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喀斯特关键带植被时空变化及其驱动因素   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
中国南方喀斯特地区广泛面临着生态问题,植被的保护与恢复倍受关注,对这一区域植被覆盖的进行监测和预测是非常必要的。以MODIS-NDVI为数据源,分析2000—2016年间,研究区不同地质背景,多种土地覆被类型的NDVI时空变化特征及驱动因素。结果表明:(1)从2000—2016年间,研究区植被覆盖整体呈增长趋势;其中喀斯特区域增长情况略优于非喀斯特区域。植被覆盖在空间上呈现东高西低;其中林地的NDVI值最高,耕地次之,依次草地,居民用地,水域,未利用地最低;在林地和耕地中,非喀斯特区域的NDVI值比喀斯特高,其余的土地覆被类型中都比喀斯特区域低。(2)研究区植被覆盖改善的地区占60.19%,退化地区占17.06%;草地,耕地区改善明显,退化主要在水域和建设用地; Hurst指数显示在研究区持续性改善的NDVI大于持续性退化;相比非喀斯特区域,喀斯特区域改善及持续性改善情况更佳。(3)整体而言,海拔对NDVI的空间分布影响力最大,温度次之,依次为降雨,夜间灯光指数;相比而言,非喀斯特区域NDVI空间分布更易受地形因子影响;喀斯特区域NDVI空间分布更易受气候差异及人类活动影响。(4)研究区分别有49%,45%,61%的NDVI与气温,降雨,日照的相关系数通过a=0.05的显著性检验;相比非喀斯特而言,喀斯特区域植被生长更易受气候变化的影响。  相似文献   
Tropical nitrogen (N) deposition is projected to increase substantially within the coming decades. Increases in soil emissions of the climate‐relevant trace gases NO and N2O are expected, but few studies address this possibility. We used N addition experiments to achieve N‐enriched conditions in contrasting montane and lowland forests and assessed changes in the timing and magnitude of soil N‐oxide emissions. We evaluated transitory effects, which occurred immediately after N addition, and long‐term effects measured at least 6 weeks after N addition. In the montane forest where stem growth was N limited, the first‐time N additions caused rapid increases in soil N‐oxide emissions. During the first 2 years of N addition, annual N‐oxide emissions were five times (transitory effect) and two times (long‐term effect) larger than controls. This contradicts the current assumption that N‐limited tropical montane forests will respond to N additions with only small and delayed increases in soil N‐oxide emissions. We attribute this fast and large response of soil N‐oxide emissions to the presence of an organic layer (a characteristic feature of this forest type) in which nitrification increased substantially following N addition. In the lowland forest where stem growth was neither N nor phosphorus (P) limited, the first‐time N additions caused only gradual and minimal increases in soil N‐oxide emissions. These first N additions were completed at the beginning of the wet season, and low soil water content may have limited nitrification. In contrast, the 9‐ and 10‐year N‐addition plots displayed instantaneous and large soil N‐oxide emissions. Annual N‐oxide emissions under chronic N addition were seven times (transitory effect) and four times (long‐term effect) larger than controls. Seasonal changes in soil water content also caused seasonal changes in soil N‐oxide emissions from the 9‐ and 10‐year N‐addition plots. This suggests that climate change scenarios, where rainfall quantity and seasonality change, will alter the relative importance of soil NO and N2O emissions from tropical forests exposed to elevated N deposition.  相似文献   
利用青海湖北岸天然草地中冷地早熟禾(Poa crymophila)定位观测资料,应用数理统计方法,分析了该地区气候变化特征及其对牧草生长发育和产量形成的影响。结果表明:研究区年平均气温呈极显著上升趋势,升幅为0.512℃·10a-1,秋冬季气温上升幅度大于春夏季;年降水量增加主要是由春秋季降水增加所贡献的,年降水量有一个9年左右的周期;牧草生长季的干燥指数呈上升趋势,20世纪90年代末至2010年明显趋于暖干化;冷地早熟禾返青期、抽穗期、开花期和种子成熟期提前,黄枯期推迟,从而使冷地早熟禾整个生育期延长;Logistic模拟结果表明,冷地早熟禾返青后的第72天,其生长速度达到最大,为0.29cm·d-1;从返青后49d开始,由缓慢生长转为迅速生长阶段,从返青后第95天开始,其生长从迅速生长又转为缓慢生长,迅速生长期为46d;冷地早熟禾高度和地上生物量年际变化呈逐年增加趋势;热量对冷地早熟禾产量变化敏感期为5月,旬平均气温升高1℃,产量增加20~30kg·hm-2;抽穗开花期是冷地早熟禾需水敏感期,降水量增大,牧草产量增加。  相似文献   
