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Summary N-acetylchitooligosaccharides (fragments of chitin) elicit the production of phytoalexin in suspension-cultured rice cells. This oligosaccharide elicitor induced rapid and transient membrane depolarization at sub-nanomolar concentrations. Only the oligomers with a certain degree of polymerization were active, while deacetylated chitooligosaccharides caused no effect. Such specificity coincided well with that for the elicitor activity, suggesting possible involvement of this transient change in membrane potential as one of the initial signals in the signal transduction sequence for the activation of defense responses.  相似文献   
Wavelength-dependent, bistable phenomena were found in the receptor potential of Hermissenda crassicornis type A photoreceptors. Short exposure to blue light induced a prolonged depolarizing afterpotential (PDA) following the cessation of the light stimulus. Stronger adaptation to blue light, as caused by prolonged exposure and/or high intensity stimulation, effected a reduction in the early depolarizing transient of the late receptor potential (LRP) as elicited by subsequent stimuli. Vast separation of LRP emergence and PDA emergence could be obtained in photoreceptors in which a strong cancellation of the LRP was accomplished but a PDA still emerged after cessation of the light stimulus. Short exposure to yellow light cancelled the PDA, and stronger adaptation restored the LRP (opposite effect to blue light). The initial depolarizing part of the LRP had earlier been demonstrated to be mediated by the lightdependent increase of an inward conductance. In contrast, in this study the PDA was found to be accompanied by the reduction of an outward conductance, most likely a K+ conductance. A bistable photopigment system is thought to control the bistable receptor potential phenomenology by regulating the different membrane conductances during the LRP and the PDA.Abbreviations LRP late receptor potential - PDA prolonged depolarizing afterpotential - PHA prolonged hyperpolarizing afterpotential  相似文献   
氯化镧对玉米根切段钾离子外渗影响的动力学研究   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
研究了氯化镧对玉米(Zea mays L.)“京早8号”根切段细胞膜透性及质子分泌的影响,并用动力学方法研究了钾离子外渗过程的变化。氯化镧处理可降低外渗液的电导率及K~ 和糖的外渗量,使质子分泌活动增强。用动力学方法分析玉米根切段K~ 外渗过程的结果表明:(1)应用于K~ 吸收研究的数学模型也能适应于K~ 外渗的研究;(2)在LaCl_3和(或)CaCl_2存在的条件下,最大吸收速度(V_(max))升高,而米氏常数(K_m)没有变化;(3)在LaCl_3和(或)CaCl_2存在的条件下,K~ 外渗量降低是由于最大吸收速度(V_(max))升高所致。  相似文献   
巨噬细胞激活及钙作用的初步研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
经TG诱发的小鼠腹腔渗出液的巨噬细胞及人的巨噬细胞样细胞株U937受PAF(100ng ml).Zymosan A(0.25mg ml).Can A(50μg ml)LPS(1μg ml)等作用后.能引起胞内游离Ca~(2-)浓度的增加,巨噬细胞内酸性磷酸酶增多,细胞骨架更为舒展、丰满.胞内游离Ca~(2-)的增加是由于胞内钙库的释放与胞外钙的内流.上述困子作用后,可使巨噬细胞产生呼吸爆发.其中.Zymosan A的作用尤为强烈.同时还出现胞膜流动性的降低、当胞外环境中有Ca~(2-)时.可增强巨噬细胞的呼吸爆发.以上提示:在巨噬细胞的激活中Ca~(2-)具有重要的作用.  相似文献   
研究了伴刀豆球蛋白A(ConA)和层粘连蛋白(LN)与巨噬细胞膜受体竞争结合,初步推测两个配体与同一膜受体结合的可能性.结果表明,LN可以竞争抑制FTTC-ConA与巨噬细胞膜受体的结合,说明ConA和LN两种配体各自的巨噬细胞膜受体中有部分可能是共同的,而加入ConA反而增加巨噬细胞膜上结合的FITC-LN量,这可能是因为ConA和LN的分子特性导致的.  相似文献   
细胞腊脂流动性在不同类属细胞存在着差异,其差异的程度取决于细胞的生理和生化特性。正常淋巴细胞、肺腺癌、肺鳞癌细胞以及结核细胞膜脂流动发生 分别为2.517±0.267、22.557±3.771,32.875±9.709和4.026±0.722。细胞分裂动力学与膜脂质流动性有关系。细胞分裂及其程度是膜脂质流动性差异的物质基础,同时并受细胞膜脂质的组成,脂蛋白生化以及外界因素的pH、Ca^2+等影响,  相似文献   
用闪光动力学光谱仪测量了酰化紫膜LB膜中M衰减速率的变化。酰化紫膜LB膜的衰减无论是悬浮液状态,还是LB膜中,均比未修饰的要慢。在温度为20℃时,酰化紫膜LB随着相对湿度的增加,M衰减加快。在相对湿度较低时(RH34—75%),变化较平缓,即M的衰减加快不明显;在相对湿度较高时(RH84—95%),M衰减明显加快。温度的变化则随相对湿度不同而不同。相对湿度较低时,随着温度的升高,M衰减加快;相对湿度较高时,M衰减反而减慢。酰化紫膜悬浮液的M衰减随着温度的升高而明显加快.这说明酰化紫膜LB膜中BR水合程度可能是直接影响M衰减的因素之一。  相似文献   
