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The aerial surfaces of the common or crystalline ice plant Mesembryanthemum crystallinum L., a halophytic, facultative crassulacean acid metabolism species, are covered with specialized trichome cells called epidermal bladder cells (EBCs). EBCs are thought to serve as a peripheral salinity and/or water storage organ to improve survival under high salinity or water deficit stress conditions. However, the exact contribution of EBCs to salt tolerance in the ice plant remains poorly understood. An M. crystallinum mutant lacking EBCs was isolated from plant collections mutagenized by fast neutron irradiation. Light and electron microscopy revealed that mutant plants lacked EBCs on all surfaces of leaves and stems. Dry weight gain of aerial parts of the mutant was almost half that of wild-type plants after 3 weeks of growth at 400 mM NaCl. The EBC mutant also showed reduced leaf succulence and leaf and stem water contents compared with wild-type plants. Aerial tissues of wild-type plants had approximately 1.5-fold higher Na(+) and Cl(-) content than the mutant grown under 400 mM NaCl for 2 weeks. Na(+) and Cl(-) partitioning into EBCs of wild-type plants resulted in lower concentrations of these ions in photosynthetically active leaf tissues than in leaves of the EBC-less mutant, particularly under conditions of high salt stress. Potassium, nitrate, and phosphate ion content decreased with incorporation of NaCl into tissues in both the wild type and the mutant, but the ratios of Na(+)/K(+) and Cl(-)/NO(3)(-)content were maintained only in the leaf and stem tissues of wild-type plants. The EBC mutant showed significant impairment in plant productivity under salt stress as evaluated by seed pod and seed number and average seed weight. These results clearly show that EBCs contribute to succulence by serving as a water storage reservoir and to salt tolerance by maintaining ion sequestration and homeostasis within photosynthetically active tissues of M. crystallinum.  相似文献   
The accumulation of conjugated and free polyamines in plants is very important for their protection against oxidative stress induced by abiotic factors. In the present study, the species halophytic plant Mesembryanthemum crystallinum L. was used as a model system in which the process of Crassulacean Acid Metabolism induction is linked with oxidative stress, especially under salinity conditions. A comparative analysis of the content of free polyamines, perchloric (PCA)-soluble and PCA-insoluble conjugated polyamines in mature leaves and roots was carried out with plants exposed to salinity. It was found that adult leaves and roots under normal conditions or salinity (400 mM NaCl) contained all types of free polyamines (putrescine, spermidine, spermine, and cadaverine). In leaves only PCA-insoluble conjugates were found, which showed a tendency to grow with increased duration of salt action (1.5–48 h). In contrast to leaves, in roots all forms of polyamine conjugates (PCA-soluble and -insoluble) were detected. However, the formation of all conjugates, especially PCA-soluble forms in roots, was sharply inhibited by salt shock (400 mM NaCl, 1.5 h) or exogenous cadaverine (1 mM) treatment. PCA-soluble conjugates of cadaverine in roots were found only when the treatment was carried out in combination with aminoguanidine (1 mM), as a result of diamine oxidase inhibition and consequently a decreasing of H2O2 production in plant cells. The activation of diamine oxidase and guaiacol peroxidase by NaCl or exogenous cadaverine was observed in leaves and roots. Thus, the activation of oxidative degradation of polyamines combined with H2O2–peroxidase reaction in cells are involved in the regulation of free and conjugated polyamines titers under salinity.  相似文献   
The aim of this study was to investigate whether the root system of Mesembryanthemum crystallinum (L.) plays a role in triggering the induction of crassulacean acid metabolism (CAM) during water stress. Depriving well-irrigated plants of water, by allowing the soil surrounding the roots to dry, caused increased daily losses in leaf relative water content (RVVC) and mesophyll cell turgor pressure. The RWC of the roots also declined. Subsequently plants exhibited physiological characteristics of CAM photosynthesis (i.e. diurnal fluctuations in leaf titratable acidity and nocturnal net CO2 fixation). When the root system of plants was divided equally between two soil compartments and one half deprived of water, plants exhibited physiological characteristics of CAM without prior changes in leaf RWC content or mesophyll cell turgor pressure. Only the RWC of the water-stressed portion of the roots was reduced. These data suggest that in water-stressed plants daily changes in leaf water relations greater than those observed in well-irrigated plants, are not essential to trigger CAM expression. It is probable that a reduction in soil water availability can be perceived by the roots of M. crystallinum and that this information is conveyed to the leaves triggering the transition from C3 to CAM photosynthesis.  相似文献   
