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Summary Within-species variability of a restriction site in the chloroplast (cp) DNA in Pinus monticola has been surveyed. Frequencies of two variants of the cp genome are significantly different in interior versus coastal populations. Paternal inheritance of the cp genome predominates, though some individuals have both variants of the genome. The presence of heteroplasmic individuals indicates occasional biparental inheritance.  相似文献   
Radiocarbon (14C) has been used to date carbon-rich objects in Earth science, archeology, and history since the 1940s. New methods, using spikes in 14C caused by solar proton events, can be used to annually date wood when crossdating is not possible, such as when sample size is low, samples are floating in time, or external disturbances lead to insecure dates. Here, we use a spike in radiocarbon during a solar energetic particle (SEP) event in 774/775 CE to confirm crossdating of a poorly-replicated King Billy pine (Athrotaxis selaginoides) chronology. Low sample depth between 1498 and 1523 CE (two trees) prevented confident dating of the early period of the chronology. Three core samples with strong correlation with the master chronology that likely included the 774/775 CE Miyake SEP event were identified for radiocarbon isotope analysis. We sectioned segments centered on the estimated 774/775 CE date and then isolated the holocellulose in each sample. Samples were sent to an accelerator mass spectrometry (AMS) for radiocarbon measurements. The AMS data confirmed the crossdating accuracy of the tree ring series and reinforces the applicability of this technique to anchor poorly dated tree ring series in time. In addition, we found sample processing with a microtome proved superior for holocellulose extractions and yielded more accurate 14C measurements. We recommend sampling with a microtome, processing at least three samples per year, and including sample masses greater than 100 ug C to confirm dating using radiocarbon spikes.  相似文献   
Reforestation of formerly cultivated land is widely understood to accumulate above‐ and belowground detrital organic matter pools, including soil organic matter. However, during 40 years of study of reforestation in the subtropical southeastern USA, repeated observations of above‐ and belowground carbon documented that significant gains in soil organic matter (SOM) in surface soils (0–7.5 cm) were offset by significant SOM losses in subsoils (35–60 cm). Here, we extended the observation period in this long‐term experiment by an additional decade, and used soil fractionation and stable isotopes and radioisotopes to explore changes in soil organic carbon and soil nitrogen that accompanied nearly 50 years of loblolly pine secondary forest development. We observed that accumulations of mineral soil C and N from 0 to 7.5 cm were almost entirely due to accumulations of light‐fraction SOM. Meanwhile, losses of soil C and N from mineral soils at 35 to 60 cm were from SOM associated with silt and clay‐sized particles. Isotopic signatures showed relatively large accumulations of forest‐derived carbon in surface soils, and little to no accumulation of forest‐derived carbon in subsoils. We argue that the land use change from old field to secondary forest drove biogeochemical and hydrological changes throughout the soil profile that enhanced microbial activity and SOM decomposition in subsoils. However, when the pine stands aged and began to transition to mixed pines and hardwoods, demands on soil organic matter for nutrients to support aboveground growth eased due to pine mortality, and subsoil organic matter levels stabilized. This study emphasizes the importance of long‐term experiments and deep measurements when characterizing soil C and N responses to land use change and the remarkable paucity of such long‐term soil data deeper than 30 cm.  相似文献   
Longleaf pine (Pinus palustris) savanna is a biodiverse ecosystem native to the southeastern United States. Due to fire suppression and timber harvest, longleaf pine has declined to 3% of its original range. The extant forest provides habitat for many threatened and endangered species, including the endangered Red-cockaded Woodpecker (Picoides borealis; RCW), a cavity-nesting bird that co-evolved with fire-maintained forest, resulting in savanna-like old-growth forest as the bird’s preferred habitat. Our study site, the Oakmulgee Ranger District of the Talladega National Forest, harbors the largest RCW population in Alabama and is managed with an emphasis on RCW conservation. The United States Forest Service (USFS) also manages the Oakmulgee for uses such as wildlife conservation, recreation, and timber harvest. Despite efforts to restore RCW habitat and install artificial cavities in the Oakmulgee, the number of RCW groups has not exceeded 123, although the Recovery Plan objective is 394 groups. Our project was motivated by the USFS expressing interest in determining why the RCW population has not exceeded 123 groups. We proposed using structured decision making (SDM) with the USFS and other stakeholders to address this problem. Our goals were to explicitly define management objectives, build a Bayesian belief network with a model of how decision alternatives are believed to affect management objectives, and