为了研究气候变化对水资源的影响,应用具有物理基础的SWAT(Soil and Water Assessment Tool)模型,针对河南中部农业区(淮河上游沙河周口水文站上游区域)的特点,构建了该区域气候变化影响水资源(径流)评估模型。通过加载1∶4000000电子河系数据,消除了SWAT在平原区从1∶250000 DEM自动提取河系的误差;在对模型参数敏感性分析的基础上,将1999—2002年作为校准期,2003—2006年作为验证期,对模型的参数进行了校准和验证,模型校准期Nash-Sutcliffe效率系数Ens=0.96,r2=0.95,验证期Ens=0.81,r2=0.87,表明模型应用于该区域的月径流模拟精度较高。将1966—2007年的气象资料应用于模型进行模拟,分析结果表明,地表径流、基流年内变化趋势与降水量变化趋势一致,蒸散发是该地区水量的主要输出项,地表径流是基流的2倍左右,地表径流相对于降水有滞后性,基流滞后于降水3个月时间。  相似文献   
利用黄土高原半湿润区西峰农业气象试验站冬小麦生长发育定位观测资料、加密观测和对应平行气象观测资料,分析气候变化对冬小麦生长发育的影响,以及冬小麦穗干重生长与气象条件的关系。结果表明,研究区域降水量年际变化呈波动变化,20世纪90年代降水量最少。降水量存在3、8a的年际周期变化。气温年际变化呈上升趋势,气温变化曲线线性拟合倾向率为0.325℃/10a。作物生长季干燥指数呈显著上升趋势,干燥指数变化曲线线性拟合倾向率为0.069/10a,20世纪90年代至2010年明显趋于暖干化。受气候变暖的影响,冬小麦播种期每10 a推后2—3d,返青期每10a提前4—5 d,开花期和成熟期每10a提前5—6 d。冬小麦越冬期每10a缩短5—6 d、全生育期每10a缩短7—8 d。冬小麦返青后第83天开始,穗干重的生长由缓慢转为迅速生长阶段,从返青后第101天开始,其生长从迅速生长又转为缓慢生长,在返青后的第87天,穗的干物质积累速度最大。由于气候变暖,冬小麦生育期大部分时段热量充足。播种—越冬前和拔节—开花期产量对气温变化的响应十分敏感;降水量的影响函数同温度的影响函数呈反相位分布,除成熟期降水量对产量形成为负效应外,其余时段降水量对产量影响均为正效应,而在冬小麦播种期和返青—拔节期产量对降水量变化的响应也十分敏感。  相似文献   
树木外生菌根菌与环境因子关系研究进展   总被引:6,自引:1,他引:6  
土壤、气候和立地因子等环境因子影响树木外生菌根菌的种类及数量。本文通过查阅大量国内外文献 ,综述了外生菌根菌与土壤、季节气候及立地因子等环境因子的相互关系 ,探讨了环境因子对外生菌根菌的影响 ,揭示了外生菌根菌研究中所关注的环境因子问题。同时 ,提出了外生菌根菌与环境因子关系今后研究的主要内容与方向 ,旨在为森林生态系统的可持续经营和退化森林生态系统的恢复、改造等提供科学依据。  相似文献   
Water‐use efficiency (WUE) has been recognized as an important characteristic of ecosystem productivity, which links carbon (C) and water cycling. However, little is known about how WUE responds to climate change at different scales. Here, we investigated WUE at leaf, canopy, and ecosystem levels under increased precipitation and warming from 2005 to 2008 in a temperate steppe in Northern China. We measured gross ecosystem productivity (GEP), net ecosystem CO2 exchange (NEE), evapotranspiration (ET), evaporation (E), canopy transpiration (Tc), as well as leaf photosynthesis (Pmax) and transpiration (Tl) of a dominant species to calculate canopy WUE (WUEc=GEP/T), ecosystem WUE (WUEgep=GEP/ET or WUEnee=NEE/ET) and leaf WUE (WUEl=Pmax/Tl). The results showed that increased precipitation stimulated WUEc, WUEgep and WUEnee by 17.1%, 10.2% and 12.6%, respectively, but decreased WUEl by 27.4%. Climate warming reduced canopy and ecosystem WUE over the 4 years but did not affect leaf level WUE. Across the 4 years and the measured plots, canopy and ecosystem WUE linearly increased, but leaf level WUE of the dominant species linearly decreased with increasing precipitation. The differential responses of canopy/ecosystem WUE and leaf WUE to climate change suggest that caution should be taken when upscaling WUE from leaf to larger scales. Our findings will also facilitate mechanistic understanding of the C–water relationships across different organism levels and in projecting the effects of climate warming and shifting precipitation regimes on productivity in arid and semiarid ecosystems.  相似文献   
Permafrost thaw resulting from climate warming may dramatically change the succession and carbon dynamics of northern ecosystems. To examine the joint effects of regional temperature and local species changes on peat accumulation following thaw, we studied peat accumulation across a regional gradient of mean annual temperature (MAT). We measured aboveground net primary production (AGNPP) and decomposition over 2 years for major functional groups and used these data to calculate a simple index of net annual aboveground peat accumulation. In addition, we collected cores from six adjacent frozen and thawed bog sites to document peat accumulation changes following thaw over the past 200 years. Aboveground biomass and decomposition were more strongly controlled by local succession than regional climate. AGNPP for some species differed between collapse scars and associated permafrost plateaus and was influenced by regional MAT. A few species, such as Picea mariana trees on frozen bogs and Sphagnum mosses in thawed bogs, sequestered a disproportionate amount of peat; in addition, changes in their abundance following thaw changed peat accumulation. 