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Effects of manipulation of food supply on estuarine meiobenthos   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
A comparative mesocosm experiment was carried out to determine the effects of natural foods of different quality and quantity on the structure of natural meiobenthic communities collected in undisturbed sediment from the polluted Westerschelde and the comparatively undisturbed Gironde estuaries. Nematode communities are more diverse and species rich in the latter estuary. The organic matter or foods used were phytoplankton, green alga, salt marsh plant detritus and leaf litter detritus which were added at three dose rates including a high dose. There was no change in community structure in response to the treatments in either of the estuarine meiobenthic communities. Analysis of all the results from this experiment indicate that the food quantity manipulations had almost no effect on the deposit feeding meiofauna. It may be that the reserves of organic matter within the sediment were sufficient to satisfy their dietary requirements for the duration of the experiment. The abundance of diatom/epigrowth feeding nematodes which were initially dominant in the Gironde, declined substantially suggesting that they may have been food limited since diatoms were not among the sources of organic matter added to the mesocosm. There was no specific response to the five different types of organic matter added to the mesocosm  相似文献   
A recent survey of the scorpion fauna in the Mediterranean region of northern Israel, has shown that the desert buthid, Leiurus quinquestriatus, formerly restricted to the arid and semi-arid regions in southern and eastern Israel, has penetrated through the Jordan Valley deep into the Mediterranean region, reaching into the northern Galil Mountains. At the same time, the oakwood scorpionid, Scorpio maurius fuscus, formerly the most abundant scorpion in the Mediterranean region, showed a marked decline in numbers. Various aspects of this apparent colonization and replacement in the scorpion fauna are discussed.  相似文献   
The impact of malathion-bait sprays (directed against medfly, Ceratitis capitata [Wiedemann]) on an endemic gall midge (Rhopalomyia californica Felt) and its parasitoids was investigated during 1982–83 in the south San Francisco Bay area of northern California. In a heavily sprayed area (Woodside), a population explosion of the midge was detected following 24 applications of malathion bait. The midge population reached levels ca. 90x greater than those observed in an adjacent unsprayed area (Jasper Ridge). In a moderately sprayed area (Portola Valley), the midge population increased as much as 5x that observed in the adjacent unsprayed area (Jasper Ridge), following 12 applications of malathion bait. In laboratory tests, the malathion bait was toxic to both the midge and its parasitoids. The major parasitoids were Torymus koebelei (Huber), Zatropis capitis Burks, Platygaster californica (Ashmead) and Mesopolobus sp. Population increases of the midge following malathion-bait sprays were attributed to destruction of parasitoids and other natural enemies of the midge. If the environmental impact of malathion-bait sprays is related to the number of applications (as suggested in this study), then it would be worthwhile to determine the appropriate bait-spray strategy for a given situation, so as to minimize adverse effects on nontarget species, yet insure suppression or eradication of medfly.
Résumé L'impact des pièges tratiés au malathion (destinés à Ceratitis capitata Wiedem) sur Rhopalomyia californica Felt et ses parasitoïdes a été examiné en 1982–1983 dans le sud de la zone de la baie de San Francisco en Californie. Dans une zone fortement traitée (Woodside), une explosion de population a été décelée après 24 traitements. La population de R. californica a atteint des niveaux 90 fois supérieurs à ceux observés dans une zone contiguë non traitée (Jasper Ridge). Dans une zone modérément traitée (Portola Valley), avec 12 traitement, la population de R. californica a atteint jusqu'a 5 fois celle de Jasper Ridge. Au laboratoire, le piège à malathion a été toxique tant pour R. californica que pour ses parasitoïdes, dont les principaux étaient: Torymus koebelei (Huber), Zatropis capitis Burks, Platygaster californica(Ashmead) et Mesopolobus sp. L'accroissement de la population de C. capitata après traitement a été attribué à la destruction de parasitoïdes et d'autres ennemis naturels. Si l'effet su l'environnement du traitement est lié au nombre d'interventions (comme le suggère cette étude), alors cela vaudrait la peine de définir une stratégie de traitement appropriée à une situation donnée, de façon à minimiser les effets négatifs sur des espèces non visées, tout en assurant la suppression ou l'éradication de C. capitata.
Zusammenfassung In der vorgelegten Arbeit wurde die sogenante deduktive Klassifikationsmethode der anthropogenen Pflanzengesellschaften behandelt. Diese Methode geht vom System der höheren Vegetationseinheiten der Braun-Blanquet Schule aus. Sie ermöglicht die syntaxonomische Bearbeitung zahlreicher anthropogener Gesellschaften unserer Kulturlandschaft, die nur aus Arten mit breiterer ökologischer und zönologischer Amplitude zusammengesetzt sind, und zwar ohne unerwünschte Verwechslung der Bestimmungsmerkmale einzelner Rangstufen des Systems (Klassen-, Ordnungs-, Verbands- und Assoziationskenn-und trennarten). Die Grundprinzipien der Methode wurden schon früher von Kopecký & Hejný (1971, 1973, 1974) und Kopecký (1976) erläutert. Die vorliegende Arbeit bringt eine präzisierte Auslegung der Methode auf Grund neuer Erfahrungen, die bei der Bearbeitung der spontan entstandenen strassenbegleitenden Gesellschaften derMolinio-Arrhenatheretea Tx. 1937 in Nordostböhmen gewonnen wurden. Aus dem reichen Aufnahmematerial werden nur einige Aufnahmen der Basalgesellschaften mitAlopecurus pratensis und der von ihnen abgeleiteten Derivatgesellschaften mitDactylis glomerata undAgropyron repens fur die anschauliche Demonstration der Methode beigegeben (Tab. 1 und 2). Die Aufnahmen der übrigen Gesellschafts-typen werden in einer anderen Arbeit (Kopecký 1978) veröffentlicht.
