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Proteome analysis has rapidly developed in the post-genome era and is now widely accepted as the complementary technology for genetic profiling. It has been shown to be a powerful tool for studying human diseases and for identifying novel prognostic, diagnostic and therapeutic markers. This review focuses on the identification of new biomarkers and therapeutic targets for renal cell carcinoma using different 'ome'-based technologies.  相似文献   
Large numbers of mycolic acid-containing actinomycetes were isolated from foam and scum samples taken from three activated-sludge sewage-treatment plants using several selective isolation media. Organisms presumptively identified as gordonae formed the dominant population in all of the samples. A representative set of these strains have chemical properties consistent with their classification in the genusGordona. Forty-eight of theGordona strains were compared through 165 unit characters with the type strains of validly described species ofGordona. The resultant data were examined using the Jaccard and simple matching coefficients and clustering achieved using the unweighted pair group method with arithmetic averages algorithm. The numerical classification was only marginally affected by the statistics used or by test error, estimated as 3.92%. The isolates were assigned to five multi-membered and 28 single-membered clusters defined by the simple matching coefficient at the 89% similarity level. With few exceptions, the isolates were sharply separated from theGordona marker strains. Essentially the same classification was obtained when the test strains were examined using a Curie-point pyrolysis mass spectrometric procedure. It can be concluded that the gordonae form a heterogeneous taxonomic group, the members of which can be distinguished from representatives of validly described species ofGordona.  相似文献   
An unresolved key issue in the mechanism of protein folding assisted by the molecular chaperone GroEL is the nature of the substrate protein bound to the chaperonin at different stages of its reaction cycle. Here we describe the conformational properties of human dihydrofolate reductase (DHFR) bound to GroEL at different stages of its ATP-driven folding reaction, determined by hydrogen exchange labeling and electrospray ionization mass spectrometry. Considerable protection involving about 20 hydrogens is observed in DHFR bound to GroEL in the absence of ATP. Analysis of the line width of peaks in the mass spectra, together with fluorescence quenching and ANS binding studies, suggest that the bound DHFR is partially folded, but contains stable structure in a small region of the polypeptide chain. DHFR rebound to GroEL 3 min after initiating its folding by the addition of MgATP was also examined by hydrogen exchange, fluorescence quenching, and ANS binding. The results indicate that the extent of protection of the substrate protein rebound to GroEL is indistinguishable from that of the initial bound state. Despite this, small differences in the quenching coefficient and ANS binding properties are observed in the rebound state. On the basis of these results, we suggest that GroEL-assisted folding of DHFR occurs by minor structural adjustments to the partially folded substrate protein during iterative cycling, rather than by complete unfolding of this protein substrate on the chaperonin surface.  相似文献   
Abstract. We studied floristic and diversity patterns and their environmental controls in two landscapes of contrasting topography in the Patagonian steppe. The analyses were focused on the effects of water availability gradients and landscape configuration on plant species distribution and coexistence. Floristic variation was investigated using Correspondence Analysis. The relationship between floristic and environmental variation was analyzed using Canonical Correspondence Analysis and correlation tests. We explored diversity patterns by relating spatial distance to floristic dissimilarities. The floristic gradient was determined by shrub and grass species and was related to precipitation in the flat area, and to precipitation, elevation and potential radiation in the mountain area. Site species richness increased with water availability in both areas. Mean site species richness and species turnover in space was higher in the mountain than in the flat area. Landscape species richness and floristic gradients were more concentrated in the mountain than in the flat area. In contrast to shrubs and grasses, forb species distributions were uncoordinated and probably independent of any environmental gradient. Our results suggest (1) that landscape configuration affects species composition and diversity through its direct effect on abiotic environmental heterogeneity, and (2) that the environmental controls of the community composition vary depending on the plant functional type considered.  相似文献   
The overall deuterium content of plant lipids has been investigated by isotope ratio mass spectrometry (IRMS), and the site-specific natural isotope fractionation of hydrogen has been studied by 2H-NMR at natural abundance (SNIF-NMR). An analytical strategy has been developed in order to exploit the isotopomeric composition determined in clusters associated with different chemical sites of one or several fatty acid components. The method, which combines spectrometric and chromatographic data, enables isotopic criteria to be directly derived from raw vegetable oils containing in general two saturated and two unsaturated fatty acids. These results provide new information on isotopic fractionation caused by biochemical, physiological and natural environmental effects. Some alternation in the molecular deuterium distribution has been detected which may be related to the mechanism of fatty acid elongation. The successive methylene groups introduced through malonyl CoA are the subjects of different kinetic isotope effects since one of them is exclusively derived from NADH whereas the other has a contribution from pyruvate. A discriminant analysis of the cluster isotopic parameters enables several kinds of botanical precursors to be distinguished. The authenticating performances can be improved by taking into account the influence of climatic effects related to the region in which the plant grew.  相似文献   
