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The standard finisher larval diet used at Seibersdorf for rearing the Mediterranean fruit fly,Ceratitis capitata (Wiedemann), was reused following autoclave heat-treatment to kill larvae or pupae remaining from its first use. Only when the spent diet was mixed with water (about 40% of final diet, w/w) to reconstitute fresh-diet texture, and combined with fresh starter, a similar, but still inferior in respect to larval duration and pupal recovery and size, to the fresh finisher diet production of flies was achieved. Enrichment of the autoclaved spent finisher with small quantities of nutrients gave inconclusive results. Although spent-diet pupae were significantly smaller than fresh-diet control pupae, their adults survived significantly longer than control adults.
Zur massenaufzucht vonCeratitis capitata: die wiesderverwendung der endkomponente der larvendiät
Zusammenfassung Die in Seibersdorf zur Aufzucht der Mittelmeerfruchtfliege,Ceratitis capitata (Wiedemann) (Diptera: Tephritidae), verwendete Standardendkomponente der Larvendiät konnte nach Abtötung der von der Erstverwendung verbliebenen Larven oder Puppen mittels Autoklavensterilisation wiederverwendet werden. Eine zur frischen Kontrolldiät vergleichbare, jedoch bezüglich der Länge des Larvenstadiums, der Entwicklung der Puppen nach dem Schlüpfen sowie der Größe der Puppen noch immer schlechtere Fliegenproduktion wurde erreicht, wenn die wiederverwendete, autoklavierte Diät mit Wasser (ca. 40% der Enddiät, w/w) zwecks Rekonstitution zur frischen Diättexture gemischt und mit frischem Starter kombiniert wurde. Eine Anreicherung der wiederverwendeten Diätendkomponente mit geringen Mengen von Nährstoffen ergab keine schlüssigen Resultate. Obwohl Puppen der wiederverwendeten Diät signifikant kleiner als Puppen der Frischdiät-Kontrolle waren, überlebten deren Erwachsene signifikant länger als die Erwachsenen der Kontrolle.
The susceptibility of sorghum to the shoot fly Atherigona soccata Rondani, (Diptera: Muscidae) is affected by seedling age and is highest when seedlings are 8–12 days old. This corresponds with high moisture accumulation on the central leaf which is the path of newly hatched larva as it moves downwards from the oviposition site, towards the growing apex. Studies showed that leaf surface wetness (LSW) of the central shoot leaf was higher in 10-day old seedlings than in seedlings of other ages. Similarly, LSW was much higher in the susceptible sorghum genotype CSH 1 than in the resistant genotype IS 2146. Larvae moved faster towards the growing point and produced deadhearts much earlier in CSH 1 than in IS 2146. They also moved faster in 10-day old seedlings than in seedlings of other ages. It was also shown that the leaf surface wetness of the central shoot leaf is a more reliable parameter of resistance than the glossy leaf trait or trichome density.