The specific substrates, mechanisms, and structures of the bacterial O-methyltransferases (OMTs) are not as well characterized as those of other OMTs. Recent studies have suggested that bacterial OMTs catalyze regiospecific reactions that might be used to produce novel compounds. In this study, we investigated the structural and functional features of an OMT from Bacillus cereus (BcOMT2). This enzyme catalyzes the O-methylation of flavonoids in vitro in an S-adenosylmethionine-dependent and regiospecific manner. We solved the crystal structures of the BcOMT2 apoenzyme and the BcOMT2-S-adenosylhomocysteine (SAH) co-complex at resolutions of 1.8 and 1.2 Å, respectively. These structures reveal that the overall structure of dimeric BcOMT2 is similar to that of the canonical OMT but that BcOMT2 also has a unique N-terminal helical region that is responsible for dimerization. The binding of SAH causes both local and remote conformational changes in the dimer interface that stabilize the dimerization of BcOMT2. SAH binding also causes ordering of residues Glu171 to Gly186, which are disordered in the apoenzyme structure and are known determinants of substrate specificity, and thus contributes to formation of the substrate binding pocket. Our structural analysis indicated a resemblance between the active site of BcOMT2 and that of metal-dependent OMTs. Using mutational analysis, we confirmed that BcOMT2 is a Mg2+-dependent OMT. These results provide structural and functional insights into the dimerization mechanism and substrate specificity of BcOMT2.  相似文献   
Western-blot analysis was used to determine the contents of aquaporin isoforms MIP A, MIP B, and MIP C in cell membranes isolated from roots and leaves of Mesembryanthemum crystallinum plants with C3 and Crassulacean acid metabolism (CAM) types of photosynthesis. These membrane preparations were also used to assess osmotic water permeability; to this end, the rate of osmotic vesicle shrinking was registered as the light scattering intensity by the method of stopped flow. The cell membranes represented by the plasmalemma and the tonoplast-enriched fraction were obtained by separating the microsomes in a two-phase polymer system. Plant transition from C3 to CAM-photosynthesis occurred in the course of plant development or was induced by salinization. All three isoforms under study were found in the plasma membranes of roots and leaves of the C3 plants, whereas in the CAM plants, independent of the transition-inducing factor, the aquaporin contents notably decreased in the leaf membranes and remained unchanged in the roots. In the membranes isolated from roots and leaves of the C3 plants, the values of osmotic water permeability exceeded two–threefold the corresponding indices characteristic of the CAM plants. The authors believe that aquaporin isoforms in M. crystallinum are under the organ- and tissue-specific control.  相似文献   
Heavy metals (HMs) are known to have negative effects on plant water status; however, the mechanisms by which plants rearrange their water relations to adapt to such conditions are poorly understood. Using the model plant Mesembryanthemum crystallinum, we studied disturbances in water status and rapid plant defence responses induced by excess copper or zinc. After a day of HM stress, reductions in root sap exudation and water deficits in leaf tissues became evident. We also observed several primary adaptive events, including a rapid decrease in the transpiration rate and progressive declines in the leaf-cell sap osmotic potential. Longer HM treatments resulted in reductions of total and relative water contents as well as proline accumulation, an increase in water retention capacity and changes in aquaporin gene expression. After 3 h of HM exposure, leaf expression of the McTIP2;2 gene, which encodes tonoplast aquaporin, was suppressed more than two-fold, thus representing one of the earliest responses to HM treatment. The expression of three additional aquaporin genes was also reduced starting at 9 h; this effect became more prominent upon longer HM exposure. These results indicate that HMs induce critical rearrangements in the water relations of M. crystallinum plants, based on the rapid suppression of transpiration flow and strong inhibition of root sap exudation. These effects then triggered an adaptive water-conserving strategy involving differential regulation of aquaporin gene expression in leaves and roots, further reductions in transpiration, and an accelerated switch to CAM photosynthesis.  相似文献   
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