A recombinant Chinese hamster ovary (CHO) cell line making human interfron-gamma (IFN-gamma) was grown in 12-L stirred tank fermentors in three batch fermentations under conditions of constant temperature, pH, and dissolved oxygen tension. In addition to cell growth, metabolite, and productivity data, a detailed analysis of the carbohydrate structures attached to each glycosylation site of IFN-gamma was achieved using matrix-assisted laser desorption mass spectrometry (MALDI-MS) in combination with exoglycosidase array sequencing. Complex biantennary oligosaccharides (particularly Gal(2)GlcNAc(4)Man(3) which was core alephl-6 fucosylated at Asn(25) but not at Asng(97)) were most prevalent at both glycosylation sites. However, considerable microheterogeneity arising from the presence of triantennary and truncated glycan structures was also observed. The proportion of the dominant core glycan structure (Gal(2)GlcNAc(4)Man(3) +/- Fuc(1)) decreased by 15-26% during batch culture, with increases in the proportion of oligomannose and truncated glycans over the same time period. Prolonged culture resulting from an extended lag phase led to further accumulation of oligomannose and truncated structures, reaching up to 52% of total glycans attached to Asng(97) by 240 h of culture. The implications of these glycosylation changes for optimizing the time for harvesting cell cultures, and for the clearance of recombinant therapeutic products in vivo are discussed. (c) 1995 John Wiley & Sons, Inc.  相似文献   
The disulfide bond assignments of human alanyl tissue factor pathway inhibitor purified fromEscherichia coli have been determined. This inhibitor of the extrinsic blood coagulation pathway possesses three Kunitz-type inhibitor domains, each containing three disulfide bonds. The disulfide bond pairings in domains 1 and 3 were determined by amino acid sequencing and mass spectrometry of peptides derived from a thermolysin digest. However, thermolysin digestion did not cleave any peptide bonds within domain 2. The disulfide bond pairings in domain 2 were determined by isolating it from the thermolysin treatment and subsequently cleaving it with pepsin and trypsin into peptides which yielded the three disulfide bond pairings in this domain. These results demonstrate that the disulfide pairings in each of the three domains of human tissue factor pathway inhibitor purified fromEscherichia coli are homologous to each other and also to those in bovine pancreatic trypsin inhibitor.  相似文献   
Total non-acid glycosphingolipids were isolated from the plasma of a healthy red blood cell group O Le(a-b-) salivary ABH secretor individual. Glycolipids were fractionated by HPLC and combined into eight fractions based on chromatographic and immunoreactive properties. These glycolipid fractions were analysed by thin-layer chromatography and tested for Lewis activity with antibodies reactive to the type 1 precursor (Lec), H type 1 (Led), Lea and Leb epitopes. Fractions were structurally characterized by mass spectrometry (EI-MS and LSIMS) and proton NMR spectroscopy. Expected blood group glycolipids, such as H type 1, (Fuc1-2Gal1-3GlcNAc1-3Gal1-4Glc1-1Cer) were immunochemically and structurally identified. Inconsistent with the red cell phenotype and for the first time, small quantities of Leb blood group glycolipids (Fuc1-2Gal1-3(Fuc1-4)GlcNAc1-3Gal1-4Glc1-1Cer) were immunochemically and structurally identified in the plasma of a Lewis-negative individual. These findings confirm recent immunological evidence suggesting the production of small amounts of Lewis antigens by Lewis negative individuals. Abbreviations: HPLC, high performance liquid chromatography; TLC, (high performance) thin layer chromatography; EI-MS, electron impact ionisation mass spectrometry; LSIMS, liquid secondary ion mass spectrometry; NMR, nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy. The sugar types are abbreviated to Hex for hexose, HexNAc forN-acetylhexosamine and dHex for deoxyhexose (fucose). The ceramide types are abbreviated to d for dihydroxy and t for trihydroxy base, n for non-hydroxy and h for hydroxy fatty acids; LCB, long chain base.  相似文献   
The rapid accumulation of sequence data generated by the various genome sequencingprojects and the generation of expressed sequence tag databases has resulted in the need forthe development of fast and sensitive methods for the identification and characterisation oflarge numbers of gel electrophoretically separated proteins to translate the sequence data intobiological function. To achieve this goal it has been necessary to devise new approaches toprotein analysis: matrix-assisted laser desorption and electrospray mass spectrometry havebecome important protein analytical tools which are both fast and sensitive. When combinedwith a robotic system for the in-gel digestion of electrophoretically separated proteins, itbecomes possible to rapidly identify many proteins by searching databases with MS data. Thepower of this combination of techniques is demonstrated by an analysis of the proteins presentin the myofibrillar lattice of the indirect flight muscle of Drosophila melanogaster. Theproteins were separated by SDS-PAGE and in-gel proteolysis was performed bothautomatically and manually. All 16 major proteins could quickly be identified by massspectrometry. Although most of the protein components were known to be present in theflight muscle, two new components were also identified. The combination of methodsdescribed offers a means for the rapid identification of large numbers of gel separatedproteins.  相似文献   
Recoverin is a calcium-binding protein that regulates the vertebrate photoresponse by inhibiting rhodopsin kinase in response to high calcium concentrations. It is heterogeneously N-acylated by myristoyl and related fatty acyl residues that are thought to act as "calcium-myristoyl switches," whereby, in the presence of Ca2+, the N-terminal acyl group is extended away from recoverin and, in the absence of calcium, it is more closely associated with the protein. Here we use electrospray ionization mass spectrometry (ESI/MS) to examine hydrogen isotopic exchange rates for specific regions of both acylated and nonacylated recoverin in the presence and absence of calcium. The deuterium exchange rates of three regions in the hydrophobic myristoyl binding pocket of acylated recoverin decreased in the absence of calcium. This effect is most likely due to the closer association of the acyl group with the protein under these conditions. In contrast, rates of deuterium incorporation increased in the absence of calcium for other regions, including the two functional calcium-binding sites. In addition to supporting the calcium-myristoyl switch hypothesis, a comparison of the behavior of acylated and unacylated recoverin revealed that the N-acyl group (N-lauroyl or N-myristoyl) exerts a significant stabilizing influence on the dynamics of recoverin. We demonstrate that the new technique of monitoring hydrogen isotopic exchange by ESI/MS can be used to obtain useful information concerning protein structures in solution using smaller amounts of protein and under more physiologically relevant conditions than is typically possible with NMR or X-ray crystallography.  相似文献   
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