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The levels of amino acids in globus pallidus, a structure heavily innervated with gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA)-ergic terminals but few glutamergic terminals, were compared with the levels in neostriatum, a structure richly innervated with glutamergic terminals but intermediate in GABAergic terminals. The level of glutamate in neostriatum was twice as high as in globus pallidus whereas the level of GABA in globus pallidus was three times higher than in neostriatum. The level of aspartate was similar in both regions whereas the level of glutamine was correlated with the level of glutamate. Methionine sulfoximine, a glutamine synthetase inhibitor, reduced the level of glutamine to 10-20% of control in both structures. This reduction was accompanied by the largest decrease in the level of glutamate in neostriatum, indicating that transmitter glutamate turns over more rapidly than other glutamate pools. Likewise, insulin decreased the levels of glutamate and glutamine more in neostriatum than in globus pallidus. gamma-Vinyl GABA increased the level of GABA in globus pallidus more than in neostriatum although the percent increase was largest in neostriatum. Treatment with gamma-vinyl GABA was accompanied by a large reduction in the level of GABA, indicating that a substantial proportion of the glutamine pool is linked to GABA metabolism.  相似文献   
Dwarf pea (Pisum sativum L.) plants with genotypes cryc and crys responded differently when an 8 h photoperiod (8 h daylight, 16 h dark) was extended to 24 h (8 h daylight, 16 h incandescent light). Genotype cryc showed up to a 4-fold increase in internode length, sustained by increases in both cell length (particularly of epidermal cells) and cell number (particularly of cortical cells) while crys plants showed up to a 2-fold increase in internode length sustained mostly by an increase in cell number. Under an 8 h (daylight) photoperiod the two genotypes did not differ in their sensitivity to applied gibberellin A1 (GA1) and they showed a similar pattern of response. GA1 significantly increased internode length, cell length and cell number in both genotypes. Incandescent light did not increase the size of the response to GA1 except for crys plants at high dose rates of GA1 (29–58 nmol). At saturating doses of GA1 the two genotypes attained a similar peak internode length; incandescent light increased the peak by about 40%. GA1 increased the rate of leaf appearance by up to 33% while incandescent light reduced the rate by 4–7%. The elongation response of the more mature internodes of cryc plants to GA1 or incandescent light was due primarily to an increase in cell length whereas increased cell number made a significant contribution in the case of internodes which were relatively immature at the time the stimulus was applied. The progressive increase in internode length of both genotypes during ontogeny was due primarily to an increase in cell number. In conclusion, alleles cryc and crys (background le La) do not confer a difference in sensitivity to GA1 and the increase in internode length in response to incandescent light is probably not the result of a real or perceived increase in GA1 level. Allele crys may partially block a phytochrome mediated response to light and the key difference between genotypes crys and cryc may lie in the greater elongation (extensibility?) of cryc epidermal cells in incandescent light.  相似文献   
Structural requirements for florigenic activity among gibberellins (GAs) and GA derivatives, including several new ones, applied once to leaves of Lolium temulentum, were examined. The compounds were applied to plants kept either in non-inductive short days (SD) or exposed to one inductive long day (LD). Inflorescence initiation and stem-elongation responses were assessed three weeks later. Among the GAs used, the range in effective dose for inflorescence initiation was more than 1000-fold, but substantially less for stem elongation. Some GAs promoted both stem elongation and inflorescence initiation, some promoted one without the other, and some affected neither. The structural features enhancing florigenic activity were often different from those enhancing stem elongation. Except in the case of 2,2-dimethyl GA4, a double bond in the A ring at either C-1,2 or C-2,3 was essential for high florigenic activity, though not for stem elongation. A free carboxy group was needed for both. Inflorescence initiation in Lolium was enhanced by hydroxylation at C-12, ?13 and ?15, whereas hydroxylation at C-3 reduced the effect on inflorescence initiation but increased that on stem elongation. A 12β-hydroxyl was more effective than the α epimer for inflorescence initiation whereas the reverse was true for stem elongation. Although such differential effectiveness of GAs for inflorescence initiation and for stem elongation could reflect differences in uptake, transport or metabolism, we suggest that it is indicative of specific structural requirements for inflorescence initiation.  相似文献   
