growth rate, and hence the rate of ATP generation, varied markedly under some conditions leading to changes in the Y glucose and Y ATP values. In general, glucose-sufficient cultures expressed lower yield values than a correponding glucose-limited culture, and this was particularly marked with a potassium-limited culture. However, with a glucose-limited culture increasing the input glucose concentration above 40g glucose·l-1 also led to a significant decrease in the yield values that could be partially reversed by increasing the sparging rate of the nitrogen gas. Finally glucose-limited cultures immediately expressed an increased rate of glucose fermentation when relieved of their growth limitation. Since the rate of cell synthesis did not increase instantaneously, again the yield values with respect to glucose consumed and ATP generated transiently decreased.Two conditions were found to effect a change in the fermentation pattern with a lowering of the acetate/butyrate molar ratio. First, a significant decrease in this ratio was observed when a glucose-limited culture was not sparged with nitrogen gas; and second, a substantial (and progressive) decrease was observed to follow addition of increasing amounts of mannitol to a glucose-limited culture. In both cases, however, there was no apparent change in the Y ATP value.These results are discussed with respect to two imponder-ables, namely the mechanism(s) by which C. butyricum might partially or totally dissociate catabolism from anabolism, and how it might dispose of the excess reductant [as NAD(P)H] that attends both the formation of acetate from glucose and the fermentation of mannitol. With regards to the latter, evidence is presented that supports the conclusion that the ferredoxin-mediated oxidation of NAD(P)H, generating H2, is neither coupled to, nor driven by, an energy-yielding reaction.  相似文献   
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