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Predicting badger sett numbers: evaluating methods in East Sussex   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Abstract. One way in which a species' numbers may be estimated without direct counting is to predict their dispersion and density from more readily available habitat measures, such as landscape variables measured from maps or vegetation variables measured in the field. We compare the power of ordination and regression techniques for predicting badger ( Meles meles L.) numbers at a local scale, using a land class system, map-read landscape variables and field-derived vegetation variables. Sett density was used as a surrogate of badger density. Multiple linear regression using vegetation and landscape variables together gave the most accurate prediction of sett density, while ordination techniques were of lesser value. The addition of vegetation variables to landscape variables did not substantially improve the power of ordination. Outlier Sett Density was predicted more accurately, and by different variables, to Main Sett Density. The relationship between badger ecology and habitat variables that were useful in predicting sett density is discussed.  相似文献   
生物复苏——大绝灭后生物演化历史的第一幕   总被引:12,自引:1,他引:11  
生命史是一部生物界短期,快速剧变与长期,慢速稳定相互交替的历史。大绝灭(即集群绝灭)事件反映了全球环境的大突变,点断了地质历史中的生命记录及其发展历程,预示着生物界的演化出现了最有意义的飞跃,近年来尝试研究大绝灭后全球生物界的残存-复苏及其基本型式,并探索复苏的控制因素,标志着地质科学中一个重心的转移(即从大绝灭转向其后的生物残存与复苏的研究)。生物复苏揭示了大绝灭后生物演化历史的第一幕,其研究的  相似文献   
Analysis of leaf canopy overtopping relationships was carried out using a non-destructive point quadrat method followed by a destructive stratified harvest of the above-ground phytomass in Dutch chalk grasslands with different management: summer sheep grazing and annual autumn mowing. The two methods of analysis are compared: e.g. relative leaf overtopping can be recorded by the point quadrat method but it is obscured in vertical vegetation profiles based on stratified phytomass distribution. However the stratified harvest method describes the relationship between canopy phytomass and light microclimate, recorded by measuring Photosynthetically Active Radiation (PAR) at different heights in the vegetation. Plant growth form during peak standing crop is of greater significance than Raunkiaerian life form in determining structure of chalk grassland vegetation. In annually mown grasslands, the tall graminoid growth form, shown by Brachypodium pinnatum, reduces PAR in the lower canopy and suppresses most other growth forms except those which can reach the higher canopy levels, e.g. clumped herbs such as Origanum vulgare. In contrast, grazing can result in a reduction of dominance from the tall graminoids and reduction of the abundance of taller, grazing-sensitive herbs, e.g. clumped and climbing herbs such as Origanum and Lathyrus pratensis, and an increase in grazing-tolerant species, e.g. smaller rosette herb growth forms, e.g. Leontodon hispidus and shorter rhizomatous or stoloniferous graminoids, e.g. Carex flacca and Briza media. Changes in both the overtopping hierarchy at the peak of the growing season and the intensity of overtopping in the course of a growing season are of conclusive importance in determining the relative abundance of species in the vegetation.  相似文献   
Superoxide generation by polymorphonuclear leukocytes (PMNs) in suspension, or adherent to glass or plastic, after stimulation with /V-formylmethionyl-leucyl-phenylalanine or phorbol myristate acetate was measured by cytochromec reduction and spin trapping. Amounts of superoxide generated by adherent PM Ns were inversely related to cell density. The generation of hydrogen peroxide was also inhibited at higher cell densities. In contrast to adherent cells, superoxide released by PMNs in suspension linearly increased with respect to cell number over a wider range. Microscopic observation indicated that the number of cells in mutual contact increased rapidly at cell densities higher than 4 × 104 cells/cm2, and inhibition of superoxide became apparent at higher cell densities. Mediators which could be released by PMNs, such as NO and adenosine, were not the cause of inhibition. Thesedatu suggest that mutual contact of PMNs suppresses their generation of superoxide. Survival rates of PMNs after stimulation increased at higher densities, indicating that the mutual contact-induced inhibition of superoxide generation by PMNs may be physiologically relevant at sites of inflammation.  相似文献   
Studies were undertaken on interactions between panicle size, insect density, host plant, and the environment for sorghum head bug,Calocoris angustatus Lethiery on five sorghum genotypes in terms of bug population increase, grain damage and loss in grain mass across four panicle sizes (5, 10 or 20 branches/panicle and whole panicle), and three infestation levels (5, 10 and 15 pairs of bugs/panicle). Head bug numbers increased and grain damage decreased with an increase in panicle size in the head bug susceptible cultivars, CSH 1 and CSH 5. However, the increase in bug numbers or decrease in grain damage was not significant in head bug resistant genotypes, IS 17610 and IS 17645. Head bug numbers increased with an increase in infestation level in CSH 1 and CSH 5, however, such an increase was not substantial in IS 17610 and IS 17645. Grain damage was significantly lower in IS 17610 and IS 17645 compared with CSH 1 and CSH 5 across infestation levels. Head bug population increased at a greater rate during the rainy season compared with the dry season. Panicle size and infestation levels accounted for greater variation in grain damage and percentage loss in grain mass during the rainy season than in the dry season. To identify reliable sources of resistance to insects, it is important to study insect host plant-interactions across panicle sizes (levels of food availability), infestation levels and seasons.  相似文献   