Summary Use of a so-called deductive method in syntaxonomic classification of roadside plant communities in NE Bohemia.The present paper explains the so-called deductive method of syntaxonomic classification of plant communities, derived from the system of syntaxa of higher rank of the Braun-Blanquet approach. This method enables the synthesis of vegetations units of the varied anthropogenic plant communities in the man-made landscape, and their arrangement within the existing system, without changing the classification and determination criteria of both the higher and lower syntaxa in this system. Basic principles of this method have been outlined earlier by Kopecký & Hejný (1971, 1973, 1974) and Kopecký (1976). Following the newly obtained data and experience, this paper brings further details and more precise explanation of the method. Recently, the deductive method has been applied to the classification of turf communities which spontaneously develop along the roads in NE Bohemia. In order to illustrate the principles of the method, selected relevés of basal communities withAlopecurus pratensis (Table 1), and respective communities derived from these basal communities (Table 2) are presented. A complete set of vegetation relevés of all other roadside communities will be published elsewhere (Kopecký 1978).
Die wissenschaftlichen Pflanzennamen sind nach Rothmaler et al. (1966) angeführt.  相似文献   
Summary Using heath communities (dominated byCalluna vulgaris) as an example, an attempt is made to identify those characteristics of other species wiich enable them to co-exist with the dominant. In the course of its life-span,Calluna passes through a series of growth phases (pioneer, building, mature, degenerate) during which there are marked changes in the condition affecting associated species. These display a variety of ‘complementary strategies’ which enable them to co-exist withCalluna during a part, or the whole, of the sequence. Changes with time in the flora of even-aged stands ofCalluna, produced as a result of management by burning, are accounted for in similar terms. It is also shown that invasion of heath communities by tree species (e.g.Betula spp.,Pinus sylvestris), which may eventually eliminateCalluna, is related to the sequence of growth-phases. Contribution to the Symposium on plant species and plant communities, held at Nijmegen, 11–12 November 1976, on the occasion of the 60th birthday of Professor Victor Westhoff-to whom the author conveys the good wishes of Scottish botanists and conservationists, and particularly those of the University of Aberdeen. Nomenclature follows Clapham, Tutin & Warburg (1962) for vascular plants, Watson (1968) for bryophytes, and Duncan (1970) for lichens. Following common practiceCalluna vulgaris is referred to simply asCalluna. Grateful acknowledgement is made to several present and former research students who have kindly permitted the use of their data: particularly P. Barclay-Estrup, Edith M. French, Gong Wooi Khoon, C.J. Legg, Evelyn W. Paterson, S.D. Ward. I am especially grateful to C.J. Legg for valuable discussions on the subject of this paper.  相似文献   
Trabaud  L.  Lepart  J. 《Plant Ecology》1981,46(1):105-116
Plant Ecology - To analyse the impact of fire on plants, an experiment has been set up in a Quercus coccifera L. garrigue near Montpellier. The objectives of the study were to follow the changes of...  相似文献   
Galium suberosum Sibth. etSm. belongs toAsperula sect.Thliphthisa; the taxonomic transfer and a new name are therefore necessary:Asperula cypria Ehrend. is endemic on the isle of Cyprus. Its closest affinities are withA. antalyensis Ehrend. in S.W. Anatolia.
Emphasis has increased on accuracy in predicting the effect that anthropogenic stress has on natural ecosystems. Although toxicity tests low in environmental realism, such as standardized single species procedures, have been useful in providing a certain degree of protection to human health and the environment, the accuracy of such tests for predicting the effects of anthropogenic activities on complex ecosystems is questionable. The use of indigenous communities of microorganisms to assess the hazard of toxicants in aquatic ecosystems has many advantages. Theoretical and practical aspects of microbial community tests are discussed, particularly in related to widely cited problems in the use of multispecies test systems for predicting hazard. Further standardization of testing protocols using microbial colonization dynamics is advocated on the basis of previous studies, which have shown these parameters to be useful in assessing risk and impact of hazardous substances in aquatic ecosystems.  相似文献   
Summary Using data from three fires in northeastern Spain, we tested a condition necessary to support the idea that fire has been a factor in the evolution of the resprouting habit: populations of all resprouting species within a community should show high levels of genet survival after fires and show a low coefficient of variation. Species with high mean survival values were:Quercus ilex L.,Phillyrea latifolia L., andViburnum tinus L., with 88, 86 and 83% survival respectively; these groups had resprouts emerging from rootcrowns. Then followedArbutus unedo L. (75%),Pistacia lentiscus L. (73%),Erica arborea L. (77%),Erica multiflora L. (57%) andJuniperus oxycedrus L. (55%). This last group had resprouts from lignotubers or burls. These two groups also differed in the variability around the mean: the first showed a lower coefficient of variation, 6–12, and the second ranged from 19 to 26. Slope exposure had no significant influence on the process of resprouting, but soil depth did, with precipitation as a covariate. In the shallow soil category, the difference in genet survival between southern and northern exposures was 14% (71% vs. 57%); while the difference in the deep soil category was low, 5% (87% vs. 82%). There was no significant interaction. The component of variance for soils was larger than that for species-specific effects; substantial overlap of the within-species variance indicated that species responded as if they were a single hypothetical population, in which most of the variation in chances of survival was due to the soil conditions. The possession of the resprouting habit did not ensure a high performance. Hence, we find weak support for fire as a factor in the evolution of the resprouting habit.  相似文献   
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