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目的:筛选适合油田的生物表面活性剂生产菌。方法:通过发酵培养,研究生物表面活性剂生产菌生长代谢规律;采用正交试验法,优选出其最佳培养条件;通过室内驱油实验评价生物表面活性剂驱油效果。结果:2#菌株最佳培养时间为96小时,最优发酵培养条件为:葡萄糖4.0 g、玉米浆1.6 g、Na2HPO40.1 g、KH2PO40.05 g、MgSO40.05 g、CaCl20.005 g、水100 mL、pH 7.2,培养温度35℃,摇床转速120 r/min,生物表面活性剂驱油提高采收率6.16%。结论:筛选出最优生物表面活性剂产生菌2#,菌株具备产表面活性剂的能力且产物量较高,其生物表面活性剂驱油效果良好。  相似文献   
历史上,赤水河流域干流及支流的鱼类物种组成中未曾出现过尖头(鱥)(Rhynchocypris oxycephalus)和董氏须鳅(Barbatula toni).但是,近年来在赤水河支流白沙河的鱼类资源调查中发现了这两个物种的分布,其来源及未来的生存可能性受到关注.本研究比较了尖头(鱥)赤水河野外种群与养殖种群形态上的...  相似文献   
An interactive computer program written in Fortran is described which provides an exercise in the identification of bacteria. The program, IDEN, provides a novel way of enhancing a student's approach to systematic bacteriology and numerical identification procedures. An unknown bacterium is assigned to a student who is provided with a list of possible species and a list of tests which may be carried out. The student's objective is the correct identification of the unknown in the most economical manner. An indication is given concerning the way in which this program can be used to enhance theoretical instruction and practical investigation.  相似文献   
Although the number of phylotypes present in a microbial community may number in the hundreds or more, until recently, fluorescence in situ hybridization has been used to label, at most, only a handful of different phylotypes in a single sample. We recently developed a technique, CLASI-FISH for combinatorial labeling and spectral imaging – fluorescence in situ hybridization, to greatly expand the number of distinguishable taxa in a single FISH experiment. The CLASI technique involves labeling microbes of interest with combinations of probes coupled with spectral imaging to allow the use of fluorophores with highly overlapping excitation and emission spectra. Here, we present the basic principles and theory of CLASI-FISH along with some guidelines for performing CLASI-FISH experiments. We further include a protocol for creating fluorescence spectral reference standards, a vital component of successful CLASI-FISH.  相似文献   
浙江丽水生态示范区植物的分布特点   总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12  
1999年底被国务院批准设立为全国第4个生态示范区的丽水市(包括莲都区,缙云县,云和县,松阳县,遂昌县,庆元县,青田县,龙泉市和景宁畲族自治县),由于地形复杂,原生,次生林等保存较好,生态环境保持良好,植物资源极为丰富。笔者根据多年来对该地区的资源调查和标本采集统计,已知有维管束植物206科,94属,2881种,其中蕨类植物的种类和数量在中国东半部仅次于台湾和海南,尤其是鳞毛蕨属和复叶耳蕨属可以认为是在我国的一个分布中心,种子植物的种类和数量与邻近周边地相比也占有明显优势,区内珍衡濒危植物众多,区系起源古老,不乏古老的种,属及残遗种,且区系成分复杂,来源于多种地理成分。  相似文献   
When Bacillus stearothermophilus, a thermophilic bacterium isolated from the Kuwaiti desert, was incubated with exogenous progesterone for 24 h, three monohydroxylated metabolites were produced. 20α-Hydroxyprogesterone was the major metabolite produced in 60.8 relative percentage yield. The other two monohydroxylated metabolites were identified as 6β-hydroxyprogesterone and the rare 6α-hydroxyprogesterone in 21.0 and 13.6 relative percentage yields, respectively. A new metabolite 9,10-seco-4-pregnene-3,9,20-trione was isolated in 3.7 relative percentage yield. All metabolites were purified by preparative TLC and HPLC followed by their identification using 1H, 13C NMR and other spectroscopic data.  相似文献   
【目的】比较不同营养条件及挂膜方式下生物膜法对氨氮污染水体的净化效果及其功能微生物群落结构。【方法】设置空白(Blank)、自然成膜(Raw)、预附脱氮菌强化挂膜(PCC)3组生物膜反应器,利用末端限制性片段长度多态性(T-RFLP)技术和非度量多维标度(NMDS)分析方法对生物膜反应器转化氨氮过程中微生物群落结构及其演替过程进行动态解析。【结果】在C/N=1:1时,除PCC在起始阶段短暂具有较高的氨氮脱除效率外,Blank、Raw和PCC最终均表现出较低的氨氮转化效率(10%-20%)。改变C/N=2:1后,Raw和PCC对人工合成污水中NH4+-N的转化率均提高至95%以上,而且Raw与PCC的群落结构在C/N=2:1时具有较高的相似性,优势菌群主要为γ-变形菌纲(Gammaproteobacteria)、放线菌纲(Actinobacteria)和硝化螺菌纲(Nitrospira)。【结论】C/N是影响生物膜反应器氨氮去除效果及驱动生物膜反应器中细菌群落结构发生改变的重要因子。  相似文献   