Abstract: The aim was to study the extent to which leu-cine furnishes α-NH2 groups for glutamate synthesis via branched-chain amino acid aminotransferase. The transfer of N from leucine to glutamate was determined by incubating astrocytes in a medium containing [15N]leucine and 15 unlabeled amino acids; isotopic abundance was measured with gas chromatography-mass spectrometry. The ratio of labeling in both [15N]glutamate/[15N]leucine and [2-15N]glutamine/[15N]leucine suggested that at least one-fifth of all glutamate N had been derived from leucine nitrogen. At the same time, enrichment in [15N]leucine declined, reflecting dilution of the 16N label by the unlabeled amino acids that were in the medium. Isotopic abundance in [16N]-isoleucine increased very quickly, suggesting the rapidity of transamination between these amino acids. The appearance of 15N in valine was more gradual. Measurement of branched-chain amino acid transaminase showed that the reaction from leucine to glutamate was approximately six times more active than from glutamate to leucine (8.72 vs. 1.46 nmol/min/mg of protein). However, when the medium was supplemented with α-ketoisocaproate (1 mM), the ketoacid of leucine, the reaction readily ran in the “reverse” direction and intraastrocytic [glutamate] was reduced by ~50% in only 5 min. Extracellular concentrations of α-ketoisocaproate as low as 0.05 mM significantly lowered intracellular [glutamate]. The relative efficiency of branched-chain amino acid transamination was studied by incubating astrocytes with 15 unlabeled amino acids (0.1 mM each) and [15N]glutamate. After 45 min, the most highly labeled amino acid was [15N]alanine, which was closely followed by [15N]leucine and [15N]isoleucine. Relatively little 15N was detected in any other amino acids, except for [15N]serine. The transamination of leucine was ~17 times greater than the rate of [1-14C]leucine oxidation. These data indicate that leucine is a major source of glutamate nitrogen. Conversely, reamination of a-ketoisocaproate, the ketoacid of leucine, affords a mechanism for the temporary “buffering” of intracellular glutamate.  相似文献   
Abstract: Changes of the main hydrodynamic and oxygen transfer parameters during Aspergillus niger cultivation in an external-loop air-lift bioreactor of 200 dm3 operating capacity were investigated. The final average concentrations of biomass and citric acid obtained in batch fermentations were about 17 g 1-1 and 90 g 1-1, respectively. Significant influence of the increasing biomass concentration on the rheological properties of the broth and operating parameters was found. Volumetric oxygen transfer coefficient. k L a , was found to be dependent on the apparent viscosity of the broth with an exponent of -0.984.  相似文献   
The distribution of stomata over both leaf surfaces may affect both the photosynthetic rate and water use efficiency of species, implying that species with different photosynthetic and water requirements may also have different stomatal distributions. A database containing data on the distribution of stomata on the leaves of 469 British plant species was used to look for relationships between stomatal distribution (including both location on the leaf and density) and both habitat and morphological variables. Statistical models were applied to the data that minimized any effects that phylogenetic constraints may have had on the data.
Hypostomaty is common in woody species, species which typically occur in shaded habitats and species with large or glabrous leaves. Amphistomaty, however, predominates in species which occur in non-shaded habitats, species with small, dissected or hairy leaves, and in annual species. Amphistomaty, therefore, tends to occur in species where CO2 may be limiting photosynthesis (unshaded environments), or where there are structures to prevent water loss from the leaf (e.g. hairs). Hypostomaty, however, occurs in slow-growing species (e.g. trees), species with leaves which have large boundary layers (large or entire leaves) and in species where CO2 is unlikely to limit photosynthesis (shaded habitats).  相似文献   
Ecomorphological patterns of breeding dabbling duck (Anas spp.) assemblages were studied in six regions in northern Europe. Observed spacings among species in terms of bill lamellar density and body length were compared with expected spacings based on null models incorporating different levels of constraints (regional species pools, species relative abundances, lake size and habitat requirements of species). Deviations of observed spacings from expected ones were compared with prey abundance and prey size diversity in the lakes. Observed spacings in terms of body length, but not in terms of bill lamellar density, were greater than expected on the basis of null models. The most abundant species were generally relatively more different than less abundant species in terms of body length but not in terms of bill lamellar density. Deviations between observed and expected spacings in terms of body length were more like those predicted by the competition hypothesis in lakes with low food abundance than in lakes with high food abundance. Patterns in bill lamellar spacings were not related to food abundance nor to food size diversity. In general, patterns in body length spacings were consistent with the competition hypothesis whether the null model used in comparisons was constrained or not.  相似文献   
Gas exchange and dry-weight production in Opuntia ficus-indica, a CAM species cultivated worldwide for its fruit and cladodes, were studied in 370 and 750 μmol mol−1 CO2 at three photosynthetic photon flux densities (PPFD: 5, 13 and 20 mol m−2 d−1). Elevated CO2 and PPFD enhanced the growth of basal cladodes and roots during the 12-week study. A rise in the PPFD increased the growth of daughter cladodes; elevated CO2 enhanced the growth of first-daughter cladodes but decreased the growth of the second-daughter cladodes produced on them. CO2 enrichment enhanced daily net CO2 uptake during the initial 8 weeks after planting for both basal and first-daughter cladodes. Water vapour conductance was 9 to 15% lower in 750 than in 370 μmol mol−1 CO2. Cladode chlorophyll content was lower in elevated CO2 and at higher PPFD. Soluble sugar and starch contents increased with time and were higher in elevated CO2 and at higher PPFD. The total plant nitrogen content was lower in elevated CO2. The effect of elevated CO2 on net CO2 uptake disappeared at 12 weeks after planting, possibly due to acclimation or feedback inhibition, which in turn could reflect decreases in the sink strength of roots. Despite this decreased effect on net CO2 uptake, the total plant dry weight at 12 weeks averaged 32% higher in 750 than in 370 μmol mol−1 CO2. Averaged for the two CO2 treatments, the total plant dry weight increased by 66% from low to medium PPFD and by 37% from medium to high PPFD.  相似文献   
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