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The effects of NaCl, putrescine (Put), and the combination of two agents on the contents of free polyamines (PA), peroxidase activity, and the ultrastructure of the mesophyll apoplast were studied in the third leaf pair of Mesembryanthemum crystallinum L. plants. The NaCl solution was added to soil daily for three days (100 ml of the 100 mM solution), and plants were sprayed with the 1 mM Put solution twice per day for a six-day period. The accumulation of Put and especially spermidine (Spd) by day 3 of salinization was followed by a dramatic drop in Put and Spd contents by day 6. In contrast, the activities of soluble and ion-bound peroxidases increased following a long lag-period. Treatments with Put and NaCl plus Put considerably enhanced this rise in two peroxidase activities. An electron microscopic examination of cell walls in the control and stressed plants demonstrated that a gap developed at the middle lamella with pockets filled with amorphous polysaccharides (AP), presumably pectins. At the maximum gap width, the pockets fused with the intercellular spaces, and, in this case, the intercellular spaces also contained AP. Following salinization, AP in the apoplast swelled and expanded. Apparently the genetic determination of high AP content in M. crystallinum plants is the basis for the ability of juvenile plants to bind Na+ and Cl ions and excess PA and also to accumulate water. In the plants treated with NaCl plus Put, the number of pockets and their volume increased, and the surface of some cell walls became plated with suberin, thus providing an additional barrier for ion transport from the pockets and intercellular spaces into cells. The formation of suberin plates was correlated with the high activity of ion-bound peroxidase essential for suberin deposition. The authors presume that H2O2 results from PA oxidation and, in its turn, induces the activity of peroxidase involved in the suberin plate formation.  相似文献   
When exposed to osmotic stress, Mesembryanthemum crystallinum plants switch from C3 to CAM photosynthesis. Phosphoenolpyruvate carboxylase (PEPCase) is a key enzyme in CAM plants, being responsible for the initial fixation of CO2. In C3 plants the enzyme has been shown to be involved in the replenishing of TCA cycle intermediates and in the operation of stomatal guard cells. Multiple PEPCase isoforms were observed in C3-performing leaves with four isoelectric points of 5.2, 5.5, 5.6 and 5.9 and four apparent subunit molecular masses of 105, 108, 113 and 116 kDa. In some instances, subunits of different size possessed exactly the same pI. The induction of CAM led to the predominance of a new isoform of pI 6.5 with subunit molecular mass of 108 kDa, but in addition, changes were observed in some of the isoforms present in the C3 plant. PEPCase subunits were purified from the C3 and CAM forms of M. crystallinum and subjected to pep-tide mapping. Two distinct though similar sets of maps were obtained, one from the CAM isoform (pI 6.5) and C3-associated subunits of pi 5.9 and another for C3 subunits of pI 5.2 and 5.5. It was inferred from these data that the C3 isoforms expressed in the leaf were derived from at least two genes. The C3 isoform (pI 5.9) showing greatest similarity to the CAM isoform in terms of peptide mapping also increased in response to salt stress. It is speculated that the CAM isoform may have evolved from this enzyme.  相似文献   
干旱和盐胁迫使露花叶片中PEPCase活性水平提高数倍。经双相电泳和蛋白免疫印溃(Western immunoblot)发现干旱后露花叶片中PEPCase蛋白量有明显增多。火箭免疫电泳定量分析结果表明,干旱过程中,PEPCase活性水平的提高主要基于其酶蛋白量的增加。干旱引起的这些变化是可逆的,在恢复供水一定时间后可以完全恢复。RubisCO蛋白量在干旱处理的露花叶片中明显减少,恢复供水后又回复到原初水平。PEPCase蛋白量增多,RubisCO蛋白量减少可能是露花叶片CAM途径诱导的生化特征之一。露花叶片中PEPCase活性水平及蛋白量受到叶片发育状况的控制,干旱引起的这两者的变化在中部成熟叶片中最明显,在幼嫩叶片中最小。  相似文献   
Abstract. Radial and axial turgor pressure profiles were measured with the pressure probe in untreated and salt-treated intact roots of Mesembryanthemum crystallinum. The microcapillary of the pressure probe was inserted step-wise into the root tissue 5, 25 and 50 mm away from the root cap. For evaluation of the data, only those recordings on a given root were used in which four discontinuous increases in turgor pressure occurred. These four turgor pressure increases could be related to the rhizodermal cells and to the cells in the three cortical layers. The measurements showed that a radial turgor pressure gradient of the same magnitude (directed from the third cortical layer to the external medium) existed along the root axis. The magnitude of this turgor pressure gradient decreased with increasing salinity (up to 400 mol m-3 NaCl) in the growth medium. Addition of 10 mol m-3 CaCl2 to the 400 mol m-3 NaCl medium partly reduced the salt-induced decrease in turgor pressure, but only in cells 25–50 mm away from the root tip. Combined with this effect, a small axial turgor pressure gradient was generated, therefore, in the cortex layers which was directed to the root tip. Measurements of the volumetric elastic modulus, ?, of the wall of the individual cells showed that the presence of salt considerably reduced the magnitude of this parameter and that addition of Ca2+ to the strongly saline medium partially diminished this decrease. This effect was strongest in cells 50 mm away from the root tip. The magnitude of ? of rhizodermal and cortical cells increased along the root axis both in untreated and in salt-treated roots. The ? value was significantly smaller for rhizodermal cells compared to the cortical cells, with the exception of cells 50 mm from the tip. In this tissue, rhizodermal and cortical cells exhibited nearly the same values. The decrease of the ?