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We study the thermodynamic behavior of a model protein with 54 amino acidsthat is designed to form a three-helix bundle in its native state. The model contains three types of amino acids and five to six atoms per amino acid, and has the Ramachandran torsion angles as its only degrees of freedom.The force field is based on hydrogen bonds and effective hydrophobicity forces. We study how the character of the collapse transition depends on the strengths of these forces. For a suitable choice of these two parameters, it is found that the collapse transition is first-order-like and coincides with the folding transition. Also shown is that the corresponding one- and two-helix segments make less stable secondary structure than the three-helix sequence.  相似文献   
There is a lot of interest in exactly how nucleic acid duplexes are affected by the addition of certain stabilizing and destabilizing metabolites. Unfortunately, the differences in reaction conditions between published reports often precludes a comparison of the results, effectively preventing a cohesive strategy for predicting additive effects on nucleic acid stability. This information is critically important for obtaining a fundamental understanding of how additives, including metabolites, alter DNA and RNA stability and structure. We now show that the destabilization of nucleic acids by the metabolite trehalose in standard optical melting buffer (20 mM sodium cacodylate, 1M NaCl, and 0.5 mM EDTA) differs from that of a common PCR buffer, and a simulated physiological buffer, with up to an 8°C melting temperature difference. We also demonstrate that the extent of DNA destabilization due to trehalose depends on DNA length and depends on percent GC content, at least for the primer‐length duplexes studied here. Furthermore, we show that glucose (a monomer) is not quite as effective a destabilizer as trehalose (a dimer). The implications of these results related to trehalose‐destabilization of DNA, related to conducting and analyzing DNA‐additive experiments, and related to using this type of data for predictive purposes are discussed. © 2010 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. Biopolymers 93: 1085–1092, 2010. This article was originally published online as an accepted preprint. The “Published Online” date corresponds to the preprint version. You can request a copy of the preprint by emailing the Biopolymers editorial office at biopolymers@wiley.com  相似文献   
The biotechnological applications of enzymes are limited due to the activity–stability trade-off, which implies that an increase in activity is accompanied by a concomitant decrease in protein stability. This premise is based on thermally adapted homologous enzymes where cold-adapted enzymes show high intrinsic activity linked to enhanced thermolability. In contrast, thermophilic enzymes show low activity around ambient temperatures. Nevertheless, genetically and chemically modified enzymes are beginning to show that the activity–stability trade-off can be overcome. In this review, the origin of the activity–stability trade-off, the thermodynamic basis for enhanced activity and stability, and various approaches for escaping the activity–stability trade-off are discussed. The role of entropy in enhancing both the activity and the stability of enzymes is highlighted with a special emphasis placed on the involvement of solvent water molecules. This review is concluded with suggestions for further research, which underscores the implications of these findings in the context of productivity curves, the Daniel–Danson equilibrium model, catalytic antibodies, and life on cold planets.  相似文献   
The melting of base pairs is a ubiquitous feature of RNA structural transitions, which are widely used to sense and respond to cellular stimuli. A recent study employing solution nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) imino proton exchange spectroscopy provides a rare base-pair-specific view of duplex melting in the Salmonella FourU RNA thermosensor, which regulates gene expression in response to changes in temperature at the translational level by undergoing a melting transition. The authors observe “microscopic” enthalpy–entropy compensation—often seen “macroscopically” across a series of related molecular species—across base pairs within the same RNA. This yields variations in base-pair stabilities that are an order of magnitude smaller than corresponding variations in enthalpy and entropy. A surprising yet convincing link is established between the slopes of enthalpy–entropy correlations and RNA melting points determined by circular dichroism (CD), which argues that unfolding occurs when base-pair stabilities are equalized. A single AG-to-CG mutation, which enhances the macroscopic hairpin thermostability and folding cooperativity and renders the RNA thermometer inactive in vivo, spreads its effect microscopically throughout all base pairs in the RNA, including ones far removed from the site of mutation. The authors suggest that an extended network of hydration underlies this long-range communication. This study suggests that the deconstruction of macroscopic RNA unfolding in terms of microscopic unfolding events will require careful consideration of water interactions.  相似文献   
The Green–Kubo and Einstein–Helfand approaches are examined for calculating diffusion coefficient, electronic conductivity and shear viscosity of ionic liquid using 1-n-butylmethylpyridinium tetrafluoroborate [C4PY][BF4] as an example. Both methods suffer numerical errors accumulated at long simulation time, resulting divergences in the integrated autocorrelation time (IAT) and nonlinearity in the mean square displacement (MSD). The numerical errors can be reduced using smaller time step in the simulation. By identifying a converged plateau in IAT and a linear segment in MSD both approaches yield consistent predictions. Using a validated force field, the predicted diffusion coefficient and electrical conductivity agree reasonably well with the experimental data. However, the shear viscosity is significantly underestimated. Analysis of the simulation data indicates that a much slow relaxation in the pressure tensor must be considered, which is unfortunately infeasible due to the accumulated numerical error. Alternatively, the non-equilibrium periodic perturbation method shows promising improvement in the prediction.  相似文献   
The search for life, on and off our planet, can be done by conventional methods with which we are all familiar. These methods are sensitive and specific, and are often capable of detecting even single cells. However, if the search broadens to include life that may be different (even subtly different) in composition, the methods and even the approach must be altered. Here we discuss the development of what we call non-earthcentric life detection – detecting life with methods that could detect life no matter what its form or composition. To develop these methods, we simply ask, can we define life in terms of its general properties and particularly those that can be measured and quantified? Taking such an approach we can search for life using physics and chemistry to ask questions about structure, chemical composition, thermodynamics, and kinetics. Structural complexity can be searched for using computer algorithms that recognize complex structures. Once identified, these structures can be examined for a variety of chemical traits, including elemental composition, chirality, and complex chemistry. A second approach involves defining our environment in terms of energy sources (i.e., reductants), and oxidants (e.g. what is available to eat and breathe), and then looking for areas in which such phenomena are inexplicably out of chemical equilibrium. These disequilibria, when found, can then be examined in detail for the presence of the structural and chemical complexity that presumably characterizes any living systems. By this approach, we move the search for life to one that should facilitate the detection of any earthly life it encountered, as well as any non-conventional life forms that have structure, complex chemistry, and live via some form of redox chemistry. Electronic Publication  相似文献   
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