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The resistance of exponentially growing yeast cells to killing by exposure to 52°C increased markedly as the growth temperature was increased. Identical killing curves were obtained for cells suspended in growth medium or in 0.9% saline. Cells resistant to killing at 52°C were quite sensitive to killing at slightly higher temperatures. These results suggest a primary role for membrane damage in the mechanism of heat killing.  相似文献   
Isolated membranes of the cell wall-less stable protoplast L-form of Proteus mirabilis were characterized by density gradient centrifugation and by assay for their major chemical constituents, proteins, phospholipids and lipopolysaccharide, and for some specific marker enzymes of the cytoplasmic membrane. In most of the analyzed properties the L-form protoplast membrane resembled the bacterial cytoplasmic membrane, with some notable modifications. considerable amounts of lipopolysaccharide, normally an exclusive constituent of the outer membrane, were found. Furthermore, the L-form membranes contained the functions of the reduced nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide oxidase system, of d-lactate dehydrogenase (EC and of succinate dehydrogenase (EC at specific activities comparable to, or in some cases considerably higher than, those present in cytoplasmic membranes of the bacterial form. Of two peptidoglycan DD-carboxypetidase/transpeptidases (EC and EC, which are normally present in the cytoplasmic membrane of the bacterial form of P. mirabilis, the membrane of the protoplast L-form contained only one. Electron microscopy of thin sectioned L-form protoplasts showed extensive heterogeneity of membraneous structures. In addition to the single membraneous integument, internal membrane-bounded vesicles and multiple stacks of membranes were present, as the result of unbalanced growth and membrane synthesis in the L-form state.  相似文献   
Studies with the light microscope were carried out on mesophyll cell protoplasts of Avena sativa which had been made to undergo fusion by reversible electrical breakdown of the cell membrane. In order to establish close membrane contact between the cells, an important prerequisite for fusion, a method known as dielectrophoresis was used. In an inhomogeneous alternating electrical field the protoplasts adhere to the electrodes and to each other in the direction of the field lines. The cells which were thus brought into close contact with each other could be made to fuse by the application of a field pulse of high amplitude (about 750 V/cm) and short duration (20–50 μs). The field strength required for fusion exceeds the value necessary for the electrical breakdown of the cell membrane. Fusion took place within some minutes and led to a high yield of fused protoplasts. The fusion of cells being in the electric field occured in a synchronous manner. In some of the fusion experiments part of the protoplasts of A. sativa were stained with neutral red. When these cells were fused with unstained protoplasts, the vacuoles from the different cells within the fused aggregate could be shown to remain separate for quite some time.  相似文献   
Tyrosine uptake by membrane vesicles derived from rat brain has been investigated. The uptake is dependent on an Na+ gradient ([Na+]outside > [Na+]inside). The uptake is transport into an osmotically active space and not a binding artifact as indicated by the effect of increasing the medium osmolarity. The process is stimulated by a membrane potential (negative inside) as demonstrated by the effect of the ionophores valinomycin and carbonyl cyanide m-chlorophenylhydrazone and anions with different permeabilities. Kinetic data show that tyrosine is accumulated by two systems with different affinities. Tyrosine uptake is inhibited by the presence of phenylalanine and tryptophan.  相似文献   
Polyacrylamide gradient gel electrophoresis was carried out in micellar solutions of various detergents which differ in degree of potency to denature proteins. From the application of this method to band 3 protein from erythrocyte membranes, it was suggested that the procedure was useful in studying the molecular state of membrane proteins.The electrophoretic behaviors of human and bovine band 3 protein did not show any species specificity in either a denature state and a state resembling the native state. As well as in nonionic detergent solutions, the dimeric and tetrameric structures of bovine band 3 protein were preserved in sodium deoxycholate solution, in which protein complexes maintained in nonionic detergent solutions are frequently dissociated. Even in dodecyltrimethylammonium bromide solution, which is a denaturant for water-soluble proteins, part of the band 3 protein was still present as the oligomer. The results suggest that the oligomeric form of band 3 protein is the stable structure and that the dimer and tetramer possibly coexist in membranes.  相似文献   
The chemical composition of two plasma membrane fractions from epimastigote forms of Trypanosoma cruzi is reported. Fraction M, a preparation obtained by conventional methods of cell fractionation is composed of 31% proteins, 34% lipids, 16% carbohydrates and 3% of the lipopeptidophosphoglycan. Phospholipids and sterols account for 7.5 and 9%, respectively, of the total mass. Phosphatidylethanolamine is the major phospholipid in fraction M, representing 45% of the total membrane phospholipids. The other fraction, fraction V (vesicles), was obtained by treatment of the cell with a vesiculating agent. This fraction contains 42% lipids, 20% carbohydrates, 13% proteins and 21% of the lipopeptidophosphoglycan. Phospholipids and sterols make up 17 and 8%, respectively, of the total mass of this fraction. Phosphatidylcholine and phosphatidylethanolamine are the main phospholipids found in fraction V. Phosphonolipids and sialic acid have not been detected in either membrane fraction. Sodium dodecyl sulphate polyacrylamide gel electrophoretic analysis show that the glycoproteins ABC and the lipopeptidophosphoglycan are 50- and 10-times more concentrated, respectively, in fractions V and M than in the whole cell homogenate. The high molar sterol/phospholipid ratio found in fraction M suggests that this fraction is less fluid than fraction V, perhaps reflecting a migration of certain membrane components in the presence of the vesiculating agent. Hence, fraction M is, probably, more representative of the epimastigote plasma membrane as a whole than fraction V.  相似文献   