use a sensitivity analysis to determine the part of the model to which RCW population growth was most sensitive. Therefore, results from the analysis were expected to give insights into 1) ecological factors limiting RCW population growth, 2) how management can overcome these limits, plus 3) the relative expected ability of different decision alternatives to satisfy multiple objectives in addition to increasing RCW group number. We held four SDM workshops with representatives from the USFS, the Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service, the Longleaf Alliance, the Birmingham Audubon Society, and local residents. Stakeholder objectives consisted of maximizing the following: RCW group number, forest health, recreational enjoyment, community economic health, and aesthetics. Cavity insert installation had the greatest probability of increasing the number of RCW groups. The number of RCW groups was most affected by cavity availability, adult survival, reproductive output, food availability, and herbaceous understory. Prescribed burning was most likely to meet the combination of stakeholder objectives, followed by midstory removal. Our findings suggest that cavity installation efforts may need to be increased in the Oakmulgee to increase RCW group number. Also it could be beneficial to investigate how RCWs select cavity tree locations with the goal of increasing the chance that RCWs use artificial cavities to form new groups. The Bayesian belief network provided insights into factors limiting RCW population growth and how management can overcome these limits. The Bayesian belief network also can be used to prioritize management methods in the Oakmulgee given stakeholder objectives and time constraints.  相似文献   
Pine wilt is caused by the nematode Bursaphelenchus xylophilus, which is transported to host trees in the trachea of Monochamus spp. (Coleoptera: Cerambycidae). The study of the relationship between the nematode and its beetle vectors has been hampered by the inability to estimate nematode presence or density within live beetles. This report describes a rapid method for estimating nematode load within live M. carolinensis and M. alternatus by visual examination of the atrium of the first abdominal spiracle. Visual estimates of nematode numbers correlated highly with actual nematode numbers. This method is a timesaving technique for determining relative numbers of B. xylophilus in pine wilt research.  相似文献   
不同类型农田土壤对可溶性有机氮、碳的吸附特性   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
研究了陕西关中地区红油土和淋溶褐土耕层土壤对分离的有机肥提取液中可溶性有机氮、碳(SON和SOC)的吸附特性.结果表明:原始物质吸附等温线方程可以反映土壤对可溶性有机氮、碳的吸附特性,土壤吸附SON、SOC的数量与它们各自加入的量呈极显著线性关系.从原始物质吸附等温线方程的分配系数m看,淋溶褐土对SON、SOC的吸附能力强于红油土.红油土对SON、SOC的平均吸附率分别为24.3%和18.8%,淋溶褐土则分别为38.3%和18.6%;两种类型土壤对SON和SOC的吸附能力较低,说明它们在土壤中具有较强的移动性;土壤对SOC的吸附能力弱于SON,说明SOC更易于从土壤中流失.  相似文献   
We investigated seasonal variation in dark respiration and photosynthesis by measuring gas exchange characteristics on Pinus radiata and Populus deltoides under field conditions each month for 1 year. The field site in the South Island of New Zealand is characterized by large day-to-day and seasonal changes in air temperature. The rate of foliar respiration at a base temperature of 10 °C ( R 10) in both pine and poplar was found to be greater during autumn and winter and displayed a strong downward adjustment in warmer months. The sensitivity of instantaneous leaf respiration to a 10 °C increase in temperature ( Q 10) was also greater during the winter period. The net effect of this strong acclimation was that the long-term temperature response of respiration was essentially flat over a wide range of ambient temperatures. Seasonal changes in photosynthesis were sensitive to temperature but largely independent of leaf nitrogen concentration or stomatal conductance. Over the range of day time growth temperatures (5–32 °C), we did not observe strong evidence of photosynthetic acclimation to temperature, and the long-term responses of photosynthetic parameters to ambient temperature were similar to previously published instantaneous responses. The ratio of foliar respiration to photosynthetic capacity ( R d/ A sat) was significantly greater in winter than in spring/summer. This indicates that there is little likelihood that respiration would be stimulated significantly in either of these species with moderate increases in temperature – in fact net carbon uptake was favoured at moderately higher temperatures. Model calculations demonstrate that failing to account for strong thermal acclimation of leaf respiration influences determinations of leaf carbon exchange significantly, especially for the evergreen conifer.  相似文献   
喻泓  杨晓晖 《生态学报》2010,30(1):79-85
林火是樟子松林重要的干扰因子,通过空间代替时间对地表火干扰时间序列上的天然樟子松林进行全林木定位调查,以单木竞争模型分析林分不同组分的竞争强度,通过Kriging法估计了火后林下更新幼树的密度。结果表明,存活林木各组分的竞争强度均显著地降低;地表火干扰12 a后存活林木各组分的竞争强度均比火后1 a存活林木相应各组分的竞争强度显著地降低;另外,火后更新幼树也更多地趋于地表火干扰形成的林隙中。因此,地表火干扰时间序列上林木竞争强度显著的持续降低,火后存活个体将有更充足的可利用资源和环境,林火成为樟子松林发育演替的重要驱动力。  相似文献   
应用林窗模型LINKAGES对小兴安岭红松针阔混交林在不同季节增温方式下的未来演替过程进行了模拟预测.以温度增加5℃、降水无明显变化作为未来变暖气候的模拟假设,共设计3种气候变暖方式预案,分别为冬季增温幅度大于夏季、冬季与夏季增温幅度相同以及冬季增温幅度小于夏季.模拟结果表明,当冬季增温幅度大于夏季时,小兴安岭现存林分的演替受气候变暖的影响相对最小,树种组成仍然能够保持较为稳定的针阔混交林状态;当冬季增温幅度小于夏季时,现存林分的演替受气候变暖的影响最显著,树种衰退最迅速.可见,小兴安岭针阔混交林的演替与未来的增温方式关系密切,上限温度是现存树种能否继续存活的重要决定因子.  相似文献   
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