210Pb-dated cores indicated that peat accumulation doubles following thaw and that the accumulation rate is affected by historical changes in species during succession. Peat accumulation in boreal peatlands following thaw was controlled by a complex mix of local vegetation changes, regional climate, and history. These results suggest that northern ecosystems may show responses more complex than large releases of carbon during transient warming. Received 8 August 2000; accepted 12 January 2001.  相似文献   
Mammal grazing is composed of three mechanisms—removal of foliar tissue (defoliation), return of nutrients via dung and urine (fertilization), and trampling. To evaluate the relative role of these mechanisms in the effect of reindeer grazing on soil biota in northern grasslands, we subjected experimental plots in a sub-arctic alpine meadow to defoliation, fertilization (using NPK-solution), simulated trampling, and their factorial combinations once a year from 2002 to 2004 and measured the response of plants and decomposers (including microbes, nematodes, collembolans, and enchytraeids) in 2004. Trampling affected both plant and decomposer communities: the coverage of the moss Pleurozium schreberi and the sedge Carex vaginata, as well as the abundance of collembolans and enchytraeids were reduced in trampled plots. Trampling and fertilization also interacted significantly, with fertilization increasing the abundance of bacteria and bacterial-feeding and omnivorous nematodes in trampled plots only, and trampling decreasing fungal biomass in non-fertilized plots only. Defoliation had no overall effects on plants or decomposers. Nematode genera were not affected by the experimental treatments, but nematode and plant communities were significantly associated, and all decomposer biota, except collembolans, were strongly affected by the spatial heterogeneity of the study site. Our results indicate that trampling may have larger and defoliation and fertilization smaller roles than anticipated in explaining reindeer grazing effects in sub-arctic grasslands. However, even the effects of trampling seem to be outweighed by the spatial heterogeneity of decomposer abundances. This suggests that in sub-arctic grasslands spatial variation in abiotic factors can be a more important factor than grazing in controlling soil biota abundances. Electronic supplementary material  The online version of this article (doi:) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users. Author contributions  LIS was involved in planning of the study, fieldwork, lab work, analysis, and wrote the article with contributions from all other authors; JM and MMK conceived the study and contributed to the data analyses; MMK further contributed to the field work and JM refined the final appearance of the text; JO started and was responsible for managing the field experiment, collecting the plant data and gave advice on statistical analysis.  相似文献   
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