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Effects of soil application of Ascochyta caulina spores on seedlings of Chenopodium album and five cultivated plant species were investigated under greenhouse conditions as a part of a study on biological control of C. album. Application of A. caulina spores to soils resulted in disease development on C. album and to a lesser degree on Spinacia oleracea seedlings, but not on Beta vulgaris subspecies vulgaris, Zea mays, Triticum aestivum and Pisum sativum seedlings. Affected C. album seedlings had an abnormal olive-green colour or necrotic spots on cotyledons and hypocotyls, and were stunted or died. Affected S. oleracea seedlings were pale in colour or had necrotic spots on the cotyledons, but did not die. Time courses of disease incidence and of mortality of C. album could be described by a monomolecular model. Effects of spore density, sowing depth, soil water content, soil type and time of sowing on disease development were examined. Disease incidence and mortality were influenced by spore density, soil water content and soil type, but not by sowing depth. Spores in a moist soil maintained infectivity at least 2 wk. Spore densities of 109 to 1010 spores m-2 were required for 50% mortality of emerged C. album plants. Aspects of the development of A. caulina into a soil-applied mycoherbicide are discussed.  相似文献   
Tetradecenyl succinic acid (TSA) is the major component of a detergent builder (C12-C14 alkenyl succinic acid), which is inherently biodegradable. 14C-TSA was dosed as a component of sewage sludge into a soil with a history of sludge amendment at final added concentrations of 1.5 and 30 mg (kg soil)-1. In addition, it was dosed to the soil in an aqueous solution to a final added concentration of 30 mg (kg soil)-1. Dose and form were found to have a pronouced effect on the mineralization kinetics. When dosed in a realistic form and concentration (i.e. 1.5 mg (kg soil)-1 as a component of sludge), TSA was mineralized at its highest rate and to its greatest extent, and the mineralization half-life was 2.4 days. When dosed at 30 mg (kg soil)-1 as a component of sludge, mineralization began immediately, and the half-life was 23 days. In contrast, when dosed at this concentration in aqueous solution, the onset of mineralization was preceded by a 13 day lag period and the mineralization half-life was 69 days. Primary biodegradation and mineralization rates of TSA were very similar. Approximately, half the radioactivity was evolved as 14CO2, while the remaining radioactivity became non-extractable, having presumably been incorporated into biomass or natural soil organic matter (humics). This study demonstrated that TSA is effectively removed from sludge-amended soils as a result of biodegradation. Furthermore, it showed the effect that dose form and concentration have on the biodegradation kinetics and the importance of dosing a chemical not only at a relevant concentration but also in the environmental form in which it enters the soil environment.  相似文献   
Abstract The influence of soil moisture content on leaf dynamics and insect herbivory was examined between September 1991 and March 1992 in a river red gum (Eucalyptus camaldulensis) forest in southern central New South Wales. Long-term observations of leaves were made in trees standing either within intermittently flooded waterways or at an average of 37. 5m from the edge of the waterways. The mean soil moisture content was significantly (P≤0.05) greater in the waterways than in the non-flooded areas. Trees in the higher soil moisture regime produced significantly larger basal area increments and increased canopy leaf area. This increase in canopy leaf area was achieved, in part, through a significant increase in leaf longevity and mean leaf size. Although a greater number of leaves was initiated and abscissed per shoot from the non-flooded trees, more leaves were collected from litter traps beneath the denser canopies of the flooded trees. Consumption of foliage by insects on the trees subjected to flooding compared to the non-flooded trees was not significantly different. However, the relative impact of insect herbivory was significantly greater on the non-flooded trees. Leaf chewing was the most common form of damage by insects, particularly Chryso-melidae and Curculionidae. No species was present in outbreak during this study. Leaf survival decreased as the per cent area eaten per leaf increased. In addition, irrespective of the level of herbivory, leaf abscission tended to be higher in E. camaldulensis under moisture deficit. The influence of soil moisture content on the balance between river red gum growth and insect herbivory is discussed.  相似文献   
Due to a considerable increase of anthropogenic mercury emissions, the mercury load of many soils has risen significantly, for instance in northern Europe. Understanding the fate of mercury in soils is a prerequisite for assessing the effects of ecotoxicological concern. This paper presents a method for obtaining qualitative and quantitative information about mercury translocation in and evaporation from soil. Soil lysimeters were treated with 203Hg‐labeled HgCl2 and CH3HgCl and irrigated with artificial rain. It was demonstrated that the leaching of Hg can be detected by measuring the relative y‐activity throughout the soil profile by means of Na(TI)I detectors. Furthermore, the set‐up was designed to allow detection of Hg volatilization from soil by using traps of iodized charcoal, followed by a potassium peroxodisulfate solution and measuring the γ‐activity. The amount of radioactive Hg in soil leachate was measured by a Na(Tl)I well‐type detector after upconcentration. The determination of monomethyl 203Hg was been performed by extraction procedures that isolate the methyl mercury compounds. The amount of 203Hg retained in the soil profile and the real depth of leaching were determined by stratifying the soil profile at the end of the experiment and measuring the y‐activity. With control of all pathways of Hg, the experimental design allows performance of a mass balance analysis.  相似文献   
