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An artificial bean seed system was used to evaluate the effects of a cysteine proteinase inhibitor (E-64) and a serine proteinase inhibitor (Bowman-Birk inhibitor) on the developmental time and mortality of the common bean weevil, Acanthoscelides obtectus (Say). These inhibitors were incorporated into artificial bean seeds on which the insect fed. To better understand the mode of action of these inhibitors, free amino acids were also added to the seeds, alone and in combination with the inhibitors. E-64 was found to be highly effective in delaying development and increasing mortality of the insect. Both effects were directly related to the concentration of E-64. Bowman-Birk inhibitor had little effect on these parameters. Assays of gut proteolytic activity of insects reared on artificial seeds with various levels of E-64 demonstrated a direct relationship between E-64 concentration in the diet and reduction of gut proteolytic activity. Free amino acid supplementation to the diet did not prevent inhibition of gut proteolytic activity by E-64, but did reverse its effects on developmental time and mortality, strengthening the hypothesis that E-64 operates by inhibition of essential digestive proteinase activity.
Résumé Des grains artificiels de haricot ont été utilisés pour évaluer les effets sur la durée de développement et la mortalité d' Acanthoscelides obtectus. Say d'inhibiteurs de la protéinase de la cystéine (E-64) et de la protéinase de la sérine (l'inhibiteur de Bowman-Birk). Ces inhibiteurs avaient été incorporés dans les grains artificiels. Pour mieux comprendre leur voie d'action, des acides aminés libres étaient ajoutés à ces graines, seuls ou combinés aux inhibiteurs. E-64 a très efficacement retardé le développement et accru la mortalité; ces 2 effets étaient liés à sa concentration. L'inhibiteur de Bowman-Birk a eu peu d'effets sur ces paramètres. Des expériences sur l'activité protéolytique du tube digestif d'insectes élevés sur des graines artificielles avec différentes concentrations de E-64 ont montré une relation directe entre la concentration en E-64 et la réduction de l'activité protéolytique. L'addition d'acides aminés libres dans l'aliment n'a pas empêché l'inhibition de l'activité protéolytique par E-64, mais a inversé ses effets sur la durée de développement et la mortalité, renforçant l'hypothèse que E-64 agit en inhibant l'activité protéinase digestive essentielle.
Cultural transmission and the evolution of cooperative behavior   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
Sociobiological theory predicts that humans should not cooperate with large groups of unrelated individuals. This prediction is based on genetic models that show that selection acting on variation between large unrelated groups will generally be much weaker than selection acting on variation between individuals. Recently, several authors have presented related models of human evolution that integrate cultural and genetic transmission of behavior. We show that in such models group selection is potentially a strong force. Data on ethnocentrism is examined in the context of these results.  相似文献   
Sulphate uptake by the unicellular marine red algaRhodella maculata conforms to Michaelis-Menten kinetics. Two uptake systems have been found: a low affinity system with an apparentK m of 22 mM, and a high affinity system with an apparentK m of 63.4 M. Transition from the low to the high affinity system can occur within 2.5 min, in response to a decrease in the ambient sulphate concentration to below 10 mM. Assimilation rates in the dark are about 20% those in the light, although enhancement by light is independent of the quanlity of light supplied above 27 mol m-2 s-1. Use of metabolic inhibitors indicates that photophosphorylation provides the main source of energy for sulphate assimilation, through both cyclic and non-cyclic electron flow.Abbreviations used APS-kinase ATP:adenylyl-sulphate 3-phosphotransferase (E.C. - ATP-sulphurylase ATP:sulphate adenylyltransferase (E.C.2.7.74) - DCMU [3-(3,4-dichlorophenyl)]-1,1 dimethylurea - 2,4 DNP 2,4-dinitrophenol - DBMIB Dibromothymoquinone (2,5-dibromo-3-methyl-6-isopropyl-p-benzoquinone)  相似文献   
The genome of adenovirus type 4 (Ad4), the unique member of Ad group E, has been mapped with nine restriction endonucleases. Comparison of the occurrence of restriction endonuclease cleavage sites on Ad2, Ad7, Ad12 and Ad4 indicates that there is very little homology between these serotypes. Sequence analysis at the ITR of Ad4 showed that the "CAT" box which is present in all the ITRs of Ad's so far sequenced is absent in Ad4. The length of 116 bp for the ITR of Ad4 is also different from that of other Ad subgroups.  相似文献   