Optical methods to measure membrane transport processes   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
3-O-(4-benzoyl)benzoyl ATP (BzATP) was used as a photoaffinity analog of ATP to label potential ATP receptors in ciliated cells. Like ATP, without photoactivation, BzATP stimulated the ciliary beat frequency in tissue culture up to threefold. Irradiation of intact cells in the presence of [-32P]BzATP followed by SDS-PAGE and autoradiography revealed two labeled proteins with molecular masses of 46 and 96 kDa (p46 and p96). Photolabeling of both proteins was susceptible to digestion with trypsin, implying that the labeled proteins are at least partially exposed on the extracellular surface of the plasma membrane. The dependence of 32P incorporation in both proteins on [-32P]BzATP concentration was similar. Labeling of p46 but not p96 required Ca2+ or Mg2+. Various nucleotides stimulated the ciliary frequency, and inhibited the photolabeling of p46 and p96. The rank order of apparent affinity for p46 is: ATP ÃDP>GTPS>ADP S, UTP, 2MeSATP, AMP-PNP >AMP-PCP>AMP>adenosine; for p96 it is: ADPADP S ATP AMP-PCP, AMP-PNP>GTPS AMP>2MeSATP, UTP, adenosine. The rank of stimulation of ciliary beat frequency is: ADPS, UTP 2MeSATP, GTPS, AMP-PNP, ATPADP>AMPPCP>adenosine>AMP. These results suggest the involvement of p46 in the stimulatory effect of extracellular ATP on the ciliary beat, as a P2 purinoceptor. On the other hand, p96 may represent a P2 purinoceptor or an ectonucleotidase.This work was supported by grants (to Z.P. and to V.S-B.) from the Fund for Basic Research administered by the Israel Academy of Science and Humanities.  相似文献   
Gap junctions, collections of membrane channels responsible for intercellular communication, contain two paired hemichannels (also called connexons). We have investigated conditions for splitting the membrane pair using urea. We have developed a protocol which consistently splits the gap junction samples with 60–90% efficiency. Our results indicate that hydrophobic forces are important in holding the two connexons together but that Ca2+ ions are also important in the assembly of the membrane pair. Greater yields and better structural integrity of split junctions were obtained with a starting preparation of gap junctions which had been detergent treated. Image analysis of edge views of single connexon layers reveal an asymmetry in the appearance of the cytoplasmic and extracellular surface. Cryo-electron microscopy and image analysis of split junctions show that the packing and structural detail of membranes containing arrays of single connexons are the same as for intact junctions, and that the urea treatment causes no gross structural changes in the connexon assembly.The antibodies used to analyze the protein composition in our samples were the generous gift of Dr. David Paul. We thank Dr. Camillo Peracchia for sending us a preprint of his chapter on molecular mechanisms of connexon gating and docking which helped guide our thinking about interconnexon forces and John Badger for information on divalent cation sites in protein structure. We thank Amani Thomas-Yusuf for technical assistance. The photographic expertise of Marie Craig is gratefully acknowledged. This work was funded by National Institutes of Health GM43217 to G.E.S. and GM18974 to D.A.G.  相似文献   
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