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地毯草的光合特性研究   总被引:52,自引:5,他引:52       下载免费PDF全文
蹇洪英  邹寿青 《广西植物》2003,23(2):181-184
地毯草是一种典型的暖季型草坪草。用Li 6400便携式光合分析仪测定地毯草的光合特性。地毯草的光合日进程呈单峰型,无"午休"现象且受非气孔限制,最大净光合速率出现在14∶00,变化趋势与光合有效辐射(PAR)、气温(Ta)、蒸腾速率(Tr)等因子相同,与空气相对湿度(RH)、胞间CO2浓度(Ci)等相反;其光饱合点超过2000μmol.m 2s 1,最大净光合速率达22μmol.m 2s 1,暗呼吸速率为1.34μmol.m 2s 1,CO2补偿点为0.97μmol.mol 1,光补偿点为22.2μmol.m 2s 1,羧化效率为0.2539μmol.m 2s 1,表观光量子效率高达0.0592μmol.mol 1;表明地毯草是一种具有较强耐荫性的C4型阳性的暖季型草坪草,除了在园林中可以广泛用作草坪地被外还可以在一些较荫湿的特殊地带作为绿化和防护之用。  相似文献   
西藏小麦资源在都江堰试种的表现及评价   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
对125份来源于西藏的小麦地方品种进行农艺性状分析和评价。结果显示,西藏小麦植株高度总体偏高,少数适中。分蘖数多数在10个以下,少数偏多。穗长、小穗数的单位长度着生的小穗数存在明显差异,存在一些密穗类型和多小穗类型。多数小麦品种穗粒数不少,但千粒重明显偏低。性状相关分析表明,随着分集数增多、穗长增长、小穗数增多,株高有增加的趋势,而株高的增加又导致了千粒重的降低。小穗数多其穗长通常比较长。中时西藏小麦资源进行了评价、利用方式进行了探讨、在都江堰与西藏表现差异的原因进行了分析。  相似文献   
基于形态结构特征的洞庭湖湖泊健康评价   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
湖泊形态结构特征与湖泊健康水平密切相关,是评价湖泊生态系统、服务功能是否健康的基础。以历史文献、图件及1986—2010年水沙实测数据等资料为依据,选取洲滩出露频率、水动力条件和几何形态等3类共8个湖泊形态结构特征指标,采用突变级数法对典型年洞庭湖湖泊健康状况进行评价。结果表明:(1)东洞庭湖湖泊健康状况相对较好(隶属度平均值为0.7486),但波动较大(0.6775—0.7965);南洞庭湖次之(0.7311);西洞庭湖最差(0.7269),其健康相对隶属度波动最小(0.7026—0.7487);(2)近20a来,洞庭湖湖泊健康状况呈现"先恶化、后改善"的趋势。1998年其健康隶属度最低(0.6912),2004年值最高(0.7711),其余典型年的值介于二者之间。这充分说明"4350"工程实施、三峡水库蓄水运行等有效地改善了洞庭湖湖泊形态结构,使其朝健康方向发展。  相似文献   
记述了中国毛角隐翅虫属TrichophyaMannerheim1新种,片口毛角隐翅虫Trichophya piankousp.nov.;首次提供了细点毛角隐翅虫Trichophya teniusZheng的雄性特征。片口毛角隐翅虫,新种Trichophya piankousp.nov.(图1~7)新种与四川峨眉山和卧龙自然保护区的细点毛角隐翅虫Trichophya teniusZheng很相似,区别为:体较短,体色黑褐,前胸和鞘翅的细粒更明显,雄性外生殖器形状不同。正模♂,四川北川县片口自然保护区,2005-09-24,王翠翠采。副模:13♂♂,16♀♀,采集记录同正模。词源:种名出自模式产地(片口自然保护区)的中文名称,"片口"。细点毛角隐翅虫Trichophya tenuuisZheng,雄性(图8~13)本种的雄性与雌性相似,但前跗第1~4节中等膨大,第8腹板后缘宽深弓形凹缘,与之有别。检视标本:2♀♀(模式标本),四川峨眉山和汶川县卧龙自然保护区。2♂♂,四川峨眉山,1983-07-25~26,卢英采;2♂♂,1♀,四川汶川县卧龙自然保护区,王萍采。  相似文献   
二点委夜蛾形态特征的初步观察   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
对二点委夜蛾Athelis lepigone(Moschler)各虫态的外部结构和细微特征进行了系统观察。区分了成虫、蛹的雌雄特征,对成虫足、翅脉结构、幼虫头部、腹足等做了详细描述。该虫成虫和幼虫的主要鉴别特征:翅灰褐色,前翅3条黑褐色的横线呈波浪状,中剑纹为黑色三角形或菱形斑,肾形斑由黑点组成边缘,外侧中凹有白点;幼虫颅侧区有倒"八"字形暗褐色斑纹。腹背具"V"字纹,亚背线深褐色具灰白色边缘。  相似文献   
拮抗细菌B9菌株抗菌物质的初步研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
B9菌株是从番茄灰霉病发生严重植株的健康叶片上分离到的拮抗细菌。采用酸沉淀的方法从B9菌株的发酵液中得到抗菌物质的粗提物。该物质在中性和碱性条件下都能溶解于水和有机溶剂,在270~280 nm处有吸收峰,其成分可能是蛋白质。平板抑菌试验表明抗菌物质抑菌谱广,对供试的6种病原菌都有不同程度的抑菌作用。稳定性试验结果表明抗菌物质对温度比较稳定,经80~100℃处理10 min或者121℃(1.4 Pa/cm2)高温抑菌活性才显著降低;对紫外光稳定性差,随着紫外照射时间的延长抑菌活性逐渐减弱。  相似文献   
The Cracidae are Neotropical galliform birds with 11 genera currently recognized. To investigate the questioned validity of Pipile Bonaparte, 1856 and the monotypic Aburria Reichenbach, 1853 as separate genera, we gathered data from 2727 bp of mitochondrial DNA (cytochrome b, ND2 and control region) and 151 osteological characters. Our phylogenetic analyses of DNA sequences indicated that Aburria aburri is embedded within Pipile. Also, genetic distances between Aburria and any Pipile species are equivalent to the distances estimated for other congeneric cracid species, which genus status is not doubtful. Although the osteological characters do not have phylogenetic signal to solve the phylogenetic relationships at species level, five synapomorphies were found for Aburria and Pipile. Therefore, we suggest that Pipile should be merged with Aburria, which is the oldest described genus. We estimated that speciation in this group occurred in the Plio-Pleistocene, concordant with other birds, primates and rodents that have similar geographic distribution, and proposed a diversification hypothesis based on the occurrence of sea transgressions and the formation of the Amazon Lagoon. Therefore, we conclude that these palaeogeographic events may have contributed to Neotropical taxa diversification to a greater extent than previously suspected.  相似文献   
