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Abstract Motorized recreation in North American wildlands is increasing, and technological developments in the power and range of vehicles has increased access to high-elevation habitats. The American marten (Martes americana) is vulnerable to this disturbance because martens, like other residents of high-elevation forests, are associated with remote wilderness conditions where the presence of motorized vehicles is a recent phenomenon. We evaluated the effects of vehicles at 2 study sites in California, USA, by comparing marten occupancy rates and probabilities of detection in areas where recreational vehicle use is legal and encouraged (use areas) with wilderness areas where vehicles are prohibited (non-use areas). We sampled vehicle occurrence in nearby use and non-use areas using sound level meters and determined marten occurrence using track and camera stations. We also included 2 secondary measures of potential effects of vehicles on martens: sex ratio and circadian pattern of activity. Martens were ubiquitous in use and non-use areas in both study sites, and there was no effect of vehicle use on marten occupancy or probability of detection. We predicted that females might be less common and martens more nocturnal in use than in non-use areas, but neither occurred. Martens were exposed to low levels of disturbance in our study sites. We estimated that a marten might be exposed to 0.5 vehicle passes/hour and that this exposure had the greatest effect on <20% of a typical home range area. Furthermore, vehicle use usually occurred when martens were inactive. We did not measure behavioral, physiological, or demographic responses, so it is possible that vehicles may have effects, alone or in concert with other threats (e.g., timber harvest), that we did not quantify. We encourage additional studies to determine whether other montane species that are year-round residents demonstrate the same response to motorized vehicles.  相似文献   
ABSTRACT Trapping for furbearers remains an important outdoor activity in Alberta, Canada, despite low fur prices and extensive industrial development. We investigated the influence of landscape change on furbearer harvests using 30 years of marten (Martes Americana) harvest records, interviews with trappers, and Geographic Information System maps of industrial activity and vegetation types. We used an information-theoretic approach to explore variation in trapper success. Cover type and landscape metrics apparently influenced trapper success, because traplines where martens were consistently caught had less vehicle and all-terrain vehicle access, fewer oil and gas wells, and greater proportion of mature conifer forests than traplines where martens were infrequently caught. We identified an important cutoff value or statistical threshold that identified 45% closed-conifer cover, suggesting that a minimum amount of forest cover is crucial for trappers to catch martens. We conclude that the nature and extent of industrial disturbance is contributing to the decision by trappers to trap as well as influencing their success. We recommend that wildlife managers collect trapping effort information (i.e., species-specific no. of trap-nights) on fur reports in association with landscape changes to monitor furbearer harvests more effectively.  相似文献   
ABSTRACT Estimation of abundance is important for assessing population responses to management actions. Accurate abundance estimates are particularly critical for monitoring temporal variation following reintroductions when the management goal is to attain population sizes capable of sustaining harvest. Numerous reintroductions have taken place in the Great Lakes region of North America, including efforts to restore extirpated fishers (Martes pennanti) and American martens (M. americana). We used a DNA-based noninvasive hair-snaring method based on one trap design and trapping -grid configuration, and evaluated capture—mark—recapture (CMR) analytical approaches to simultaneously estimate population size for co-distributed fishers and American martens in a 671-km2 area of the Ottawa National Forest in the western Upper Peninsula of Michigan, USA. We included harvest as a final recapture period to increase probability of recapture and to evaluate potential violations of geographic closure assumptions. We used microsatellite markers to identify target species, eliminate congener species, and provide individual identity for estimation of abundance. Population estimates for fishers and martens on the study area ranged from 35 to 60 and 8 to 28, respectively. Estimators incorporating harvest data resulted in up to a 40% increase in abundance estimates relative to estimators without harvest. We considered population estimates not including harvest data the most appropriate for the study due to timing of sampling and environmental factors, but inclusion of harvested individuals was shown to be useful as a means to detect violations of the assumption of geographic closure. We suggest improvements on future CMR sampling designs for larger landscape scales of relevance to management through incorporation of habitat or historical harvest data. Noninvasive genetic methods that simultaneously estimate the numerical abundance of co-distributed species can greatly decrease assessment costs relative to traditional methods, and increase resulting demographic and ecological information.  相似文献   