The effect of phosphorus (P) concentration in barley seed on seedling growth has not been much investigated. Consequently, two experiments were conducted in the greenhouse to determine the effect of P concentration in barley seed (Hordeum vulgare L., cv. Empress) on the seedlings grown in sand-filled boxes receiving a culture solution without P. Seeds were selected with three P concentrations: high-P (113.0 mmol P kg−1), medium-P (80.7 mmol P kg−1) and low-P (54.9 mmol P kg−1). At 21 days after sowing, the shoot and root yield or shoot height was the least with seedlings from low-P seed. In the other experiment, high-P and low-P seeds were wetted with distilled water or with a solution of 25.8 cmol L−1 of NaH2PO4 for 24 h, and then grown for 31 days. Solution P had been imbibed by seeds whether low or high in native P, but only the imbibed P held by low native P seed benefited seedling dry matter accumulation and shoot elongation. The lack of benefit from seed-imbibed P on seedlings grown from high-P barley seed was associated with low recovery of the imbibed P in those seedlings.  相似文献   
Abstract. Gravitropic curvature results from unequal growth rates on the upper and lower sides of horizontal stems. These unequal growth rates cold be due to differences in wall extensibility between the two sides. To test this, the time course of curvature of horizontal sunflower ( Helianthus anmus L.) hypocotyls was determined and compared with the time courses of changes in Instron-measured wall extensibility (PEx) of the upper and lower epidermal layers. As gravicurvature developed, so did the difference in PEx between the upper and lower epidermis. The enhanced growth rate on the lower side during the period of maximum increase in curvature was matched by PEx values greater than those of the vertical control, while the inhibited growth rate on the upper side was accompanied by PEx values below that of the control. The close correlation between changes in growth rates and alterations in PEx demonstrates that changes in wall extensibility play a major role in controlling gravicurvature.  相似文献   
A polymerase chain reaction (PCR) protocol, previously designed for amplification of a DNA fragment from aster yellows mycoplasmalike organism (MLO), was employed to investigate the detection of MLO DNA in field-collected and in vitro micropropagated plants. PCR with template DNA extracted from symptomatic, naturally-infected samples of Brassica, Chrysanthemum and Hydrangea, each yielded a DNA band corresponding to 1.0 Kbp. However, no DNA product was observed when either infected Ranunculus (with phyllody disease) or Gladiolus with (symptoms of ‘germs fins’) was used as source of template nucleic acid for PCR; further experiments indicated absence of target DNA in the case of Ranunculus and the presence of substances in Gladiolus which inhibited the PCR. The MLO-specific DNA was detected by PCR using less than 95 pg of total nucleic acid (equivalent to total nucleic acid from 1.9, ug tissue) in the case of field-collected Hydrangea and less than 11.4 pg of nucleic acid (equivalent to total nucleic acid from 19 ng of tissue) in the case of field-collected Brassica. The findings illustrate highly sensitive detection of MLOs in both field-grown and in vitro micropropagated infected plants.  相似文献   
The isolation and sequence of a cDNA clone encoding the complete mitochondrial malate dehydrogenase (mMDH) of watermelon cotyledons is presented. Taking advantage of the polymerase chain reaction technology partial cDNA clones from the central part, the 3 part and the 5 part of the mRNA were obtained with oligonucleotides based on directly determined amino acid sequences. Subsequently, two complete cDNA clones for mMDH were synthesized with a sense primer corresponding to the nucleotide sequence of the amino terminal end of pre-mMDH and two antisense primers corresponding to the major alternative adenylation sites found in the mRNA.The amino acid residues for substrate and cofactor binding identified by X-ray crystallography for pig heart cytoplasmic MDH are conserved in the 320 amino acid long mature higher-plant mMDH. A presequence of 27 amino acids is present at the amino terminal end of the precursor protein.  相似文献   
肾综合征出血热(HFRS)为一组抗原性密切相关的布尼亚科汉坦病毒引起的急性传染病。在我国存在至少两种临床表现、动物宿主及流行特征截然不同的血清型别,即血清Ⅰ型(汉坦型)和血清Ⅱ型(汉城型)。这两型病毒间的血清学定型已有报道。近年来,除啮齿类动物外,从临床病人以及非啮齿类动物体内也分离到了HFRS病毒。同时出现两类型别毒株共存,以及从家鼠体内分离到野鼠型毒株或从野鼠体内分离到家鼠型毒株的复杂情形。为此,准确检定并鉴别不同来源毒株型别,将为深入了解其病原学、流行病学以及制定疫苗生产策略提供重要信息。  相似文献   
 借助于5'和3'末端删切后重建的IL-2R a链基因调控区次级克隆,在体外合成有放射性同位素参入的反意义RNA探针与总RNA进行液相杂交,结果表明TPA或PHA分别活化的T细胞在IL-2R a链表达过程中都在不同程度上有选择地利用了调控区内分别为-58(5')和+1(3')位两个转录起始点中3'转录起始点。热休克使PHA活化细胞更明显地利用+1位点。PHA诱导Jurkat细胞表达IL-2RamRNA斑点杂交证实,Jurkat细胞在活化16小时表达IL-2Ra基本达到高峰,至24小时已明显下降。根据这一规律提取PHA诱导活化15小时的Jurkat细胞S100和NE,进行有关结合蛋白的研究,初步结果显示磷酸纤维素柱的KCI洗脱组分中存在着DNA结合蛋白,有关结合蛋白性质的研究正在进行中。  相似文献   
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