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In field experiments, larvae of codling moth Cydia pomonella (L.) rarely acquired granulosis virus on hatching from the egg, but picked up most later, on the tree surface. Deposits of virus sprayed in 1.0% w/v skimmed milk did not affect neonate larval behaviour. Larvae died, usually in the first instar, after entering treated fruit, but they frequently entered via the calyx or near the base of the stalk or through cracks in the skin, where little feeding damage by first-and sometimes second-instar larvae was seen.
Résumé En verger, la pulvérisation d'oeufs de carpocapse avec du virus de la granulose en suspension dans l'eau (additionnée de lait écrémé dilué à 1%) n'a pas modifié la survie des chenilles avant pénétration dans le fruit; par contre la pulvérisation des arbres a provoqué une forte mortalité. Bien que des chenilles consommant des poils et la surface des feuilles aient été observées avant leur pénétration dans le fruit, ce qui aurait pu provoquer leur contamination par le virus, il semble que la contamination létale provienne des fruits seuls.La présence de produit n'a modifié ni le comportement larvaire, ni le taux de pénétration dans les fruits; la mortalité y a lieu ensuite, généralement au premier stade. Dans 74 à 78% des cas, les chenilles ont pénétré dans le fruit par le calice ou près de la base du pédoncule — aucun dégât provenant de larves du premier stade n'y était visible, de même que dans le calice pour les larves du deuxième stade. Par contre, toute pénétration par la surface du fruit était repérable dès le premier stade. Il est possible que la répartition des lieux de pénétration dans le fruit influe sur la létalité due au virus et explique les variations d'efficacité observées en verger. Un système de classification des dégâts, provoqués lors de la pénétration dans le fruit, de chenilles du premier au troisième stade est proposé pour évaluer l'efficacité des essais en verger.
Proteolytic enzymes were characterized in the midgut and the excreta of the stable fly Stomoxys calcitrans (L) with proteins, synthetic substrates, and inhibitors. Inhibition studies suggested trypsinlike activity in sugar-fed fly midguts, whereas excreta and blood-fed fly guts exhibited other proteases. Trypsinlike activity in midguts removed 20 and 30 h after a blood meal increased from 20% to 50% of the total proteolytic enzymes present. Trypsinlike activity was inhibited with human sera, trypsin-specific inhibitors, and a protein isolated from the stable fly thorax. When human albumin and globulin fractions were incubated with trypsinlike enzymes isolated from the midgut and excreta, the albumin fraction was less inhibitory than the globulin fractions and was readily hydrolyzed by the proteolytic enzymes. These results may indicate that the proteolytic enzymes produce an abortive complex with the globulin fractions of the sera. Such a complex may explain the temporary inhibition of proteolysis by the blood meal. Soybean trypsin inhibitor fed to stable flies caused 50% inhibition in proteolytic activity in the midguts of sugar-fed stable flies and 25% inhibition in the midguts of blood-fed stable flies. Complete inhibition of proteolytic enzyme activity was achieved only in vitro. pH profiles of proteolytic enzyme activity isolated from the excreta of blood-fed stable flies indicated that several proteolytic enzymes were excreted.  相似文献   
  • 1 Emergence of cabbage root fly, Delia radicum (L.), from overwintering populations of puparia collected from twenty-one sites in south-west Lancashire, was extremely variable.
  • 2 The patterns of emergence indicated that there were two extreme biotypes, one with early- and the other with late-emerging flies. There was also evidence of an intermediate biotype, tending more to early than to late emergence.
  • 3 This gradient of biotypes, or clinal divergence, was maintained by populations breeding at different times and by females mating close to their sites of emergence. Non-dispersive females then perpetuated their genotype within their own locality.
  • 4 The time of emergence was not obviously associated with the type of host-crop on which larvae had developed.
  • 5 The late-emerging biotype was most prevalent around Halsall. The minimum distance between populations of the late- and the early-emerging biotypes was 16 km. 20 km south-east from Halsall only half of the fly population was early-emerging, possibly a result of a displacement of the Halsall biotype by the prevailing NW wind.