A glycoprotein from the stems and leaves of the Dolichosbiflorus plant that cross reacts with antibodies to the seed lectin has been found to bind to affinity columns of blood group A + H substance covalently linked to Sepharose. This binding of the cross reactive material to the affinity resin differs from that of the seed lectin in that it is easily dissociated with 0.15 M NaCl. Affinity electrophoresis using entrapped blood group A + H substance shows that the carbohydrate binding activity of the cross reactive material is weakly inhibited with N-acetyl-D
-galactosamine and N-acetyl-D
-glucosamine. Glucose, mannose and galactose gave no inhibition when tested at concentrations of 50 mM. These data indicate that the specificity of the cross reactive material is somewhat different from the N-acetyl-D
-galactosamine specificity of the seed lectin. The significance of these findings is discussed in relation to the structural similarities of the cross reactive material and the seed lectin.  相似文献   
土壤微生物是参与陆地生态系统生物地球化学循环过程的重要成员。造林可以显著影响土壤微生物群落结构与功能,但造林初期驱动的土壤理化因子变化对土壤微生物结构与功能的影响尚不清楚。通过分析由珍稀乡土树种组成的三种新造混交林(BB:银杏Ginkgo biloba-桢楠Phoebe zhennan;CB:香椿Toona sinensis-红豆杉Taxus wallichiana-桢楠Phoebe zhennan;MB:鹅掌楸Liriodendron chinense-乐昌含笑Michelia chapensis-香椿Toona sinensis-玉兰Yulania denudata)表层(0-20 cm)土壤真菌群落组成、功能类群及其土壤理化因子,并以草灌化未造林地作对照(CK),研究土壤真菌群落结构和功能对不同林型造林初期的响应。结果表明:(1)不同林型土壤真菌群落丰富度、多样性指数高于CK,表现为MB>BB>CB>CK,主要受到土壤孔隙度、水解性氮的影响。(2)土壤真菌门水平优势类群在不同处理间无显著差异,其中子囊菌门占绝对优势,MB中的被孢霉门相对丰度显著高于CK(P<0.05)。与CK相比,球囊菌门与Leptodiscella相对丰度在各林型中均降低。(3)通过非度量多维尺度(NMDS)与置换多元方差(Adonis)分析表明,造林初期,造林土壤真菌群落结构与CK存在显著差异(P<0.01)。冗余分析(RDA) 分析表明全钾、水解性氮、土壤容重及土壤碳氮比是影响真菌群落指示种的主要土壤理化因子;被孢霉门与水解性氮、碳氮比、全氮、非毛管孔隙度、含水率均呈正相关,与全钾呈负相关。(4)真菌群落主要以腐生营养型为主,病理营养型次之;造林后腐生营养型真菌相对丰度降低,而土壤腐生菌的相对丰度在BB与MB处理中反而显著增加(P<0.05);MB处理中动物病原菌的相对丰度显著增加(P<0.05);真菌优势功能类群主要受到土壤pH、土壤孔隙度、土壤碳氮比(C/N)、土壤有机质、全氮、全钾的影响。造林初期土壤真菌群落结构与功能类群发生了显著改变,阔阔混交林较针阔混交林变化更加明显,其中多种阔叶树混交林病原菌相对更高。  相似文献   
ObjectiveThe objective of this study was to determine whether dietary black soldier fly (Hermetia illucens, HI) larvae oil (HILO) could serve as an alternative fat source to soybean oil (SBO) in laying hen diets.MethodsWe randomly assigned 25-week-old Hy-line Brown laying hens (n = 144) to receive (n = 6 hens/group; eight replicates) a control or an experimental diet in which SBO was replaced with 50% (50HILO) or 100% HILO (100HILO).ResultsDietary HILO did not negatively affect body weight or productive performance during the study. The eggs also had similar quality parameters, proximate composition, and cholesterol levels. However, the yolk color index was significantly higher (p<0.01) in the 100HILO than in the other groups. Dietary HILO significantly altered the composition of fatty acids (FAs) in abdominal fat and eggs. Total saturated fatty acids (SFAs) and total polyunsaturated FAs (PUFAs) were significantly increased and decreased in the 50HILO and 100HILO groups, respectively, compared with those in the control group (p<0.001 and p<0.0001, respectively). Specifically, the medium-chain FAs lauric and myristic acids were remarkably increased in the abdominal fat of laying hens fed HILO (p<0.0001), whereas only myristic acid increased in eggs (p<0.0001). Undesirable heavy metal (aluminum, fluorine, arsenic, lead, mercury, and cadmium) concentrations were below permissible limits in eggs.ConclusionWe considered that HILO could be an alternative dietary fat to SBO for laying hens with maintained productive performance and good egg quality.  相似文献   
Abstract The effects of two commercial chitin synthesis inhibitors, dimilin and polyoxin D, on chitin fiber formation and cell sedimentation for the diatoms Thalassiosira fluviatilis and Cyclotella cryptica (Bacillariophyceae) were investigated. Dimilin treatments for both diatom species were indistinguishable from controls in terms of chitin fiber productions, cell density and sedimentation. Polyoxin D-treated cells of both diatom species completely lacked the characteristic chitin fibers. Polyoxin D cultures were also characterized by a significant decrease in population density, increased sedimentation rates and a strong tendency to clump in comparison with control and dimilin treatments. It was concluded that (1) dimilin does not directly inhibit chitin synthesis in diatoms; (2) polyoxin-D inhibits β-chitin fibril formation, and (3) chitin fibers play an important role in cell separation and cell buoyancy.  相似文献   
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