Organic matter composition (lignin, holocellulose, 50% (v/v) methanol extract, water-soluble carbohydrate (WSC) and phenolics (WSP), petroleum ether extract, and ash) of A0 layer soil treated with 700 g/m2 of urea to promote ammonia fungi was investigated in a Japanese red pine (Pinus densiflora) forest. Nine species of fungi were found during the study period of 18 months after the treatment. Of these, seven species belong to the ammonia fungi. WSC content of the treated soil was lower than that of the control. Methanol extract content increased initially after the treatment, then decreased to below the control level. There were no consistent differences in other components between the treated plot and the control. The abilities to decompose cellulose, lignin, chitin, protein and lipid in 18 strains in 10 species of the ammonia fungi were also screened. Cellulose was not lysed byPseudombrophila deerata, Hebeloma spp. andLaccaria bicolor. Strong lignolytic activity was shown byLyophyllum tylicolor, Coprinus echinosporus andP. deerata. Chitin was decomposed byAmblyosporium botrytis, L. tylicolor, C. echinosporus andHebeloma vinosophyllum. All strains possessed proteolytic and lipolytic activities. Supply of glucose to the culture media resulted in weaker enzyme activities except for lignolytic ability.  相似文献   
Aspergillus taichungensis isolated from a soil sample collected in Taiwan is described as a new species. The new species is characterized by its restricted growth on Czapek's and malt extract agars and its white to light yellow colonies, radiate conidial heads, smooth and often diminutive conidiophores, hemispherical to elongate vesicles with biseriate aspergilla (conidiogenous cells), globose, micro-verrucose conidia and dark brown sclerotia. The species somewhat resemblesA. versicolor, A. terreus andA. flavipes, but differs in cultural and morphological details, and is considered to represent an interface species in the subgenusNidulantes.  相似文献   
Two interesting microfungi are described as new to Japan:Talaromyces galapagensis (anam.Penicillium galapagense), isolated from soil in Shizuoka; andPenicillium megasporum, isolated from marine sludge in Nagasaki. Some observations are recorded, particularly on ascomatal initials ofT. galapagensis, which are similar to those described forTalaromyces flavus.(48): Kaneko, S., Mycoscience 36: 359–360, 1995.  相似文献   
Abstract Horizontal gene transfer among microbial populations has been assumed to occur in the environment, yet direct observations of this phenomenon are rare or limited to observations where the mechanism(s) could not be explicitly determined. Here we demonstrate the transfer of exogenous plasmid DNA to members of indigenous marine bacterial populations by natural transformation, the first report of this process for any natural microbial community. Ten percent of marine bacterial isolates examined were transformed by plasmid DNA while 14% were transformed by chromosomal DNA. Transformation of mixed marine microbial assemblages was observed in 5 of 14 experiments. In every case, acquisition of the plasmid by members of the indigenous flora was accompanied by modification (probably from genetic rearrangement or methylation) that altered its restriction enzyme digestion pattern. Estimation of transformation rates in estuarine environments based upon the distribution of competency and transformation frequencies in isolates and mixed populations ranged from 5 × 10−4 to 1.5 transformants/1 day. Extrapolation of these rates to ecosystem scales suggests that natural transformation may be an important mechanism for plasmid transfer among marine bacterial communities.  相似文献   
Erythrocytes from the marine fish species ballan wrasse (Labrus berggylta Ascanius), bullhead (Myoxocephalus scorpius L.), cod (Gadus morhua L.), dab (Limanda limanda L.), eelpout (Zoarces viviparus L.), flounder (Platichthys flesus L.), lumpfish (Cyclopterus lumpus L.), plaice (Pleuronectes platessa L.), sole (Solea solea L.) and turbot (Scophthalmus maxima L.) possess the capacity for regulatory volume decrease. This property was demonstrated in vitro by reduction of the osmolality of the incubation medium from 330 to 255 mosmol·kg-1. During the 4-h incubation period only the lumpfish cells completely regained the original volume. Twenty-seven free amino compounds were present in detectable amounts in the erythrocytes. At normal osmolality the taurine content was between 14.0 mol·g dry weight-1 (lumpfish) and 147.4 mol·g dry weight-1 (sole). Except in the bullhead, taurine was the quantitatively dominating amino compound in the erythrocytes from all species, and accounted for betwee 23% (lumpfish) and 88% (sole) of the total content of free amino compounds. In each species the regulatory volume decrease was associated with a reduction in the cellular content of taurine. Taurine contributed to between 6% (lumpfish) and 36% (flounder) of the cell shrinkage. There was a significant negative correlation, however, between the cellular concentration of taurine at normal osmolality and the capacity of the cells for regulatory volume decrease. Gamma-aminobutyric acid and/or glycine also contributed to the process of volume regulation, but to a lesser extent than taurine. The volume regulatory efflux of taurine and -aminobutyric acid were mediated by taurine channels. It is suggested that these channels also mediated the reduction in the cellular contents of glycine.Abbreviations cmp counts per minute - dw dry weight - GABA -amino-n-butyric acid - MW molecular weight - SD standard deviation - ww wet weight  相似文献   
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