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李永钧  张单阳  王珂  黄璐 《生态学报》2022,42(17):6888-6899
充分利用乡村文化资源,发挥生态系统的文化服务价值,是满足新需求发展新经济、推动乡村文化振兴的重要路径。以浙江省湖州市的乡村区域为研究对象,结合地理信息数据、社会调查数据和兴趣点数据(POI),优化Maxent模型的要素评价体系,对生态系统文化服务量化制图,同时对文化服务供需水平进行空间自相关分析,确定湖州市文化服务价值的分布特征。研究结果表明:(1)湖州市乡村地区3种文化服务类型中科教人文价值最高,自然风光价值和休闲娱乐价值次之;休闲娱乐价值所占面积最大,自然风光价值和科教人文价值次之。在空间分布上,德清县北部、安吉县南部和长兴县的西北部为文化价值突出区域。(2)POI、土地利用/覆被和距道路距离是贡献度最高的3个要素,POI的应用对提高结果可靠性、提升文化服务价值制图精度有较明显的积极作用;(3)结合常住人口和旅游人口,吴兴区的大部分区域具有最高的文化服务需求,其余依次为安吉县的北部和中部、长兴县、德清县的东部、南浔区;(4)根据文化服务供需匹配关系,将湖州市乡村地区划分为发达区、需求区、潜力区、发展区,四种类别面积相对平均但分布具有较强异质性。基于供需关系视角,探索了乡村地区生态系统文化服务发展路径的研究方法,为乡村文化服务综合开发奠定理论基础。  相似文献   
A principal role of marine protected areas (MPAs) is to mitigate the decline of biodiversity. A key part of this role is to reduce the effects of fisheries on bycatch of vulnerable species. Bycatch can have an impact on species by reducing population sizes, and an ecosystem-level impact through the significant removal of biomass and subsequent trophic changes. In this regard, it is crucial to refine methods for quantifying interactions between fisheries and bycatch species, and to manage these interactions spatially. A new method is presented for quantifying interactions between fisheries and bycatch species at high spatial and temporal resolutions. Temporally explicit species distribution models are used to examine temporal dynamics of fisheries and bycatch. This method is applied to Australia’s Eastern Tuna and Billfish Fishery to estimate interactions with seven principal bycatch species. The ability of MPAs to reduce bycatch is evaluated, and considerations are outlined for the spatial management of fishery-bycatch species interactions. Australia’s Commonwealth Marine Reserve Network had a minimal impact on bycatch reduction under both the 2012 proclaimed and the 2015 panel-recommended zonings. These results highlight the need for threats to marine biodiversity to be incorporated directly into design of MPAs, and for close scrutiny of assumptions that threats will be incidentally abated after MPAs have been proclaimed, or that off-reserve mechanisms will compensate for inadequacies of MPAs.  相似文献   
Chelonians are expected to be negatively impacted by climate change due to limited vagility and temperature‐dependent sex determination. However, few studies have examined how freshwater turtle distributions may shift under different climate change scenarios. We used a maximum entropy approach to model the distribution of five widespread North American Kinosternon species (K. baurii, K. flavescens, K. hirtipes, K. sonoriense, and K. subrubrum) under four climate change scenarios. We found that areas with suitable climatic conditions for K. baurii and K. hirtipes are expected to decline substantially during the 21st century. In contrast, the area with suitable climate for K. sonoriense will remain essentially unchanged, while areas suitable for K. flavescens and K. subrubrum are expected to substantially increase. The centroid for the distribution of four of the five species shifted northward, while the centroid for K. sonoriense shifted slightly southward. Overall, centroids shifted at a median rate of 37.5 km per decade across all scenarios. Given the limited dispersal ability of turtles, it appears unlikely that range shifts will occur rapidly enough to keep pace with climate change during the 21st century. The ability of chelonians to modify behavioral and physiological responses in response to unfavorable conditions may allow turtles to persist for a time in areas that have become increasingly unsuitable, but this plasticity will likely only delay local extinctions.  相似文献   
A long-term challenge in managing the climate effects of land use is the development of an efficient, comprehensive approach to the identification of greenhouse gas (GHG) balances. The approach would help in establishing robust methods for the cost-effective and climate-friendly targeting of land use options, for example, in peatlands, which are globally important sinks and sources of GHGs. The aims of this study were to create spatial models with the maximum entropy method Maxent so as to 1) identify the environmental variables that control the distribution of GHG sinks and sources in forestry-drained peatlands in Finland and 2) predict the landscape-level distribution of GHG balances in two regional mire complex zones (the aapa mire and the raised bog zone). Several environmental datasets were used as sources of explanatory variables. Even though the significance of the explanatory variables were different between mire complex zones, the variables describing habitat conditions, such as drainage intensity and site fertility, contributed most to the models. Drainage intensity describes indirectly the moisture conditions and can thereby be used as a proxy for the water table. The results showed that relatively coarse-scale environmental data (25 ha grid cells) combined with spatial modelling have potential in explaining and predicting GHG balances at the landscape level. To our knowledge, this is the first time that spatial Maxent models have been used to model the distribution of GHG balances.  相似文献   
Resource availability is a limiting factor influencing the distribution and composition of faunal communities. Globally, hollow bearing trees are a resource required by wildlife at all trophic levels, and are used for a diverse range of ecological functions. In the northern hemisphere avian species act as primary hollow excavators, whereas the southern hemisphere must rely on complex interactions between stochastic events, and eventual decay. Hollow formation is therefore a slow process in the southern hemisphere. In contrast, hollow loss is quite rapid and influenced greatly by anthropogenic impacts. To identify the ecological characteristics driving hollows over an urban to forest gradient as a resource for the powerful owl (Ninox strenua) and its prey we used presence‐only modelling. The potential for an area to support tree hollows suitable for powerful owls and their prey was linked to the density of ephemeral rivers, land cover, tree cover and distance from riparian vegetation. The potential for large hollows throughout the landscape, suitable for the powerful owl, was also influenced by density of permanent rivers. Potential habitat for tree hollows, capable of supporting powerful owls and their prey was greatest in forested environments, declining with increased urbanization. However the urban region still supported some smaller tree hollows suitable for arboreal marsupials. Managing for urban dwelling species, is not as simple as retaining old hollow producing trees or providing alternate nesting structures. We also need to mitigate increased mortality associated with built environments (e.g. electrocution, collisions).  相似文献   
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