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主要介绍了医疗器械安全工程学。近年来日本、欧美等发达国家积极开展这个学科的研究,以减少不良事件的发生。除一般的安全问题外,医疗器械安全工程学研究的主要内容包括人因工程、人体工程学、医用软件、人机接口及误使用等。  相似文献   
医学微生物学实验教学中基本操作是双基训练的重要部分,学生对实验技术的掌握程度决定了实验教学的成败。通过酸奶制备的一系列实验过程,把实验内容由验证性改变为设计性,激发了学生的学习兴趣,动手能力提高,实验教学效果良好。  相似文献   
为适应目前医学事业发展的需要,医学生的临床思维与临床技能的培养至关重要。在教学中,应不断提高教师自身的业务水平和自身素质,给予学生适当引导和启发,采取灵活多样的教学方式,并鼓励学生学会独立思考能力,激发学生的主动性和创造性,同时理论与实践相结合,推出模拟教学,由此激发学生的学习兴趣;并通过病例的采集归纳和整理,加强基本功的训练。从而提高学生临床思维能力与标准实践技能。  相似文献   
Male Wistar rats were fed diets of varying selenium content in order to obtain selenium-deficient and selenium-supplemented rats. After 5-6 weeks on the respective diet, the rats were used to investigate how selenium influences the effect of dimethylnitrosamine (DMN) on some liver enzymes and related reactions. The selenium-dependent glutathione peroxidase activity in postmicrosomal supernatant from liver was about 1% in selenium-deficient rats as compared to selenium-supplemented rats or rats fed a standard diet. The highest DMN-demethylase activity was observed in postmitochondrial supernatant from selenium-deficient rat liver, and the lowest in selenium-supplemented rats. No dietary effect was observed on hepatic microsomal cytochrome P450 levels. C-Oxygenation of N,N-dimethylaniline (DMA) was not affected by the selenium level. On the other hand, selenium deficiency seemed to reduce N-oxygenation of DMA. The mutagenicity of DMN in Chinese hamster V79 cells after metabolic activation by the isolated perfused rat liver, was approximately doubled when selenium-deficient livers were used as compared to selenium-supplemented livers and livers from rats fed a standard diet. A negative correlation between DMA-N-oxygenation and mutagenicity from DMN was observed, whereas no correlation between DMA-C-oxygenation and mutagenicity from DMN was found.  相似文献   
The 1.672 g/cm3 satellite DNA of Drosophila melanogaster was purified by successive equilibrium centrifugations in a CsCl gradient, an actinomycin DCsCl gradient, and a netropsin sulfate/CsCl gradient. The resulting DNA was homogeneous by the physical criteria of thermal denaturation, renaturation kinetics and equilibrium banding in each of the gradients listed above. In addition, the complementary strands could be separated in an alkaline CsCl gradient. Despite this rigorous purification procedure, nucleotide sequence analysis indicates the presence of two different DNA species in this satellite, poly A-A-T-A-TT-T-A-T-A and polyA-A-T-A-T-A-TT-T-A-T-A-T-A. Further physical, chemical and template properties of the isolated complementary strands demonstrate that these two repeating sequences are not interspersed with each other. This result has biological significance since sequences of this particular satellite are known to be located primarily on two different chromosomes, Y and 2. These results further suggest that the sequence heterogeneity observed in satellite DNA of higher eukaryotes may result from mixtures of very closely related but molecularly homogeneous repeated sequences each restricted to a particular chromosome or chromosomal region.  相似文献   


Vegetation resurveys, both single studies and meta-analyses, have predominantly been based on vascular plant data while bryophytes and lichens have largely been neglected. Our study aims to fill this gap and addresses the following research questions: has the overall species richness of terricolous bryophytes and lichens in forests changed over time? Which are the winners and losers among single species and ecological species groups? Do the results give a signal of the impact of nutrient enrichment, of changes in the light regime and of climate change?


