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The effects of several agents, sugars, isotonic KCl, and a variety of drugs, on the structure of the axonal membranes of unmyelinated pike olfactory nerve have been studied by synchrotron radiation X-ray scattering experiments. The main effects of the sugars are: (i) to increase the electron density of the extra-axonal space and thereby yield the absolute scale of the electron density profile; (ii) to osmotically stress the membrane and thus yield its elastic modulus of area compressibility, since the related strain, thickness dilation, is directly determined by the X-ray scattering experiments. Exposure to isotonic KCl, a depolarizing agent, induces membrane thickness to increase. The energy liberated in this process is a function of the amplitude of the dilation and of the elastic modulus of the membrane. This energy turns out to be close to the thermal energy liberated by the pike olfactory nerve during the initial phase of action potential that has previously been measured by others. Electrical depolarization thus seems to be accompanied by a thickness dilation of the axonal membrane. Another effect of isotonic KCl is to induce a large fraction of the membranes to pair by tight apposition of their extra-axonal faces. Local anaesthetics and some drugs have the effect of altering membrane thickness. All these observations are interpreted in terms of a modulation of the conformational disorder of the hydrocarbon chains of the lipid molecules.  相似文献   
The optimal ligands for many carbohydrate-binding proteins are often oligosaccharides comprising two, three, or more monosaccharide units. The binding affinity for these sugars is increased incrementally by contributions from binding subsites on the protein that accommodate the individual monosaccharide residues of the oligosaccharide. Here, we use CsCBM6-1, a xylan-specific type B carbohydrate-binding module (CBM) from Clostridium stercorarium falling into amino acid sequence family CBM6, as a model system to investigate the structural and thermodynamic contributions of binding subsites in this protein to carbohydrate recognition. The three-dimensional structures of uncomplexed CsCBM6-1 (at 1.8 A resolution) and bound to the oligosaccharides xylobiose, xylotriose, and xylotetraose (at 1.70 A, 1.89 A, and 1.69 A resolution, respectively) revealed the sequential occupation of four subsites within the binding site in the order of subsites 2, 3, 4 then 1. Overall, binding to all of the xylooligosaccharides tested was enthalpically favourable and entropically unfavourable, like most protein-carbohydrate interactions, with the primary subsites 2 and 3 providing the bulk of the free energy and enthalpy of binding. In contrast, the contributions to the changes in entropy of the non-primary subsites 1 and 4 to xylotriose and xylotetraose binding, respectively, were positive. This observation is remarkable, in that it shows that the 10-20-fold improvement in association constants for oligosaccharides longer than a disaccharide is facilitated by favourable entropic contributions from the non-primary binding subsites.  相似文献   
We have employed echistatin, a 5.4 kDa snake venom disintegrin, as a model protein to investigate the paradox that small ligand-mimetics can bind to the resting alphaIIbbeta3 integrin while adhesive macromolecules cannot. We characterized the interactions between purified human alphaIIbbeta3 and two recombinant echistatin variants: rEch (1-49) M28L, chosen for its selectivity toward beta3-integrins, and rEch (1-40) M28L, a carboxy-terminal truncation mutant. While both contain an RGD integrin targeting sequence, only rEch (1-49) M28L was an effective inhibitor of alphaIIbbeta3 function. Electron microscopy of rotary shadowed specimens yielded a variety of alphaIIbbeta3 conformers ranging from compact, spherical particles (maximum dimension 22 nm) to the classical "head with two tails" forms (32 nm). The population of larger particles (42-56 nm) increased from 17% to 28% in the presence of rEch (1-49) M28L, indicative of ligand-induced oligomerization. Sedimentation velocity measurements demonstrated that both full length and truncated echistatin perturbed alphaIIbbeta3's solution structure, yielding slower-sedimenting open conformers. Dynamic light scattering showed that rEch (1-49) M28L protected alphaIIbbeta3 from thermal aggregation, raising its transition mid-point from 46 degrees C to 69 degrees C; a smaller shift resulted with rEch (1-40) M28L. Sedimentation equilibrium demonstrated that both echistatin ligands induced substantial alphaIIbbeta3 dimerization. van't Hoff analysis revealed a pattern of entropy/enthalpy compensation similar to tirofiban, a small RGD ligand-mimetic that binds tightly to alphaIIbbeta3, but yields smaller conformational perturbations than echistatin. We propose that echistatin may serve as a paradigm for understanding multidomain adhesive macromolecules because its ability to modulate alphaIIbbeta3's structure resides on an RGD loop, while full disintegrin activity requires an auxiliary site that includes the carboxy-terminal nine amino acid residues.  相似文献   