L'influence de la humidité de la surface foliaire sur le comportement de la mouche des pousses du sorgho
Résumé La sensibilité du sorgho à la mouche des pousses du sorgho, Atherigona soccata Rondani, est liée à l'âge de la plantule. Elle est plus forte lorsque la plantule est âgée de 8 à 12 jours et la sensibilité est maximale à 10 jours. A ce stade de croissance on observe une forte accumulation d'humidité sur la feuille centrale de la tige. Les jeunes larves traversent cette zone humide lorsqu'elles descendent vers la zone de croissance à partir des pontes déposées sur la face ventrale des feuilles déroulées.Des études ont été menées à l'ICRISAT (Inde) sur la relation entre l'humidité de la feuille centrale de la tige des plantules du sorgho et les dégâts provoqués par la mouche des pousses. L'humidité de la surface des feuilles (HSF) a été estimée grâce à une échelle visuelle graduée 1 à 5 où, 1 = pas d'humidité apparente et 5 = surface de la feuille recouverte de gouttes d'eau. La HSF est plus élevée sur des pousses de sorgho âgées de 10 j que sur les pousses appartenant à d'autres classes d'âge. Les valeurs observées sont également plus fortes pour les variétés non résistantes à ce ravageur (CSH 1,4.8) que pour les variétés résistantes (IS 2146, (2)). La vitesse du déplacement larvaire entre le cornet et la zone de la croissance varie en fonction de l'âge de la plante et des cultivars. Les larves migrent plus rapidement vers la zone de croissance et provoquent la mort du coeur du sorgho plus tôt dans la variété CSH 1 que dans IS 2146. Les larves se déplacent plus rapidement dans les pousses âgées de 10 j que dans les pousses appartenant à d'autres classes d'âge.Des études ont également démontré que la HSF n'est pas directement liée au caractère feuille lisse où à la densité des trichomes. La HSF est faible pour les génotypes résistants présentent où non le caractère feuille lisse. Par contre la HSF est élevée pour les génotypes non résistants présentant le caractère feuille lisse ou non. Aucune relation directe entre la densité des trichomes et les dégâts provoqués par la mouche des pousses n'a pu être mise en évidence. L'analyse des correlations établie pour les caractères de surface des feuilles avec la mort du cur des sorghos indique que les correlations sont faibles et non-significatives pour le caractère feuille lisse (0.49) et la densité des trichomes (0.39 et 0.2). Par contre les correlations sont fortes et significatives pour la HSF (0.82).On conclue que la HSF de la feuille centrale de la tige est un facteur important dans le déterminisme de la résistance du sorgho vis à vis de la mouche des pousses. Les relations entre les processus physiologiques de la plante et les facteurs impliquées dans l'accumulation d'eau sur la surface des feuilles font actuellement l'objet d'études détaillées.
Shoot tips of M.4 apple clone were excised from actively growing one year-old stoolbed branches, and cultured in order to determine the optimal nutrient medium for each stage of their in vitro culture. The basal medium (BM) used was that described by Murashige and Skoog, supplemented with vitamins, glycine, myoinositol, sucrose, with or without agar, and different combinations of plant growth regulators. Best media for each stage were: BM+0.5 mg 1-1 indole-3yl-butyric acid (IBA)+0.5 mg 1-1 6-benzylaminopurine (BAP) for explant establishment (Stage I); BM+0.1 mg 1-1 IBA+1.0 mg 1-1 BAP for multiplication and internode enlargement (Stage II); and 2.0 mg 1-1 IBA+0.1 mg 1-1 BAP without agar for the rooting of the plantlets (Stage III).  相似文献   
Sjut  V.  Bangerth  F. 《Plant Growth Regulation》1982,1(4):243-251
Ethylene, indol-3-acetic acid (IAA), gibberellin-like substances (GAs) and abscisic acid (ABA) were analysed in extracts from normal, seed-containing and parthenocarpic tomato fruits throughout fruit development. Parthenocarpic fruit growth was induced with an auxin (4-CPA), morphactin (CME) or gibberellic acid (GA3) and compared with that of pollinated control fruits. Fruit growth was only affected by the treatment with GA3, decreasing size and fresh weight by 60%. The peak sequence of hormones during fruit development was ethylene-GAs-IAA-ABA. Seeded fruits contained the highest levels of IAA and ABA but the lowest levels of GAs. Also, in seeded fruits, a high proportion of IAA and ABA was found in the seeds whereas this was not the case for GAs.Hormone levels of tomato fruits may be successfully, easily and reproducibly altered by inducing parthenocarpic fruit growth and thus eliminating development of seeds which are a major source of hormone synthesis. In spite of markedly changed hormone levels, there was no obvious relationship between fruit growth and extractable hormones per se. However, the results indicate that a high ratio of GAs: auxins is unfavourable for growth of tomato fruits.  相似文献   
