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BACKGROUNDAutoimmune hepatitis is a serious autoimmune liver disease that threatens human health worldwide, which emphasizes the urgent need to identify novel treatments. Stem cells from human exfoliated deciduous teeth (SHED), which are easy to obtain in a non-invasive manner, show pronounced proliferative and immunomodulatory capacities.AIMTo investigate the protective effects of SHED on concanavalin A (ConA)-induced hepatitis in mice, and to elucidate the associated regulatory mechanisms.METHODSWe used a ConA-induced acute hepatitis mouse model and an in vitro co-culture system to study the protective effects of SHED on ConA-induced autoimmune hepatitis, as well as the associated underlying mechanisms.RESULTSSHED infusion could prevent aberrant histopathological liver architecture caused by ConA-induced infiltration of CD3+, CD4+, tumor necrosis-alpha+, and interferon-gamma+ inflammatory cells. Alanine aminotransferase and aspartate aminotransferase were significantly elevated in hepatitis mice. SHED infusion could therefore block ConA-induced alanine aminotransferase and aspartate aminotransferase elevations. Mechanistically, ConA upregulated tumor necrosis-alpha and interferon-gamma expression, which was activated by the nuclear factor-kappa B pathway to induce hepatocyte apoptosis, resulting in acute liver injury. SHED administration protected hepatocytes from ConA-induced apoptosis. CONCLUSIONSHED alleviates ConA-induced acute liver injury via inhibition of hepatocyte apoptosis mediated by the nuclear factor-kappa B pathway. Our findings could provide a potential treatment strategy for hepatitis.  相似文献   
Dental wear patterns were recorded on 458 deciduous molar teeth, of 142 subadults from late medieval (AD 1086–1539) England, to explore the relationship between dental wear and burial status of children. A new ordinal method for scoring dental wear stages on the deciduous molar teeth was devised. It was postulated that if a discernible relationship between dental wear stage and burial location could be seen then this could reflect a difference in diet between those receiving higher or lower status burial. The dental wear stages recorded were statistically similar for the dentitions of subadults from different cemeteries, as well as from different burial locations, indicating a comparable diet for the children studied. Am J Phys Anthropol, 2013. © 2013 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   
Social interest reflects the motivation to approach a conspecific for the assessment of social cues and is measured in rats by the amount of time spent investigating conspecifics. Virgin female rats show lower social interest towards unfamiliar juvenile conspecifics than virgin male rats. We hypothesized that the neuropeptide oxytocin (OT) may modulate sex differences in social interest because of the involvement of OT in pro-social behaviors. We determined whether there are sex differences in OT system parameters in the brain and whether these parameters would correlate with social interest. We also determined whether estrus phase or maternal experience would alter low social interest and whether this would correlate with changes in OT system parameters. Our results show that regardless of estrus phase, females have significantly lower OT receptor (OTR) binding densities than males in the majority of forebrain regions analyzed, including the nucleus accumbens, caudate putamen, lateral septum, bed nucleus of the stria terminalis, medial amygdala, and ventromedial hypothalamus. Interestingly, male social interest correlated positively with OTR binding densities in the medial amygdala, while female social interest correlated negatively with OTR binding densities in the central amygdala. Proestrus/estrus females showed similar social interest to non-estrus females despite increased OTR binding densities in several forebrain areas. Maternal experience had no immediate or long-lasting effects on social interest or OT brain parameters except for higher OTR binding in the medial amygdala in primiparous females. Together, these findings demonstrate that there are robust sex differences in OTR binding densities in multiple forebrain regions of rats and that OTR binding densities correlate with social interest in brain region- and sex-specific ways.  相似文献   

Sexually mature male and female Rana esculenta L. were captured in their natural habitat in six phases of the annual cycle. Nuclear volumes in APOA cells were found to fluctuate distinctly in the course of the year. In both sexes nuclear volumes were maximal in the phases preceding the breeding season (IIIrd decade of January, and 1st decade of April), and minimal throughout the phases of active life (IIIrd decade of May, IInd decade of July, and 1st decade of September). No aldehydefuchsin or Gomori‐positive material was found in the APOA perikaryons.  相似文献   
Spatial variation in marine oxygen isotope ratios (δ18O) resulting from differential evaporation rates and precipitation inputs is potentially useful for characterizing marine mammal distributions and tracking movements across δ18O gradients. Dentine hydroxyapatite contains carbonate and phosphate that precipitate in oxygen isotopic equilibrium with body water, which in odontocetes closely tracks the isotopic composition of ambient water. To test whether dentine oxygen isotope composition reliably records that of ambient water and can therefore serve as a proxy for odontocete distribution and movement patterns, we measured δ18O values of dentine structural carbonate (δ18OSC) and phosphate (δ18OP) of seven odontocete species (n = 55 individuals) from regional marine water bodies spanning a surface water δ18O range of several per mil. Mean dentine δ18OSC (range +21.2 to +25.5‰ VSMOW) and δ18OP (+16.7 to +20.3‰) values were strongly correlated with marine surface water δ18O values, with lower dentine δ18OSC and δ18OP values in high‐latitude regions (Arctic and Eastern North Pacific) and higher values in the Gulf of California, Gulf of Mexico, and Mediterranean Sea. Correlations between dentine δ18OSC and δ18OP values with marine surface water δ18O values indicate that sequential δ18O measurements along dentine, which grows incrementally and archives intra‐ and interannual isotopic composition over the lifetime of the animal, would be useful for characterizing residency within and movements among water bodies with strong δ18O gradients, particularly between polar and lower latitudes, or between oceans and marginal basins.  相似文献   
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