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Numerous specimens of Pseudomoraria triglavensis gen.n., sp.n. were collected from small, high-alpine, reservoir Moilec. The reservoir is situated in the centre of Triglav national park (NW Slovenia) at an altitude of 1690 m. The new genus differs from related genera Moraria, Morariopsis and Paramorariopsis by the reduced articulation of exopodites and endopodites in both sexes. It also differs from Moraria by possessing sexually dimorphic furcal rami. Detail taxonomic differences between these related genera and their ecology are discussed.  相似文献   
The phytoplankton communities of eleven shallow lakes from Buenos Aires Province, Argentina, were studied seasonally from 1987 to 1989. Several physical and chemical properties were measured in each lake (pH, temperature, dissolved oxygen, transparency, nutrients), in order to interpret the structural and dynamic traits of the phytoplankton community.Important differences between the lakes studied were put in evidence by means of multivariate techniques (Cluster Analysis and PCA). The shallow lakes densely populated by macrophytes hosted lowest phytoplanktonic densities, with average values ranging from 690 to 16500 algae ml–1. High species diversities were observed in these lakes (4.0–4.8). Lakes less colonized by macrophytes had higher phytoplankton densities. In some of them important blooms of Cyanophyceae were recorded, with between 60 000 and 179 000 algae ml–1, and concomitant low diversities.The results of this investigation support the hypothesis that the phytoplankton community is strongly influenced by the macrophytes, by direct competition and/or by competition from periphytic algae associated with higher plants.  相似文献   
Factors affecting phytoplankton productivity are analysed in turbid systems, such as shallow lakes and rivers. When resuspension from the sediment or loading from the catchment significantly increases inorganic (non-algal) turbidity and hence light attenuation potentials for high production are not realised. Energy available for phytoplankton growth is strongly regulated by underwater light availability which depends on the critical mixing depth, fluctuating light intensities and algal circulation patterns. Higher production rates in shallow waters are often compensated by greater algal respiration due to higher water temperatures when compared to deeper lakes.Total daily integral production of turbulent, turbid environments can be predicted from a combination of easily measured variables such as maximum photosynthetic rates, algal biomass, surface irradiance and some measure of underwater light attenuation.  相似文献   
K. Wojtan  J. Galas 《Hydrobiologia》1994,274(1-3):179-182
A hydrochemical investigation was carried out on eight small High Tatra mountain lakes (Poland). When comparing recent data with those from the period 1935–1965, a constant process of acidification of the lakes is found. The average pH of precipitation is 4.8 in the study area, but the lakes are in two stages of acidification: weak (pH 6.0–6.5) and intermediate (pH 5.5–5.8). The differences are due to differences in water sources.  相似文献   
Comparative studies on the limnology, species diversity and standing stock biomass of phytoplankton and zooplankton in five freshwater lakes, Naivasha and Oloidien, Ruiru, Masinga and Nairobi reservoirs, were undertaken. Phytoplankton chlorophyll a, dissolved oxygen and temperature were also measured. Thermocyclops oblongatus (Copepoda) was dominant in all the lakes. Ceriodaphnia cornuta and Diaphanosoma excisum (Cladocera) dominated in lakes Naivasha and Oloiden, whereas in Ruiru, Masinga and Nairobi reservoirs, Brachionus angularis and Hexarthra mira (Rotifera) were the dominant zooplankters. Phytoplankton biomass as chlorophyll a was lowest in Ruiru dam 5.64 ± 4.0 µg l-1 and highest in the eutrophic Nairobi dam 71.5 ± 12.02 µg l-1. The endorheic lakes Naivasha and Oloidien showed medium values of 24.5 ± 4.0 µg l-1.  相似文献   
The profundal macroinvertebrates, particularly the oligochaetes, of Lake Ledro (Trento, Italy), that has recently undergone eutrophication, were studied.A statistical approach of random sampling was used to study the distribution and abundance of the oligochaete species. The optimum sample number was calculated from a preliminary sample series. The oligochaete community was made up of five tubificid species, one naidid and one lumbriculid species that on average represents more than 80% of the macrobenthic community. Population density was correlated with depth and decreasing oxygen concentration. The role of Tubifex tubifex as a eutrophic, tolerant species was confirmed; and in fact it was the only species found (although at low density) in the deepest and anoxic zone. No comparable data are available for the lake prior to eutrophication, but these data will be valuable for future comparison once a remediation program for the lake has been implemented.  相似文献   
Ollikainen  Minna  Simola  Heikki  Niinioja  Riitta 《Hydrobiologia》1993,269(1):405-413