Energetics of interactions occurring in the model ligand-DNA systems constituted from distamycin A (DST), netropsin (NET) and the oligomeric duplexes d(GCAAGTTGCGATATACG)d(CGTATATCGCAACTTGC)=D#1 and d(GCAAGTTGCGAAAAACG)d(CGTTTTTCGCAACTTGC)=D#2 was studied by spectropolarimetry, UV-absorption spectroscopy and isothermal titration calorimetry. Model analysis of the measured signals was applied to describe individual and competitive binding in terms of populations of various species in the solution. Our results reveal several unprecedented ligand-DNA binding features. DST binds to the neighboring 5'-AAGTT-3' and 5'-ATATA-3' sites of D#1 statistically in a 2:1 binding mode. By contrast, its association to D#2 appears to be a 2:1 binding event only at the DST/D#2 molar ratios between 0 and 2 while its further binding to D#2 may be considered as a step-by-step binding to the unoccupied 5'-AAAAA-3' sites resulting first in DST3D#2 and finally in DST4D#2 complex formation. Competition between DST and NET binding shows that for the most part DST displaces NET from its complexes with D#1 and D#2. In contrast to the obligatory 1:1 binding of DST to the ligand-free 5'-AAAAA-3' sites observed at DST/5'-AAAAA-3' <1 the displacement of NET bound to the 5'-AAAAA-3' sites by added DST occurs even at the smallest additions of DST in a 2:1 manner. NET can also displace DST molecules but only those bound monomerically to the 5'-AAAAA-3' sites of DST3D#2. Actually, only half of these molecules can be displaced due to the simultaneous rebinding of the displaced DST to the unreacted 5'-AAAAA-3' sites in DST3D#2. Binding of DST and NET to D#1 and D#2 is an enthalpy driven process accompanied by large unfavorable (DST), small (NET) or large favorable (NET binding to 5'-AAAAA-3') entropy contributions and negative deltaCP degrees that are reasonably close to deltaCP degrees predicted from the calculated changes in solvent-accessible surface areas that accompany complex formation. Although various modes of DST and NET binding within D#1 and D#2 are characterized by significant energetic differences they seem to be governed by the same driving forces; the hydrophobic transfer of ligand from the solution into the duplex binding site and the accompanying specific non-covalent ligand-DNA and ligand-ligand interactions occurring within the DNA minor groove.  相似文献   
The cold-adapted alpha-amylase from Pseudoalteromonas haloplanktis (AHA) is a multidomain enzyme capable of reversible unfolding. Cold-adapted proteins, including AHA, have been predicted to be structurally flexible and conformationally unstable as a consequence of a high lysine-to-arginine ratio. In order to examine the role of low arginine content in structural flexibility of AHA, the amino groups of lysine were guanidinated to form homo-arginine (hR), and the structure-function-stability properties of the modified enzyme were analyzed by transverse urea gradient-gel electrophoresis. The extent of modification was monitored by MALDI-TOF-MS, and correlated to changes in activity and stability. Modifying lysine to hR produced a conformationally more stable and less active alpha-amylase. The k(cat) of the modified enzyme decreased with a concomitant increase in deltaH# and decrease in K(m). To interpret the structural basis of the kinetic and thermodynamic properties, the hR residues were modeled in the AHA X-ray structure and compared to the X-ray structure of a thermostable homolog. The experimental properties of the modified AHA were consistent with K106hR forming an intra-Domain B salt bridge to stabilize the active site and decrease the cooperativity of unfolding. Homo-Arg modification also appeared to alter Ca2+ and Cl- binding in the active site. Our results indicate that replacing lysine with hR generates mesophilic-like characteristics in AHA, and provides support for the importance of lysine residues in promoting enzyme cold adaptation. These data were consistent with computational analyses that show that AHA possesses a compositional bias that favors decreased conformational stability and increased flexibility.  相似文献   
The heat capacity change upon unfolding (deltaC(p)) is a thermodynamic parameter that defines the temperature dependence of the thermodynamic stability of proteins; however, physical basis of the heat capacity change is not completely understood. Although empirical surface area-based calculations can predict heat capacity changes reasonably well, accumulating evidence suggests that changes in hydration of those surfaces is not the only parameter contributing to the observed heat capacity changes upon unfolding. Because packing density in the protein interior is similar to that observed in organic crystals, we hypothesized that changes in protein dynamics resulting in increased rigidity of the protein structure might contribute to the observed heat capacity change upon unfolding. Using differential scanning calorimetry we characterized the thermodynamic behavior of a serine protease inhibitor eglin C and two eglin C variants with altered native state dynamics, as determined by NMR. We found no evidence of changes in deltaC(p) in either of the variants, suggesting that changes in rigidity do not contribute to the heat capacity change upon unfolding in this model system.  相似文献   