-values with salt and the increase along the root axis under the various growth conditions could be correlated with corresponding changes in cell volume. Diurnal changes in turgor pressure could not be detected in the individual root cells, with the notable exception of the rhizodermal and cortical cells located in the region 50 mm away from the root tip of the control plants. In these cells, an increase in turgor pressure was observed during the morning hours. Determination of the average osmotic pressure in tissue sections along the roots of control and salt-treated plants revealed that at 400 mol m-3 NaCl the osmotic pressure gradient between the tissue and the medium is exo-directed, provided that the water is not (partly) immobilized.  相似文献   
冰菜是一种具有极强耐盐性的新型蔬菜,具有极高的营养价值和保健作用。本文针对冰菜种子萌发率低的问题,采用不同浓度的赤霉素(GA_3)、水杨酸(SA)和抗坏血酸(Vc)等3种植物生长调节剂在盐条件下处理冰菜种子。研究结果表明:冰菜种子萌发的最适盐浓度为10 g·L-1。在此盐度下,若添加10 mg·L-1的GA_3,冰菜种子的发芽率最高可达77.3%;也可添加20 mg·L-1的水杨酸或20 mg·L-1的抗坏血酸,都会对冰菜种子萌发具有明显的促进效果。  相似文献   
ATP and ADP increased in cut-injured sweet potato root tissue during the 3 to 6-hr incubation period, and showed the maximum for the 9 to 18-hr, and 6 to 9-hr incubation periods, respectively, then decreased. ATP was present in the highest amount among ATP, ADP and AMP throughout the 72-hr incubation period, while AMP was in the lowest. Total acid-soluble nucleotides increased gradually, and showed the peak content at the 12-hr incubation period, and decreased thereafter. Adenine mononucleotides such as ATP, ADP and AMP occupied about 40 to 65% of total acid-soluble nucleotides.  相似文献   
Abstract: In Mesembryanthemum crystallinum plants, treated for 9 days with 0.4 M NaCl at low light intensities (80 - 90 or 95 - 100 μE m-2 s-1; λ = 400 - 700 nm), no day/night malate level differences (Δmalate) were detected. At high light (385 - 400 μE m-2 s-1) strong stimulation of PEPC activity, accompanied by a Δmalate of 11.3 mM, demonstrated the presence of CAM metabolism. This indicates that, to evolve day/night differences in malate concentration, high light is required. Salt treatment at low light induces and increases the activity of NAD- and NADP-malic enzymes by as much as 3.7- and 3.9-fold, while at high light these values reach 6.4- and 17.7-fold, respectively. The induction of activity of both malic enzymes and PEPC (phospo enol pyruvate carboxylase) take place before Δmalate is detectable. An increase in SOD (superoxide dismutase) was observed in plants cultivated at high light in both control and salt-treated plants. However, in salt-treated plants this effect was more pronounced. Carboxylating and decarboxylating enzymes seem to be induced by a combination of different signals, i.e., salt and light intensity. Plants performing CAM, after the decrease of activity of both the decarboxylating enzymes at the beginning of the light period, showed an increase in these enzymes in darkness when the malate pool reaches higher levels. In CAM plants the activity of fumarase (Krebs cycle) is much lower than that in C3 plants. The role of mitochondria in CAM plants is discussed.  相似文献   
Contamination of surface soils with lead (Pb) is a global concern due to the release of hazardous materials containing the metal element. In order to explore ways to remediate contaminated soils with less impact on environment and costs, this study aimed at screening ornamental plant species exposed to Pb gradient in spiked soils for Pb phytoextraction. Twenty-one ornamental plant species that currently grow in Pakistan, were selected to assess their potential for Pb accumulation. Pot experiments were conducted to evaluate the accumulative properties of the different plant species in unspiked control (Pb = 0) and spiked soils with different levels of Pb at 500, 1000, 1500 and 2000 mg Pb kg?1 of soil. Biotranslocation factor (TF), Enrichment factor (EF) and Bioconcentration factor (CF) were calculated to assess the phytoremediation potential of tested plant species after seven weeks of exposure. Out of 21 plant species, Pelargonium hortorum and Mesembryanthemum criniflorum performed better and accumulated more than 1000 mg Pb kg?1 of shoot dry biomass when they were grown in 500, 1000 and 1500 mg Pb kg?1 contaminated soils. Both plants had no significant (P < 0.05) variation in the total dry biomass with increasing soil Pb concentration indicating a high tolerance to Pb. Considering the capacity of Pb accumulation, total dry biomass, TF, EF &; CF indices, Pelargonium hortorum and Mesembryanthemum criniflorum could be considered as Pb hyperaccumulators and could have the potential to be used in phytoremediation.  相似文献   
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