The aim of this study was to investigate whether the actively wintering Palearctic sable Martes zibellina has evolved physiological adaptations to tolerate nutritional scarcity. Sixteen farm-bred male sables were divided into a fed control group and an experimental group fasted for 4 days. The rate of weight loss in the sable was similar to other medium-sized mustelids. Fasting led to hypoglycaemia and to a decreased lymphocyte percentage. The sable derived metabolic energy from both subcutaneous and intraabdominal white adipose tissues and the relative decrease in fat mass was the largest for the retroperitoneal and subcutaneous depots. Metabolic energy derived partly from body proteins indicated by the increased plasma levels of urea, uric acid and total essential amino acids. Triacylglycerols accumulated in the livers of the fasted sables and the increased plasma aminotransferase activities suggested hepatic dysfunction. The decreased plasma insulin concentrations and the elevated cortisol levels probably contributed to stimulated lipolysis and protein catabolism. Moreover, fasting increased the plasma ghrelin concentrations of the sables and down-regulated the thyroid activity.  相似文献   
Stone KD  Flynn RW  Cook JA 《Molecular ecology》2002,11(10):2049-2063
Phylogeographic patterns were used to assess intraspecific diversification of American martens (Martes americana). Within martens, two morphological groups (americana and caurina) have been recognized, though the level of distinction between them has been debated. We examined mitochondrial cytochrome b gene haplotypes from 680 martens to explore the colonization history of the Pacific Northwest and found two clades that correspond to the morphological groups. The widespread americana clade extends from interior Alaska south to Montana and eastward to Newfoundland and New England (i.e. northwestern, north-central and northeastern North America). The caurina clade occurs in western North America, minimally extending from Admiralty Island (southeastern Alaska) south to Oregon and Wyoming. Our data indicated two colonization events for the Pacific Northwest (one by members of each clade) and were consistent with the persistence of populations throughout past glacial periods in eastern and western refugia. Due to vegetational and geological history following the past deglaciation, we hypothesize that martens of the caurina clade spread along the North Pacific Coast, and into southeastern Alaska, earlier than martens of the americana clade. Mismatch distributions for the americana clade were indicative of populations that recently experienced demographic expansion, while mismatch distributions for the caurina clade suggested that populations were at equilibrium. These clades are reciprocally monophyletic and distinctive (interclade divergence ranged from 2.5 to 3.0% (uncorrected p), whereas, intraclade divergence was < 0.7%), and two regions of sympatry have been identified. Genetic signatures of past admixture in hybrid zones may have been extinguished during subsequent glacial periods when ranges contracted. This recurrent pattern of relatively restricted western, or Pacific coastal, lineages and more widespread eastern, or interior continental, lineages exists across broad taxonomic groups and suggests a shared biogeographical history.  相似文献   
Accurate determination of sex in harvested species is critical for understanding demography and developing population models for management. We used genetic-based sex identification to assess accuracy of external carcass and pelt examination at registration and maximum canine root area (MRA) to determine sex of American martens (Martes americana) trapped in the Upper Peninsula of Michigan, 2000–2004. Overall percent similarity between MRA and genetic-based sex determination was 98.4% (n = 188). In contrast, only 84.6% (n = 421) of martens were similarly classified using external examination. For external examination, percent similarity to genetic-based sex determination for juveniles (<1-yr old) and adults (≥1-yr old; Wald χ21 = 2.168, P = 0.141), as well as for males and females (Wald χ21 = 0.005, P = 0.946), was similar. We recommend MRA as a suitable technique for sex determination of martens; thus, marten sex and age (using cementum annuli counts) can be obtained from one lower canine tooth. We do not recommend use of external examination at registration to identify sex of martens without implementing additional quality assurance measures. © 2010 The Wildlife Society.  相似文献   
紫貂春季和夏季生境选择的初步研究   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
张洪海  马建章 《动物学报》2000,46(4):399-406
1994~1996年,在大兴安岭满归林业局北岸林场的阿巴河流域原始林中,采用无线电跟踪技术和全球定位系统(GPS)对紫貂春季和夏季的生境选择进行了研究。结果表明:1)紫貂对盖度为6%~75%的林地选择性强,而对5%以下和76%以上地区选择性较弱;栖息地优势树种为兴安落叶松;(2)主要喜欢中、下坡位;(3)对小树密度、大树密度、乔木胸径(diameter of breast height,DBH)、  相似文献   
Mucuna macrocarpa is a plant found in tropical and subtropical regions that requires an “explosive opening.” Explosive opening is the process that exposes the stamen and pistil from the opening of the carina. This process is needed for cross pollination; however, the plant cannot open itself and opening by an animal is needed. The most common opener of Mucuna flowers is several nectar‐eating bats (e.g., Syconycteris), but the flying fox, Pteropus dasymallus, is the only opener of M. macrocarpa on the subtropical island of Okinawajima. Here, we present the explosive openers and possible pollinators in the northernmost and temperate Kamae region, Kyushu, Japan, where nectar‐eating bats are absent. The Japanese macaque, Macaca fuscata, and the Japanese marten, Martes melampus, were the explosive openers observed during our survey in Kamae. Martens opened flowers using their snout in a manner similar to that of the flying fox, whereas macaques opened flowers using their hands. This is the first time that an animal has been observed opening these flowers with its hands rather than snout. In total, 97% (n = 283) of explosively opened flowers were opened by macaques, and the macaque largely contributed to the overall flower opening. Because many pollen grains become attached to the explosive openers, they are considered to be primary pollinators. Furthermore, two bee species, Apis cerana japonica and Bombus ardens ardens, also visited opened flowers and collected pollen, and they were possibly secondary pollinators.  相似文献   
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