  • 6 Regional-based forecasts will need to take into account the emergence characteristics of the populations to predict the peak periods of cabbage root fly activity adequately in south-west Lancashire and other areas where emergence patterns differ.
Changes, during the reproductive cycle, in fat body, hemolymph, and ovarian proteins of the stable fly Stomoxys calcitrans were characterized quantitatively and qualitatively using sodium dodecyl sulphate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis (SDS-PAGE). Protein content of all three tissues increased after blood feeding. Fat body protein increased first, followed by hemolymph and ovarian proteins. SDS-PAGE failed to identify vitellogenin in both female hemolymph and fat body samples. No single protein or group of proteins predominated at any stage of the reproductive cycle. Comparisons between male and female stable fly hemolymph and fat body proteins failed to detect female-specific proteins. Female-specific proteins, however, were detected in the hemolymph of four other species of Diptera.  相似文献   
The various diapause and post-diapause stages entered by cabbage root fly pupae during the overwintering period are shown schematically. Although diapause induction started in mid-Aug., the early-pupating insects did not develop further but were maintained in diapause by the warm autumn temperatures. Therefore, diapause development was simultaneous in all Wellesbourne pupae, whether of second or third generation origin. Diapause development started only in mid-Oct., when mean soil temperatures fell below 10°. In the field, 90% of the overwintering population of cabbage root fly pupae had completed pleted diapause by 5 March 1980, 17 Feb. 1981 and 18 Feb. 1982. This was equivalent to a duration of 19 weeks from mid-Oct. onwards, during the winters of 1979–80, 1980–81 and 1981–82 respectively. A further break between the completion of diapause and the warm conditions required to start post-diapause development also helps to condense the emergence of flies in the spring. Hence, an accurate forecast of the time of spring attack by populations of flies similar to those at Wellesbourne should be possible.This study was financed partly by the Commission of the European Communities as CEC Contract No. 0771.  相似文献   
Using high-resolution GC, changes in total free galactose, myo-inositol, arabinose, xylose, rhamnose and mannose have been studied in pericarp tiss  相似文献   
This study examined the effects of nitrogen anaesthesia and cycloheximide injection on memory of the classically-conditioned fly, Phormia. 1 M NaCl solution was given to each fly as a conditioning stimulus and 0.5 M sucrose solution was the unconditioned stimulus that induced the proboscis extension response. The training period was as short as 2 min and testing was usually carried out 2 hr later. At varying times (0–60 min) between training and testing, flies were anaesthetized with nitrogen gas for 25 sec. When flies were anaesthetized immediately after training the effect of nitrogen gas was the greatest and few flies showed any conditioned response, but the sensitivity of memory to nitrogen gas declined as the interval between training and nitrogen treatment became longer, and such treatment had no effect on memory when the interval was longer than 30 min. The effect on memory of cycloheximide, an inhibitor of peptide bond synthesis, was also investigated. The injection of cycloheximide (0.37 μg) immediately after training diminished the memory, but when given 1 hr after training it had no effect on memory. These results show that the memory in Phormia has two phases, stable and an unstable phase, like long-term and short-term memory in vertebrates.  相似文献   
Diffusible IAA and dominance phenomena in fruits of apple and tomato   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
The relationships between indole-3-acetic acid (IAA) diffusing out of the fruit and competition among fruits, and between fruits and shoot tips were investigated using apple ( Malus domestica Borkh. cv. Jonagold) and tomato ( Lycopersicon esculentum Mill.) plants. Dominant fruits always had more diffusible IAA than subordinated, inhibited fruits. Alterations in dominance – by fruit- or shoot tip removal – led to significant changes in diffusible IAA by the remaining fruits. This change could be detected one day after dominance modification.
It is suggested that diffusible IAA is involved in the correlative signal regulating dominance relationship between fruits, and between fruits and shoots in apple and tomato.  相似文献   
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