Semiquantitative relationships between thermodynamic parameters of Cu2+ reduction experimentally measured for a series of azurin mutants and the solvation free energy of the oxidized state of the proteins were derived. Solvation free energy calculations were carried out within an ONIOM/PCM scheme specifically adapted to this protein series. The method proved to be able to capture the main determinants of the measured reduction parameters, providing satisfactory predictions of the E degrees '.  相似文献   
Epithelial cadherin is a transmembrane protein that is essential in calcium-dependent cell-cell recognition and adhesion. It contains five independently folded globular domains in its extracellular region. Each domain has a seven-strand beta-sheet immunoglobulin fold. Short seven-residue peptide segments connect the globular domains and provide oxygens to chelate calcium ions at the interface between the domains (Nagar et al., Nature 1995;380:360-364). Recently, stability studies of ECAD2 (Prasad et al., Biochemistry 2004;43:8055-8066) were undertaken with the motivation that Domain 2 is a representative domain for this family of proteins. The definition of a domain boundary is somewhat arbitrary; hence, it was important to examine the effect of the adjoining linker regions that connect Domain 2 to the adjacent domains. Present studies employ temperature-denaturation and proteolytic susceptibility to provide insight into the impact of these linkers on Domain 2. The significant findings of our present study are threefold. First, the linker segments destabilize the core domain in the absence of calcium. Second, the destabilization due to addition of the linker segments can be partially reversed by the addition of calcium. Third, sodium chloride stabilizes all constructs. This result implies that electrostatic repulsion is a contributor to destabilization of the core domain by addition of the linkers. Thus, the context of Domain 2 within the whole molecule affects its thermodynamic characteristics.  相似文献   
We characterize the "sequence landscapes" in several simple, heteropolymer models of proteins by examining their mutation properties. Using an efficient flat-histogram Monte Carlo search method, our approach involves determining the distribution in energy of all sequences of a given length when threaded through a common backbone. These calculations are performed for a number of Protein Data Bank structures using two variants of the 20-letter contact potential developed by Miyazawa and Jernigan [Miyazawa S, Jernigan WL. Macromolecules 1985;18:534], and the 2-monomer HP model of Lau and Dill [Lau KF, Dill KA. Macromolecules 1989;22:3986]. Our results indicate significant differences among the energy functions in terms of the "smoothness" of their landscapes. In particular, one of the Miyazawa-Jernigan contact potentials reveals unusual cooperative behavior among its species' interactions, resulting in what is essentially a set of phase transitions in sequence space. Our calculations suggest that model-specific features can have a profound effect on protein design algorithms, and our methods offer a number of ways by which sequence landscapes can be quantified.  相似文献   
We describe here an alanine scanning mutational analysis of the Abeta(1-40) amyloid fibril monitored by fibril elongation thermodynamics derived from critical concentration values for fibril growth. Alanine replacement of most residues in the amyloid core region, residues 15-36, leads to destabilization of the elongation step, compared to wild-type, by about 1kcal/mol, consistent with a major role for hydrophobic packing in Abeta(1-40) fibril assembly. Where comparisons are possible, the destabilizing effects of Ala replacements are generally in very good agreement with the effects of Ala replacements of the same amino acid residues in an element of parallel beta-sheet in the small, globular protein Gbeta1. We utilize these Ala-WT DeltaDeltaG values to filter previously described Pro-WT DeltaDeltaG values, creating Pro-Ala DeltaDeltaG values that specifically assess the sensitivity of a sequence position, in the structural context of the Abeta fibril, to replacement by proline. The results provide a conservative view of the energetics of Abeta(1-40) fibril structure, indicating that positions 18-21, 25-26, and 32-33 within amyloid structure are particularly sensitive to the main-chain disrupting effects of Pro replacements. In contrast, residues 14-17, 22, 24, 27-31, and 34-39 are relatively insensitive to Pro replacements; most N-terminal residues were not tested. The results are discussed in terms of amyloid fibril structure and folding energetics, in particular focusing on how the data compare to those from other structural studies of Abeta(1-40) amyloid fibrils grown in phosphate-buffered saline at 37 degrees C under unstirred ("quiescent") conditions.  相似文献   
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