This paper proposes a statistical test of the single-species hypothesis using non-metric characters as a complement to statistical tests using more traditional metric characters. The sample examined is that of Asian and African Homo erectus. The paleoanthropological community is divided on the taxonomic distinction of these fossils, with workers arguing both for and against the species-level distinction between Asian and African populations. Previous arguments have focused on patterns of apparent morphological differentiation between the African and Asian cranial samples. To assess this question, three tests were performed that compared the range of variation in the fossil sample to a single-species group with a similar geographic distribution; this comparative sample was composed of 221 modern humans from Africa and Asia. For the first test, 23 metric characters were analyzed on the fossil and comparative samples. Using resampling procedures, the variation for these characters was examined, recreating 1000 samples from the human analogs and comparing the CV distributions of these samples to the CVs of the fossil group. The second test used the metric data to calculate a Euclidean distance between the African and Asian fossil samples. This distance was compared to a distribution of Euclidean distances calculated between 1000 randomly selected samples of African and Asian modern humans. For the third test, a grading scale was created for ten non-metric characters that encompassed the total morphological variation found in the fossil and modern human samples. The Manhattan distance between the Asian and African fossil samples was calculated and compared to a distribution of distances calculated between 1000 randomly selected samples of African and Asian moderns. The first two tests, using the metric data, failed to falsify the null hypothesis. However, in the third test, using non-metric data, the total Manhattan distance for the fossil sample approached the 100th percentile of the resampled distances calculated from the moderns. The implications of the contrasting results are discussed.  相似文献   
通过不同栽培措施对优质冬小麦品种“河农341”农艺及品质性状影响的研究,表明冬小麦适当晚播可显著增加籽粒的蛋白质和湿面筋含量;早播增加面团的断裂时间,减少软化度,提高评价值,同时能增加单位面积穗数和小区产量;播期对沉降值的影响不大。适当减少氮肥施肥量能改变面团的流变学特性,延长面团的形成时间和稳定时间,提高评价值;不同种植密度比较,在早播情况下,无论氮肥施肥量大小都是中等密度处理的小区产量最高,而在晚播情况下,无论施肥量大小,都是较高密度的产量最高。  相似文献   
Mothers influence their offspring phenotype by varying egg quality. Such maternal effects may be mediated by transmission of antibodies and antioxidants. Mothers should adjust allocation of maternal substances depending on embryonic sex because of differences in reproductive value, potentially dependent on paternal genetic effects as reflected by secondary sexual characters. We manipulated sexual attractiveness of male barn swallows (Hirundo rustica) and investigated maternal investment in eggs in relation to offspring sex. Mothers allocated more antibodies against a pathogen to eggs with a daughter than a son. However, concentration of antioxidants was independent of embryonic sex. Sex-dependent allocation was independent of paternal attractiveness. Thus, mothers adjusted allocation of substances to offspring in a complex manner, that may be part of a strategy of favouritism of daughters, which have larger mortality than sons. Such effects may have important consequences for secondary and tertiary sex ratios, but also for ontogeny of adult phenotype.  相似文献   
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