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The determination of enzymatic activities in cell-free extracts of Acidaminococcus fermentans and Peptostreptococcus asaccharolyticus led to a refined scheme for the pathway of glutamate fermentation via (R)-2-hydroxyglutarate to acetate and butyrate. From the ratio of these products the amount of ATP generated by substrate level phosphorylation was calculated. Growth experiments with the organisms including Clostridium symbiosum and Clostridium tetanomorphum indicated that a sodium gradient contributed additional energy for growth. The high growth yields found in organisms containing the biotin dependent sodium pump glutaconyl-CoA decarboxylase could be reduced by the sodium ionophor monensin. In P. asaccharolyticus energy equivalent up to 0.6 mol ATP per mol of glutaconyl-CoA decarboxylated was conserved via the Na+ gradient. The data may explain the growth promoting effects of monensin in cattle.  相似文献   
Ethanol grown Acetobacter aceti differed from acetate grown. In ethanol grown cells, acetate uptake, caused by the oxidation of acetate, was completely inhibited by ethanol, in acetate grown cells only to 20%. This was correlated with a 65-fold higher specific activity of the membrane bound NAD(P)-independent alcohol dehydrogenase in ethanol grown than in acetate grown cells. In comparison with ethanol grown cells, acetate grown cells showed a 3-fold higher acetate respiration rate and 3-fold higher specific activities of some tricarboxylic acid cycle enzymes tested. Both adaptations were due to induction by the homologous and not to repression by the heterologous growth substrate. A. aceti showed a membrane bound NAD(P)-independent malate dehydrogenase and no activity of a soluble NAD(P)-dependent one, as was known before from A. xylinum. A hypothesis was proposed explaining the observed inhibition of malate dehydrogenase and of functioning of the tricarboxylic acid cycle in the presence of ethanol or butanol or glucose by a competition of two electron currents for a common link in the convergent electron transport chains. The electrons coming from the quinoproteins, alcohol dehydrogenase and glucose dehydrogenase on the one side and those coming from the flavoproteins, malate dehydrogenase and succinate dehydrogenase via ubiquinonecytochrome c reductase on the other side are meeting at cytochrome c. Here the quinoproteins may be favoured by higher affinity and so inhibit the flavoproteins. Inhibition could be alleviated in the cell free system by increasing the oxygen supply.Dedicated to Professor Carl Martius on the occasion of his 80th birthday, March 1st 1986  相似文献   
The vegetation succession on the dunes near Oostvoorne, The Netherlands has been followed by means of a novel combination of repeated large-scale vegetation mapping and air photograph interpretation. Vegetation units have been discerned on the formation level because these could be distinguished fairly easily on the photographs and because the rates of change are appropriate to the time interval chosen. Nineteen formations were distinguished. Five 1:6250 maps were constructed, reflecting the formation pattern in 1934, 1943, 1959, 1972 and 1980. An overlay with 2736 grid points at 25 m field distance was used to quantify changes in the formation pattern.The results suggest a pronounced multiple pathway succession with nevertheless three principal trajectories of succession from pioneer to woodland vegetation. The outer dunes, which have originated since 1910, are distinct in successional characteristics from the inner dunes, which already existed but were released from heavy grazing pressure in 1910. The rate of change in the outer dunes was high in the beginning and is slowly decreasing eversince. In the inner dunes it went the other way around. Through visual extrapolation the likely formation patterns in 1910 and in 2000 were estimated.Transition frequencies proved highly variable for most formations. Moreover, strong spatial dependence was found. Limitations in the use of Markov models in cases of long-term succession in heterogeneous environments are discussed.Nomenclature follows the same sources as in van der Maarel et al. (1984).Field work carried out 1980–1981 when the authors were at the Division of Geobotany, University of Nijmegen. We thank Jos Rijntjes, Nijmegen, for his cooperation in the field. Vegetation maps were prepared and calculations performed at Uppsala. We thank the Foundation Het Zuid-Hollands Landschap, Rotterdam, for providing facilities and a grant for fieldwork as well as additional means to reproduce the vegetation maps. Two reviewers gave useful comments.  相似文献   
Anti-glutamine synthetase serum was raised in rabbits by injecting purified glutamine synthetase (GS) of the phototrophic bacterium Rhodopseudomonas capsulata E1F1. The antibodies were purified to monospecificity by immunoaffinity chromatography in GS-sepharose gel. These anti-GS antibodies were used to measure the antigen levels in crude extracts from bacteria, grown phototrophically with dinitrogen, nitrate, nitrite, ammonia, glutamate, glutamine or alanine as nitrogen sources. The amount of GS detected by rocket immunoelectrophoresis was proportional to Mn2+-dependent transferase activity measured in the crude extracts. Addition of GS inhibitor l-methionine-d,l-sulfoximine (MSX) to the actively growing cells promoted increased antigen levels, that were not found in the presence of glutamine or chloramphenicol. The ammonia-induced decrease in GS relative levels was reverted by MSX. GS levels remained constant when phototrophically growing cells were kept in the dark.Abbreviations GS glutamine synthetase - MOPS 2-(N-morpholine) propane sulfonate - MSX l-methionine-d,l-sulfoximine  相似文献   
The metabolism of N-methyl substituted 7H-dibenzo[c,g]carbazole (N-Me DBC) was investigated in vitro using liver microsomes from 3-methylcholanthrene (MC)-, benzo[c]carbazole (BC) and Arochlor-pretreated mice and rats. N-Me DBC is a potent sarcomatogen devoid of hepatotoxicity and liver carcinogenic activity. The ethyl acetate-extractable metabolites were separated by high performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) and most of them were identified by proton magnetic resonance (PMR), mass spectrometry (MS) and comparison with synthetically prepared specimens. Mouse and rat microsomes gave rise to the same metabolites. The major metabolites were 5-OH-N-Me DBC (50%), N-hydroxymethyl (HMe) DBC (25-30%) and 3-OH-N-Me DBC (10%). Addition of 1,1,1-trichloropropene-2,3-oxide (TCPO) to the standard incubation medium permitted the identification of two dihydrodiols among the minor metabolites. No metabolite of DBC was observed after incubation of N-Me DBC, or its major metabolite N-HMe DBC, with either mouse or rat microsomes, but the possibility of a slight demethylation cannot be totally excluded. The lack of biotransformation at the nitrogen atom site may explain the lack of hepatotoxicity and liver carcinogenic activity of N-Me DBC. The modulation of metabolism by epoxide hydrolase, cytosol and glutathione was also investigated. The results are discussed in the light of data previously obtained with hepatotoxic and hepatocarcinogenic DBC.  相似文献   
Potato tuber ( Solanum tuberosum L. cv. Bintje) callus shows a decrease in fresh weight and an increase in dry weight upon transfer to nutrient medium supplemented with 0.3 or 0.5 M mannitol. The osmolarity of the intracellular fluid increases simultaneously. Probably mannitol is taken up from the medium till the osmolarity of the tissue is in equilibrium with that of the medium. After osmotic adaptation, on a medium with 0.5 M mannitol, growth is negligible, although the tissue retains its viability.