The bulbous tubular portion of the median ejaculatory duct functions as the accessory gland in the male stable fly, Stomoxys calcitrans. The gland started to enlarge after emergence when the fly was fed on sugar-water or blood. Implants of accessory glands from sugar-water or blood-fed males were effective in stimulating oviposition in virgin females. The injection into females of accessory-gland extracts from males fed blood prevented insemination; this extract was effective in concentration as low as 0.25 gland per female. Accessory-gland extracts from sugar-water fed males were only partially effective in preventing female insemination. However, the accessory-gland extracts of male stable flies had little effect on insemination when injected into three other species of female dipterans.Spermatogenesis was completed by the time of emergence, or shortly thereafter, a process independent of blood feeding. Three types of spermatids were identified, forming a continuum of spermiogenesis stages. Fat, fusiform spermatozoa elongated to become thin, elongate and mature spermatozoa.  相似文献   
The headspace of whole Golden Delicious apples treated with propionic acid vapour, was analysed by means of GC, after enrichment on Tenax GC, and its c  相似文献   
The subcellular localization of lipoxygenase (LOX) from cucumber fruit has been studied. Two methods have been employed to obtain organelles; (1) maceration of the tissue, followed by separation on a linear sucrose gradient and (2) release from protoplasts by osmotic shock, followed by a discontinuous Ficoll gradient. It was possible to obtain high LOX activity in the intact protoplasts from both peel and flesh tissue. However, fewer intact vacuoles were obtained following osmotic rupture than from macerated tissue. Both methods produced more particulate LOX activity from the peel than from flesh tissue, and both showed that this activity was associated with the vacuoles. The cucumber LOX enzyme was similar to the potato and tomato enzymes, both in pH characteristics and substrate specificity.  相似文献   
Atretic follicles regularly occur in the ovary of the house fly, Musca domestica. The frequency of ovarian follicular atresia and the proportion of atretic follicles per ovary are related to the stage of oögenesis and to the age of the females. Only vitellogenic follicles may become atretic. The atresia may occur at any stage of vitellogenesis, though most follicles become atretic in mid-vitellogenesis. Atretic follicles are completely resorbed within 24–36 hr. The follicle cells may play a synthesizing role during growth and disintegrating one during follicle resorption. The induction of glycogen synthesis by the cessation of RNA and protein synthesis and by vitellogenesis in normal follicles is discussed. The same processes occur prematurely in the atretic follicle which can be thus distinguished by a high content of glycogen.  相似文献   
Homogenization of fresh tissue from cucumber fruits results in a loss of endogenous lipid catalysed by acyl hydrolase enzymes. Deacylation of lipids is not accompanied by accumulation of free fatty acids. The levels of both saturated (mainly palmitic) and polyunsaturated (linoleic and linolenic) fatty acids in the lipids are reduced. Losses of the major acyl lipid constituents of cucumber (triacylglycerols and phospholipids) are mainly responsible for the observed hydrolysis. Triacylglycerol acyl hydrolase (lipase), phospholipase D and polar lipid acyl hydrolase enzyme activities were demonstrated. It is suggested that hydrolytic attack on endogenous lipids is the initial event on disruption of cucumber tissue, in the formation of lipid degradation products, amongst which are the volatile carbonyl compounds responsible for the characteristic flavour of cucumber.  相似文献   
河北鸭梨病果上链格孢分离系的形态及分子特性研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
孙霞  张天宇 《菌物学报》2008,27(1):105-117
A total of 123 Alternaria isolates were obtained from roting fruits of Pyrus bretschneideri "Ya Li" collected in Hebei Province, China. The isolates, according to morphological characteristics of conidia and sporulation patterns, were segregated into four groups: A. alternata group, A. tenuissima group, A. yaliinficiens group and Alternaria sp. group. Molecular characteristics of part of the isolates were determined using random amplified polymorphism DNA (RAPD) analysis. Based on cluster analysis of RAPD data, large-and small-spored Alternaria spp. were evidently distinguished, and the small-spored species can form five clusters that fundamentally paralleled the morphological groupings.  相似文献   
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