Sedimentary diatom assemblages in two large oligotrophic clear-water lakes were analysed, to assess their present ecological state and possible eutrophication due to diffuse nutrient loading. The lakes Pyhäjärvi and Puruvesi (Finnish lake district) are proportionally large for their catchment areas which accounts for their long retention times (ca 7 and 11 yr) and oligohumic character. Pyhäjärvi was studied by pairwise comparison of surface sediment diatom assemblages collected in 1985 and 1990 at 12 sites from different parts of the lake. In Puruvesi, the stratigraphy of diatoms was analysed in two short cores from 8 m and 32 m depths.The diatom assemblages of the two lakes are rather similar, and quite distinct from the assemblages of the mesohumic large lakes of the area. Cyclotella kuetzingiana is the most common planktonic dia- tom, but Aulacoseira ambigua abounds in Pyhäjärvi at sites with local sources of eutrophication. A diverse assemblage of benthic forms, especially Fragilaria and Achnanthes spp. characterizes the shallow bottoms in both lakes.There was little change within the short-core diatom profiles of Puruvesi, but the floral composition of the 8-m and 32-m sites differed markedly. The 8-m site, with 60–70% of benthic forms, represents illuminated bottom, on which much of the buried algae have lived in situ, while the deeper site is true profundal, dominated by sedimented planktonic algae.In Pyhäjärvi there was a slight increase in the benthic diatoms from 1985 to 1990, coinciding with increased phosphorus and chlorophyll concentrations as well as Secchi depth lowering. We interprete this observation as a very early step of eutrophication, of which first the sessile algal communities of the illuminated bottom areas have benefited.  相似文献   
Benthic invertebrates of some saline lakes of the Sud Lipez region,Bolivia   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
Claude Dejoux 《Hydrobiologia》1993,267(1-3):257-267
The benthic invertebrates fauna of most of the saline lakes of the Sud Lipez region (Bolivia, Altiplano) has been until now quite unstudied. Samples collected during an extensive survey of 12 lakes and two small inflow rivers allow a first list of the main macroinvertebrates living in these biotopes.The heterogeneous nature of these saline lakes with their freshwater springs and phreatic inflows offers a variety of habitats to macroinvertebrates. The benthic fauna in lakes with salinities > 10 g l–1 is not so low in density but includes few species and is dominated by Orthocladiinae and Podonominae larvae. In contrast, the freshwater springs and inflows are colonized by a diverse fauna, with a mixture of both freshwater and saline taxa, but dominated by Elmidae and Amphipoda. The lakes are quite isolated and, apart from some cosmopolitan organisms, their fauna can be quite distinctive.  相似文献   
Benthic microbial mats are common in the alkaline hydromagnesite-magnesite playa lakes of Interior British Columbia. Four main zones are recognized based on mat morphology that can be related to the type and duration of wetting. From the basin margin toward the playa centre they are: (i) vegetated hummocky ground; (ii) polygonal hummocky ground; (iii) low-domal and stratiform mats, and (iv) laterally continuous and pustular mats. Mats in peripheral mudflats are commonly mineralized by hydromagnesite, mostly precipitated by capillary evaporation of shallow groundwaters. Mats forming in the ephemeral lake tend to have lower carbonate content.Although widespread, the mats are poorly preserved in the Holocene sedimentary record. Underlying sediments are commonly weakly bedded, disturbed or massive. Desiccation, dehydration, wetting-drying cycles, and grazing by invertebrates cause fragmentation of mats at the surface, facilitating erosion. Cryogranulation, interstitial mineral precipitation, vesiculation, bioturbation, compaction, and volume changes associated with diagenesis, disrupt and destroy lamination in the upper few centimetres. Most surviving organic matter is lost by early microbial degradation.  相似文献   
P. E. O'Sullivan 《Hydrobiologia》1993,251(1-3):351-361
In the period since 1945, Slapton Ley, a small, coastal lake in Southwest England, has been eutrophccated by nutrient inputs generated both by the intensification of agriculture, and the discharge of sewage effluent. Two simple models have been used to identify the main sources of catchment outputs, and to evaluate historical changes in land use, and their likely effect on lake trophic status.Restoration strategies may also be evaluated using the same models. They suggest that in order to reduce loads upon the Ley to within OECD permissible limits, not only will all sewage and phosphate detergent inputs need to be prevented, but also losses from agricultural land must be reduced. This could take the form of the zoning of the catchment so that riparian zones are used, not as at present, for the grazing of livestock, but are converted to woodland, and more particularly eg to buffer strips sensu Mander (1985, 1992).This policy, if implemented comprehensively, would reduce external phosphorus loads to within permissible limits. Eventually, however, some kind of internal control, such as manipulation of the fish populations, may also have to be attempted, in order to remove the memory of five decades of eutrophication.  相似文献   
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