Respiration increases upon transfer to medium with extra mannitol, especially when expressed on a fresh weight basis. On this basis cytochrome and alternative pathway capacities do not change appreciably. The respiratory increase is exclusively caused by an increased engagement of the alternative pathway. The participation of this pathway in uninhibited respiration increases from about 10 to 90% upon transfer to medium with extra mannitol. The increase in respiration is partly correlated with the decrease in fresh weight upon transfer. Per disc, the capacities of the cytochrome and alternative pathway decline. Yet, total respiration per disc significantly increases due to the increased participation of the alternative pathway. This results in an almost equal ATP-production per disc before and after transfer. We suggest, that the alternative pathway functions as a reserve capacity in potato callus, which is switched on when ATP-production coupled to the cytochrome pathway is impaired.  相似文献   
Signals of tens up to hundreds of thousands of (mostly olfactory) receptor cells on an insect antenna are switched to a comparatively low number of neurones in the antennal lobe of the deutocerebrum in circumscribed units of neuropile, the glomeruli. Each glomerulus is connected via its output neurone to two separate neuropiles (calyces of mushroom body, and lateral lobe) of the protocerebrum. Local interneurones interconnect between the glomeruli. Certain modes of convergence between receptors and central neurones provide for a very high sensitivity of the latter to certain odours and their sensitivity for complex odour stimuli, and in many cases for a marked multimodality. Anatomical and physiological data are given especially for pheromone sensitive neurones and their projections.  相似文献   
Summary It is believed that all present-day organisms descended from a common cellular ancestor. Such a cell must have evolved from more primitive and simpler precursors, but neither their organization nor the route such evolution took are accessible to the molecular techniques available today. We propose a mechanism, based on functional properties of enzymes and the kinetics of growth, which allows us to reconstruct the general course of early enzyme evolution. A precursor cell containing very few multifunctional enzymes with low catalytic activities is shown to lead inevitably to descendants with a large number of differentiated monofunctional enzymes with high turnover numbers. Mutation and natural selection for faster growth are shown to be the only conditions necessary for such a change to have occurred.  相似文献   
Summary DNA sequencing has revealed an internal, tandemly repetitive structure in the family of giant polypeptides encoded by three types of Balbiani ring (BR) genes, in three different species ofChironomus. Each major BR repeat can be subdivided into two halves: a region consisting of short subrepeats and a more constant region that lacks obvious subrepeats. Comparative predictions of secondary structure indicate that an -helical segment is consistently present in the amino-terminal half of the constant region in all known BR proteins. Comparative predictions, coupled with consideration of the known phosphorylation of serine and threonine residues in BR proteins, suggest that the -helical structure may also extend into the carboxy-terminal half of the constant region, possibly interrupted by -turn(s). However, it is also possible that the structure is variable, and that a -strand is present in that half in some cases. All of the constant regions conserve one methionine and one phenylalanine residue, as well as all four cysteines; these residues presumably play roles in the packing or cross-linking of aligned constant regions. The structure of the subrepeat region is not clear, but the prevalence of a tripeptide pattern (basic-proline-acidic) suggests some type of structural regularity, possibly an extended helix. The possible significance of these conserved molecular features is discussed in the context of how they may serve the elasticity, insolubility, and hydrophilicity of the fibrils and threads formed by the BR polypeptides.  相似文献   
杂交水稻及三系在发育过程中的酯酶同工酶比较研究   总被引:7,自引:1,他引:6  
本文报道了利用聚丙烯酰胺凝胶电泳技术,测定杂交水稻及三系亲本共50个组合的萌动胚、芽,不同发育时期的叶片、根、雄蕊等12个组织或器官的酯酶同工酶的结果。根据所测结果,可把杂交水稻的酯酶同工酶酶谱分为5种类型:互补型、偏父型、偏母型、同型和“杂种”酶谱。强优势组合以互补型酶谱居多,弱优势组合都是同型酶谱,“杂种”酶谱仅见于V优64的幼穗分化期叶片和V优63、汕优63的三叶期叶片中。不同器官的互补酶谱都可作为预测杂种比势,鉴定杂交稻种子的纯度和真实性以及选配新杂交组合的一个手段或依据,但以对萌动胚或幼芽的测定更有实践意义。  相似文献   
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