Deciduous and coniferous forests in Germany.


We compiled 35 single resurvey data sets, including 1096 plots in total (each sampled twice). The time interval between initial surveys and resurveys ranged from 10 to 65 years. The differences between old and new plots were analysed with respect to the frequency of single species, total species richness, and the absolute and relative numbers of taxa in the species groups. Trend scores of species were related to ecological indicator values to identify the main environmental drivers behind the observed changes.


Total species richness did not systematically change, while pleurocarpous mosses had increased at the expense of acrocarpous mosses and, in coniferous forests, of lichens. Weak changes were generally observed in deciduous forests on base-rich soils. In coniferous forests and in deciduous forests on acid soils, species with high nitrogen demand and high shade tolerance had increased, whereas those being typical for more infertile and open forest sites had decreased. There were trends towards a larger share of taxa with a more oceanic distribution.


The changes in the vegetation of terricolous bryophytes and lichens in the studied forests indicate nutrient enrichment and increasingly shady conditions in forests on acid soils, likely caused by nitrogen deposition and shrub layer closure.  相似文献   
Gap junctions between sertoli and germ cells of rat seminiferous tubules   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Ultrastructural observations of rat seminiferous tubules show clearly the presence of plasma membrane junctions between Sertoli and germ cells in the basal and adluminal compartments. Results obtained from the freeze fracture and thin section techniques were correlated in order to elucidate the nature of these intercellular junctions. We suggest that these intercellular membrane specializations are gap junctions which occur within regions of plasma membrane that also exhibit adherens-like modifications.  相似文献   


Pacing from RV mid septum and outflow tract septum has been proposed as a more physiological site of pacing and narrower paced QRS complex duration. The paced QRS morphology and duration in different RV pacing sites is under continued discussion. Hence, this study was designed to address the correlation of pacing sites in right ventricle with paced QRS complex duration.


Two hundred fifty-two consecutive patients who underwent pacemaker implantation were enrolled. Baseline clinical characteristics were recorded for each patient. All patient underwent fluoroscopy, electrocardiogram and echocardiography post pacemaker implantation. Paced QRS duration was calculated from the leads with maximum QRS duration.


Mean paced QRS (pQRS) duration was significantly higher in apical septum group with a mean of 148.9?±?14.8?m?s compared to mid septum (139.6?±?19.9?m?s; p-value 0.003) and RVOT septum (139.6?±?14.8?m?s; p-value 0.002) groups, respectively. There was no significant difference between mid-septal and RVOT septal pQRS duration. On multivariate analysis, female gender, baseline QRS duration and RVOT septal pacing were the only predictors for narrow pQRS duration (<150?msec).


RV mid-septal and RVOT septal pacing were associated with significantly lower pQRS duration as compared with apical pacing. Based on multivariate analysis RVOT septal pacing appears to be preferred and more physiological pacing site.  相似文献   
概念图已成为各种教育背景下的学习工具,通过概念图可以构建学生的知识结构、促进学生批判性思维的发展和对知识的理解。本文初步探讨了概念图在医学微生物学教学准备、教学实施及教学评价等方面的有效应用。  相似文献   
近年来,虚拟仿真技术在实验教学中获得了广泛的应用,取得了令人瞩目的成绩。由于学科特点,"医学微生物学"实验课程特别适合通过虚拟仿真技术丰富实验教学内容,从某种意义上说虚拟仿真技术重新构建了"医学微生物学"实验课程的教学体系。本文以"医学微生物学"实验课程教学局限性为着眼点,重点阐述基于虚拟仿真技术在加强生物安全教育、重构教学内容、创新教学手段等方面的有益实践和探索。相较于传统实验教学,该教学方案极大地丰富了教学内容,能够更好地培养学生的综合实验能力和职业责任感,切实提高实验教学质量,有望为虚拟仿真实验建设及基础医学实验教学改革提供借鉴参考。  相似文献   
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