Cholesterol depletion alters the apparent affinity of the internal cationic sites and the maximal translocation rate but not the affinity of the external cationic sites of the Na+?K+ pump in human erythrocytes. To test whether these effects were mediated by a direct cholesterol-internal site interaction or by a change in membrane lipid order, the effects of five fluidizing amphiphiles (chlorpromazine, imipramine, benzyl alcohol, sodium oleate and sodium benzenesulphonate) on the kinetic parameters of the Na+?K+ pump were determined. The cholesterol removal and all the agents used induced dose-response decreases in membrane lipid order as measured by fluorescence polarization or ESR. Positive and neutral amphiphiles mimicked the effects of cholesterol removal on the affinity of the internal sites of the pump and to a lesser extent on the maximal translocation rate. Anionic amphiphiles had no effect on internal sites, probably because they distributed preferentially within the outer leaflet on the membrane. These results indicate that cholesterol controls the affinity of the internal sites of the Na+?K+ pump by altering the membrane lipid order. In contrast, neither cholesterol depletion nor the agents used altered the affinity of the external sites of the Na+?K+ pump. This difference in sensitivity to membrane lipid order suggests that internal and external cationic sites, although borne by the same protein, are in different lipid environments.  相似文献   
Human erythrocyte glycophorin is one of the best characterized integral membrane proteins. Reconstitution of the membrane-spanning hydrophobic segment of glycophorin (the tryptic insoluble peptide released when glycophorin is treated with trypsin) with liposomes results in the production of freeze-fracture intrabilayer particles of 80 Å diameter (Segrest, J.P., Gulik-Krzywicki, T. and Sardet, C. (1974) Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U.S.A. 71, 3294–3298), with particles appearing at or above a tryptic insoluble peptide concentration of 4 mmol per mol phosphatidylcholine. In the present study, increasing concentrations of tryptic insoluble peptide were added to sonicated small unilamellar egg phosphatidylcholine vesicles and the rate of efflux of 22Na+ was examined by rapid (30 s) gel filtration on Sephadex G-50. Below a concentation of 3–5 mmol tryptic insoluble peptide/mol phosphatidylcholine, 22Na+ efflux occurs at a constant slow rate at given tryptic insoluble peptide concentrations. Above a concentration of 3–5 mM, the rate of efflux is biphasic at given tryptic insoluble peptide concentrations, exhibiting both an initial fast and a subsequent slow component. On the basis of graphic and computer curve-fitting analysis, with increasing tryptic insoluble peptide concentration, the rate of the slow component reaches a plateau at a tryptic insoluble peptide concentration of 3–5 mM and remains essentially constant until much higher concentrations are reached; the fast component increases linearly with increasing tryptic insoluble peptide concentration well beyond 5 mM. The most consistent interpretation of this data is as follows. The slow 22Na+ efflux component is due to perturbations of small unilamellar vesicle integrity by tryptic insoluble peptide monomers. At a tryptic insoluble peptide concentration of 3–5 mmol/mol, a critical concentration is reached following which there is intrabilayer tryptic insoluble peptide self-association. The fast 22Na+ efflux component is due to the increasing presence of tryptic insoluble peptide self-associated multimers the 80-Å particles seen by freeze-fracture electron microscopy) which results in a significantly larger bilayer defect than do tryptic insoluble peptide monomers. The failure of complete saturation of efflux by the fast component is ascribed to the presence of two populations of small unilamellar vesicles, some of which contain tryptic insoluble peptide multimers and some of which do not.Addition of cholesterol to the tryptic insoluble peptide/phosphatidylcholine vesicles decreases the rate of 22Na+ efflux by inhibiting primarily the fast component. Freeze-fracture electron microscopy indicates that the presence of cholesterol has no effect on the size, number or distribution of 80-Å intra-bilayer particles in the tryptic insoluble peptide/phosphatidylcholine vesicles. These results are consistent with a mechanism to explain the fast Na+ efflux component involving protein-lipid boundary perturbations.Efflux of 45Ca2+ from phosphatidylcholine vesicles is also enhanced by incorporation of tryptic insoluble peptide, but only if divalent cations (Ca2+ or Mg2+) are present in the external bathing media as well as inside the sonicated vesicles. If monovalent Na+ only is present in the bathing media no 45Ca2+ efflux is seen. Under conditions where 45Ca2+ efflux is seen, both a fast and a slow component are present, although both appear lower than corresponding rate constants for 22Na+ efflux. These results suggest a coordinated mechanism for ion efflux induced by tryptic insoluble peptide and, together with the 22Na+ efflux studies, may have mechanistic implications for the transbilayer phospholipid exchange (flip-flop) suggesed to be induced at glycophorin/phospholipid interfaces (de Kruiff, B., van Zoelen, E.J.J. and van Deenen, L.L.M. (1978) Biochim. Biophys. Acta 509, 537–542).  相似文献   
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