《Process Biochemistry》2014,49(8):1345-1351
Sulfate contamination in ecosystems has been a serious problem. Among various technologies, bioelectrochemical systems (BESs) show the advantage of no-pollution and low-cost for removing sulfate. In order to further expound the biological process of sulfate removal in BESs, 454 pyrosequencing was applied to analyze the bacterial communities under different pH conditions. The bacterial community profiles were analyzed from three aspects: (a) the α-diversity and β-diversity of bacterial communities, (b) the distribution of bacterial phylotypes, and (c) the characterizations of dominant operational taxonomic units (OTUs). We demonstrated that the indexes of phylotype richness and phylogenetic diversity were positively correlated across the pH gradient in the BESs. Among the dominant OTUs, the OTUs which were highly similar to Desulfatirhabdium butyrativorans, Desulfovibrio marrakechensis and Desulfomicrobium sp. might participate in removing sulfate. Standing on genus level, Desulfomicrobium and Sulfuricurvum play conducing and adverse roles for sulfate removal in alkaline condition, respectively. Desulfovibrio contributed to removing sulfate in the neutral and acidic conditions, while Thiomonas mainly weakened the performance of sulfate removal in neutral pH condition. These results further clarified how pH condition directly affected the bacterial communities, which consequently affected the performance of sulfate pollutant treatment using BESs.  相似文献   
Cyanobacterial mats developing in oil-contaminated sabkhas along the African coasts of the Gulf of Suez and in the pristine Solar Lake, Sinai, were collected for laboratory studies. Samples of both mats showed efficient degradation of crude oil in the light, followed by development of an intense bloom of Phormidium spp. and Oscillatoria spp. Isolated cyanobacterial strains, however, did not degrade crude oil in axenic cultures. Strains of sulfate-reducing bacteria and aerobic heterotrophs were capable of degrading model compounds of aliphatic and aromatic hydrocarbons. Results indicate that degradation of oil was done primarily by aerobic heterotrophic bacteria. The oxygenic photosynthesis of oil-insensitive cyanobacteria supplied the molecular oxygen for the efficient aerobic metabolism of organisms, such as Marinobacter sp. The diurnal shifts in environmental conditions at the mat surface, from highly oxic conditions in the light to anaerobic sulfide-rich habitat in the dark, may allow the combined aerobic and anaerobic degradation of crude oil at the mat surface. Hence, coastal cyanobacterial mats may be used for the degradation of coastline oil spills. Oxygen microelectrodes detected a significant inhibition of photosynthetic activity subsequent to oil addition. This prevailed for a few hours and then rapidly recovered. In addition, shifts in bacterial community structure following exposure to oil were determined by denaturing gradient gel electrophoresis of PCR-amplified fractions of 16S rRNA from eubacteria, cyanobacteria and sulfate-reducing bacteria. Since the mats used for the present study were obtained from oil-contaminated environments, they were believed to be preequilibrated for petroleum remediation. The mesocosm system at Eilat provided a unique opportunity to study petroleum degradation by mats formed under different salinities (up to 21%). These mats, dominated by cyanobacteria, can serve as close analogues to the sabkhas contaminated during the Gulf War in Kuwait and Saudi Arabia. Electronic Publication  相似文献   
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